Professor of History and International Relations

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Professor of History and International Relations

William R. Keylor Professor of History and International Relations Director, International History Institute

Mailing Address: Department of International Relations Boston University 152 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215 Telephone: (617) 358-0197 Fax: (617) 358-0190 E-Mail: [email protected]


Born in Sacramento, California on August 15, 1944

Married to Rheta Grenoble Keylor since December 28, 1968

Two children (Daniel and Justine)


B.A., honors in history, Stanford University (1966): Honors Thesis under direction of Professor Gordon Wright

M.A., modern European history, Columbia University (1967)

Certificate, European Institute, Columbia University (1971)

Ph.D., modern European history, Columbia University (1971)

Certificate in Financial Planning, Boston University (1986)


Instructor in History, Rutgers University, Newark (1968-69)

Fulbright Teaching Fellow, Université de Paris, Vincennes (1969-70)

Lecturer in History, Rutgers University, Newark (1970-72)

Assistant Professor of History, Boston University (1972-75)

Tenured Associate Professor of History, Boston University (1975-80)

Visiting Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979-80)

Professor of History, Boston University (1980--)

Professeur Invité, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (spring 2003)

Acting Chair, Department of History, Boston University (1988- 89)

Chair, Department of History, Boston University (1989-91, 1991-94, 1994- 97, 1997-2000)

Professor of International Relations, Boston University (1992--)

Director, International History Institute, Boston University (1999--)

GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS (Recipient or Principal Investigator)

J.B. Weter History Honors Fellowship, Stanford University (1965-66)

Advanced Fulbright Teaching Fellowship, Paris, France (1969-70)

Columbia University Presidential Fellowship (awarded but declined) (1969-70)

French Government Traveling Fellowship (awarded but declined) (1969-70)

Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship (1970-71)

American Council of Learned Societies Traveling Fellowship (1972)

Boston University Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship (1972)

Inter-University Centre for European Studies Fellowship (1974) 3

Boston University Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship (1976)

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship (awarded in 1976, accepted in 1978)

American Philosophical Society Research Fellowship (1985)

Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship (1986)

Boston University Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship (1986)

National Endowment for the Humanities Travel to Sources Fellowship (1987)

Boston University Humanities Foundation Course Development Grant (1988)

McCormick Fellowship, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association (1994)

Florence Gould Foundation Program Grant (awarded 1995 for 1996)

Earhart Foundation Fellowship (2000-2001)

Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship (2000-2001)

Boston University Instructional Technology Grant (2000-2001)

Florence Gould Foundation Program Grant (2003)


Doctoral Oral Examination passed with highest grade of "double excellent," Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1969)

Doctoral Dissertation Defense with highest grade of "Distinction," Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1971)

Andrew Mellon publication grant, Harvard University Press (1975)

Selected for Scholar-Diplomat Program to serve as Observer at the French Desk, United States Department of State (1975)

Elected Member of Board of Editors, French Historical Studies (1980-83)

Elected Member of Committee on Committees, American Historical Association (1981-84) 4

One of two American historians invited to deliver a paper at the international colloquium in Rheims, France commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe (1985)

Elected to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London (1987)

Winner of United Methodist Church Scholar-Teacher Award (1988)

Selected as only American historian to deliver an address before the international colloquium in Caen, France, entitled "Faut-il faire la guerre pour la démocratie?" to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the D-Day landing (1994)

Elected President, Society for French Historical Studies (1995-96)

Designated Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite [Knight of the National Order of Merit], French Republic (1997)

Selected as Professeur invité, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (Summer 2003)


Arthur G.B. Metcalf (Boston University Board of Trustees) Award for Excellence in Teaching, Boston University (1984)

United Methodist Church Scholar-Teacher Award, Boston University (1988)

Boston University Nominee (later selected) to participate in the Institute for European Studies' Faculty Seminar on the French Revolution [on the occasion of the bicentennial], Paris and Nantes, (1989)

Chosen to deliver lectures in the Alexander Crummel Summer Seminars [for minority students intending to pursue careers as teachers and scholars in the humanities] (1991)


Academy and Community: The Foundation of the French Historical Profession (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975)

From Parnassus: Essays in Honor of Jacques Barzun (coed. Dora B. Weiner) (New York: Harper & Row, 1976) 5

Jacques Bainville and the Renaissance of Royalist History in Twentieth-Century France (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979)

The Legacy of the Great War: Peacemaking 1919 (edited with an introduction) (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997)

Encyclopedia of the Modern World (general editor) (New York: Facts on File, 2006)

A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945 (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003). Revised 2nd edition, 2008. Italian Translation.

