USMMA-AA Chesapeake Chapter

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USMMA-AA Chesapeake Chapter

Marine Academy, its Regiment of Midshipmen, faculty, staff, Alumni and the United States Merchant Marine…”

Our goal is clear – Greater numbers of Chapters, Greater Alumni affiliation, Greater support for Kings USMMA KP Alumni – Point! Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. We are grateful to our members who have agreed to 42 Idlewild Street, Bel Air, MD 21014 Tel: 410-420-0080 serve as leaders of our KP Alumni Chapters - in our all E-mail: [email protected] volunteer organization. Please encourage all of our Web: Alumni to JOIN A LOCAL CHAPTER!

Cruising The Chapters Our Chapter Development team, your Chairman and the Regional Vice Chairmen will continue to work with each Message from the CPA Chairman 010410 Chapter to assist their start-up, and continued growth and development!

Please make plans to attend the Chapter President Alliance – Spring Conference at Kings Point on March 19 & 20, 2010. Conference details and other helpful information is posted and updated regularly on our web site

The next Cruising the Chapters issue (Spring 2010) deadline is March 31, 2010. Please begin forwarding your input and photos for publication at your earliest opportunity. Let’s provide your Chapter and Alumni members with the recognition that you deserve!

Fraternally, Gary G. Hicks ’76 (KP Chesapeake) Chairman USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. Welcome to YOUR Cruising the Chapters section of the KING POINTER – the USMMA Alumni Foundation Conference – KPA-CPA, Inc. & USMMAAF, quarterly magazine. We are pleased to work with Rita Gullion – Editor, on this joint effort to increase the input Inc. 111409 and presence of the Chapters in this important Alumni A conference was held at Kings Point on Saturday publication. I am delighted with the interest generated 111409, for the Officers of the KPA-CPA, Inc., and the and the response from our member Chapters. Officers of the Alumni Foundation. The Council of Past Presidents of the USMMA Alumni Association also Increased publicity for our Chapters will provide an attended. The purpose of this conference was to increased awareness of our Mission Support for Kings discuss the working relationship between the Foundation Point. This should likewise increase Alumni affiliation at and the CPA. the Chapter level, and Alumni involvement with the Foundation and the Academy. The attendees of this conference included:

Our CPA Chapter Development Committee has been USMMA KPA – CPA, Inc. very active, in a coordinated effort with our 6 Regional Gary G. Hicks ’76 – Chairman, USMMA KPA-CPA, Inc. Vice Chairmen, to bring our *NEW* Alumni Chapters (KP Chesapeake Chapter) aboard. We are pleased to report that we have Richard J. Roche '81 – North East - Regional Vice established USMMA KP Alumni Chapters in ALL 50 Chairman (Central NY Chapter) States, U.S. Territories and Internationally - 107 Tim Sumner '66 – Mid-Atlantic – Regional Vice Chapters Worldwide, and still growing! We are all Chairman (Delaware Shore Chapter) working together, with the unified fraternal voice of near Bruce C. Howie ’65 – Southeast – Regional Vice 17,000 active Alumni, in Mission Support of our Alma Chairman (N. Georgia Chapter) Mater! The effort continues, as we have additional new CDR Rob Smith '92, USCG – South-Central – Regional Chapters to bring aboard near-term! Vice Chairman (Port of Houston Chapter) Kenneth J. Fidyk '71 – West & International – Regional USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. – Vice Chairman (Santa Barbara Chapter) Mission Statement: “The Chapters shall exist to serve, Joanne R. Hicks 'A – Recording Secretary (KP assist and perpetuate the United States Merchant Chesapeake Chapter - Membership Chairman) (absent) Darrell “Dick” Hannan '63 – Mid-Continent – Regional Vice Chairman (NE Ohio Chapter) of Aurora Technical Services. His career includes sailing aboard a University of Washington research ship and USMMA Alumni Foundation attaining is Masters License. He also completed a Charlie Hill ’65 – Chairman, USMMAAF Masters Degree in International Supply Chain John Arntzen ’79 – Vice Chairman – Development, Management and Logistics. USMMAAF Ray Dombrowski ‘76 – Vice Chairman – Finance, Jed is eager to bring the Alaskan resident KP Alumni USMMAAF together as an active and serving Chapter. Please lend Tom Harrelson ‘66 – Vice Chairman – Alumni Affairs, your support to Jed’s efforts. We thank Captain Dixon USMMAAF for providing the interest and service to our valued KP Joe Cox ’67 – Member BOD Alumni organization. James I. Hamilton – Member BOD Jim Shirley ’65 – Emeritus Member BOD Jed was also instrumental in our efforts to bring Hugh Jim Tobin '77 - COO, USMMAAF Healey ’94 aboard as President – Guam & Micronesia Chapter! Captain Dixon was resident in Guam for Past Presidents Council, USMMA Alumni several months providing business services. That’s Association KPA-CPA Teamwork – worldwide! Jack Ring ’59 – Past President, USMMAAA Donald Yearwood ’61 – Past President, USMMAAA Mel Tublin, ESQ. ‘49 – Past President, USMMAAA

We are pleased to report that this forum was most successful in agreeing upon a plan of operations for the continued success of our Alumni organizations, and for our support of Kings Point!

Resolves were made enabling the autonomous, self- directed efforts of each entity of the USMMA Alumni Associations, capitalizing upon their individual focus and strength.

The cooperation and resultant synergies of the CPA and the Alumni Foundation will provide an effective unified effort in support of Kings Point!

Captain Jed Dixon ’81 – President, Alaska Chapter

CA – Los Angeles / Long Beach John P. Daly ’83 – President wrote: “Greetings Mariners, and thanks to all who braved the nasty weather to join us yesterday at our annual wreath laying ceremony at the San Pedro Merchant Marine Memorial. We were one of around 350 ceremonies that were held concurrently at National cemeteries and War Memorials throughout the country. We actually caught a major break in the weather- it stopped raining at about 0857 and there wasn't a drop of rain during the whole ceremony. We Conference Participating Members of the CPA, Alumni had about 30 people in attendance. Senator Barbara Foundation and Alumni Association – Past Presidents Council boxer sent her LA Field Representative (Ms. 111409 Gina Femenza) to read a statement that the Senator had prepared for the event. We also had people in AK – Alaska attendance who found out about our event on the Welcome aboard Captain Jed Dixon ’81– President, Wreaths Across America website. I think that this event USMMA KP Alumni – Alaska Chapter! Captain Dixon is will be even bigger next year. I would also like to extend a true native Alaskan. He resides in Anchorage with his my gratitude to the Hawthorne VFW Hall. Their Color wife Susan and their two daughters – both of whom are Guard joined us for the second year in a row and again currently looking at colleges to attend. Jed is the owner did a wonderful job. I have attached a couple of photos two men returned to S.F. seven months later. Capt. of the event.” Mark Shafer, KP U.S. Navy and Matson Navigation Company retiree, and an original Ancient Mariners member, coordinated the attendance of 80 people, most of whom were from the American Merchant Marine Veterans; Navy League Merchant Marine Council; Oyster Point Yacht Club; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni; and the Women’s Propeller Club. Captain Pat Moloney, KP'74 and Captain Pat Buttner, KP '57 expect the Council of Master Mariners and the California Maritime Academy Alumni to join the Ancient Mariners on 7 December 2010!

