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SUBJECT: Guidance for Annual CMS JROTC Cadet Selection for Military Order of Purple Hearts (MOPH) and the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Awards

1. Purpose. To provide guidance and assign responsibilities for selection of the CMS JROTC Cadet MOPH and SAR Award winners for School Year (SY) 17-18.

2. General. CMS JROTC Directorate will select CMS Cadet Awardees for the SY 17-18 MOPH and SAR awards based on the criteria outlined below.

3. Application requirements: Essay and a Senior Service Instructor Recommendation a. Essay: i. Graduating Senior cadets enrolled in CMS JROTC are encouraged to participate at the school level for the Military Order of Purple Hearts (MOPH) Scholarship. Only Junior cadets (third-year cadet in a four-year JROTC program) may compete for the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Scholarship. JROTC programs may submit up to two JROTC program-winning cadet nominations, one for each scholarship, to the Director, CMS JROTC. ii. The primary criteria for essay selection are; the original essays will be 500-600 words in length, excluding the mandatory cover page. All essays must be submitted in WORD format by email to [email protected] NLT 1 FEB 18. Mailed, courier or faxed submissions will not be accepted. iii. Cadet’s essay MUST adhere to the following layout: (1) Font Type: Times New Roman. (2) Font Size: 12. (3) Spacing: double. (4) Margins: 1” margins on all sides. iv. Cover page will identify Cadet’s: (1) First and last name and grade level. (2) Home address (street, city, state and zip code). (3) High School name, phone number and email address. Instructor’s full name, phone number and email address. v. The theme for the essay is: “How JROTC has prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States.” b. Senior Service Instructor Recommendation: Each JROTC program Senior Service Instructor will submit a recommendation sheet (enclosure 2) that addresses such criteria as: patriotism, leadership, military bearing, academic scholarship, community service, and other positive information regarding their nominee(s). The recommendation should also list major scholarships (national service academy, SROTC, or other) that have been applied for by the cadet, if applicable.

4. Judging. a. Initial Judging will be accomplished at the school level. b. Essays will be judged and scored at school and district level using the rubric at enclosure 1. (Ensure essay being submitted to Director, CMS JROTC meets all the requirements outlined in the rubric.) Special attention should be given to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Essays shall be the work of the individual cadet. Cadets may receive feedback from instructors, peers, and other teachers in order to improve their essays; however, cadets must do their own work. Again, each CMS JROTC program may submit only two winning essays, one for each scholarship, to the Director, CMS JROTC via email. c. The Senior Instructor recommendation will be reviewed by Director, CMS JROTC.

5. Awards. The Essay Contest sponsors are the Military Order of Purple Hearts (MOPH) and the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). The top essay (1st place) winner (must be a Senior) will receive the MOPH CMS JROTC $2,000 Scholarship award. Generally, this award will go to a cadet who is not receiving a National Service Academy appointment or four-year scholarship to an academic institution. The CMS SAR essay winner (must be a Junior) will receive the SAR $250 award as the district winner. That individual will also have the opportunity to compete for the $750 - North Carolina State winner and $1000 - National winner by filling out a SAR Enhanced JROTC Program nomination packet ( That nomination packet, if necessary, is due 14 FEB 18. Both scholarships/awards will be presented at the CMS JROTC Annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 26 April 18. In addition to the scholarship financial award, both winners will receive the medal appropriate to each scholarship/award, an award certificate, and a CMS JROTC Certificate of Achievement from the Director, CMS JROTC.

6. Point of contact is COL Robert L. Clark IV, Director, CMS JROTC, [email protected] at (980) 343-0019

Robert L. Clark IV Colonel, USA Retired CMS JROTC Director ENCL 1 1st Annual District JROTC Essay Contest Rubric for SY 17-18 “How JROTC has prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States”

Cadet Name:______School Name:______

Essay Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point Total Comments Points Opening Provide a complete Provided a partial Did not provide an Statement preview of content of preview of the content opening statement. the essay. of the essay. Body Clearly explained four Clearly explained Clearly explained two supporting ideas as to three supporting ideas supporting ideas as to how JROTC has as to how JROTC has how JROTC has prepared student to be prepared student to be prepared student to be a better citizen of the a better citizen of the a better citizen of the United States (in United States (in United States (in school, community, school, community, school, community, nation, and world)? nation, and world)? nation, and world)? Closing Statement Wrote a strong closing Wrote a closing Did not write a closing statement that supports statement, but it did statement. the content of the not support the essay. content of the essay. Sentences Wrote complete and Wrote complete, Wrote incomplete or coherent sentences coherent and varied incoherent sentences. throughout the essay. sentences. Sentences Sentences contained Structure of sentences contained no more two or more varied, without than one punctuation punctuation errors. punctuation errors. errors. Spelling All words spelled No more than one Two or more correctly. misspelled word. misspelled words. Essay Layout 2 points Length 500-600 words, not including the cover page.

Spacing Each page is double- spaced throughout. Font Type Times New Roman Font Size 12 pitch Margins Each page had 1 inch margins on all four sides. Total Score (maximum possible score is 25) INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDATION

Name Cadet Rank High School

Academic Information: GPA and class standing

Leadership Experience: In JROTC and other activities

Awards and Honors: In JROTC and other activities

School Extra-Curricular Involvement: In JROTC and other activities

Volunteer Involvement/Community Service:

Major Scholarships applied for: National Service Academy, SROTC, and others

______Above Information provided by Applicant______

JROTC Instructor Recommendation by ______Rank and Name______

Narrative comments: (May use more than one page)


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