The Twentieth-Century World: An International History (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984); Revised 2nd edition, 1992; Revised 3rd edition, 1996; Revised 4th edition, 2001; Revised 5th edition, 2005; Revised 6th edition, 2011; Canadian edition (with Jerry Bannister, 2005), Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese translations.


"The Origins and Development of the Academic Historical Profession in France," Newsletter of the New England Historical Association (September 1974), 12-19.

"Clio et le roi: Jacques Bainville et la doctrine historique de l'Action Française," Etudes Maurrassiennes , vol. 3 (Spring, 1975), 97-106.

"Clio on Trial: Charles Péguy as Historical Critic," in Keylor and Weiner, ed., From Parnassus: Essays in Honor of Jacques Barzun (New York: Harper & Row, 1976), 195-208. Reprinted in Dennis Poupard, ed., Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980)

"Prohibition Diplomacy: An Incident of Franco-American Misunderstanding," French Civilization Vol. V, No. 3 (Spring, 1981), 299-311.

"Anticlericalism and Educational Reform in the French Third Republic," History of Education Quarterly (Autumn 1981), 95-102.

"Die Herausforderung der Wissenschaft von der Gesellschaft," in Wolf Lepenies, ed., Geschichte der Soziologie (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkampt, 1981)

"'Lafayette, We Have Quit!': Wilsonian Policy and French Security After Versailles," in Nancy L. Roelker and Charles K. Warner, ed., Two Hundred Years of Franco-American Relations (Worcester, MA: Heffernan Press [for the Society for French Historical Studies], 1983), 44-75 6

"Jacques Bainville," in Patrick H. Hutton, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Third French Republic, 1870-1940 (Westport, CN, Greenwood Press, 1986).

"Entente Cordiale," in ibid.

"Franco-British Relations," in ibid.

"Charles-Victor Langlois," in ibid.

"Ernest Lavisse," in ibid.

"Louis Madelin." in ibid.

"Gabriel Monod," in ibid.

"Franco-Russian Relations in the Third Republic," in ibid.

"Charles Seignobos," in ibid.

"Triple Entente," in ibid.

"Franco-American Relations in the Third Republic," in ibid.

"France's Role In World War I," in ibid.

"World History and International History: Complementary or Incompatible Approaches to Global Historical Reality?" World History, Vol .III, No. 1 (Summer 1985), 1-4.

"Des Buts de guerre aux buts de paix: La Politique européenne des Etats-Unis de Yalta à Potsdam," in Maurice Vaisse, ed., La Victoire en Europe (Paris: La Manufacture, 1986), 169-180.

"Great Britain, France, and the Munich Settlement: Foreign Policy and National Deterrent," The Munich Diktat: Fifty Years After (Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy Publication Series, No. 2 (Autumn, 1988), 1-8

"The Rise and Demise of the Franco-American Guarantee Treaty, 1919-1921," Proceedings of the Western Society for French History , Vol 14 (Autumn1988), 367-377.

"France Faces Glasnost and Détente," in Bernard Rubin and Ladislav Bittmann, eds., Shock Waves: Consequences of Glasnost and Perestroika, (Boston: Program for the Study of Disinformation Papers, vol. 2, No. 6 [autumn 1989], 19- 35 7

"Defense Policy in the Fourth and Fifth Republics," in Wayne Northcutt, ed., Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1991 (Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1992)

"Charles de Gaulle," in ibid.

"Franco-German Relations under the Fourth and Fifth Republics," in ibid.

"Franco-American Relations under the Fourth and Fifth Republics," in ibid.

"The Western European Union," in ibid.

"'How They Advertised France:' The French Propaganda Campaign in the United States during the Breakup of the Franco-American Entente, 1918-1923," Diplomatic History, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Summer 1993), 351-393.

"France's Futile Quest for American Military Protection, 1919-1922," in Marta Petricioli ed., Missed Opportunity?: 1922 and the Reconstruction of Europe (Basle: Berg, 1995), 61-80.

"The Principle of National Self-Determination as a Factor in the Creation of Postwar Frontiers in Europe, 1919 and 1945," in Carole Fink, ed., National Frontiers and the Two World Wars (Basle: Berg, (1996), 37-54.

"A Reevaluation of the Versailles Peace," Relevance: The Quarterly Journal of the Great War Society, Vol. V, No. 2 (Summer 1996), 1-8.