Wreaths Across America Program hosted at the Merchant Marine Memorial, San Pedro, CA.

CA – San Francisco The San Francisco Bay Area Kings Point Alumni Chapter enjoyed a good attendance at a meeting at the Oyster Point Yacht Club in South San Francisco when Eric Lindberg, KP'94 President and Bob Featherer, KP' Vice President presided from 1000 in the morning with powerpoint, coffee and pastries. Among the many alumni attending was Fred S. Sherman KP'55, well known in alumni circles, John Linster KP'69, a senior Eric Lindberg '94 – President, San Francisco Chapter American Bureau of Shipping executive, and Jack Opet KP'68, a former APL executive. This was before the noon annual 7 December Pearl Harbor Remembrance CO – Colorado luncheon of the ANCIENT MARINERS when Kings Pointer '71 Captain Steve Ware, owner of Baydelta Maritime (tractor tugs), was master of ceremonies and personally provided the entertainment. Keynote speaker, Capt. Frank Medeiros,talked about serving on a liberty ship on which he took his first voyage around the world before World War II. He also served on the second ship to be hit by the enemy in World War II. Medeiros has taken part in three movies: the award-winning “The Men Who Sailed Our Liberty Ships”; “World War II Honorees”; and “American Legion Post 230.” As Commander,American Legion Hellenic Post 230 in San Francisco, Medeiros made several maritime donations including $25,000 to the American Merchant Marine Memorial in San Pedro, CA, which has a “Wall of Honor” listing names of more than 7,000 merchant mariners and their ships, lost during WWII. “But for those people who built the liberty ships and the Jack Sharbaugh ’76 – SoCentral PA Chapter, Edsel R. Truett ’76 – men who loaded and sailed them, we wouldn’t have our President, Colorado Chapter, Gary G. Hicks ’76 – Chairman, KPA- freedom today,” said Medeiros. CPA

The event’s printed program included an interesting story CT – Connecticut Shoreline about two men who attended the luncheon: U.S. Chapter President Harold Haugeto ’97 is saddened to Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, Cadets reports the loss of a most valued Chapter member: Kenneth Holcombe, KP'43 and Cornelius Farley, KP'42 who sailed on an Army troop transport from San Crossing the Bar - Thomas G. Carroll Jr. ’61 Francisco to Pearl Harbor just before the bombing. The Thomas G. Carroll Jr. ’61, of Waterford, CT passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009, at Greentree Manor Nursing Center in Waterford. DC – KP Club of Washington, DC Tom was born July 28, 1936, in San Diego, Calif., the Chapter President Steve Blust ’71 reports that a well- son of Belia (Herrera) Carroll and Thomas Gleason attended Luncheon Meeting was hosted by the Carroll. He was a graduate of Robert E. Fitch High KPCWDC on Thursday, November 12, 2009. The Guest School, Class of 1955, and attended Severn School, speaker was David T. Matsuda, Acting Severna Park, Md. Tom graduated from the U.S. Administrator/Deputy Maritime Administrator, United Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y., Class of States Maritime Administration. This most enjoyable 1961. He sailed for United Fruit Co. for five years and event was held at The District Chop House 509 7th studied naval architecture at the University of Michigan. Street, NW Washington, D.C. He was employed by and retired from General Dynamics, Electric Boat Division where he worked as a Steve is pleased to report that the Maritime Administrator naval architect. reaffirmed the commitment of MARAD, and the Transportation Secretary - Ray LaHood, to the slated Tom formerly served as a Director of the USMMA Alumni improvements at Kings Point. Further, Mr. Matsuda Association and Foundation, and Chapter President and made a strong appeal to the attending Alumni to provide active member of the Connecticut Shoreline Chapter. referrals of qualified candidates for the open position of Superintendent at the USMMA. Tom was active in Trout Unlimited, the Quaker Hill Rod and Gun Club, Thames Ski Club, and was an avid train Steve also serves as a member of the USMMA Alumni buff. He took pride in helping to organize the Fitch Class Foundation – Government Affairs Committee. of 1955 reunions and helped the classes of 1931 through 1946 organize and celebrate theirs.

Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Ann (Fraley) Carroll; brother, James E. Carroll and his wife, Barbara, of Cape Elizabeth, Maine; nephews, Dr. Peter Carroll of Chicago and Brian Carroll of Kannapolis, N.C.; sister-in- law, Louise F. Melcher and her husband, David, of Fogelsville, Pa. His extended family includes the William Downie family, the Ahnell family, and his life long friend, James Clifford.

The funeral services & burial were held November 30, 2009 in New London. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the Thames Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited, PO Box 76, Yantic CT 06389, U.S. Merchant Marine Alumni Foundation, Babson Center, (L-R) Chapter President Steve Blust ’71 and David T. Matsuda, 300 Steamboat Road, Kings Point NY 11024, or to the Acting Administrator/Deputy Maritime Administrator Red, White and Blue Mass, c/o Norwich Diocese Chancellery, 201 Broadway, Norwich CT 06360. DE – Delaware Shore The Delaware Shore Chapter Fall dinner meeting was November 19, 2009 in DiFebo's Bistro on the Green at Bear Trap Dunes in Ocean View, DE. This venue was chosen to accommodate our members in the Rehoboth/Bethany area, and in a desire to offer a variety of interesting gathering sites. Attending were: Tim ‘66 and Leslie Sumner, Frank Bell ‘58, Dick ’53 and Barbara BreMiller, VADM Joe Stewart Former Superintendent, USMMA), Kevin Smith ‘66, Bill Gibbs ‘72, Heath Gehrke ‘93, Dan MacElrevey ‘90, Dick ‘53 and Betty Pfeil, John Hanley ‘89, Stephen Jackson ‘44, Carl Mantegna ‘64, and Jim Moore ‘01. Best wishes for the New Year, Tim.

Thomas G. Carroll Jr. ’61 presentation at the Merchant Marine Memorial, Fort Trumbull, CT on National Maritime Day 052209 Chapter Officers (L-R) Treasurer Heath Gehrke ’93. President Tim Glen DiEleuterio ’84 – President, Port of Wilmington Chapter & Sumner ‘66, Historian Stephen Jackson ‘44, and Vice President Tim Sumner ’66 – CPA Regional Vice Chairman – Mid-Atlantic at Kevin Patrick Smith ’66. “start-up” dinner meeting July 2009.

