The book of books of Mondragon Team Academy

The following pages contain lists on excellent books in the domains of personal development, coaching, learning, communities and teamwork, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing and customers, innovation. They have been chosen on the basis of practicality and suitability in the context of entrepreneurial education and action. Part of this list is based on Johannes Partanen’s (Team Academy's Headcoach) recommendations and Mondragon Team Academy has added some fields and domains taking into account the social context of Mondragon University.

The number indicates the book’s” literature point number”. The number varies from one to three.

1 point: Basic level book

2 points: More demanding book

3 points: Demanding book; it takes time to digest all the ideas presented in the book"

The difficulty level is based both on the amount of work needed to apply the book’s ideas into practice and on theoretical difficulty.

These points are used in various coaching programs and processes that use Mondragon Team Academy Methods to indicate and measure the amount of theory studies. This list is an open one and it will be updated every year with newest theories.

At the same time most of the books they have a mark with start conecting how valuable is the book acording Johannes Partanen. * Ok. Nice book ** Excellent book *** Master piece !!

At such recommendation is it totally subjective an you might have a different taste of books.


"Know thyself. You have to explore yourself through your whole life. It is said that wo/man reaches his or her full knowledge at the age of 84 if God gives him or her enough days of life. Entrepreneurs and leaders need imagination, philosophy, new ways of thinking and skills to grow as professionals and humans. Understanding learning on individual, team and organizational level is critical. Each one of us has our own unique way of learning.

There are three central principles in learning. First of all, each learner builds his or her knowledge. Second, knowledge is always part of context. Because of this, you must apply knowledge into action as fast as you can. Third, learning environment is much more important than we have realized before. By understanding learning principles, you can accelerate your speed of learning. Nearly every book that deals with post-modern society emphasises the importance of community.

Learning in teams and in a community is much more effective and fun than learning alone. We are social creatures. The networks people are part of are huge communities where the glue that keeps it all together is trust capital. These books are about trust, human relationships and learning together."


"The company acts as a tool that helps you to learn. It is built gradually over time, as are all other companies in the world. Thus reading bibliographies of entrepreneurs helps us to understand our company better. Also, different kinds of tools are needed to build effective companies. Books on entrepreneurship help in finding the right tools to get the job done."


"The flatter organizations transform into, the more we need leadership. There is a paradox that is sometimes challenging to grasp: the more you wish to have self- organizing systems and self-management, the more you need leadership. In a flat organization leading and following alternate. That’s why each one of us must understand what is leadership and how to lead other people.

Leading thoughts act as lighthouses that allow as to lead better and find our direction – they are at the core of leadership. A good leader also needs tools and skills. Books are good resources to find ideas on leading thoughts and developing one’s leadership skills."


According to Peter Drucker a company has two functions: marketing and innovating. They are the functions that bring income. Ultimately, all companies are built to serve customers. The books below include such themes as customer relationships, sales, marketing communication, brands and image building.


"The importance of innovating has increasingly grown over the last decades. When something is invented, it will take many years for the invention to turn into innovation. Today we need social innovations that are more about processes, methods and people than about machines and microchips. Team Academy Methods is a multifaceted innovation that contains many “micro-innovations”. We have been working on it for over 14 years. These books have given us many ideas and I hope they will inspire you too to invent something new and turn it into innovation!"


Corporate Social Responsibility has evolved to be crucial not only for companies, also for whole society. Green revolution has come and we must take care of our planet. Think about the generations. Say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children's children. So that they know it's a better world for them, and think if they can make it a better place. Heal the world, make it a better place.


Social economy and cooperativism isn't about charity, this is about principles and values. Mondragon's first cooperative started in a school on 1956, it takes de name of ULGOR (Fagor) first letter of five entrepreneurs, so was a team company. Nowadays more than 100.000 people are working in Mondragon Corporation coops all over the world in 200 companies and organizations. Social economy is more than cooperativism, NGO and other organizations work following strong social principles and values. Poverty and injustice...


"Science business is the next revolution within knowledge-based economy. Knowledge created is used for new applications and findings in medicine, environment, industry and agriculture. In this context, Basque Government created on 2003 Biobasque 2010 Strategy to create a new sector based in biosciences. Biobasque 2010 Strategy development has been done through technology based companies, therefore, these entrepreneurs will have an important role in the economy."


As the first Silicon Valley success story, HP nurtures the spirit of entrepreneurship. The startup launched by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in the original “garage” in Palo Alto has grown to be the world’s largest technology company. But after that countless digital companies has been created in Silicon Valley and all over the World. As Steve Jobs from Apple say “stay hungry, stay foolish”


The overall world economy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown during twentyfirst century by over 2% annually; if the economic growth of so-called BRIC countries (Brasil, Rusia, India, China) is considered, it reaches an average of 6% headed by China with an 11,5% growth in 2006. The analysis of such growth impact on people proves that the rich become wealthier, increasing significantly the gap between the richest and the poorest countries. The GDP per capita of the richest countries grew from $11.417 in 1962 to $32.339 in 2002, while the poorest countries grew from $212 to $267 respectively. Asides these main topics, the list contents some Biographies, Movies and Documentaries.


This books are focus to discover great people in the history how they develop the personality and how they deal with the different issues along their life.


This books are in the list because some of the experts have recommended to add to the list and they are not part of other topics


This movies and documentaries are inspiring stories about entrepeneurship, attitudes and skills. It is needed to watch and do an essay of 3 of them to have 1 point for rocket model. No more than 3 points can be obtainned each year.



Amundson, Norman E. & Harris- Essential Elements of Career Bowlsbey, JoAnn & Counseling: Processes and Techniques 1 Niles, Spencer G. 2008 (2nd ed.) 1 * Aspinwall, Lisa G. & Staudinger, Ursula 2 M. (ed.) 2002 A Psychology of Human Strengtht 3 * Batcson, Mary Peripheral Visions - Learning Along the 3 Catherine 1994 Way 3 ** The Experiential Learning Toolkit: 4 Beard, Colin 2010 Blending Practice with Concepts 2 * How to Win Friends and Influence 5 Carnegie, Dale 1981 People, Simon & Schuster 2 ** 6 Casey, David 1993 Managing Learning in Organizations 2 ** The Thinker's Way - 8 Steps to a Richer 7 Chaffee, John 1998 Life 3 **

8 Cialdini, Robert B. 2006 The Psychology Influence of Persuasion, 3 *

9 Covey, Stephen R. 2004 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 2 ** Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal 10 Mihaly 2008 Experience 3 *** 11 Cunningham, Ian 1994 The Wisdom of Strategic Learning 3 *** 12 Dawson, Roger 1994 The 13 Secrets of Power Performance 2 ** 13 Dobelli, Rolf 2013 The Art of Thinking Clearly 2 ** Dryden, Gordon & 14 Vos, Jeannette 1998 The Learning Revolution 2 ***

15 Duarte, Nancy 2010 Resonate 3 *** 16 Dyer, Wayne W 1998 The Sky's the Limit 2 ** 17 Epstein, Seylnor 1993 You are Smarter than You Think 3 ** 18 Evans, Gail 2001 Play like a Man, Win Like a Woman 1 * Delivering E-Learning - A Complete 19 Fee, Kenneth 2009 Strategy for Design 2 * Gallwey, Timothy 20 W. 2000 The Inner Game of Work 2 **

21 Goldsmith, Marshal 2007 What Got You Here Won't Get You There 3 *** 22 Goleman, Daniel 2000 Working With Emotional Intelligence 2 **

23 Grant, Pauline (ed) 2005 Business Psychology in Practise 3 ** 24 Herrigel, Eugen 1999 Zen in the Art of Archery 3 **

25 Kashdan, Todd 2010 Curious? 2 ** Personal Clout - Seven Strong Habits of 26 Klit, Jesper 2011 the World's Best Communicators 2 * Tiimiakatemia: How to Grow into 27 Lehtonen, Timo 2013 Teampreneur® 2 *** Mastery - The Keys to Success and 28 Leonard, George 1992 Long-Term Fulfilment 2 ** Marquardt, Michael Action Learning - Solving Problems and 29 J 2004 Building Leaders in Real Time 3 *** Marquardt, Michael 30 J. 2004 Building the Learning Organization 3 *** Meister, David, H & Green, Charles H. 2001 & Galford, Robert (1st 31 M. Ed) The Trusted Advisor 3 ** 32 Metz, Pamela K. 1994 The Tao of Learning 2 ** 33 Mintzberg, Henry 2004 Managers not MBAs 3 *** Mirvis, Philip & Ayas, Karen & 34 Roth, George 2003 To the Desert and Back 3 ** Molesworth, Mike & Scullion, Richard & The Marketisation of Higher education Nixon, Elisabeth and 35 (ed.) 2011 Student as Consumer 2 * The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, 36 Murphy, Joseph 2007 Revised Edition 2 ** National Research How People Learn - Brain, Mind, 37 Council 2000 Experience, and School 3 ** Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge Concept Maps as Facilitative 38 Novak, Joseph D. 2009 Tools in Schools and Corporations 1 ** Pedler, Mike & Burgoyne, John & 39 Boydell, Toni 1998 2 *

40 Prashnig, Barbara 1996 Diversity is Our Strength 2 ** The Power of Diversity: New Ways of Learning and Teaching Through Learning 41 Prashnig, Barbara 2008 Styles 2 ** Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and 42 Quinn, Daniel 1995 Spirit 2 *** 43 Rogers, Jenny 2007 Adults Learning 2 *** The Fifth Discipline (Revised and 44 Senge, Peter M 2006 Updated) 3 *** 45 Senge, Peter M 1994 The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook 3 *** 46 Senge, Peter M 2000 Schools That Learn 3 ** Stafford, Tom & Mind Hacks - Tips and Tools for Using 47 Webb, Matt 2004 Your Brains 3 * Stefani, Lorraine & Mason, Robin & 48 Pegler, Chris 2007 The Educational Potential of e-portfolios 3 *