"France and the First World War," in William Cohen, ed., The Transformation of Modern France (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1997), 182-206.

"France and the Illusion of American Support, 1919-1940," in Joel Blatt, ed., The French Defeat of 1940: Reassessments (Providence: Berghahn Books, 1997), 204-244.

"The Allied Invasion of Normandy," in Bertram M. Gordon, ed., Historical Dictionary of World War II France: Occupation, Vichy, Liberation (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998)

"Atlantic Wall," in ibid.

"The Franco-German Armistice," in ibid.

"Henri-Philippe Pétain," in ibid. 8

"Versailles and International Diplomacy," in Manfred F. Boemeke, Gerald Feldman, and Elisabeth Glaser, eds., The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 469-505

"La propagande comme instrument de la puissance américaine dans les premières années de la guerre froide," Relations Internationales No. 4 (summer 1998), 179-197.

"L'Image de la France en Amérique à la Fin de la Grande Guerre," in François Cochet, ed., Les Américains et la France (1917-1947): Engagements et Représentations (Paris, Maisonneuve et LaRose, 1999), 158-167.

"Clio on the Campus: The Historical Society at Boston University," Bostonia, Summer 1999.

"Charles de Gaulle," 3,200-word entry in the on-line encyclopedia of Encarta Publishing Company (Microsoft, Inc., 2000)

"World War I," a 22,500-word entry in the on-line encyclopedia of Encarta Publishing Company (Microsoft, Inc., 2001)

"Post-mortems for the American Century," Diplomatic History, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Spring 2001), 317-327.

"La politique extérieure traditionelle des Républicains," Géopolitique, Revue de l'Institut International de Géopolitique, No. 7 (March 2001), 86-91.

"The Messiah and the Tiger: Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, and the Cultural Stereotypes of America and France at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919," William L. Chew, III, ed., National Stereotypes in Perspective: Americans in France, Frenchmen in America (Amsterdam: Rodolpi, 2001), pp. 283-298.

“L’Hyperpuissance et L’Onu,” Géopolitique (June, 2003), 72-78.

‘’Collective Security and Regional Security in U.S. Foreign Policy at the End of the Great War,” Annales du Monde Anglophone (2e semester, 2001, Numero 14 [appeared 2003]. 31-38

"Le rôle des organisations internationales de sécurité pendant et après la guerre froide: Sécurité collective ou sécurité régionale?," Danielle Domergue-Cloarec and Antoine Coppolani, eds., Des Conflits en mutation ? De la guerre froide aux nouveaux conflits : essai de typologie de 1947 à nos jours (Paris, Editions Complex, 2003), 343-349.

« The Trouble with the French, » Bostonia (Autumn 2003, No. 3), 19-23. 9

‘’Waging the War of Words:”The Promotion of American Interests and Ideals Abroad During the Cold War, ‘’ Cathal Nolan, ed., Power and Responsibility in World Affairs : Reformation versus Transformation (Westport, CN, Praeger, 2004), 79-101.

‘’Washington, Paris, et le Nouvel Ordre Mondial : Les Relations franco- américaines, 1989-2000,’’ Relations Internationales, No. 120 (Winter 2004), 513- 527.

“A New Look at the Old Revisionism,” Review essay posted on the H-DIPLO on- line H-NET Discussion Group, June 2005.

“The Legacy of the Second World War: The Decline of the Empires, the Rise of the Superpowers, and the Recovery of Europe,” article commissioned by British Broadcasting Corporation for its website, summer 2005.

« Le Débarquement et La Bataille de Normandie dans la Mémoire Collective Américaine de 1944 à 2004, », Les Populations civiles face au débarquement et à la bataille de Normandie Actes du Colloque « La perception du Débarquement et de la bataille de Normandie par les Américains de 1944 à nos jours, (Caen, CRHQ,CNRS-Université de Caen, 2005), 281-287.

“The Wind of Change in 1956,” in Carole Fink, Frank Hadler, and Tomasz Schramm, eds., 1956: European and Global Perspectives (Leipzig, Leipziger Universitaetsverlag, 2006), 235-244

« The Treaty of Versailles, » in John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds., Encyclopedia of Europe : 1914-2004 (New York, Scribners, 2006).

“Simple and Direct,” Columbia Magazine, Fall 2007, 42-45.