DE – Port of Wilmington FL – Orlando Another KP Alumni Success! The inaugural dinner of Welcome aboard Mike Judith ’78 – President, USMMA the USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Wilmington, Delaware KP Alumni – Orlando Chapter! Mike sailed and Chapter was held on Thursday, July 30 at 6:30 PM. The advanced his license to First Assistant Engineer. He meeting was hosted at CW Harborside, 110 S. West now serves as a business consultant to corporations and Street, Wilmington, on the Christina River. organizations. He has extensive experience in The dinner was well attended establishing businesses and providing financial and by new KP Alumni - Port of Wilmington members, as well operations consulting. Our new Chapter will include as members from KP Chesapeake, Delaware Shore those Alumni residing in the greater Orlando, Kissimmee Chapter and KP Club of Washington, DC. The event and Winter Garden area. This new Chapter will also featured a social hour, a great dinner, and presentations work in cooperation with the Florida Space Coast and by Glen DiEleuterio '84 – President, Port of Wilmington Central Florida Chapters. Chapter, Tim Sumner ‘66 - Mid-Atlantic - Regional Vice Chairman, and Gary G. Hicks ‘76 – President of the Chesapeake Chapter and Chairman of the KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.

The KPA-CPA, Inc. provided our new Port of Wilmington Chapter with $150.00 in Chapter Start-up Funding. This Mission Support funding has been budgeted by the CPA Member Chapters for Alumni Support. This is a great example of how our Chapters work together as a team to support one another, and our Alumni!

Mike Judith ’78 – President, Orlando Chapter

FL – Pensacola The Pensacola Chapter is back! We held a mostly social re-organization meeting on November 24th at Hopjacks in Pensacola to see if there were enough graduates interested in getting together periodically.

The Chapter's 2010 officers are: Craig Pepoon '92 – President, Bart Walsh '64 - Vice President, Jim Einhart '66 – Treasurer, Alex Goldberger '53 – Secretary and and May. We will be throwing in our support again this Terry Preston '78 - Adviser/Organizer year when the KP Rowing Team is here the 2nd week of March. Attendance is an open invitation to any KP alums, parents and friends.

We will be migrating our chapter website from to the USMMAAF website Jacksonville Chapter page. Look for this to happen in the next couple months. Smooth sailing, See you soon! Scott O’Connor ’83 – President

(L-R) Craig Pepoon '92 – President & Terry Preston '78 - Adviser/Organizer

FL – Port of Jacksonville At the close of 2009 the Jacksonville Chapter is proud and happy to report that we have had a very successful year. Our membership stands at 55 and will hopefully continue to grow as alumni in the area realize that their dues are being well used and that the camaraderie and events entertainment are top notch. We are grateful for Second Annual KP - Schuyler Golf Challenge the many individual contributions above the standard (L-R) Mike Getchell '78 and Stacy Reese '91 matched with Tim membership dues, and the local corporate contributions McGill and John Redman from SeaStar Lines and CSX Intermodal. We managed several planned events throughout the year and a couple “on the fly, including the T/V Kings Pointer for baseball and a dinner during their shipyard period in Jacksonville. During the Foundation’s cash flow crisis last year, the Rowing Team benefited from dues funds and donations totaling $2930 subscribed through the Jacksonville Chapter and the Florida Parents’ Association, without which Spring Training in Jacksonville would not have been possible. We are proud of our coordination with FPA in this effort. Our golf outing again proved successful and victorious over the rival efforts of Ft. Schuyler. Our Oktoberfest and Holiday parties were huge successes, with Jack and Claire Smith and Mason and Karin Flint as excellent hosts respectively. Throughout the year we have had no-host meetings and beer tasting at our favorite watering hole, the Seven Bridges Grille. 2009 KP Rowing Team - Spring Training - Coach Hartwick and Team On a sad note, we lost two great friends and supporters of our programs in Jacksonville. Olive Damon, wife of Dr. David Damon ’47 always charmed us with her grace GA – North Georgia and smiles at our events. Duane Henden, father of Eric Bruce Howie ’65 – President reports: The last Chapter ’09, traveled from New Mexico several times to throw in meeting of the year was held on Saturday, November his support for Eric and the rowing team in Jacksonville. 14th and included a Texas Hold-em competition. The Godspeed to both and the other mariners we lost in our event was held at the home of Bob '65 and Kendra area. Boyer and the card competition was won by Joe Lombino '66. During the evening, chapter members In 2010 we will have more of the same great alumni were briefed on the results of the Foundation/CPA meetings/gatherings, starting with our first No-Host meeting that took place earlier that day at the Academy. meeting at Seven Bridges Grille on January 12. Also, during the last quarter of the year, three Chapter Chapter events are being planned for February, April members (Bob Boyer '65, Chris Dempsey '78, and Bruce Howie '65) served on Congressional nominating committees as part of the Academy selection HI – Honolulu process. And finally, on December 12th the Chapter President Jodie Yim ’94 reports the success of Chapter was represented at two Wreath Across the Honolulu Christmas party which included an industry America ceremonies in the area. Mary Zarynoff '81 related presentation. It was held at Schooners placed the Merchant Marine wrearth during the event at Restaurant on December 17. She is also pleased to the National Cemetery at Canton, GA and John Palmer welcome in coming President Jed Comerford ’86. '84 placed the Merchant Marine wreath at the National Cemetery in Marietta, GA. The Honolulu Chapter recently met with Senator Daniel Marietta, Georgia- December 12, 2009, A cold and Inouye D-HI, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations windy Saturday morning, threatening rain, which Committee, to thank him for his past support for USMMA thankfully held off until the evening. The ceremony at and to urge his continued support for ongoing funding for the Marietta National Cemetery was organized and the Academy. Kings Point Alumni presented the Senator orchestrated by Maj. Paige Joyner of the Civil Air Patrol. with a letter congratulating him for being one of the first This 23 acre site was originally a central location chosen recipients of the Academy's most prestigious award as the resting place for nearly 10,000 Union soldiers that -Acta Non Verba Award. Topics discussed included lost their lives during the Civil War. Since 1866, there increasing public awareness of the maritime industry in are soldiers buried at the cemetery representing every Hawaii and encouraging candidates to apply for U.S. engagement to the present Iraq War. Along with USMMA. Senator Inouye was very receptive and a USCG bagpiper who set the tone of the solemn expressed support of USMMA and Merchant Mariners. autumn morning, each member of the wreath laying Alumni throughout the nation are encouraged to visit procession was followed by an individual bugler, who their own Congressional delegations to garner support played taps as the wreaths were placed at each head for USMMA. Aloha, Jodie stone. Following the ceremonial laying of the wreaths by individuals serving in each of the Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine, the public was invited to join in placing the remaining 300 wreaths honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. It was truly inspiring to witness the service and participation of local youth involved as Boy Scouts and junior Civil Air Patrol cadets, who collectively raised money to provide over 800 wreaths in ceremonies across Georgia.

I was also humbled and honored to participate in this ceremony which is conducted annually at the holiday season to show our gratitude to our fallen servicemen. Learn more about this national event by visiting the official website at - (L-R) George Sullivan '60, Mark Houghton '82, Jodie (Ching) Yim '94, Senator Daniel Inouye D-HI, Amy (Bennett) Eck '00, Iain Wood John F. Palmer ‘84 '95, and Ross Lee '94. HI – Island of Hawaii Welcome aboard Gordon E. Inouye ’65 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Island of Hawaii Chapter! Gordon will “create” an "all-inclusive" Chapter organization, incorporating Kings Point Alumni residing on Hawaii, Maui and Kauai into one Chapter. He will also work in partnership with the Honolulu Chapter, and the new President Jed Comerford ’86.