Trump, Donald J. & 49 Kiyosaki, Robert T. 2007 Why We Want You Be Rich 2 * The Superpromoter - The Power of 50 Vogelaar, Rijn 2011 Enthusiasm 2 *

51 Wiseman, Richard 2009 59 seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot 2 ** 52 Adams, Douglas 1989 The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 2 **

Abrahamson, Eric & Perfect Mess - The Hidden Benefits of 53 Freedman 2006 Disorder 2 **

54 Aurelius, Marcus 1907 To Himself 2 ** Monopoly - Everything I Know About 55 Axelrod, Alan: 2004 Business I Learned From Monopoly 2 * Happier - Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy 56 Ben-Shahar, Tal: 2007 and Lasting Fulfillment 2 ** Content Nation - Surviving and Thriving as Social Media Changes Our Work, Our 57 Blossom, John: 2009 Lives, and Our Future 3 ** 58 Buscaglia, Leo: 1982 Living, Loving & Learning 2 *** Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World 59 Cain, Susan: 2012 That Can't Stop Talking 3 ** 60 Canfield, Jack: 2007 The Success Principles 3 ** The Right to Write - An Invitation and 61 Cameron, Julia: 1998 Initiation Into the Writing Life 2 **

62 Carlson, Richard: 1997 Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, 2 ** Castaneda, Carlos 63 Don: 1996 The Teachings of Don Juan, 2 * Ageless Body, Timeless Mind - The 64 Chopra, Deepak: 1993 Quantum Alternative to Growing Old 3 ** Christensen, Clayton M. & Al worth, James & 65 Dillon, Karen: 2012 How will you measure your life? 2 ** 66 Coelho, Paolo: 1993 The Alchemist 1 *** 67 Coelho, Paolo: 2003 Warrior of the Light - A Manual 1 **

Dalai-lama & Cutler, 68 Howard C.: 2003 The Art of Happiness at Work 2 ** Confucius From the Heart - Ancient 69 Dan Yu: 2009 Wisdom for Today's World, 1 ***

70 de Mello, Anthony: 1997 Awareness 3 ***

71 de Mello, Anthony: 1984 The Song of the Bird, 1 ***

72 de Mello, Anthony: 1986 One Minute Wisdom 1 ***

de Saint-Exupery, 73 Antoine: The Little Prince 2 ** 74 Fonda, Jane: 2005 My Life so Far 3 **

75 Frankl, Viktor E.: 2000 Man's Search for Meaning 2 ***

76 Fredenholm, Axel: 1989 So Have I Heard 1 **

77 Gracian, Baltasar: 2012 The Art of Worldly Wisdom 1 ** 78 Hoff, Benjamin: 1982 The Tao of Pooh 2 *** A Right to be Human - A Biography of 79 Hoffman, Edward: 1988 Abraham Maslow 3 ** Prosperity without Growth - Economics 80 Jackson, Tim: 2009 for a Finite Planet 3 ** 81 JOnsson, Bodil: 2003 The Thoughts About Time 1 ** Cool it - The Skeptical Environmentalist's 82 Lomborg, Bjorn: 2007 Guide to Global Warming 2 *

83 Musashi, Miyamoto: 2001 The Book of Five Rings 1 * Enough: Breaking Free From the World 84 Naish, John: 2008 of More 1 ** Time and the Soul - Where Has All the 85 Needleman, Jacob 2003 Meaningful Time Gone? 1 *** Chasing Daylight - How My Forthcoming 86 O'Kelly, Eugene 2002 Death Transformed My Life 2 * The Choice is Yours - A Teenager's Guide to Self-Discovery, Relationships, 87 Parsley, Bonnie M.: 1992 Values, and Spiritual Growth 1 * Peale, Norman 88 Vincent 1974 You Can if You Think You Can 2 ** The Road Less Travelled - A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values 89 Peck, Scott M.: 2006 and Spiritual Growth 3 ** 90 Rinpochen, Sogyal 1992 The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 3 **

91 Rumi, Dzalaladdin 2008 The Masmavi I Ma'navi of Rumi 2 * The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and 92 Sharma, Robin 1998 Reaching Your Destiny 3 **

93 Shoshanna, Brenda 2003 Zen and The Art of Falling in Love, 2 ** The Mindfulness Breakthrough - The Revolutionary Approach to Dealing with 94 Silverton, Sarah 2012 Stress, Anxiety and Depression 2 * Mandela's Way - Lessons on Life, Love, 95 Stengel, Richard 2009 and Courage 2 ** 96 Sun Tzu: 2004 The Art of War 1 * The Wisdom of Crowds - Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How 97 Surowiecki, James: 2004 Collective Wisdom Shapes Business 2 * The Rules of Life - A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful 98 Templar, Richard: 2006 Life 2 * Maximum Achievement - Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden 99 Tracy, Brian: 1993 Powers to Succeed 3 ** 100 Warner, Brad: 2003 Hardcore Zen 2 *** 101 Josef Ajram 2010 Donde esta el limite 1 102 Bach 2004 Juan Salvador Gaviota 1 103 Morgan 2004 Las voces del desierto 1 Kolehmainen & Exporting finnish educational learning 104 Tuominiemi 2010 processes through co-creation in Europe 1 105 Robert Fisher 2000 El caballero de la armadura oxidada 1 Cuando la propiedad no quiere ceder el 106 Koldo Saratxaga 2010 poder 1 107 Alberto Espinosa 2010 El mundo amarillo 1 108 Jorge Bucay 2007 26 cuentos para pensar 1 109 Patricia Ramirez 2012 Entrenate para la vida 1 110 Eduard Punset 2007 El viaje a la felicidad 1 111 Coelho, Paolo: 2010 Veronika decide morir 1 112 Koldo Saratxaga 2010 El éxito fue la confianza 1

Leinonen, Partanen The Team Academy. A true Story of a 113 & Palviainen 2004 Community That Learns by Doing 2 114 Krakauer 1996 Into the wild 2 115 Kidder 1981 The soul of a new machine 2 116 Kyle 1998 Making it Happen 2 Bennis & 117 Biederman 1998 Organizing Genius 2 118 Tolle 2006 Un nuevo mundo ahora 2 119 Seth Godin 2012 Hazlo 2 120 Bryson 2004 A Short History of nearly everything 3

121 Antoine Filissiadis 2004 Persigue tus sueños 1 122 Osterwalder 2012 Business Model You 3 123 Timothy Ferris 2011 La semana laboral de 4 horas 2 Metodo TED para hablar en público: Los 124 Jeremy Donovan 2013 secretos de las conferencias que triunfan 2 Ingresos pasivos desde Internet: el 125 Christian Alvarado 2013 sistema probado para tu negocio online 2 126 Ferran Soriano 2009 La pelota no entra por azar 2 Inmortality: The quest to live forever and 127 Stephen Cave 2013 how it drives civilisation 2 128 Partanen 2014 Glimpses of individual learning 2

129 Jacques Rancière 2010 El maestro ignorante 2 Gregorio Luri 130 Medrano 2013 Por una educación republicana 2 131 Guevara 2005 Notas de viaje. Diario en motocicleta 1 132 Niess 2004 Che Guevara 1 133 Duch 2005 Gandhi espiritual 1 134 Gandhi 2008 Mahatma Gandhi Autobiografía 3 The Lady and the Peacock: The Life of 135 Peter Popham 2012 Aung San Suu Kyi 3



1 Anderson, Cristina 2006 The Winning Helix 2 ** 2 Bach, Richard 1970 Jonathan Livingston Seagull 1 ***

3 Belbin, Meredith R. 2010 Management Teams 2 * Bennis, Warren & Biederman, Patricia 4 Ward 1997 Organizing Genius 2 ** Biichel, Bettina & 5 Moss, Ivan 2007 Facilitating Groups to Drive Change 2 * Cohen, Don & In Good Company: How Social Capital 6 Prusak, Laurence 2001 Makes Organizations Work 3 * The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Cross, Rob & Donc 7 Parker Andrew 2004 in Organizations 3 * Project Team Dynamics - Enhancing Performance, Improving Results, Management 8 DiTullio, Lisa 2010 Concepts 3 * Team Talk: The Power of Language in 9 Donnellon, Anne 1996 Team Dynamics 2 ** The Firefly Effect - Build Teams That 10 Douglas, Kimberly 2009 Capture Creativity and Catapult Results 3 ** The Rise of Creative Class - And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and everyday 11 Florida, Richard 2002 Life 3 ** Hackman, Richard Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for 12 J. 2002 Great Performances 3 ** Democratic Education - A Beginning of a 13 Hecht, Yaacov 2010 Story 3 *** Think and Grow Rich! (The Original 14 Hill, Napoleon 2004 Version) 2 *** One From Many: Visa and Rise of 15 Hock, Dee 2005 Chaordic Organization 3 *** Tools for Team Excellence - Getting Your Team into High Gear and Keeping It 16 Huszczo, Gregory E 1996 There 2 ** 17 Isaacs, William 1993 Dialogue - The Art of Thinking Together 3 *** Sacred Hoops - Spiritual Lessons of a 18 Jackson, Phil 1995 Hardwood Warrior 2 ** Peak Performance - Aligning the Hearts 19 Katzenbach, Jon R. 2000 and Minds of Your Emplyees 3 *** Teams at the Top - Unleashing the Potential Both Teams and Individual 20 Katzenbach, Jon R. 1998 Leaders 3 ** Real Change Leaders - How You Can Katzenbach, Jon R. Create Growth and High 21 & The RCL Team 1995 Performance at Your Company 3 ***