“French Military Intelligence Responds to the German Remilitarization of the Rhineland, 1936,” Review Essay of Articles by Martin Alexander and Peter Jackson and translation of French Military Intelligence Document, D-Diplo and H- France article reviews, published July 10, 2008.

“The Legacy of Wilsonianism: A Retrospective Evaluation,” in Pierre Mélandri and Serge Ricard, Les Etats-Unis entre Uni- et Multilatéralisme de Woodrow Wilson à George W. Bush, (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008), 311-326.

“La Tentation de l’Apaisement: La Réponse de l’Administration Roosevelt aux Violations du Traité de Versailles par l’Allemagne, 1935-1938, ») in Hélène Harter et al., eds., Terres Promises : Mélanges offerts à André Kaspi (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2008), 253-266. 10

«Il libro del secolo (e oltre) : le prolungata influenza di Le conseguenze economiche della pace di John Maynard Keynes, », Contemporanea : Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ‘900 (Anno XII, numero 1, gennaio 2009),176-183.

"Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Europe: Responding to German Revisionism, 1935-1938, in Gaynor Johnson (ed.), The International Context of the Spanish Civil War (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009), 117-130.

“A Peaceful Europe? Negotiating Peace in the Twentieth Century,” On-Line Review Essay of three articles in Contemporary European History, Volume 17 -Issue 03, Special Issue, (August 2008), in H-Diplo (June 22, 2009).

“Réalisme” bainvillien et “Idéalisme wilsonien en débat à la lumière de la politique étrangère américaine,” in Olivier Dard and Michel Grunewald, eds., Jacques Bainville : Profils et Réceptions (Berne : Peter Lang Publishers, 2010), 152-166.

"A History of Arms Control," Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO). (New York and Oxford: University Press, 2011), 11-page essay with annotated bibliography

"A History of the United Nations." Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO). (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011) 12-page essay with annotated bibliography.


"L'Amérique des années soixante: le problème de la jeunesse," paper delivered at conference of the Association Française pour la Communauté Atlantique, Paris (1969)

"Manifestations politiques dans les universités américaines: le bilan," address delivered at the Centre Culturel Américain, Paris (1970)

"Clio in Academe: The French Experience," lecture delivered at Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana (1972)

"Problems of Historical Research in French Archives," lecture delivered at Brandeis-Boston University European History Colloquium (1973)

"The Institutionalization of Academic Innovations in the French University," paper presented at the Boston University-Brandeis University Program in Social Thought (1974) 11

"The Origins of the French Historical Profession," lecture delivered at Department of History, Brown University (1974)

"The French Resistance during the Second World War," lecture delivered to the Undergraduate History Association, Boston University (1974)

"Town versus Country in France," lecture delivered at Brandeis University- Boston University European History Colloquium (1974)

"The Historiographical Imagination in France," paper presented at the New England Historical Association Convention (1974)

"A New Academic Discipline in the Sorbonne," paper presented at annual convention of the American Historical Association (1974)

"The Institutionalization of Historical Study at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes," paper presented at Inter-University Centre for European Studies, Montreal (1975)

"Recent Trends in French Historiographical Thought," paper presented at New York State Historical Association Conference (1977)

"French Historical Discourse, 1965-1980," paper presented at the Society for French Historical Studies Conference (1980)

"Prohibition Diplomacy: An Incident of Franco-American Misunderstanding," paper presented at the Colloquium on French Society and Civilization, State University of New York at Buffalo (1980)

"French Foreign Policy under Mitterrand: A Preliminary Observation," address delivered at the Inter-University Consortium for Social Research on France, Institute for French Studies, New York University (1982)

"Foreign and Defense Policies of Mitterrand's France: A Commentary," address delivered to Inter-University Consortium for Social Research on France, Institute for French Studies, New York University (1984)

"Franco-American Relations in the Post-Gaullist Era," address delivered at La Maison Française, Boston University (1984)

"France and America: The Love-Hate Relationship of our Century," address delivered to the undergraduate students’ association of Springfield College (1985) 12

"Des Buts de Guerre aux Buts de Paix: La Politique des Etats-Unis lors de la Capitulation Allemande, Mai 1945," paper delivered at the international colloquium at Rheims, France, marking the 40th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe (1985)

"The Atlantic Partnership: A Cost-Benefit Analysis," address delivered to the Association of Alumni Representatives, Boston University (1986)

"The French Right and Fascism," paper presented at the Boston University Program in Twentieth-Century Studies (1987)

"Social and Economic Policies of the Mitterrand-Chirac Government," lecture delivered at Springfield College (1987)