Gordon is serves as Chief Financial Officer for High Plains Construction and Excavating, Inc. Gordon Inouye is a Hawaii businessman, entrepreneur and business manager with a wide range of experience in a number of fields.

Gordon earned a Bachelor of Science, Engineering from John F. Palmer 84' represents North Georgia Chapter at Wreaths the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y. Across America Program at the National Cemetery in Marietta, where he distinguished himself as an athlete and student GA. at the Academy. He served as the Battalion Adjutant of the third Battalion as a First Classman and earned three letters in football. Gordon also earned a Masters Degree in Business Administration form Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, CA. His professional experience includes service with American President Lines, Ltd. (1965-1977) sailing aboard various ships as an Engineering Officer and earning his Chief Engineer’s license in 1969. He sailed as a Chief Engineer prior to transferring ashore. He then served in various capacities including Manager of passenger ship maintenance, Manager of Terminals Cost Control Worldwide, Manager of Container Logistics worldwide, Director of Operations Administration and Manager of Equipment Logistic Planning. He then moved to Interpool Ltd; A Marine Container Leasing Gordon Inouye ’65 – President, Island of Hawaii Chapter company, as Assistant Senior Vice President; Manager of West Coast Operations (1977-1979). He then as Co- founded Interocean Leasing, Inc. (1979-1984) a start up leasing company that managed marine containers owned by investment partnerships.

In 1984, Gordon's younger brother, Vernon, asked Gordon to return to Hilo, Hawaii to become involved in the family businesses. The two brothers worked together as CEO and CFO to turn Floral Resources/Hawaii, Inc. ( into a leading floral company with operations on the Island of Hawaii, Oahu, Miami, Florida and Costa Rica. Gordon is also the Founder/President of Puna Orchids Inc. (, a leading orchid nursery in Hawaii and pioneer in the marketing and distribution of blooming orchid plants. Gordon is also a shareholder and CEO of Hawaiian Rainbows Business Development LLC ( a land and Midshipman Ben Inouye ’10 – Member, Island of Hawaii Chapter business development company on the Big Island of and Gary G. Hicks ’76 – President, KP Chesapeake Chapter at Hawaii. Soccer Team Reception 102409 hosted by KP Chesapeake at Goucher College, Towson Maryland. Gordon is also very involved with his community. He has been quite involved in the Y’s Men’s service club ID – Idaho which supports the Island Of Hawaii YMCA and it’s Welcome aboard Stuart Backstatter ’74 – President, programs. He was also involved in the American Youth USMMA KP Alumni – Idaho Chapter! Stuart sailed for a Soccer Organization for many years serving in a number number of years, and attained his Chief Engineers of positions. Gordon continues as an officer for the Big license prior to coming ashore. He currently serves as a Island League of the Hawaii Youth Soccer Association Marine Consultant and partner in U.S. Combustion and has been a State Coach in their Olympic Products, Inc., Ketchum, Idaho. He is an avid hockey Development Program. fan, and plays 4 nights per week! He also enjoys yoga In 2006 Gordon was also called upon by the University and bicycling. of Hawaii at Hilo to form both a men’s and women’s soccer teams for intercollegiate competition. He successfully did so and coached the men’s team for two seasons before turning the reigns over to a successor. Prior to UHH, Gordon also coached at the High School level for many years and had been recognized as the Coach of the year twice.

Gordon is married and resides in Papaikou, Hawaii. He and his wife, Katherine Mieke, are the proud parents of two sons. Gordon also has a son and daughter from a previous marriage. Daughter K’la is a Student Studying dentistry, Son Travis is an Annapolis graduate and a test pilot in the Navy. Son Benjamin is a first classman at Kings Point and son Aaron is a student at Mesa State College. A holiday gathering is scheduled for December 12, 2009. If you happen to be in Naples, you are invited!

A taste of Italia! Membership reception hosted by Kathleen Pavarini ’01 – President, Naples, Italy Chapter, Fall 2009 Stu Backstatter ’74 – President, Idaho Chapter. Daily exercise! LA – Port of New Orleans IT – Naples Captain Jake Stahl reports that a Joint Breakfast Our Naples, Italy Chapter President – Kathleen Pavarini Program was held by the KP Alumni - Port of New ’01, serves with the US Navy – Military Sealift Orleans Chapter and the Inland Rivers Ports & Command. She continues her membership in the KP Terminals Association before the last day of the Chesapeake Chapter and the KP Club of Washington, International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans. D.C. The inaugural meeting of this Chapter was held on August 26, 2009, with the following members in attendance- Kathleen Pavarini (President-’01), Bill Carty ’94, Alan Syslo ’03, Scott Kearney ’91, Mike Ragonese ’94, Pete Flynt ’06.

Kathleen and her loyal membership following (mostly from MSC – Italy) join a growing list of International Chapters of the USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance. Kathleen continues yet another KP (L-R) Captain Jake Stahl, President of the New Orleans Chapter, family tradition of service. Her sister Shannon David Atkins, Atkins International Ltd. and Admiral Thad Allan, DiPietropolo ’03 serves as Secretary, USMMA KP Commandant, USCG. (U.S. Coast Guard Photo taken by LCDR Jo' Alumni - Central New Jersey Chapter! Cousins.)

The KPA-CPA, Inc. has provided our new Naples (Italy) MA – Boston Chapter with $ 150.00 in Chapter Start-up Funding. This Happy New Year! The Boston/New England Chapter Mission Support funding has been budgeted by the CPA will be using the new USMMA Alumni website for Member Chapters for Alumni Support. This is a great communications with our Chapter members -- in order example of how our Chapters work together as a team to for us to stay in contact with you, we will need you to support one another! register on, which includes updating your profile and signing up as a member of the A Naples Italy Chapter – BBQ was held October 18, Boston/New England Chapter. The Foundation is 2009 by Kathleen Pavarini ’01 and members, many from available to assist if you have any problems with the new MSC. website. Of course, if you have any questions regarding the Chapter, please contact: Jeff King, '86 – President '13 (Grand Rapids, MI), Hatcher, Timothy '10 (Front at (617) 261-3179 [email protected]. Royal, VA), Merkle, Joseph '10 (Clearwater, FL), Milke, Pavel '10 (Rumson, NJ), Smith, Charles '10 (Chicago, IL), Manson, Sarah '10 (Weston, FL), Hayes, Victoria '13 (Acworth, GA), Klein, Adam '11 (Laurel, MD), Schatz, Bradley '12 (Pasadena, MD)

Our Alumni and guests were also pleased to hear a brief presentation provided by the Honorable David T. Matsuda, Acting Administrator of MARAD

Another treat provided in the evening event was singing provided by Midshipman Sarah Manson ’10 and the Trumpet honors provided by Midshipman Bradley Schatz ’12 and Midshipman Victoria Hayes ’13.