Katzenbach, Jon R. 22 & Smith, Douglas K. 2001 The Discipline of Teams 2 ***

Katzenbach, Jon R. The Wisdom of Teams - Creating the 23 & Smith, Douglas K. 1992 High-Performance Organization 2 ** Superconnect - How the Best Koch, Richard & Connections in Business and Life Are the 24 Lockwood, Greg 2010 Ones You Least Expect 3 ** Koskinen, Kaj U. & Knowledge Management in Project- 25 Pihlanto, Pekka 2008 Based Companies 2 ** Making It Happen - A Non-Technical 26 Kyle, Mackenzie 1998 Guide to Project Management 2 * Leigh, Andrew & Leading Your Team - How to Involve and 27 Maynard, Michael 1997 Inspire Teams 2 * 28 Levi, Daniel 2007 Group Dynamics for Teams 3 ** Lipman-Blumen, Hot Groups - Seeding Them, Feeding Jean & Leavitt, Them, andUsing Them Ignite Your 29 Harold J. 1999 Organization 3 *** The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork - Embrace Them and 30 Maxwell, John C. 2007 Empower Your Team 3 *** The Human Web - A Bird's Eye View of McNeill, J.R. & World 31 McNeill, William H. 2003 History 3 **

32 Miller, Douglas 2011 Brilliant Teams 2 * 33 Morgan, Mario 1994 Mutant Message Down Under 1 ** Orsburn, Jack D. & The New Self-directed Work - Mastering 34 Moran, Linda 1999 the Challenge Teams 3 * Team Players and Teamwork - New Strategies for Developing Successful Collaboration (Completely Updated and 35 Parker, Glenn M. 2008 Revised) 2 ** Phillips, Christopher: 36 Socrates Café 2001 A Fresh Taste of Philosophy 2 **

Pinto, Jeffrey K. & Successful Project Managers: leading 37 Kharbanda, 0.P. 1995 Your Team to Success 3 ***

Ray, Darrell & Teaming Up - Making the Transition to a 38 Bronstein, Howard 1994 Self-Directed Team-Based Organization 2 ** Harvard Business School Press The Results-Driven Manager Series: 39 (Author) 2004 Teams That Click 1 * The Winner Within - A Life Plan For 40 Riley, Pat 1993 Team Players 3 *** 41 Roberts, Wess 1989 Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun 1 * 42 Screen, J.E.O 2001 Mannerheim - The Finnish Years 3 * Visual Teams - Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation & High 43 Sibbet, David 2011 Performance 3 *** Grown Up Digital - How the Net 44 Tapscott, Don 2008 Generation is Changing Your World 3 *** 45 Tartt, Donna 1992 The Secret History 2 ** Wenger, Etienne & Mcdermott, Richard & Snyder, William Cultivating Communities of Practise - A 46 M. 2002 Guide to Managing Knowledge 3 *** Creating Effective Teams - Why They 47 Wheelan, Susan, A. 1999 Succeed or Fail 1 ** Forbidden Agendas - Strategic Action in 48 Williams, Anthony 1991 Groups 2 * Creating a World Without Poverty - Social 49 Yunus, Muhammad 2008 Business and the Future of Capitalism 3 ** Harvard Business review on Teams that 50 HBR 2004 Succed 2 51 Khoi Tu 2012 Superteams 2


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS 1 Allee, Verna 2002 The Future of Knowledge 3 ** The Long Tail - Why the Future of 2 Anderson, Chris 2006 Business is Selling Less of More 2 ** It's Not How Good You Are, It's How 3 Arden, Paul 2003 Good You Want to Be 1 ** Arizmendiarrieta, 4 Jose Maria Don 2000 Reflections 2 ** Googled - The End of the World As We 5 Auletta, Ken 2010 Know It 3 * The Corporation - The Pathological 6 Bakan, Joel 2004 Pursuit of Profit and Power 2 * Bichhard, Erik & Positively Responsible - How Business 7 Cooper, Gary L. 2008 Can Save the Planet, 3 * Boot, Richard & Lawrence, Jean & 8 Morris, John 1994 Managing the Unknown, 2 ** One Click - and the Rise of 9 Brandt, Richard L. 2011 .com 1 * Business Stripped Bare - Adventures of a 10 Branson, Richard 2008 Global Entrepreneur 3 ** Fail Better! - Stumbling to Success in 11 Brown, Stephen 2008 Sales & marketing 2 * Entrepreneurship and small business - 12 Burns, Paul 2011 Start-up, Growth and Maturity 3 ** Canfield, Jack & 13 Hansen, Mark 1995 The Aladdin Factor 2 * Outsmart - How to Do What Your 14 Champy, Jim 2008 Competitors Can't 2 * Choi, David Y. & Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and 15 Gray, Edmund R. 2011 Their Companies 3 *** Let My People Go Surfing - The 16 Chouinard, Yvon 2006 Education of Reluctant Businessman 3 *** How The Mighty Fall - And Why Some 17 Collins, Jim 2009 Companies Never Give In, 2 * Collins, Jim & Built to Last - Successful Habits of 18 Porras, Jerry I. 2004 Visionary Companies 2 *** Great by Choice - Uncertainty, Chaos, Collins, Jim & and Luck -Why 19 Hansen, Morten T. 2011 Some Thrive Despite Them All 2 * 20 Corrigan, Jim 2008 Business Leaders - Steve Jobs 1 * Business the Rubert Murdoch Way - 10 Secrets of The World's Greatest Deal 21 Crainer, Stuart 2007 Maker 2 * Chikszentmihalyi, Good Business - Leadership, Flow, and 22 Mihaly 2003 the Making of Meaning, 2 *** The Living Company - Habits for Survival 23 deGeus, Arie 1997 in Turbulent Business Environment, 2 *** My Life and Work - An Autobiography of 24 Ford, Henry 2009 Henry Ford, 2 ** Friedman, Thomas 25 L. 2006 The world is flat 3 * Who Says Elephants Can't Dance`? - 26 Gestncr, Louis V. Jr 2008 How I Turned Around IBM? 3 * The Big Moo - Stop Trying to Be Perfect 27 Godin, Seth 2005 and Start Being Remarkable 1 * Goossen, Richard Entrepreneurial Excellence - Profit From 28 J. 2007 Best Idea of the Experts 3 *** eprencur: From Wall Street to Wiki - Goossen, Richard Succeeding as a Crowdpreneur in the 29 J. 2008 New Virtual Marketplace 3 ** Bangalore Tiger - How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of 30 Hamm, Steve 2006 Global Competition 3 * Delivering Happiness - A Path to Profits, 31 Hsieh, Tony 2010 Passion, and Purpose 3 ** 32 Iacocca, Lee 1985 Iacocca - An Autobiography 1 * 33 Isaacson, Walter 2005 Steve Jobs, Simon & Schuster 3 *** The Play Ethic - A Manifesto for A 34 Kane, Pat 2004 Different Way of Living 3 ** Kiyosaki, Robert T. & Lechter, Sharon The Business School for People Who 35 L. 2006 Like Helping People 2 ** 36 Kotter, John P. 2006 Matsushita Leadership, 2 ** 37 Kroc, Ray 1992 Grinding It Out, 2 * Ben & Jerry's The Inside Scoop - How Two Real Guys Built a Business With a Social Conscience and a Sense of 38 Lager, Fred 1994 Humor 2 * The Dynasties, Fortunes and Misfortunes 39 Landes, David S. 2007 of the World's Great Family Businesses 3 * Li, Charlene & Groundswell - Winning in a World 40 Bernoff, Josh 2008 Transformed by Social Technologies 3 ** 41 Lievegoed, Bernard 1973 The Developing Organization 2 ** 42 Liker, Jeffrey K. 2003 The Toyota Way 3 ** Lundin, Stephen C. & Paul, Harry & Fish! - A Remarkable Way to Boost 43 Chiristensen, John 2000 Morale and Improve Results 2 ** Bill & Dave - How Hewlett and Packard 44 Malone, Michael S. 2007 Built the World's Greatest Company 3 ** Martin, Frank & Social Enterprise - Developing 45 Thompson, Marcus 2010 Sustainable Businesses 3 ** The Breakthrough Company - How Everyday Companies Become 46 McFarland, Keith R. 2008 Extraordinary Performers 3 ** Starting Up - Achieving Success With McKinsey & Professional Business Planning, 47 Company 1998 McKinsey & Company 2 * The 2020 Workplace - How innovative Meister, Jeanne C. Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep 48 & Willeryd, Carie 2010 Tomorrow's Employees Today 3 ** Micklethwait, John & Wooldridge, The Company - A Short History of a 49 Adrian 2003 Revolutionary Idea 2 * Rebel Code - Linux and the Open Source 50 Moody, Glyn 2001 Revolution 2 * Morita, Akio & Reingold M. & Shimomura, 51 Mitsuko 1994 Made in Japan - Akio Morita and Sony 2 ** 52 MyCoskie, Blake 2011 Start Something That Matters 2 *** 53 Norberg, Johan 2003 In Defense of Global Capitalism 2 * The HP Way - How Bill and I built Our 54 Packard, David 2005 Company 2 ** How to Be an Entrepreneur - The Six 55 Parks, Steve 2006 Secrets of Self-made Success 2 ** Re-imagine! - Business Excellence in a 56 Peters, Tom 2003 Disruptive Age 3 ** Reinventing Work - The Professional 57 Peters, Tom 2001 Service Firm 50 2 ** 58 Peters, Tom 2000 Reinventing Work - The Project 50, 2 ** Zen and the Art of Motorcycle 59 Pirsig, Robert M. 1974 Maintenance - An Inquiry into Values, 3 *** SocialCorp - Social Media Goes 60 Postman, Joel 2009 Corporate 2 * Prahalad, C.K. & Ramaswamy, The Future of Competition - Co-creating 61 Venkat 2003 Unique Value with Customer 3 *** Read, Stuart & Sarasvathy, Saras & Dew, Nick & Wiltrank, Robert & Ohlsson, Anne- 62 Valerie 2011 Effectual Entrepreneurship 2 * The Modern Firm - Organizational Design 63 Roberts, John 2004 for Performance and Growth 3 ** 64 Roddick, Anita 2001 Business as Unusual 3 *** The Halo Effect...and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive 65 Rosenweig, Phil 2007 Managers 2 * Jeff Bezos - Business Executive and 66 Ryan, Bernard Jr. 2005 Founder of 1 * Senge, Peter & Smith, Bryan & The Necessary Revolution - How Kruschwitz, Nina & Individuals and Organizations Are Laur, Joe & Schley, Working Together to Create a 67 Sara 2010 Sustainable World 3 ** 68 Sennett, Richard 2006 The Culture of the New Capitalism 2 * Slywotzky, Adrian J. Profit Zone - How Strategic Business & Morrison, David Design Will Lead You to Tomorrow's 69 J. 2002 Profits 3 ** Sobel Lojeski, Uniting the Virtual Workforce - Karen & Reilly, Transforming Leadership and Innovation 70 Richard R. 2008 in the Globally Integrated Enterprise 2 * - Get Big Fast - Inside the Revolutionary Business Model that 71 Spector, Robert 2000 Changed the World 2 ** The Nordstrom Way - The Inside Story of Spector, Robert & America's no 1 Customer Service 72 McCarthy, Patric D. 1996 Company 2 * Intellectual capital - The New Wealth of 73 Stewart, Thomas A. 1997 Organizations 3 ** Intellectual capital - The New Wealth of 74 Stone, Irving 1961 Organizations 2 *** Click - What Millions of People Are Doing 75 Tancer, Bill 2008 Online and Why It Matters 2 * 76 Thomas, Bob 1994 Walt Disney - An American Original 3 ** 77 Torekull, Bertil 1999 Leading by Design - The Ikea Story 3 ** 78 Trump, Donald J. 2004 How to Get Rich, 1 * Turner, Ted & 79 Burke, Bill 2008 Call Me Ted - My life, My way 3 * Business Orchestration - Strategic Leadership in the Era of Digital 80 Wallin, Johan 2006 Convergence 2 ** Wang, Yuan & Sheng Zhang, Xin & China - Business Culture -Strategies for 81 Goodfellow, Rob 2008 Success 3 * Million Dollar consulting - The Professional's Guide to Growing a 82 Weiss, Alan 2003 Practice 3 ** Wilkinson, Richard The Spirit Level - Why Greater Equality 83 & Pickett, Kate 2009 Makes Societies Stronger 3 ** Unstoppable - Finding Hidden Assets to Renew the Core and Fuel Profitable 84 Zook, Chris 2007 Growth, 2 * Zook, Chris & Allen, Profit from Core - Growth Strategy in an 85 James 2001 Era of Turbulence 2 * 86 Ashlee Vance 2016 Ellon Musk 3 ** 87 Nueno 2008 Cartas a un joven emprendedor 1 88 Fernández Aguado 2009 1010 consejos para emprender 1 Empresarios singulares – Cuatro 89 Irizar 2003 testimonios, una Experiencia Cooperativa 1 90 Bridges 1998 Creating You & Co. 2 91 Branson 2009 Screw It, Let's Do It 2 Harvard Business 92 Essentials 2006 Como crear una empresa exitosa 2 93 Dell 2006 Direct from Dell 2 94 Kawasaki 2004 The art of the start 2 95 Nueno 2010 Emprendiendo hacia el 2020 2 96 Stone 1996 The Agony and the Ecstasy 3 97 Trias de BES 2007 El libro negro del emprendedor 1 98 Subroto Baghi 2008 High Performance Entrepeneur 2 99 Eric Ries 2011 The Lean startup 2 100 Anderson 2014 Makers: the new industrial revolution 2 101 Anxo Perez 2014 Los 88 peldaños del éxito 1 Leopoldo 102 Fernandez Pujals 2014 Apunta a las estrellas y llegaras a la luna 2 The cult of amateur: How blogs, My Space, Youtube and the rest of today's user-generated media are killing our 103 Andrew Keen 2008 culture and economy 2 104 Andrew Keen 2015 Internet is not the answer 2 Stealth of Nations: The global rise of the 105 Robert Neuwirth 2012 informal economy 2 Backroom Boys: The secret return of the 106 Francis Spufford 2004 British Boffin 2 The entrepeneurial state: Debunking 107 Mariana Mazzucato 2013 public vs private sector myths 2 The discipline of entrepeneurship: 24 108 Bill Aulet 2013 steps to a succesfull startup 2 109 Hans Ulrich Obrist 2015 Ways of curating 2 110 Marina 1995 Ética para náufragos 1 111 Aramburu & Rivera 2010 Organización de empresas 1 Lo que dicen y no dicen los estados 112 Perez-Carballo 1987 financieros 2 Manual de constitución y funcionamiento 113 Bosch 2005 de las coops 2 114 Robert Kiosaki 2015 Padre Rico padre pobre 2