"The Rise and Demise of the Franco-American Guarantee Treaty," paper presented at the Western Society for French History Convention (1988)

"'How They Sold France': The French Propaganda Campaign in the United States During the Breakup of the Franco-American Entente, 1918-1921," paper presented at the American Historical Convention (1989)

"De Gaulle's Europe: From the Atlantic to. . .?," paper presented at the De Gaulle Centennial Symposium, Boston University (1990)

"The New World Order of Bush and Gorbachev," address at the Strategic and Security Studies Luncheon, Boston University (1991)

"The EC on the Eve of Maastricht," address delivered to the International Relations Student Association, Boston University (1991)

"The United States and French Security Concerns on the Eve of the Ruhr Occupation," paper presented at "1992 e la Riconstruzione dell'Europa," International Conference of the Association Internationale d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Europe, Florence (1992)

"Versailles after Seventy-Five Years: A Reassessment," paper presented at the Conference of the New England Historical Association (1994)

"Versailles and International Diplomacy," paper presented at the conference marking the 75th anniversary of the Versailles Treaty, sponsored by the German Historical Institute and the University of California at Berkeley (1994)

"Self-Determination at the Peace Conference of 1919," paper presented at the Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Bentley College (1994) 13

"Les Etats-Unis et la Politique des Droits de l'Homme dans la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale," address presented to International Colloquium in Caen, France, entitled "Faut-il Faire la Guerre pour la Démocratie?," sponsored by the journal Le Monde des Débats and the Regional Council of Lower Normandy (1994)

"D-Day Plus Fifty: Looking Back at the Last 'Good War,'" lecture delivered in Deauville, France, to Smithsonian National Associates Program on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the D-Day landing (1994)

"The Principle of National Self-Determination as a Factor in the Creation of Postwar Frontiers in Europe, 1919 and 1945," paper delivered at the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Montreal (1995)

"A Reevaluation of the Versailles Peace." Paper presented at the annual conference of the Great War Society, Bethesda, Maryland (1995)

"France: Chirac in Difficulty." Lecture at "Conference on the European Community," sponsored by the International Students' Association, Boston (1996)

"The Management of Global Security in the Post-Cold War Order: Unilateralism, Multilateralism, or Regionalism?" Paper delivered at the Third National Conference on Strategic Studies (Encontro National de Estudos Estratégicos), Rio de Janeiro (1996)

"Keynes's Ghost." Lecture presented to the Cambridge Institute for Learning in Retirement, Harvard University Faculty Club, Cambridge, Mass. (1996)

"L'image de la France victorieuse à la fin de la Grande Guerre," paper presented at the international colloquium entitled "Les Américains et la France (1917-1945): Engagements et représentations," Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Sponsored by l'Association pour la Recherche sur la Paix et la Guerre and le Centre de Recherche d'Histoire Nord-Américaine (1997)

"1898: Intimations of Conflicts to Come in the New Century." Keynote address to teachers' workshop, World Affairs Council of Boston, 1998

"'Waging the War of Words': The Promotion of American Interests and Ideals during the Cold War." Paper delivered by Carnegie Council Faculty Seminar on "Great Power Responsibility and World Affairs," Boston, 1998

"The Messiah and the Tiger: Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, and the Cultural Stereotypes of America and France at the Peace Conference of 1919." Keynote address at conference entitled "National Stereotypes in Historical Perspective: Americans in France, Frenchmen in America," Brussels, Belgium (1999). 14

"Collective Security and Regional Security in U.S. Foreign Policy at the end of the Great War, » Paper delivered at the Colloquium "Les Etats-Unis Face à des Mondes Nouveaux, at the Observatoire de la Politique Etrangère Américaine, Université de Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle) (2001)

"Universalism or Regionalism in U.S. Foreign Policy After World War I," paper delivered at the University of West England, Bristol, U.K. (2001).

"Le rôle des organisations internationales de sécurité pendant et après la guerre froide: Sécurité collective ou sécurité régionale?." Paper presented at the International Colloquium "Des Conflits en Mutation? De la Guerre Froide aux nouveaux conflits: Essai de typologie (2001).

‘’The Special Relationship Viewed from Washington,’’ paper presented at the conference “La Relation Speciale” at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, November 18, 2002.

“L’Alliance Incertaine: Les Relations Franco-Américaines après la fin de la Guerre Froide,” presentation at the seminar on transatlantic relations in the twentieth century, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, France (2003).