This special occasion was a USMMA KP Alumni “TELL AMERICA” Program Event. “Tell America About Kings and the U.S. Merchant Marine!” Webcast was provided by Maritime TV - TV Worldwide, Dave Gardy '80 - Jeff King ’86 – President, Boston Chapter Chairman & CEO Web: We are grateful to Dave for his continued wonderful MD – Chesapeake support of our KP Alumni Chapter programs! A special Veterans Day Program was presented on November 11, 2009 by USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Inc. and our Industry Event Partner Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP). The evening event was hosted at The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute 692 Maritime Blvd Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 Tel: (866)-629-3196 Web: The program began with a Hosted Tour of the MITAGS Simulator Technology Center. The guests then enjoyed a Social Hour which included 30 Industry Table Top Exhibits, and a Business Development - Card Exchange - Networking Opportunity.

The Veterans Day Ceremony featured the USMMA Regimental Color Guard and Honor Guard, honoring all Military Veterans, including Merchant Marine Veterans! The ceremony was highlighted by an official Kings Point Welcome to RADM Mark H. "Buz" Buzby, USN (L-R) Honorable David T. Matsuda, Acting Administrator of MARAD, M/N Sarah Manson ’10, Gary G. Hicks ’76 – President, (KP '79) – Commander, Military Sealift Command … RADM Mark H. "Buz" Buzby, USN (KP '79) – Commander, Military first Kings Point graduate to serve as Commander, Sealift Command, Michael J. Schneider ’61 – Vice President & Military Sealift Command! Director of Veterans Affairs and our Midshipmen!

The guests enjoyed a delicious dinner followed by a brief ME - Maine presentation by the Ship Operations Cooperative Welcome aboard Eileen (Heneghan) Miller ’83 – Program (SOCP) – Captain Cole Cosgrove (KP ’81) – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Maine Chapter, and President. The Guest Speaker was RADM Mark H. Daniel Miller ’82 – Vice President! "Buz" Buzby, USN (KP '79) – Commander, Military Sealift Command. Remarks were then provided by Eileen and Daniel are owners of Ocean Point Marina in MIDSHIPMAN Donald Occhipinti ’10 -President, USMMA East Boothbay, Maine The Student Port of the Propeller Club. The attendees also Millers are the proud parents of 6 children, including their welcomed 12 Midshipmen members of the USMMA Plebe son Zachary ’13 – carrying on the Kings Point Student Port of the Propeller Club, attending as guests. family tradition! We are excited to now engage the 120 Kings Point graduates residing in the state of Maine. Attending Midshipmen: Occhipinti, Donald '10 (MIC) The Eileen and Daniel have begun the process of (Manorville, NY), Urbas, Ian '10 (Douglasville, GA), building their new Chapter, and will appreciate the Chrjapin, Jeff '10 (Clarks Hill, SC), Achurra, Pablo '10 support of fellow Alumni. We thank the Millers for (Panama City, PN), Schwind, Jeff '10 (Waldwick, NJ), providing their interest and service to our valued KP Denton, Ryan '10 (Annapolis, MD), Polinder, Geoffrey Alumni organization. grounds. The Tar Heel Chapter has donated flags and The first Chapter meeting was held October 10, 2009 by participated in their ceremonies including the touching President Eileen Miller ‘83 and Vice President Dan Miller Missing Man Table. There is still one MIA merchant ’82 at Ocean Point Marina in East Boothbay, Maine mariner from the Vietnam War. ( The NC Chapter’s Bob Igoe ’47, sponsors an annual Golf Outing that is the envy of chapters everywhere. It is usually held the last week of October in Ocean Isle Beach and typically “sold-out” early. There are side events for spouses and non-golfers and typically a choice of five championship courses at greatly reduced prices. Contact Bob for reservations or further info, [email protected] or (910) 579-7962.

The NC Chapter publishes a 12-page newsletter, the Tar Heel Log, approximately quarterly that is mailed to each graduate, current parent and some other interested parties. Mailing pushes 400 copies each issue. Color versions were posted on-line at the Alumni Association’s Chapter Pages until that feature was cancelled by the AF effective Jan. 1. I’ll gladly get a copy to you (.PDF file) if Ocean Point Marina in East Boothbay, Maine you email me at [email protected]. The newsletter has received national recognition and we NC – North Carolina Tar Heel hope a posting site will be reestablished in the near The NC Tar Heel Chapter is one of Alumni Foundation’s future. broadest in range, covering the 400+ miles from the Smokey Mountains to the Outer Banks. As such, it is divided into three geographic groups, each with a Vice- President. Different groups sponsor both area events and usually one statewide event each year. Our last event was a gathering at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC. Three museums within a single site, it coincided with an Antique Car Show on the grounds. Followed by a dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant, there were more than a few sea stories swapped that had the attending wives rolling their eyes. In July, the Tar Hell Chapter hosted the annual Plebe Orientation at NC State University in Raleigh where all candidates and their families are invited to a luncheon that provides an insight into the upcoming InDoc and plebe life. Current Middies, recent graduates and alumni all answer questions so NC’s plebe class (and their parents) will be prepared for what will be sprung on them Bob Igoe ’47, sponsor Annual NC Tar Heel Golf Outing and his the next few weeks. Later that day, Piedmont Group wife Anne provided a good ol’ NC pig pickin’. A whole hog with Eastern NC’s unique white vinegar & red-pepper based NJ – Central New Jersey sauce was savored by all with plenty of Southern sides Kings Point Football vs Union College 110709 like coleslaw, baked beans & hush puppies, topped off Congratulations to a most successful tailgating event with banana pudding. Amongst those attending were hosted by Central New Jersey, Long Island, Mid- past AF Chair Ivey Sutter and NC Sec’y of Hudson, Port of New York and Downtown New York Transportation Gene Conti. Live entertainment and a Chapters! This gathering provided a great opportunity donated keg kept the conversation flowing. Piedmont for Alumni, Midshipmen and Parents to meet, greet and and Mountain Groups each have monthly luncheons. eat! The Mountain Group sponsored a Christmas Party this year.

Capt. Mike Soehnlein ’67 raised the first ever Merchant Marine flag at the NC Capital July 4th. The NC Vietnam Veterans Inc. recognizes and welcomes Merchant Marine vets (unlike the Vietnam Veterans of America). They have a memorial with permanent flagpoles for each branch of service on the NE corner of the Capital (L-R) Gary G. Hicks ’76 – Chairman, CPA and Joe Martino ‘86 – (L-R) Rich Roche ’81 – CPA NE Regional Vice Chairman (Central President, Central NJ Chapter at Special Membership Dinner NY Chapter), Tim Sumner ’66 – CPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Vice Meeting Summer 2009 Chairman (DE Shore Chapter), RADM Allen Worley – Superintendent, USMMA and Gary G. Hicks ’76 – Chairman, CPA NJ – NJ South Shore meeting at Wiley Hall 091009 OH – Central Ohio Welcome aboard Robert H. Cooper JR, CIC ’77 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Central Ohio Chapter! Rob serves as President and Certified Insurance Counselor of R. H. COOPER & COMPANY, LLC, located in Dublin, Ohio. His firm is an independent insurance agency that is dedicated to serving the SURETY BONDS and the PROPERTY and CASUALTY insurance needs of all types of Construction Companies and the ERRORS and OMISSIONS insurance needs of other professionals; such as, Architects, Construction Managers, Engineers, Land Surveyors, and all types of Real Estate Professionals. They work with bonding and insurance companies who have demonstrated a proven commitment to the industry they serve, are financially strong and stable, and offer competitive pricing with exceptional service. (L-R) Gary G. Hicks ’76 – Chairman, CPA and Ed Erne ’53 – President, NJ Southern Shore Chapter. Mid-Atlantic Cruise 092609 Lewes DE to Cape May NJ sponsored by the DE Shore Our new Chapter will include those Alumni residing on Chapter the Central and Northwest Ohio, including Columbus, Dublin, Dayton and Toledo. This new Chapter will also NY – Central NY work in cooperation with the Northeast Ohio, Cincinnati, Rich Roche ’81 and his Chapter hosted Kings Point West Virginia and our tow Indiana Chapters! Mariner Football vs Hobart College 110709, in Geneva, NY. The event included an Oktoberfest Tailgate dinner following the game, hosted by: KPA-Central New York Chapter, KPA-Rochester Chapter & KP Football Parents Club. WW II grads (L-R) Dan Shively ’45, Walter Nicholes ’44, Walter Botto ’44, Joseph Newman ’44 and Paul Williams ’47 .