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS Winnie the Pooh on Managament- In Which a very important Bear an His 1994 1 * Friends are introduced to a Vaery 1 Allen, Roger E. Important Subject Winnie the Pooh on Problem Solving - In Allen, Roger E. and 1995 which Pooh, Piglet and Friends Explore 1 * 2 Stephen D Allen How to Solve Problems so You Can Too The progress Principle - Using Small Amabile, Teresa & 2011 Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement and 2 *** 3 Kramer, Steven Creativity

4 Axsom, David A.J. 2010 The Management Mythbuster 3 ** Questions of Character - Illuninating the Badaracco, Joseph 2006 2 ** 5 I. Jr. heart of leadership Through Litereature

Bennis, Warren & Speitzer, Gretchen 2001 The Future of Leadership 3 *** M. & Cummings, 6 Thomas Bennis, Warren & How era, Values and Defining Moments 2002 2 *** 7 Thomas, robert J. Shape Leaders 8 Berkun, Scott 2005 The Art of Project management 3 ** Leadership the Sven Göran Eriksson Birkinshaw, Julian & 2002 2 * 9 Crainer, Stuart Way Moving from Project Management to 2010 3 ** 10 Bull R. Camper Project Leadership The Future of Leadership Developement 2011 - corporateNeeds and the Role of 3 ** 11 Canals, Jordi Business Schools Carnagie, Dale & The Leaders in You - How to Win Levine, Stuart & 1994 Friends, Influence People and Succed in 1 ** 12 Crom, Michel A a Changing World

13 Choprah Deepak 2010 The Soul of ledership 2 ** Clausewitz, Carl 1976 On War 3 ** 14 von Conger, Jay A. & The Practice of Leadership - Developing 2006 3 * 15 Riggio, Ronald E. the Next Generation of Leaders 16 Covey, Stephen 1994 First Things First 3 * The New Corporate Culture - Revitalizing Deal, Terence and 2000 the Workplace After Downsizing Mergers 1 ** 17 Kennedy, Allen A. and Re-engineering Doz, Yves & Fast Strategy - How Strategic Agility Will 2008 3 * 18 Kosonen, Mikko help You Stay ahead of the Game The Essential Drucker - In One Volume 2001 the Best of sixty Years of Peter Drucker's 3 *** 19 Drucker, Peter F. Essential Writings on Management Management challenges for the 21st 1999 2 ** 20 Drucker, Peter F. century 21 Drucker, Peter F. 1990 Managing the Non-Profit Organization 2 *** Drucker, Peter F.& The Daily Drucker-365 days of Insight maciarello, Joseph 2004 and Motivations for Getting the Right 3 *** 22 A. Things Done Ellis, Jonathan & The Seven Deadly Sins of Management: 1 ** 23 Tissen, Rene 2003 The Good Manager's Handbook,

Forsberg, Kevin & Visualizing Project Management -Models Mooz, Hal, 2005 and Frameworks for Mastering Complex 3 ** 24 Cotterman, Howard Systems The Power of Corporate Kinetics - Create Fradette, Michael & 1998 the Self-Adapting, Self-Renewing Instant- 2 *** 25 Michaud, Steve Action Enterprise See Jane Lead - 99 Ways for Women to 2007 2 ** 26 Frankel, Lois P. Take Charge at Work Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom - How Fraser, Mathew & 2008 Online Social Networking Will Transform 2 ** 27 Dutta, Soumitra Your Life, Work and Word The Girl's Guide to Being a Boss - Valuable Lessons, Smart Suggestions, 2006 2 * Friedman, Caitlin & and True Stories for Succeeding as the 28 Kimberly, Yorio Chick-in-Charge The Leadership Advantage - How the Best Companies Are Developing Their 2007 3 ** Fulmer, Robert M. Talent to Pave the Way for Future 29 & Bleak, Jared L. Success Gadman, Leslie & 2009 Open Source Leadership 2 ** 30 Cooper, Cary 2001 21st Century Manager 2 ** 31 Gardiner, Gareth S. 32 Gardner, Howard 2004 Changing Minds 3 * Leading Minds-An Anatomy of 1995 3 *** 33 Gardner, Howard Leadership Giuliani, Rudolph 2002 Leadership, Hyperion 2 * 34 W. Management Masterclass - A Practical 1998 2 ** 35 Glass, Neill Guide to the New Realities of Business Primal Leadership - Realizing the Power 2002 3 ** 36 Goleman, Daniel of Emotional Intelligence Servant Leadership - A Journey into the Greenleaf, Robert 2002 Nature of Legitimate Power and 3 ** 37 K. Greatness, Halpern, Belle Leadership Presence - Dramatic Linda & Lubar, 2003 Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate, and 2 *** 38 Kathy Inspire 39 Hamel, Gary 2007 The Future of Management 3 ***