“La Politique Etrangère Culturelle des Etats-Unis depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale,” presentation at the Centre Européene, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, France (2003)

“L’Amérique comme Hyperpuissance,” presentation to course of Professor Pierre Melandri, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, France (2003)

“Le Débarquement et la Bataille de Normandie dans la Mémoire Collective Américaine de 1944 à 2004,” paper presented at the International Conference of History on “Le Débarquement et les Civils, the Mémorial Museum, Caen, France (2004)

“L’Amérique et la France pendant les années difficiles,” presentation at round table at the Institue des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva, Switzerland, June 3, 2004.

‘’Les Relations franco-américaines depuis la fin de la guerre froide,’’ Paper presented at a colloquium entitled ‘’Les Relations Transatlantiques, convergences et divergences de 1945 à 2004’’ to honor the 30th anniversary of the journal Relations Internationales, Geneva, Switzerland, June 5, 2004.

“Terrorism with a Global Reach,” presentation before the World Affairs Forum, Boston University College of General Studies, October 9, 2004) 15

“Reflections on The Current International Scene,” presentation before the Boston University Model United Nations Organization, December 1, 2004

‘The Promotion of Democracy as a Goal of American Foreign Policy,” speech delivered before the Boston University Alumni Association of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, July 6, 2005

“1956: The Great Turning Point,” Keynote address at the annual meeting of the Association Internationale d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Europe held at the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Sydney, Australia, July 8, 2005

“Democracy, Human Rights, and American Foreign Policy,” speech delivered to the Boston University College of General Studies Model United Nations Association, December 1, 2005

“France, the FLN, and the Algerian War,” speech delivered to the Harvard University Model United Nations Conference, December 9, 2005

“Historical Antecedents to the International Criminal Court,” speech delivered at the Harvard University Model United Nations Conference, Boston, Park Plaza Hotel, February 16, 2006

“From Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush: Realism and Idealism in American Foreign Policy,” speech delivered at the College of General Studies, Boston University, March 20, 2006

“Churchill’s Sinews of Peace,” Paper delivered at the New England Churcillians Organization, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, May 17, 2006.

“Between Appeasement and Resistance: The Roosevelt Administration’s Initial Responses to Nazi Foreign Policy Revisionism,” Paper delivered at the international conference “The Democratic Powers and the Challenge of the Right in Europe, 1933-1939,” European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford, U.K., June 30, 2006.

“L’état de la discipline de l’histoire des relations internationales,” paper delivered at the University of Paris (Sorbonne), October 13, 2006.

« The Great War as the Great Turning Point of the Twentieth Century, » paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Western Front Association, Hartford, CN, November 11, 2006

“Women in Wartime,” speech given at the Howard Gottleib Research Center, Boston University, December 5, 2006. 16

Woodrow Wilson, the 'Wilsonian Peace,' and the Origins of the Modern World." Presented at the European Studies Seminar, Department of History, Boston University, February 6, 2007

“The Foreign Policy Debate during the French Elections,” lecture at Harvard University Model United Nations Conference, Boston, February 16, 2007

“Democracy as a Goal of American Foreign Policy,” lecture at the Howard Gottlieb Research Center, Boston University, March 1, 2007

“Have the Ideas of Woodrow Wilson Stood the Test of Time,” paper delivered at the international conference “From the Great War to the Peace Settlement, 1918- 1919: A Retrospective Evaluation,” Boston, March 23, 2007

Presentation at panel "French Foreign Policy," sponsored by the International Students' Consortium and the Consulate of France in Boston. Boston, March 30, 2007

Presentation on panel "Returning Historians to H-Diplo,” annual conference of the Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, Bethesday, Maryland, June 22, 2007

Presentation at the Student Discovery Seminar "America at War," the Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, November 13, 2007.

“When the Gun’s Fell Silent on the Western Front,” lecture delivered to the Wardroom Club [retired naval officers], Boston, December 19, 2007

“The Legacy of Wilsonianism: A Retrospective Evaluation,” paper delivered at the Centre de Recherche sur l’Amérique du Nord, Colloque de l’Observatoire de la Politique Étrangère Américaine, Paris, January 19, 2008.

« From Lafayette’s Rights of Man to Woodrow Wilson’s Right of Self- Determination,” paper delivered at a symposium at Lafayette College to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Marquis de Lafayette, April 21, 2008.