Rob Cooper ’77 – President, Central Ohio Chapter The Northeast Ohio Chapter also enjoyed tours of the Great Lakes Towing Operations & Shipyard on OH – Cincinnati November 18, 2009. Welcome aboard Brandon Larson ’94 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Cincinnati Chapter! Brandon is a Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio throughout its Dual License graduate of Kings Point, and has attained corporate history, The Great Lakes Towing Company is both a Chief Engineer and Master License! He is the largest U.S.-flag tugboat company engaged in towing employed with GE Transportation, Cincinnati, as Lead on the Great Lakes. The Company is widely referred to Marine Systems Engineer. He also serves as a drilling as “the Towing Company.” The Towing Company also reservist, LCDR, USNR. The Cincinnati Chapter will operates a full service shipyard located on the Cuyahoga work in cooperation with the neighboring Chapters – River known as “The Great Lakes Towing Company Kentucky and NE Ohio. Shipyard” which specializes in all types of marine repairs services for vessels, tugs, supply boats, ferries, barges, excursion vessels, large yachts, and topside work of every kind.

Chapter member, Edward Hertz- ’05, who is the firm's Operations Manager, was our tour guide. Following the tour, there was an optional informal dinner gathering at a nearby restaurant or pub. Thanks to Fred Bangeman and George Ryan for facilitating this invitation. The CEO of Great Lakes Towing, Mr. Ron Rasmus spoke at a Chapter dinner event several years ago.

Brandon Larson ’94 – President, Cincinnati Chapter

OH – North East Ohio WW II Kings Pointers of the Northeast Ohio Chapter joined area Midshipmen in singing the Alma Mater, Commemorating the 66th Birthday of the USMMA at the December 2009 Holiday Gathering. Chapter President Great Lakes Towing Operations Manager, Edward Hertz '05 Dick Hannan ’63 paid tribute to the great service and ( standing)shows fellow Kings Pointers Thomas Stratton-Crooke unprecedented sacrifices which the war year '56 (left) and Sid Hill '52 the largest ships their tugs assist. midshipmen and grads faced. OK – Oklahoma Welcome aboard Michael McClintock ’92, ESQ – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Oklahoma Chapter! Michael is an experienced trial attorney with McAfee & Taft, Oklahoma City, whose practice encompasses all forms of business-related litigation in both state and federal courts, as well as commercial arbitration. He Tim Sumner ’66 – CPA Regional Vice Chairman, Mid- represents clients in disputes involving intellectual Atlantic and Gary G. Hicks ’76 – CPA, Chairman served property litigation, including patents, trademarks, as the speakers. The Chapter discussed providing an copyrights and cyber-piracy, as well as in other areas of effort to maximize attendance at the upcoming 2009 general business litigation, including environmental law, New Standard Corporation Spartan Invitational contract disputes, real estate, securities, oil and gas and Tournament on December 5, 2009 at York College, other business controversies. Michael has represented York, PA. USMMA Kings Point Mariners Men Wrestling leading corporations and businesses in a variety of Team, under the direction of Greg Ilaria - Head Coach, industries, including technology, advertising, will be competing. Richard Lake ’47 - President – manufacturing, energy, real estate, media and USMMA KP Alumni - S. Central PA Chapter was publishing, banking, construction and pharmaceutical. commended for his leadership and 10 year service as Michael served on active duty with the Navy prior to his President. Dick is slated to serve another 10 years! A law career. Our new Chapter will include those Alumni very nice award plaque was presented to Gary Hicks ‘76 residing in Oklahoma. This new Chapter will also work for his service to the CPA and our Alumni. The in cooperation with the North Texas, Kansas and members of this Chapter plan to attend the Wreaths Arkansas (TBA) Chapters. Across America program in Baltimore, as well as providing the Merchant Marine Wreath laying at the Indiantown Gap National Cemetery, Annville, PA.

Michael McClintock ’92 – President, Oklahoma Chapter

PA – Pittsburgh “Steel City” Our Pittsburgh “Steel City” Chapter provided a presentation at the Academy Night of Congressman (L-R) Tim Sumner ’66 – CPA Regional Vice Chairman, Mid- Altmire on October 7, 2009. Chapter President Sean Atlantic, Dick Lake ’47 – President, SoCentral PA Chapter and Ritchie ’92 made the presentation. We thank Sean’s Gary G. Hicks ’76 – CPA, Chairman capable wife Kim for his support, and the slides! PR – Puerto Rico Welcome aboard Ian Stevenson ’98 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Puerto Rico Chapter! Our Chapter leadership team is in place, with Ian Stevenson ’98 – President, and Christina Medwin Stevenson ’98 – Vice President! The Stevenson’s are the owners / operators of Stevenson Formel Freight Services LLC.. This Caribbean based shipping company provides reliable, quality shipping to the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. They feature weekly liner service to Crown Bay, St. Thomas, USVI, Gallows Bay, St. Croix, USVI, and San Juan, PR. A new ship has recently been added to the fleet, which will provide service to the entirety of Caribbean ports. Ian is a Deck licensed graduate and Christina graduated in the Dual License Program. We are pleased to have such a dynamic and accomplished Chapter President Sean Ritchie ’92 Kings Point family team to lead our new Puerto Rico Chapter!

PA – South Central Pennsylvania Our new Chapter will include those Alumni residing in The members of the South Central Pennsylvania Puerto Rico, and will work in close cooperation with our Chapter convened their annual Fall meeting on Saturday newly established Virgin Islands Chapter. November 21, 2009 at Spataro's Restaurant, York, PA. Committee at 1-800-545-4173, extension 1. Because time is one thing these veterans have so little of. Craver, 87, said he isn't politically involved, but would like to see his fellow mariners taken care of after all these years. A semi-retired financial consultant in Charleston, Craver finished the academy in 1945 and was assigned as an officer aboard the same ship, the Cape Alava, that he served on in the Pacific as a student. Only this time it was headed for Europe. Craver said he's not looking for any credit, but would like to see others get what they deserve for their sacrifice. "Many of these men were ordinary seamen who couldn't pass the physical to get into the service. But they came from all walks of life and risked their lives constantly. I know some of their families really could use the help."