Haslam, Alexander The New Psychology of Leadership - S. & Reicher, 2011 3 *** Stephen D. & Identity, Influence and Power 40 Platow, Michael J. Virtuous Leadership - An Agenda for Havard, Alexandre 2007 2 ** 41 Personal Excellence 42 Heider, John 1985 Heider, John: The Tao of Leadership 1 ** Competing in the Third Wave - The Ten Hope, Jeremy & 1997 Key Management Issues of the 2 *** 43 Hope, Tony Information Age 44 Hybels, Bill 2008 Axiom - Powerful Leadership Proverbs 3 ** Synchronicity - The Inner Path of 1996 2 * 45 Jaworski, Josef Leadership, Classic

Karliöf, Bengt & Helin LOvingsson, 2007 ReOrganization 2 ** 46 Fredrik Kaser, Linda & 2009 Leadership Mindsets 2 ** 47 Halpert, Judy The Leader on the Couch - A Clinical Kets dc Vries, 2006 Approach to Changing People & 3 *** 48 Manfred Organisations, Kets dc Vries, The Leadership Mystique - Leading 2006 3 *** 49 Manfred Behaviour in the Human Enterprise Kets dc Vries, Manfred, & Korotov, Coach on Couch - The Psychology of Konstantin & 2007 2 * Making Better Leaders, Florent-Trcacy, 50 Elisabeth Blue Ocean Strategy - How to Create Kim, W. Chan & 2005 2 ** 51 Mauborgne, Renee Uncontested Market Space and Make Hostage at the Table - How Leaders Can 2006 Overcome Conflict, Influence Others, and 3 ** 52 Kohlrieser, George Raise Performance 53 Kotter, John P 1996 Leading Change, Classic 2 **

Kotter, John P. & 2006 Our Iceberg is Melting - Changing and 1 ** 54 Rathgcbcr, Holger Succeeding Under Any Conditions Credibility - How Leaders Gain and Lose Kouzes, James M. 1993 2 ** 55 & Posner, Barry Z It, Why People Demand It, Classic The Leadership Challenge - How to Keep Kouzes, James M. 1995 Getting Extraordinary Things Done in 3 *** 56 & Posner, Barry Z Organizations, Classic 2004 Be-Know-Do, Leadership the Army Way 2 ** 57 Frances Hasselbein Liker, Jeffrey K. & 20112 Toyota Way to Lean Leadership 3 ** 58 Convis, Gary L Ludeman, Kate & 2006 Alpha Male Syndrome 2 * 59 Erlandson, Eddie Understanding Michael Porter - The 2012 Essential Guide to Competition and 2 * 60 Magretta, Joan Strategy, What Management is: How It Works and 2003 Why It's Everyone's Business, Profile 2 * 61 Magretta, Joan Books 2003, 2 p. Managing Performing Living - Effective 2009 2 *** 62 Malik, Fredmund Management for a New Era, Classic The Swordless Samurai - Leadership 2007 Wisdom of Japan's Sixteenth-Century 2 ** 63 Masao, Kitami Legend Toytomi Hideyoshi Maslow, Abraham Maslow on Management, John Wiley & 1-1. & Stephens, 1998 3 ** Deborah C. & Heil, Sons, Classic 64 Gary Attitude 101 - What Every leader Needs 2003 1 ** 65 Maxwell, John C. to Know The 360 Leader - Developing Your 2006 Influence from Anywhere in the 3 *** 66 Maxwell, John C. Organization Leadership 101 - What Every Leader 2002 1 ** 67 Maxwell, John C. Needs to Know The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - 2007 3 *** 68 Maxwell, John C. Follow Them and People Will Follow You, The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a 2000 Leader's Day - Revitalize Your Spirit and 3 *** 69 Maxwell, John C. Empower Your Leadership, Classic Leadership Gold - Lessons I've learned 2008 3 ** 70 Maxwell, John C. from a Lifetime of Leading

Mintzbcrg, Henry & Strategy Safari - A Guided Tour Ahlstrand, Bruce & 2005 Through the Wilds of Strategic 2 * 71 Lampel, Joseph Management, Classic Smart Thinking for Crazy Times - The Art 1998 of Solving the Right Problems New 2 ** 72 Mitroff, Ian (Classic) 73 Morgan, Gareth 1986 Images of Organization, Classic 3 *** Montgomery, Cynthia A. The Strategist - Montgomery, 2012 Be the Leader Your Business Needs, 2 ** 74 Cynthia A. New A Higher Standard of Leadership - 1994 2 ** 75 Nair, Keshavan Lessons from the Life of Gandhi, Classic Neilson, Gary L. & Results - Keep What's Good, Fix What's Pasternack, Bruce 2006 3 * Wrong, and Unlock Great Performance 76 A. The Servant Leader - Unleashing the 2005 2 ** 77 Neuschel, Robert B. Power of Your People, The Knowledge Activist's Handbook - 2003 2 * 78 Newman, Victor Adventures from Knowledge Trenches, Introduction to Leadership - Concepts 2009 2 * 79 Northouse, Peter G. and Practice, Hidden Value - How Great Companies O'Reilly III, Charles 2000 Achieve Extraordinary Results with 3 *** 80 & Pfeiffer, Jeffrey Ordinary People, 81 Orr, Alan 2007 Advanced Project Management, New 2 * The Death of Modern Management - How 2009 3 *** 82 Owen, Jo to Lead in the New World Disorder, Liberation Management - Necessary 1992 Disorganization for Nanosecond Nineties, 3 ** 83 Peters, Tom Classic Thriving on Chaos - Handbook for a 1987 Management Revolution, (New text) 3 ** 84 Peters, Tom Classic Peters, Thomas J. & Waterman, Rober 1982 In Search of Excellence - Lessons from 3 *** 85 H. America's Best-Run Companies, Classic Rath, Tom & Rath, Tom & Conchie, Barry: Strengths 2008 2 * 86 Conchie, Based Leadership, Ridderstrahle, Re-energizing the Corporation - How Jonas & Wilcox, 2008 3 ** Leaders Make Change Happen 87 Mark 88 Schein, Edgar 2009 The Corporate Culture Survival Guide 2 ** Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2004 3 ** 89 Schein, Edgar Classic The Dance of Change - The Challenges 1999 to Sustaining Momentum in Learning 3 *** 90 Senge, Peter Organizations, Bargaining for Advantage - Negotiation 2006 Strategies for Reasonable People, 3 ** 91 Shell, Richard G Classic The Leadership Wheel - Five Steps for 2005 Achieving Individual and Organizational 3 ** 92 Sidle, Clinton C. Greatness The Naked Leader - The True Paths to 2002 2 ** 93 Taylor, David Success are Finally Revealed More Than a Motorcycle - The Teerlink, Rich & 2000 Leadership Journey at Harley-Davidson, 2 ** 94 Ozley, Lee Classic Tsunemoto, Yamamoto 2002 The Book of Samurai 2 * 95 Hagakure 96 Ulrich, Dave 1996 Human Resource Champions, Classic 3 * Welch, Jack & 2001 3 * 97 Byrne, John A. Jack - Straight from the Gut Welch, Jack & 2005 Winning 2 ** 98 Welch, Suzy Wheatley, Margaret Leadership and the New Science - 2006 2 *** 99 J. Discovering Order in a Chaotic World How to Be Profitable and Moral - A 2012 3 ** 100 Woiceshyn, Jaana Rational Egoist Approach to Business 101 Tovainen Heikki 2015 The friendleadership book 2 *** 102 Gutiérrez & Bernal 2002 La culpa es de la vaca 1 103 Hunter 1999 La Paradoja 1 104 Cubeiro & Gallardo 2010 Liderazgo Guardiola 2 105 Saratxaga 2007 Harreman-estilo berri bat 2 106 Drucker 2006 DruckerThe Effective Executive 2 107 Carlin 2008 El factor humano 2 108 HBR 2004 Leadership in a Changed World 2 Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & 109 Lampel, 1999 Safari a la estrategia 2 110 Lowney 2006 El liderazgo al estilo de los jesuitas 2 Start with Why: How Great Leaders

111 Simon Sinek 2011 Inspire Everyone to Take Action 2 112 Ghandi 1980 All man are brothers 2 113 Cancelo 2010 La visión de Cancelo 3 Sánchez y

114 Cantarero 2008 MBA del Siglo XXI 3 115 Vicere & Fulmer 1998 Leadership by Design 3 Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente

116 Covey 1997 efectiva 3 117 Eckhart Tolle 2011 The power of now 2 Napoleon Hill & Success Through a Positive Mental

118 Clement Stone 1997 Attitude 2 119 Daniel Goleman 2004 Emotional Intelligence 3 120 Dave Gray 2014 Connected Company 2 121 Alex Aranzabal 2015 El modelo Eibar 1


