Natural Sciences s1

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Natural Sciences s1



ECC Faculty/Staff P. Baldwin, J. Bellemin, G. Booher, T. Bui, B. Carey, C. Cowell, S. Di Fiori, P. Doucette, M. Ebiner, L. Fielding, N. Freeman, E. Goldmann, A. Grant, P. Hacking, C. Herzig, M. Jimenez, N. Kadomoto, C. Killduff, R. LaFond, L. Leonardo, S. Leonelli, V. Lloyd, R. McLeod, J. Noyes, T. Palos, S. Potter, S. Prieto, M. Santiago, L. Scharlin, J. Shankweiler, R. Shibao, M. Steinberg, M. Stupy, A. Tontcheva D. Vakil, A. Valle, Daniel Wright

Compton Faculty F. Aasi, E. Boatwright, L. Clark, J. Myrtle, A. Osanyinpeju, M. Priest, B. Velis, G. Walker, E. Wallano

Counselor K. Gaines

INTRODUCTIONS  The following new faculty/staff were introduced: Anne Valle full time Life Science Instructor, previously a part time instructor. Chang Woo Cha, Earth Science Laboratory Technician  Compton faculty/staff: Brenda Velis, Life Science Laboratory Assistant; Greg Walker, Full time Anatomy/Physiology Instructor, and Michelle Priest, Full time Biology Instructor  Dave Vakil, full time El Camino College Astronomy/Physics Instructor was hired as Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, for El Camino College Compton Center

FALL 2010 ENROLLMENT  Most of the Natural Science classes have been full since June, 2010  Non-payment drops were done on 8/25/10. If students show up after being dropped for non-payment, place them at the end of the list  Physics 1A class at Compton has available seats

1 ACADEMIC SENATE REPORT  Dave Vakil will no longer be the Academic Senate President, Peter Doucette will replace him  The Academic Senate meetings are held in the Alondra Room, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.

CAMPUS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATION  The campus committee representatives are as follows:

Academic Senate – Peter Doucette, Chuck Herzig, Miguel Jimenez, and Teresa Palos

Academic Technology – Jim Noyes and Margaret Steinberg

AFT Division Representatives – Robin Bouse and Ana Tontcheva

Area Council – Thanh-Thuy Bui

Associate in Science Degree Task Force – Rob Shibao

College Curriculum – Vincent Lloyd

Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) – El Camino College, Jim Noyes; El Camino College Compton Center, Michelle Priest

Division Council – Astronomy, TBD; Chemistry, Chas Cowell and Amy Grant; Earth Sciences, Sara Di Fiori; Life Sciences, Bryan Carey, Steve Leonelli, and Mike Stupy; Physics, Norm Kadomoto and Leon Leonardo; El Camino College Compton Center, Leonard Clark

Division Curriculum – Astronomy, Vincent Lloyd; Chemistry, Amy Grant; Earth Sciences, Matt Ebiner; Life Sciences, Teresa Palos and Steve Leonelli; Physics, Eyal Goldmann; Counseling, Ken Gaines; El Camino College Compton Center, Abiodun Osansinpeju and Eyob Wallano

Division Planning – Astronomy, Perry Hacking; Biology, Teresa Palos; Chemistry, Rob Shibao; Earth Sciences, Chuck Herzig; Geography, Matt Ebiner; Horticulture, Ron LaFond; Physics, Norm Kadomoto; Anatomy/ Microbiology Physiology, Jessica Padilla and Simon Trench; El Camino College Compton Center, Eddie Boatwright

Division SLO Assessment of Learning (ALC) – Astronomy, Vincent Lloyd; Biology, Nancy Freeman; Chemistry, Amy Grant; Earth Sciences/Geography, Jim Noyes; Anatomy/Microbiology/

2 Physiology, Margaret Steinberg; Physics, Susana Prieto; El Camino College Compton Center, Bill Keig

Institutional Review Board – Teresa Palos; Miguel Jimenez (alternate)

Library Advisory Committee – Sara DiFiori and Ana Tontcheva

Safety – Christie Killduff and Lester Scharlin

CURRICULUM  Program reviews are done. The program review cycle is 4 years instead of 6 years

INTERNET SECURITY  J. Shankweiler explained that ITS (Information Technical Services) will never ask for user IDs and/or passwords. If you forget your password, ITS can reset it. The official ITS campus wide email will always have the El Camino College banner on it and it will always come from “Network Services”. Do not leave your computer on when you leave for the day and when you leave your computer temporarily, lock it. Press Ctrl, Alt, Delete and then click “lock computer”  J. Shankweiler discussed “Phishing” and provided a website for more information  Copyright violation information will be distributed

ALTERNATE SITE ACTIVITIES  J. Shankweiler explained that Alternate site activities are not considered field trips. Faculty should inform the students that they are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the alternate sites. The alternate sites should take place during class time.  J. Shankweiler asked faculty to turn in alternate site schedules ahead of time to the division office, there is not an official form, but Earth Science has a form that can be used

A.S./A.A. DEGREE FORCE  Rob Shibao is a representative on the Associate in Arts/Associate in Science Degree Task Force  Handouts were distributed with recommendations from the A.S./A.A. Degree Task Force

ROSTERS/NO SHOWS/ACTIVE ENROLLMENT  Faculty are required to print their own rosters; registration will continue up until Thursday, August 26, 2010, at 11:59 p.m.  No Show reports and Active Enrollment reports must be completed online. Please note that No Show reports can be completed only one time

3 LATE ADDS  Admissions and Records will not process late adds  Faculty were reminded to check their rosters once a week

CLASS SYLLABI  ECC and Compton Faculty were asked to send an electronic copy of their syllabi to Priscilla at [email protected] and to make sure SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) are listed in all of the syllabus.

OFFICE HOURS  Jean suggested that each faculty post their class schedule(s) and office hours on their office door  Office hours should be no less than 30 minutes each and no less than 4 days a week  Instructors are to give Lab schedules to the lab technicians

FINAL GRADES  Final grades are due December 22, 2010. If the grades are submitted late, the student’s transcripts will be noted with “RD” (report delayed) and then faculty will have to submit a grade change request.

DOORS  All doors need to be locked. If you see a door unlocked, please lock it.

PETTY CASH  Accounting needs an itemized receipt in order to reimburse funds

STUDENT TIMESHEETS  Student worker timesheets need 3 signatures; the student, faculty, and the Dean; student workers will not get paid if the 3 signatures are not on the timesheets

COPY CENTER  The Copy Center has moved to the southwest corner of the Bookstore.  There are two 10-minute parking spaces available for customers, near the copy center entrance. Until construction is completed at the Bookstore building, the copy center entrance may be reached from Lot C, at the northwest end of the building or along the south side of the Bookstore Building.

STEM STUDENT CONFERENCE  The Stem grant will expire on September 29, 2010. An extension has been submitted  The Stem Student Conference will be held on November 19, 2010  Travel funds are available to faculty

4 SSS TRIO GRANT  Arturo Hernandez, Director of MESA, received two grants for 5 years  Broadband award – students will receive a laptop, in exchange the student(s) will do community service

FACULTY LAPTOPS  Faculty should call ITS to make an appointment to get their new laptops and to have software/information downloaded

EARTHQUAKE DRILL  The earthquake drill will be held on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 10:21 a.m.

RECOGNITION - SERVICE AWARDS  Nancy Freeman – 5 years  Eyal Goldmann – 5 years  Dave Vakil – 10 years  Mike Stupy – 15 years  Perry Hacking – 20 years  Norm Kadomoto – 25 years


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