SESSION 1 (.25 hours) HazCom 2012 – Safety Data Sheets

Lesson Plan: Student Guide


The Hazard Communication Standard has re-named Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) to Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and has a required standardized format. This module covers the SDS 16 sections and the basic content required in each section.

Lesson Objectives

Upon completion of this topic students should be able to:

1. Apply the HazCom 2012 standard 2. Identify the 16 sections of a SDS 3. Distinguish between a HazCom 1994 MSDS and a HazCom 2012 SDS. Review major changes to Hazard Communication Standard

Training Resources

1. PowerPoint Presentation with instructor notes (Color)

Activities and Classroom Procedures

1. Review course objectives 2. PowerPoint slides with class discussion 3. Complete Workshop Activities

Lesson Roadmap

1. Oveview of HazCom SDS Application a. Slides to be used : 2 b. Objectives Covered : 1 c. Exercise/Demos : None d. Training Aids : None

2. Overview of SDS Requirements a. Slides to be used : 3-5 b. Objectives Covered : 1 c. Exercise/Demos : None d. Training Aids : None

3. SDS Sections a. Slides to be used : 6-23 b. Objectives Covered : 2 c. Exercise/Demos : None d. Training Aids : None

4. Employer Responsibilities a. Slides to be used : 24-25 b. Objectives Covered : 3 c. Exercise/Demos : None d. Training Aids : None

5. SDS Workshop and References a. Slides to be used : 26-27 b. Objectives Covered : 3 c. Exercise/Demos : Review a GHS compliant SDS that is used in your company/facility. Look at each section and discuss the important information in those sections d. Training Aids : None Evaluation and Assessment

a. Interactive conversations

Resources/Web Sites

 Hazard Communication – OSHA Web Page -  OSHA Brief- Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets https://  OSHA Quick Card: Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheets https://