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS Dembkowski, The Seven Steps of Effective Executive 1 Eldridge, Hunter 2006 Coaching 2 * Effective coaching - Lessons from the 2 Downey 2003 coach's coach 3 *** 3 Flatherty 2010 Coaching - Evoking Excellence in other 3 ** 4 Hargrove 2008 Masterful Coaching 3 ** 5 Hawkins 2012 Creating a coaching culture 3 * Leadership team coaching - developing 6 Hawkins 2011 collective trasformational leaders 2 *** Leimon, Moscovici, 7 McMahon 2005 Essential Business Coaching 2 ** 8 Partanen 2012 The teamcoaches best tools 2 ** Drive - The surpricing truth about what 9 Pink 2010 motivates us 2 ** The evidence based coaching handbook - putting best practices to work for your 10 Stober, Grant 2006 client 3 ** Learning at work - Excellent practice from 11 Taylor, Furnham 2005 best theory 3 *** Coaching competencies and corporate 12 Weiss, Kolberg 2003 leadership 2 **


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS 1 Aaker 1995 Building strong brands 3 ** Aaker, Brand leadership - The next level of the 2 Joachimsthaler 2000 brand revolution 3 ** Brand Digital - Simple ways top brands 3 Adamson 2008 succeed in digital world 2 ** Brand new justice: The upside of global 4 Anholt 2003 branding 2 * Friends with benefit - a social media 5 Barefoot, Szabo 2010 marketing handbook 2 ** Simply better - Winning and keeping customers by delivering what matters 6 Barwise, Meehan 2004 most 2 * How I raised myself from failure to 7 Bettger 2004 success to selling 2 ** Commonsense direct and digital 8 Bird 2007 marketing 3 ** Satisfied customers tell three friends, 9 Blackshaw 2008 angry customers tell 3000 2 * A very short, fairly interesting book about 10 Blythe 2006 studying marketing 2 ** PR 2.0 - New media, new tools, new 11 Breakenridge 2008 audiences 3 ** de Chernatony, 12 McDonald, Wallace 2011 Creating powerful brands 3 ** Twitter Power - How to dominate your 13 Comm 2009 market one tweet at a time 3 ** 14 Crane 2010 Marketing for entrepreneurs 2 ** 15 Dann, Dann 2011 E-marketing, Theory and application 3 ** 16 Eades 2003 The new solution selling 3 * 17 Earls 2009 Herd, John Wiley & Sons 3 *** Creating passion brands - How to build emotional brand connections with 18 Edwards, Day 2007 customers? 2 * 19 Evans 2008 Social media marketing - an hour a day 3 ** 20 Fisk 2009 Customer Genius 3 ** How to become rainmaker - The rules for getting and keeping customers and 21 Fox 2000 clients 1 ** 4D Branding - Cracking the corporate 22 Gad 2000 code of network economy 2 *** The tipping point - How little things can 23 Gladwell 2000 make a big difference 2 ** 24 Gilmore, Pine 2007 Authenticity - What customers really want 3 * 25 Gitomer 2003 The sales bibble 3 ** All marketers are liars - The underground classic that explains how marketing really works and why authenticity is the best 26 Godin 2009 marketing of all 2 ** 27 Godin 2008 Tribes - We need you to lead us 2 ** 28 Grant 2007 The green marketing manifesto 3 *** Service Management and Marketing - Customer management in service 29 Grönroos 2007 competition 3 ** 30 Gummersson 2002 Total relationship marketing 3 *** Inbound Marketing - Get found using 31 Halligan, Shah 2010 google, social media and blogs 3 *** Dream job -Sport publicity, promotion and 32 Helitzer 1999 marketing 3 * Emotionmics - Leveraging Emotions for 33 Hill 2010 business success 3 * 34 Hollins 2010 The global brand 2 ** Event marketing - How successfully promote events, festivalsm conventions 35 Hoyle 2002 and expositions 2 ** Living brand - How transform every member of your organization into brand 36 Ind 2001 champion *** Karlöf, Lundgren, Benchlearning - Good examples as a 37 Edenfeldt 2001 lever for development 2 ** Enchantment - How to woo, influence 38 Kawasaki 2011 and persuade 3 *** We first - How brands & customers use 39 Mainwaring 2011 social media to build a better world 3 * Marketing insights from A-Z - 80 40 Kotler 2003 concepts every manager needs to know 2 ** Kotler, Kartajaya, Marketing 3.0. - From products to 41 Setiawan 2010 customersnto the human spirit 2 ** Social marketing - Influencing behaviours 42 Kotler, Lee 2008 for good 3 ** 43 Kotler, Pfoertsch 2006 B2B Brand Management 3 ** 44 Kunde 2002 Unique now... or never ** 45 Kunde 2000 Corporate Religion 2 *** Brand Rejuvenation: How to promote, strengthen and add value to your brand 46 Lehu 2008 to prevent it from aging 3 * Guerilla marketing - Easy and inexpensive strategies for marketing big 47 Levinson 2007 profits from your small business 3 ** Levinson, Adkins, 48 Forbes 2010 Guerilla marketing for nonprofits 2 * 49 Levinson, Horowitz 2010 Guerilla marketing goes green 2 * Levinson, 50 Lautenslager 2009 Guerilla marketing in 30 days 2 ** Levinson, Maverson, 51 Scarborough 2008 Guerilla marketing on the internet 2 ** The entertainment marketing revolution - Bringing moguls, the media and magic to 52 Liberman 2002 the world 3 ** Brand sence - How to build powerful brands through touch, taste, smell, sight 53 Lindstorm 2005 and soung 2 * Reputation Marketing - Building and sustaining your organization's greatest 54 Marconi 2001 asset 2 * McDonald,Martin, Creating company for customers - How to 55 Knox, Payne 2001 build and lead market-driven organization 3 *** 56 Misiura 2005 Heritage Marketing 3 * The opean brand - When push comes to 57 Mooney, Rollins 2008 pull in web-made world 2 * 58 Moore 2002 Crossing the chasm 3 *** Eating the big fish - How challenge brands can compete against brand 59 Morgan 2009 leaders 3 ** The customer differential - The complete guide to implementing customer 60 Nykamp 2001 relationship management 2 ** 61 Ogilvy 2004 Confessions of an advertising man 2 ** Entreprise one to one - Tools for 62 Peppers, Rogers 1996 competing in the interactive age currency 3 ** A passion for excellence - The leadership 63 Peters, Austin 1989 difference 2 ** Marketing without advertising - Easy ways to build a business your customers 64 Phillips, Rasberry 2008 will love and recommend 3 ** The experince economy - Work is theatre 65 Pine, Gilmore 1999 & every business is a stage 3 *** 66 Prince 2010 Get rich with twitter 2 ** Crowning the customer - How to become 67 Quinn 1992 customer-driven 2 *** 68 Raphael, Raphael 1995 Up the loyalty ladder 2 ** Robinson, Customer loyalty - A guide for time 69 Etherington 2006 travellers 3 ** Focus - The future of your company 70 Ries 1996 depends on it 3 *** 71 Ries, Trout 2001 Positioning - The battle for your mind 2 ** 72 Roddick 1991 Body and soul 2 *** The social media bible - Tactics, tools 73 Safko, Brake 2009 and strategies for business 3 ** Naked Conversations - How blogs are changing the way business talk with 74 Scoble, Israel 2006 customers 3 ** The new rules of marketing and PR - How to use social media, blogs, news releases, online video and viral marketing 75 Scott 2010 to reach buyers directly 3 ** Customers for Life - How to turn that one- 76 Sewell, Brown 1990 time buyer into lifetime customer 2 * The secrects of word-of-mouth marketing - How to trigger expontential sales 77 Silverman 2001 through runaway word of mouth 2 ** Experomental marketing - A practical 78 Smilansky 2010 guide to interactive brand experiences 3 * The nordstrom way to customer service excellence - A handbook for implementing great service in your 79 Spector, McCarthy 2005 organization 2 ** Ice to eskimos - How to market a product 80 Spoelstra 1997 nobody wants 2 ** Perfect Pitch - The art of selling ideas 81 Steel 2006 and winning new business 2 * Unmarketing - Stop marketing, stop 82 Stratten 2012 engaging 2 * 83 Tasca 1996 You will be satisfied 2 *** Advanced selling strategies - The proven system of sales ideas, methods and 84 Tracy 1995 techiques used by top salespeople 3 ** Differentiate or Die - Survival in our era of 85 Trout 2008 killer competition 2 ** 86 Turner, Shah 2011 How to make money with social media 3 ** Advertising 2.0. - Social media marketing 87 Tuten 2008 in a web 2.0 world 3 ** 88 Underhill 2008 Why we buy - The science of shopping 3 * Market-driven management - Using the new marketing comcept to create a 89 Webster 1994 customer-oriented company 3 ** The new community rules - Marketing on 90 Weinberg 2009 the social web 3 ** Hands-on social marketing - A step-by- 91 Weinreich 2011 step guide to designing change for good 3 * How custmers think - Essential insights 92 Zaltman 2003 into the mind of market 3 ** Spencer/Wilson,Lar 93 ry Johnson 2011 El vendedor al minuto 1 ** 94 Kawasaki 1999 Rules for Revolutionaries 1 95 Wiersema 1998 Customer Intimacy 2 Marketing Relacional: Como obtener 96 Alet 2000 clientes rentables y leales 2 97 Saez de Vicuña 2006 El plan de marketing en la práctica. 3 #Social Holic: todo lo que necesitas Fernando y Jose saber sobre marketing en medios 98 Luis POLO 2012 sociales 1 99 Santiago Rodriguez 2009 Creatividad en Marketing Directo 3 El arte de cerrar la venta --- The art of 100 Brian Tracy 2007 closing the sale 2 Zig Ziglar Ventas: El Manual Definitivo 101 Zig Ziglar 2011 Para el Vendedor Profesional 2 102 Seth Govin 2012 La vaca purpura 1 Todos somos vendedores: Vender es un 103 Jose Manuel Vega 2012 arte al alcance de cualquiera 1 104 Anderson 2008 Free The future of radical price 2