South Carolina Chapter Note- Bill is a valuable member of our Chapter and can be found attending virtually every Ian (President) & Christina Medwin (Vice President) Stevenson ’98 – Puerto Rico Chapter event we hold in the area. His participation and service is extremely valued. Also of special note, Mr. Craver was the Founding Member of the South Carolina SC – South Carolina Chapter. Chapter President Luke Blessinger ’01 provides the following reprint from The Post and Courier, December 10, 2009 By Ken Burger

Mariners still seek equality - Bill Craver Jr. shipped out of Charleston in 1943 as a 21-year-old Cadet Midshipman aboard the Cape Alava, a World War II supply ship loaded with ammunition. "I'd been studying at George Washington University and wanted to get involved in the war," explained Craver. "A fraternity brother suggested the Merchant Marine Academy. I'd never heard of it at the time." It wasn't long before the Spartanburg native was working on the 10,000-ton, 500- foot-long ship as it cruised through the Panama Canal headed for the Marshall Islands. "I knew for sure we were in the war zone when we saw Bob Hope and South Carolina Chapter founder Bill Craver Jr. ‘45 Dorothy Lamour giving a show to the troops," Craver said. But there was a difference between troops in Additionally, the SC Chapter hosted the South Carolina Army, Navy and Marine Corps uniforms and those who State Ports Authority CEO at a Monthly Happy-Hour worked aboard the supply ships that brought them much- (November). needed war materials. While they all risked their lives in Although not formally invited or expected, the Chapter the effort to defeat the Axis powers, they weren't treated Monthly Happy-hour happened to pull Mr. Newsome into the same when the war ended. The United States our event (he happened to be sitting adjacent to the Merchant Marines suffered massive casualties when group at Fleet Landing). It was a great opportunity to Liberty Ships were running convoys to supply Allied hear from the new leader of the South Carolina Ports forces around the globe. Authority and also inform him of the active Kings Point Chapter in the area. The group and Mr. Newsome During action in the Pacific and European theaters, the traded some sea-stories and a good-time was had by all. Merchant Marine fleet lost 733 ships, 5,638 sailors were killed or went missing, and 581 were taken prisoner. Mr. Newsome became President & CEO of the South During the early years of the war, casualties among this Carolina State Ports Authority on September 1, 2009 seagoing force were greater proportionately than in all and is only the fifth leader in the history of the the armed services combined. And the war could not organization. He was previously President of Hapag- have been fought and won without them. At the height of Lloyd (America), Inc., which is part of the world’s fifth- the conflict they delivered 8,500 tons of cargo every hour largest ocean shipping company. of every day and night. Only in 1988 did our government recognize them with medals and veterans status. Now there's a move afoot to pass a law that would give TN – Memphis Merchant Mariners equal benefits. At issue is Senate Welcome aboard Jim Pacileo ’77 – President, USMMA Bill S.961, which has been stalled in committee for some KP Alumni – Memphis Chapter! Jim is the Founder of time. To lend support, call the Just Compensation ShipNet Services and has 30+ years experience in all aspects of international and domestic transportation. He has managed world class transportation organizations, from large chemical and fertilizer shippers to consumer products and food service companies. He is experienced with inbound/outbound movement of raw materials, finished products, bulk shipments, hazardous materials and all modes of transportation. Jim also served in the USNR for ten years assigned to the Naval Control of Shipping Unit involved with defining logistical strategies for the safe movement of maritime vessels. He attended executive leadership programs at The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and at the University of Tennessee.

Our new Chapter will include those Alumni residing in the Western Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas area. This new Chapter will also work in cooperation with the Nashville and Arkansas Chapters. (L-R) Ralph Wickenberg '56, Pat Burns '07, Pat Manning '91, Capt. Mark Harris (Friend of Kings Point), and Ward Davenport '77.

TX – Galveston Bay-Brazosport Welcome aboard Captain John Peterlin ’76– President, USMMA KP Alumni – Galveston Bay-Brazosport Chapter! John is also an active member of the Port of Houston Chapter. He and his wife Julia reside on Galveston Bay.

Captain Peterlin has more than thirty-two years of diverse maritime industry experience, and currently serves as the Senior Director of Marketing and Administration for the Port of Galveston, Texas. Over the course of his eighteen year shore-side career, Captain Peterlin has been involved with the ocean transportation of petroleum products, marine survey, Jim Pacileo ’77 – President, Memphis Chapter logistics, ocean-cargo and truck brokerage, in the development and operation of vessel services and TX – Capital of Texas (Austin) seaport operation and administration. Captain Peterlin The Capital of Texas chapter was formed this past has been a U.S. Coast Guard licensed master mariner September 2009. Ward Davenport '77 is the President for more than twenty-six years, with more than fourteen and Pat Manning '91 is the Vice President. Current years’ service sailing in both the U.S. flag deep-sea members of the Capital of Texas Chapter include: commercial shipping and deep-sea oceanographic and Scott Brown ’87, Pat Burns ’07, Mike Carroll ’59, Brian geophysical fleet. Prior to joining the Port of Galveston, Dudley ’95, Ward Davenport ’77, Mike Dulke ’77, Aubrey Captain Peterlin was involved in both the terrestrial and Gabriel ’95, Mickey Hand ’07, Ben Hodges ’84, Frank maritime aspects of U.S.-Mexico trade for six years as Luke ’98, Pat Manning ’91, Don Rojas ’58, Benita Sloan an entrepreneur. ’91, Ralph Wickenberg ’56, and Evan Zinn ’97. This past December, we enjoyed a "get acquainted" dinner at the Our new Galveston Bay-Brazosport Chapter includes KP Bakehouse Restaurant in South Austin. We are looking Alumni residing in Freeport, Texas City, Galveston, forward to meeting all the Kings Pointers in Central Brazoria and the Texas Inter-coastal area. Texas. Captain John Peterlin ’76 not only serves as Chapter President, but also provides leadership to the South Central Region as Regional Vice Chairman.

John (Santa?) states: “Santa stopped by the house this afternoon on his way to give out gifts to the kids at the Gulf Coast Big Brothers-Big Sisters Christmas party at the San Luis Hotel and Resort in Galveston. He asked me to relay his best regards to you and yours for the season. Ho Ho Ho & Merry Christmas. All the best, John. UK – London Welcome aboard Allison Bennett ‘03 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – London (UK) Chapter! Allison is employed by Sandia Labs. Allison is a past member in good standing of the Kings Point Club of Washington, D.C. Chapter.

Our new Chapter will work in cooperation with our Chapters established in all of the West & International Region.

Allison writes: “I am currently on a leave of absence from Sandia National Laboratories during my stint in London - I am working as a contractor for Dept of Energy via Gregg Protection Services. I am doing the same work - installing nuclear detection equipment at seaports - focusing now on Europe & Africa, as well as technical Captain John Peterlin ’76 (aka Santa!?) outreach with EU.”