“The Great War, the Hall of Mirrors, and the Sinews of Peace,” paper delivered at the plenary session of the annual meeting of the British International History Group, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, September 5, 2008.

“Legacy of Ashes: A History of the Central Intelligence Agency,” introductory address delivered at the conference of the same name organized by the International History Institute, Boston University, September 26, 2008. 17

“Foreign Policy Challenges and the American Presidential Election,” presentation to the members of the Evergreen Program, Boston University, October 20, 2008.

Presentation on a Panel entitled "Shaping a 21st Century Foreign Policy,” part of the “Policy Advice for the Next President” Seminar at Northeastern University, November 12, 2008.

“The Successes and Failures of Cooperative Security: The United Nations,” paper presented at the international conference, “Cooperative Security in East and Southeast Asia: Learning from History to Meet Future Challenges,” Co- organized by the Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security and the China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China, April 18, 2009.

"China, the United States, and the Breakdown of Wartime Cooperation, 1944- 1949." Invited Lecture at the Department of International Affairs, Peking University (Beida), Beijing, China, April 14, 2009.

"The Ambivalent Relationship: France and the United States During the Cold War," Invited lecture at the Chinese People's University (Renda), Beijing, China, April 15, 2009.

“’Réalisme’ Bainvillien et ‘idéalisme wilsonien en débats à la lumière de la politique étrangère américaine,” paper presented at the conference «Jacques Bainville : Profils et Réceptions, » Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Metz, France, May 14, 2009.

“The Second Cold War in Europe, 1978-1983: The Paradoxes of a Dangerous Time”. Paper presented at the International Conference "Nexus Years in the Cold War," McGill University, Montreal, Canada, October 16, 2009.

Presentation at panel titled "The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 20 Years Later." Sponsored by the Center for International Relations, November 16, 2009.

Presentation at panel titled “Defense and Diplomacy,” sponsored by the Roosevelt Institute of Boston University, December 9, 2009.

War of Necessity, War of Choice?: A Historical Introduction to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq." Invited lecture to staff psychologists dealing with veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder at the Veterans' Administration Hospital, Bedford, MA. February 26, 2010

"The League of Nations, the United Nations, and International Governance." Invited paper presented at the faculty plenary session of the Graduate Student Conference on International History, Harvard University. March 13, 2010. 18

"Mars and Venus: American and European Attitudes Toward War Since World War II." Invited lecture before the members of the Lifelong Learning (Evergreen) Program at Boston University, October 12, 2010

“The War in Afghanistan Ten Years On,” Invited lecture to staff psychologists dealing with veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder at the Veterans’ Administration Hospital, Bedford, MA. April 3, 2011.

“The United States and Democracy Promotion: The Historical Record,” invited lecture at the Algonquin Club, Boston. May 11, 2011.

“"France and America: The Love-Hate Relationship of Four Centuries,” invited lecture at the Gastronomy Program of Boston University. May 18, 2011

“Le Débarquement dans la mémoire des Américains, « Invited paper at the Mémoriale Museum in Caen, France, at an international conference on the long- term memory of the D-Day Landing. June 15, 2011.

“American Exceptionalism from Theodore Roosevelt to the New Left,” invited paper at an international conference at La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. June 18, 2011.

“Churchill Amid Appeasement and War,” invited presentation at a workshop organized by the Churchill Center of Cambridge University at Boston University for high school teachers. July 27, 2011.

COURSES TAUGHT Europe and World Politics since 1870

History of International Relations, 1900-1945

History of International Relations since 1945

France, Europe, and the World

World History since 1750

History of France since 1815

History of Modern European Thought and Culture

History of Europe Since 1900

European-American Relations since 1914

French-American Relations in the Modern World 19

The Great War and the Fragile Peace

The Cold War


AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY (prior to 1980)

Member, President's Search Committee for Dean of School of Law

Member, Dean's Search Committee for Chair of Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature

Faculty Adviser, Office of Academic Advising, College of Liberal Arts

Member, Deans Advisory Committee on Lower Division Education

Pre-Law Adviser, Department of History

Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of History

Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of History


AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY (since becoming full professor in 1980)

Member, President's Search Committee for Dean of School of Management (1980)

Member, Executive Committee, Department of History (1980-82, 1985-87, ex- officio 1988-2000)

Member, University Council Committee on Curriculum and Degrees (1981- 1991)

Member, Dean's Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum Development (1981)

Member, Executive Committee, International Relations Program (1982-1990)

Member, Dean's Advisory Committee on the Future of the International Relations Program (1981-82) 20