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS Leadership for innovation: how to organize team creativity and harvest 1 Adair, Jhon 2007 ideas 2 * Andrew, James P. Payback reaping teh rewards of 2 & Sirkin, Harold L. 2006 innovation 3 * The social Factor. Innovate, ignite and win through mass collaboration and 3 Azua, Maria 2010 social networking 2 * Back, Anrea & Krogh, Georg & Scufert, Andreas & Getting real about knowledge networks - 4 Enkel, Ellen 2006 unlocking corporate knowledge assets. 3 ** 5 Bohm, David 1994 Thought as a system 3 ** Wide angle vision: beat your competition by focusing on fringe competitors and 6 Burkan, Wayne 1994 rogue employees 3 ** 7 Cameron, Julia 2002 The artist's way 1 * Christensen, The innovator's dilemma. When new 8 Clayton M. 1997 technologies cause great firms to fall 3 *** Christensen, Clayton M. & 9 Raynor, Michael E. 2003 The innovator's solution 3 * Good to great - Why some companies 10 Collins, Jim 2001 make teh leap and other don't 3 ** Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity - Flow and the psychology of 11 Mihaly 1996 discovery and invention 3 ** Six thinking hats - an essential approach 12 de Bono, Edward 1985 to business management 1 * Denning, Peter J. & The innovator's way. Essential practices 13 Dunham, Robert 2010 for successful innovation 3 *** Farson, Richard, & Whoever makes the most mistakes wins. 14 Keyes, Ralph 2002 The paradox of innovation 2 *** Blink - The power of thinking without 15 Gladwell, Malcolm 2005 thinking 1 * 16 Gladwell, Malcolm 2008 Outliers: The story of success 3 *** 17 Himancn, Pckka 2001 The hacker ethic 2 *** Crowdsourcing. Why the power of the 18 Howe, Jeff 2008 crowd is diving the future of business 3 ** Ind, Nicholas & Inspiration - Capturing the creativity 19 Watt, Cameron 2004 potential of your organization 2 ** 20 Jarvis, Jeff 2009 What would google do? 3 *** The Medici effect. Breakthrough insights at the intersection of ideas, concepts & 21 Johansson, Frans 2004 cultures 3 *** 22 Johnson, Steven 2010 Where good ideas come from? 3 * 23 Johnson, Spencer 1998 Who moved my cheese? 1 * The ten faces of innovatio. IDEO's Strategies for defeating the devil's advocate and driving creativity 24 Kelley, Tom 2005 throughout your organization 3 ** 25 Kiernan, Matthew J. 1995 Get innovative or get dead 2 *** Kanazava, Michael T. & Milles, Robert 26 H 2008 Big ideas to big results 2 * We think - mass innovation, not mass 27 Lcadbvater, Charles 2009 production 3 ** Leifer, Richars & McDermott, Christopher & 28 Others 2000 Radical Innovation 2 * Levit, Steven D. & Freakconomics - A rogue economist 29 Dubner, Stephen J. 2006 explores the hidden side of everything. 1 ** 30 MacKenzie, Gordon 1996 Orbiting the guant hairball 2 ** McDonough, William 6 Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we 31 Braungart, Michael 2002 make things 3 ** Meyers, Herb & Creativity - Unconventional wisdom from 32 Gersman, Richard 2007 20 accomplished minds 3 The Mynd Gym - How to use your mind 33 Little Brown 2005 to its full potential 2 34 Mintzberg, Henry 2000 The rise and fall of strategic planning 3 Knowledge Emergence, Social, technical Nonaka, Ikujiro & and evolutionary dimensions of 35 Nishiguchi, Toshiro 2001 knowledge creation 3 The knowledge creating comapny, how Nonaka, Ikujiro & japanese companies create the dynamis 36 Takeuchi, Hirotaka 1995 of innovation 3 Nordstrom, Kjell A. & Ridderstrahle, Funky business, talent makes capital 37 Jonas 1999 dance 2 Reframing business, when the map 38 Normann, Richard 2001 changes the landscape 3 The circle of innovation, you can´t shrink 39 Peters, Tom 1999 you way to greatness 3 Prahalad C.K. & The new age of innovation, driving co- 40 Krishnan M.S. 2008 cretae dvalue through global networks 3 Change the world, how ordinary people 41 Quinn, Robert E. 2000 can accomplish extraordinary results 3 42 Robinson, Ken 2001 Out of our minds, Learning to be creative 3 Big think strategy, How to leverage bold 43 Schmit, Bernd H 2007 ideas and leave small thinking behind 2 Serious play, How the world's best 44 Selvage, Michael 1999 companies simulate to innovate 2 Schumann, Paul & Prestwood,Donna & Tong, Alvin & 45 Vanston Jhon 1994 Innovate 2 Sherman, Howard Open Boundaries, Creating business 46 & Schultz, Ron 1998 innovation through complexity 3 Web 2.0, A strategy guide: business thinking and strategies behind successful 47 Shuen, Amy 2008 Web 2.0 implementations 2 Managing innovation, desging and 48 Stamm von, Bettina 2008 creativity 3 Stefik, Mark & Breakthrough, stories and strategies of 49 Stefik, Barbara 2004 radical innovation 3 50 Sutton, Robert I. 2002 Weird ideas that work 2 Taleb, Nassim The black swan, The impact of the highly 51 Nicholas 2007 improbable 3 52 Taylor, William C 2011 Practically Radical 3 53 Utterbach, James 1996 Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation 2 Wallin, Johan & Prime movers. Define your business or 54 Ramirez, Rafael 2000 have someone define it against you New ideas about new ideas. Insights on creativity from the world's leading 55 White, Shira P. 2002 innovators 2 56 Wright, Howard 2012 100 Great innovation ideas 3 57 Blake Masters 2014 Zero to one 2 ** 58 Navi Radjou 2012 Jugaad Innovation 3 59 Córdoba-Mendiola 2000 Coolhunting 1 60 Von Hippel 2005 Democratizing Innovation 1 61 John Maeda 2006 The Laws of Simplicity 1 The Back of the Napkin: Solving 62 Dan Roam 2008 Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures 1 63 Tina Seeling 2012 What I wish I knew when I was 20 1 64 Stefan Moritz 2009 Practical access to service design 1 Norström & 65 Ridderstråle 2005 Karaoke Capitalism 2 Norström & 66 Ridderstråle 2008 Funky Business Forever 2 67 Himanen 2002 La ética del hacker 2 68 De Bono 1995 El Pensamiento Creativo 2 69 Lafley & Charan: 2008 The Game Changer 2 70 Chesbrough 2007 Open Innovation 2 71 Chesbrough 2009 Open Business Models 2 72 Brown 2010 Change by Design 2 Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform 73 David Sibbet 2010 Group Productivity 2 Dave Gray, Sunni Gamestorming: A Playbook for Brown and James Innovators, Rulebreakers, and 74 Macanufo 2010 Changemakers 2 75 Peters 2010 The Little Big Things 3 76 Johansson 2005 The Medici Effect 3 77 Osterwalder 2010 Business Model Generation 3 Marc Stickdorn, This is Service Design Thinking. Basics, 78 Jakob Schneider 2011 Tools and cases 3 79 Steve Diller 2006 Making Meaning 2 80 James Green 2015 The opportunity analysis canvas 2 Peter Senge y 81 Daniel Goleman 2014 The Triple FOCUS 2 82 William Belck 2015 Rocket Fueled Processes 1 Lean UX: Applying Lean principles to 83 Jeff Gothelf 2013 Improve User Experience 2 The Lean entrepeneur: How visionaries Brant Cooper, create product, Innovate with new 84 Patrick Vlaskovits 2013 ventures, and Disrupt markets 2 85 Chris Guilebeau 2013 100 Euros Startup 1 86 Steve Blank 2012 Startup owners manual 3 87 Ram charan 2009 Cambio de juego 2 88 Julie Burstein 2011 Spark : How creativity works 3 89 Jon Kolko 2014 Well-Designed 2 The new industrial revolution: Consumers, globalization and the end of 90 Peter Marsch 2013 Mass Production 2 Design Management: Managing Design 91 Best Kathryn 2006 Strategy, Process and Implementation 2 Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and 92 Clay Shirky 2010 generosity in a connectedage 2


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS Mandelbaum & 1 Habe 2005 China, la trampa de la globalización 1 2 Bergsten et al 2006 China. The Balance Sheet (1) * 1 3 Jason Inch 2012 Chinas economy supertrends 1 Offshoring. Understanding the Emerging 4 Farrell 2006 Global Labor Market 2 In Spite of the Gods. The strange rise of 5 Luce 2006 modern India 2 Cooperativas, globalización y 6 Irizar 2005 deslocalización. 2 Freakonomics. Un economista políticamente incorrecto explora el lado 7 Levitt and Dubner 2006 oculto que nos afecta. 2 The Elephant and the Dragon. The Rise of India and China and What It means for 8 Meredith 2007 All of Us 3 Fernández & 9 Underwood 2009 China Entrepreneur 3 Sirkin, Hemerling & Globality. Competing with everyone from 10 Bhattacharya 2008 everywhere for everything 3 Chindia. How China and India Are 11 Engardio 2007 Revolutionizing Global Business 3