Allison earned a Masters of Engineering in Logistics and TX – Port of Houston Supply Chain Management in 2008 from The Port of Houston Chapter was privileged to have MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Capt. Bill Diehl USCG (Ret) as their keynote speaker for (MIT) Cambridge, MA. She was awarded 2nd place in their monthly luncheon held on January 7, 2010. Capt. department competition for thesis entitled “100% Diehl gave an in-depth presentation on the current Container Scanning: Security Implications for Global expansion project for the Panama Canal and its Supply Chains”. implications and affect on future waterborne trade patterns for the Western Hemisphere. Capt. Diehl retired in 2009 after 32 years of active service in the USCG. One of his tours included being the Senior US Diplomat at the Panama Canal. He finished his service as the commander of the largest operational unit in the Coast Guard, sector Houston-Galveston during Hurricane Ike. During and after this storm this unit was responsible for saving 235 lives, cleaning up over 240 oil spills and commencing the largest waterway restoration in the history of the Coast Guard. In September 2009, Capt Diehl assumed the position of President of the Greater Houston Port Bureau where he continues to serve today.

Allison Bennett ’03 – President London (UK) Chapter

UT – Utah Our Utah Chapter has a new President - Jon Nix '92, Ogden, UT. Jon is Vice President & COO of Claude H. Nix Construction/Jasco, Inc., South Weber, UT. Jon has 17 years experience including serving as a marine engineer on ocean-going vessels and working with Nix Construction. Jon revels in the work of underground construction, loves to get his hands dirty while at the Bill Briggs ’96 - President (L) presents Capt Bill Diehl USCG (Ret) same time taking a intellectual approach to solving the with a KP Coin In appreciation for his presentation most challenging jobs. He takes particular satisfaction in researching, developing and perfecting the latest techniques in the industry. Information Systems. Project Hanford is managed by its prime contractor, Fluor Hanford, Inc. Fluor's principal subcontractors are Numatec Hanford Corporation and Energy Solutions Federal Services of Hanford, Inc. Hanford is the world's largest environmental cleanup project. The two-fold mission is to restore and remediate Hanford's atomic legacy and bring economic diversification and environmental health to the Columbia Basin. Hanford is a Department of Energy site covering 586 square miles of sagebrush and sand located along the last free-flowing stretch of the Columbia River in the Southeast portion of the state of Washington. Approximately 3,500 union and non-union employees work in more than 100 facilities on the Hanford property (some located as far as 40-45 miles apart). Carl and his wife Judy reside in Richland, Washington.

Jon Nix ’92 – President, Utah Chapter Our new Chapter will include those Alumni residing in Eastern Washington. This new Chapter will also work in VA - Virginia Piedmont cooperation with the established Seattle-Puget Sound, Welcome aboard Connie (Dato) English ’86 – President, Portland-Columbia River and Idaho Chapters. USMMA KP Alumni – Virginia Piedmont Chapter! Connie is the KP 1986 Class Agent. She pursues a career with the University of Virginia – Darden Graduate School of Business, Charlottesville, as the Director of Alumni Career Services. Connie is married to another fine KP graduate, Austin English ’84. Austin serves as President of RCF Associates, Inc. in Charlottesville. Our new Chapter will include those Alumni residing in the I- 81 and I-64 corridors along the Appalachian Trail and Shenandoah River. This territory stretches from Bristol to Winchester! This new Chapter will also work in cooperation with the Chapters of Port of Richmond, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

Carl Connell ’66 – President, Washington East Chapter

WA – Washington – Puget Sound Connie Buhl ’81- President – WA Puget Sound Chapter reports on her Chapter activity:

The funeral and memorial for Chapter alumni and Alumni Foundation board member Bob Magee ’69 were held in New Jersey and Tacoma, WA respectively. Peter Lindsey ’86 arranged to have the Kings Point midshipmen color guard at Bob’s funeral, a tribute which honored Bob and touched his family. Peter also arranged a lovely tribute table at the memorial, displaying items demonstrating Bob’s history with Kings Point and the maritime industry.

Our fall dinner event, featuring RADM Mark Buzby ’79, head of Military Sealift Command, was held at Salty’s on Connie English ’86 – President, Virginia Piedmont Chapter Alki in Seattle. Over 70 people attended to hear ‘Buz’ give an update on MSC and enjoy a great meal. WA - East Washington Welcome aboard Dr. Carl W. Connell JR ’66 – President, The Chapter “3rd Monday Team Movements” continue at USMMA KP Alumni – Washington East Chapter! Carl the Pyramid Ale House in Seattle. These monthly after graduated with a degree in Marine Systems Engineering, work meet and greets provide a casual opportunity to and subsequently earned a PhD. He is pursues a career share sea stories, raise a beer, and catch up with fellow with Fluor Hanford as Manager, Environmental mariners in the Chapter. Byron Anderson ’57 and wife Pauline, along with Kate Woods ’08, Forrest Perkins ’08, Peter Lindsey ’86, and M/N Joseph Mantz 1/C, M/N Aaron Gavin 2/C, and M/N Karl Sergojan 4/C participated in the annual WA State All Academy Night on December 29th – a very successful recruiting and information night for high school students to learn more about the five service academies. The three Washington State midshipmen spoke eloquently to the crowd about Kings Point and absolutely stood out from the rest in their bearing, professionalism, and enthusiasm. They were terrific standard bearers for the Academy! We continue to be so impressed by the caliber of students in the Regiment. Outstanding!

Captain John Whiteley ’72 – President, West Virginia Chapter

WY – Wyoming Welcome aboard Dr. Guy V. Padgett ’69 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Wyoming Chapter! An engineering graduate of the class of '69, Guy served aboard the Texas Trader, a T2 tanker servicing Viet Nam and surrounding areas. Upon coming ashore, he obtained a PhD in Geology at the University of South Carolina. Guy then worked for Consolidation Coal Company in a number of capacities, leaving after 13 years to join the Department of Interior as a Field Office Director in the Office of Surface Mining. He retired form OSM in 2005 and now enjoys traveling, gardening, attending bridge tournaments and visiting his children and grandchildren. Guy is married to Pam Ogaard All Academy Night: Kate Woods ’08, M/N Joseph Mantz 1/C, M/N Padgett. He and Pam reside in Casper, Wyoming. They Aaron Gavin 2/C and Byron 'Andy' Anderson '57 have 8 children scattered from Oregon to Connecticut in the US and from Afghanistan to Singapore oversees - providing ample excuse and opportunity to travel.

Our new Chapter will work in cooperation with our Chapters established in all of the Western States.

M/N Andrea M Morrison 1/C, Regimental Color Guard Commander and Midshipmen honoring Bob Magee ’69 at funeral 120509, Ocean City, NJ

WV - West Virginia Welcome aboard Captain John Whiteley ’72 – President, Guy Padgett ’69 – President, Wyoming Chapter and wife Pam USMMA KP Alumni – West Virginia Chapter.

John currently serves as Director - MCTC Inland Waterways Academy, Huntington, WV. He is also an active member of SOCP (Ship Owners Cooperative Program). Reference(s):

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