Coordinator ad interim, History Program, Metropolitan College, Boston University (1981-82)

Member, Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, College of Liberal Arts (1980-81, 1984-85)

Member, Executive Committee, College of Liberal Arts (1982-83)

Member, University Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, (1983- 84)

Chairman, Academic Policy Committee, College of Liberal Arts (1986-87)

Chairman, Core Curriculum Planning Committee, College of Liberal Arts (1986- 87)

Member, Dean's Advisory Committee on the Core Curriculum (1987-88)

Chairman, Metcalf (Board of Trustees) Teaching Award Selection Committee (1987-88, 1996-97), Member (1987-88, 1993-94, 1995-96, 1996-97, 2004-05)

Member, Search Committee for Associate Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1988)

Member, Provost's Advisory Committee on Re-accreditation (1988-89)

Member, Advisory Committee to Study Abroad Program (1988-90)

Acting Chair, Department of History (1987-88)

Chair, Search Committee for Historian of European Intellectual History, Department of History (1989-90)

Chair, Search Committee for Historian of Russia, Department of History (1989- 90)

Chair, Department of History (1989-91, 1991-94, 1994-97, 1997-2000

Member, Advisory Board, Center for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences (1996-98)

Member, Sub-Committee on Evaluation of Teaching, Center for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences (1996-97) 21

Member, Search Committee for Chair of International Relations Department (1997-98)

Member, Search Committee for Three Senior Appointments for Department of International Relations (1997-98)

Member, Provost's Search Committee for Dean of College of General Studies (1999-2000)

Chair, Search Committee for Chinese Historian, Department of History (2003- 2004)

Member of Selection Committee, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (2004-2006)

Member, Trustee Scholars Admission Committee (2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-2010)

Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of History (2005-06, 2008- 09)

Member, Search Committee for Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (2006-07)

Acting Chair, Department of International Relations (2009)

Member, Appeals Committee for the Trustee Scholars Program (2010--)

Member, Planning Committee for the Creation of a European Studies Program (2009-2011)


Elected Member, Board of Editors, French Historical Studies (1980-83)

Elected Member, Committee on Committees, American Historical Association (1981-84)

Member, Inter-University Consortium for Social Research on France (1981-92)

President, Society for French Historical Studies (1995-96)

Elected Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies

Member, American Historical Association 22

Member, Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations

Member, Society for French Historical Studies

Member, Western Front Association

Consulting Editor, Journal of the History of Ideas (1978-2000)

Member, Harvard University-Boston University Intellectual History Study Group (1992-93)

Consultant to American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (1992-95)

Book Series Editor, "International History." Praeger Publishing Company (Co- editors Erik Goldstein and Cathal Nolan) (1999--2006)

Member of Board of Editors, H-Diplo H-NET discussion group (2000--)

Member, Essay Prize Selection Committee, Phi Alpha Theta/Western Front Association (2001-2010)

Member, Gilbert Chinard Prize Committee (awarded jointly by the Society for French Historical Studies and the Institut Français de Washington for best book on the history of themes shared by France and North, Central, and South America (2000-02), Chair (2001-02)

External Referee for Chateaubriand Fellowships Awarded by French Government (1999-2000, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2007-08, 2010-11)

Consultant to museum Le Mémorial de Caen on its project for a permanent exhibition on the history of the Cold War (2000-2002)

Member of the Conseil Scientifique, Mémorial de Caen Museum (2003-04)

Member, George Louis Beer Prize Committee for best book on European International History since 1895, American Historical Association (2004-2005, Chair, 2005-06)

External Evaluator of the New York Consortium for European Studies’ application for a renewal of its Title VI grant from the U.S. Department of Education (2005)

Member, Selection Panel for Summer Seminars and Institutes, National Endowment of the Humanities (2006) 23

Member, Awards Committee, Society for French Historical Studies (2011-14)

Reviewer of Candidacies for Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order (2011)

Consultant to various publishing companies, businesses, and professional journals.

Book Reviewer for many scholarly journals (American Historical Review, Journal of Modern History, Diplomatic History, H-Diplo, H-France, New Global Studies, etc.)

External Reviewer of Tenure and Promotion Cases for Harvard University, Brandeis University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and other institutions of higher learning.

Study Leader for several foreign tours sponsored by Smithsonian Institution

Lecturer on several foreign tours sponsored by the Boston University Alumni Travel Program

Interviewee for several radio and television news programs and newspapers

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