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS The International Co-operative Alliance Statement on Co-operative.Identity. The 1 ICA 1995 Cooperative Principles 1 2 Arizmendarrieta 1999 Pensamientos 1 3 MacLeod 1997 From Mondragon to América 1 4 Jaume Sanllorente 2007 Sonrisas de Bombay 1 Start up and change the world 5 YSEI 2008 2 6 Irizar 2010 32 claves empresariales de Mondragon 2 El cooperativismo de Mondragón. 7 Larrañaga 1998 Interioridades de una Utopia 2 8 Kasmir 1996 The Myth of Mondragon 2 9 Whyte & Whyte, 1998 Making Mondragon 2 10 Kotler & Lee 2005 Corporate Social Responsibility 2 Rosen, Case & Equity. Why Employee ownership is good 11 Staubus 2005 for business 2 Vicente Ferrer. El encuentro con la 12 Ferrer 2003 realidad 2 El banquero de los pobres. (Banker to 13 Yunus 1999 the Poor) 2 14 Vanek 2002 Unified Theory of Social Systems 2 15 Aranzadi 2002 El arte de ser líder empresarial hoy 2 ¿Sinfonía o Jazz? Koldo Saratxaga y el 16 Ugarte 2009 Modelo Irizar. 2 17 HBR 2003 Corporate Responsibility 2 18 Ormaechea, 2003 Didáctica de una experiencia empresarial 3 19 Aranzadi 1992 El arte de ser empresario hoy 3 20 Molina 2005 Biografía Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta 3 21 Irizar 2004 Empresa Cooperativa y Liderazgo 3 22 Vanek 2003 The Participatory Economy 3 23 Sachs 2006 El fin de la pobreza 3 Elkintong, Hartigan 24 & Schwab, 2008 The Power of Unreasonable People 3 25 Prahalad 2004 La fortuna en la base de la pirámide 3 26 Jackie Gerstein 2014 The flipped Classroom 1 27 Christian Felber 2012 La economia del bien comun 2 How to change the world: social 28 David Bornstein 2007 entrepeneurs and the power of new ideas 3 Solution revolution: How business, government, and social enterprises are 29 William Eggers 2013 teaming up to solve society's toughest 2 Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs 30 Bill Drayton 2012 Spread Innovation Throughout the World 2 The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets 31 John Elkington 2008 That Change the World 2 32 Paul Mason 2015 Postcapitalism: A guide to our future 2 33 Jeremy Rifkin 2015 The Zero Marginal Cost society 2 34 Fernando Casado 2011 No somos hormigas / We are no ants 2 What's mine is yours: The rise of 35 Rachel Botsman 2010 Collaborative Consumption 2


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS How Blogs and Social Media are Changing Public Relations and the Way it is Practised 1 Wright & Hinson, 2008 ightHinson.pdf 1 Blogonomía. 2 Orihuela 2009 mia.pdf 1 3. Solis, 2009: Customer Service: The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media omer-Service-The-Art-of-Listening-and- 3 Solis 2009 Engagement-Through-Social-Media 1 4 Brynjolfsson 2009 Wired in Innovations 1 Let’s talk. Social Media for Small Business. 5 Jantsch 2009 mediaforbusiness.pdf 1 Web 2.0 publicaciones/WEB_DEF_COMPLETO.p 6 Fumero y Roca 2007 df 2 Planeta Web 2.0 7 Romaní & Kuklinski 2007 2 8 Arroyo 2005 Internet de alquiler 2 Claves para entender el nuevo 9 Eva Sanagustin 2012 marketing: del 1.0 al 2.0 2 10 Moritz 2009 Return to the Little Kingdom 2 11 Hertzfeld 2004 Revolution in the Valley 2 12 Wozniak 2007 iWoz 2 The Art of Community nloads/jonobacontheartofcommunity- 13 Bacon 2009 1ed.pdf 3 Wealth of Networks ( 14 Blenker 2006 Of_Networks.pdf 3 Hard Drive. Bill Gates and the Making of 15 Wallace 1993 the Microsoft Empire 3 Lee, Miller, The Silicon Valley Edge. A Habitat for 16 Hancock & Rowen 2000 innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 Total Recall: How e-memory will change 17 Gordon Bell 2009 everything 2 The glass cage: Where automation is 18 Nicholas Carr 2015 taking us 2 Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, 19 Nich Bostrom 2014 Strategies 2 Machines of Loving Grace: The quest fro common ground between humans and 20 John Markoff 2015 robots 2 Dataclysm: Who we are (When we think 21 Christian Rudder 2014 no one's looking 2 Trust me, I am lying: Confessions of a 22 Ryan Holiday 2013 media manipulator 2 The wealth of Networks: How social production transform markets and 23 Yochai Benkler 2007 freedom 2 No place to hide: Edward Snowden, the 24 Glenn Greenwald 2015 NSA and the surveillance State 2 25 Marta Peirano 2015 Pequeño libro rojo del activista en la red 1


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS 1 Quinn 1994 Ismael 2 The Sustainability Champion's 2 Willard 2009 Guidebook 1 Start up and change the world 3 YSEI 2006 2 4 Scharper 2005 Making Ecopreneurs 2 Sustainable Entrepreneurship and 5 Wustengahen 2008 Innovation (2) 2 6 Doppelt 2008 The Power of Sustainable Thinking 2 7 Bruges 2007 The Big Earth Book 2 8 Hawken 2008 Natural Capitalism 3 9 Porritt 2005 Capitalism as if the World Matters 3 10 Sen 2000 Development as Freedom 3 11 Lovelock 1979 Gaia: Lurraren biziaz, ikuskera berria 2 12 Lovelock 2007 La venganza de la tierra 2 13 Adams & Adams 2010 A Force for Nature 3 14 Stiglitz 2002 Globalization and its Discontents 3 Como hacer que funcione la 15 Stiglitz 2007 globalización 3 Our Choice. A Plan to Solve the Climate 16 Al Gore 2009 Crisis 3 17 Al Gore 2006 Una verdad incómoda 3 18 Klein 2007 No Logo. El poder de las marcas 3 Open Society: Reforming Global 19 Soros 2000 Capitalism (3) 3 Presence. An Explanation of Profound Change in People,Organizations and 20 Senge 2005 Society. 3 21 Friedman 2008 Hot, Flat and Crowded 3 22 Schumacher 1987 Lo pequeño es hermoso 3 23 Diamond 2005 Colapso (Collapse) 3 Strategic Leadership Towards 24 Natural Step 2007 Sustainability (3) * 3


POI NT N AUTHOR YEAR TITTLE S STARS 1 Al Gore 2006 An Inconvenient Truth, 2006 (Al Gore) 0,3 2 Lanki … Arizmendiarrieta (Lanki) 0,3 3 Moore 2009 Capitalism, 2009 (Moore) 0,3 4 Google 2009 Fábrica de ideas, 2009 (Google) 0,3 5 S. Hawking … La paradoja de Hawking (S. Hawking) 0,3 6 Harvard … Mondragon case (Harvard) 0,3 M. Achbar & J. The Corporation, 2005 (M. Achbar & J. 0,3 7 Abbot 2005 Abbot) 8 A. Lewis & N. Klein 2005 The Take, 2005 (A. Lewis & N. Klein) 0,3 Trouble the Water, 2009 (T. Lessin & C. 0,3 9 T. Lessin & C. Deal 2009 Deal) 10 A. González Iñarritu 2006 Babel, 2006 (A. González Iñarritu) 0,3 Sanjay Leela 0,3 11 Bhansali 2005 Black, 2005 (Sanjay Leela Bhansali) 12 R. Joffe 1992 City of Joy, 1992 (R. Joffe) 0,3 13 F. Meirelles … Ciudad de Dios, (F. Meirelles) 0,3 14 J. Lasseter, J. Ranft 2006 Cars, 2006 (J. Lasseter, J. Ranft) 0,3 15 T. Carter 2005 Coach Carter, 2005 (T. Carter) 0,3 16 P. Haggis 2004 Crash, 2004 (P. Haggis) 0,3 17 P. Weir 1989 Dead Poets Society, 1989 (P. Weir) 0,3 Diarios de una motocicleta, 2004 (W. 0,3 18 W. Salles 2004 Salles) 19 D. Gansel 2008 Die Welle, 2008 (D. Gansel) 0,3 20 R Attenborough 1982 Gandhi, 1982 (R. Attenborough) 0,3 21 G. Van Saant 1997 Good Will Hunting, 1997 (G. Van Saant) 0,3 22 JJ Annaud 1986 Il nomme della rosa, 1986 (JJ Annaud) 0,3 23 S. Penn 2007 Into the Wild, 2007 (S. Penn) 0,3 24 C. Eastwood 2009 Invictus, 2009 (C. Eastwood) 0,3 25 S. Spielberg 2002 Minority Report, 2002 (S. Spielberg) 0,3 26 C. Chaplin 1936 Modern Times, 1936 (C. Chaplin) 0,3 27 T. Shadyac 1998 Patch Adams, 1998 (T Shadyac) 0,3 28 M. Burke 1999 Pirates of Silicon Valley, 1999 (M. Burke) 0,3 The Constant Gardener, 2005 (F. 0,3 29 F. Meirelles 2005 Meirelles) 30 T. Hackford 1997 The Devil's Advocate, 1997 (T. Hackford) 0,3 31 M. Bay 2005 The Island, 2005 (M. Bay) 0,3 32 V. Fleming 1937 The Wizard of Hoz, 1939 (V. Fleming) 0,3 33 O. Stone 1987 Wall Street, 1987 (O. Stone) 0,3 34 J.Carney 2013 Begin again 0,3 35 C. Crowe 1996 Jerry Maguire 0,3 36 L- Hällstrom 2000 Chocolat 0,3 37 B. Miller 2011 Moneyball 0,3


Recommendations and suggestions are welcomed.

This art of reading is a dynamic list that it is updated every year at least once. Any member of MTA community can suggest any book, movie or documentary to add to the list under certain condition.

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