Beaver County Collaborative Action Network Foundation

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Beaver County Collaborative Action Network Foundation

Beaver County Collaborative Action Network Foundation Advisory Board of Directors Meeting March 09, 2016 Agenda

I. Call to Order

II. Review of the minutes

III. Finances

1. Huntington Checking Account – see Financial Report

2. Invoice to LCF – for the month of February – Victor - $2,508.00; BCRC - $0.00

3. Bills to be Paid

3.i. Bank of America (VISA) $155.84 3.i.1. See Financial Report 3.ii. Victor Colonna $ 90.00

3.ii.1. Cell Phone Bill ($90.00)

3.iii. BC Chamber of Commerce (State of County) $ 90.00

3.iii.1. Gerard, Paulette, Dayna

3.iv. Huntington (Safe Deposit Box) $ 53.00

IV. Announcements

V. Old Business

VI. New Business

VII. Adjournment

BCCAN Monthly Report

1. Web Site –

1.i. Collective Impact/Blusik – presently handles our Venue Services that now includes only the Resource Directory; the cost is $30/month ($360/year); with the availability of the 2-1-1 agency database, we may eventually stop using/updating the Resource Directory. 1.ii. Pacer IT – hosts our web site for $22 per month and provides our email services and backup at no cost; the BCCAN web site and email were moved to a new server around Feb. 22nd (Jason said the old one was hopelessly infected); things worked well for a short time but I quickly started receiving messages from Norton Antivirus whenever I went to the back end to add events, etc.; Jason recommended adding real time security monitoring & firewall at an annual cost of $325 (his cost); due to the urgency of the matter a Board vote was taken via email and it was approved.

2. Training – I am working with Michelle Rockwell from the ADRC on a training set for March 30th on the American With Disabilities Act and Guardianship/Power of Attorney; a Housing Forum has been scheduled for May 18th; both trainings are scheduled for CCBC.

3. Leadership Forum – the next Leadership Forum will be scheduled for late March/early April; no topics have been decided upon.

4. 211 – we receive the weekly reports on calls to 211 from Beaver County and the referrals that were made; it is in our interest to review at least some of this information on a regular basis to ensure they are giving accurate information.

5. 990- I searched the internet and found that BCCAN, Inc. is eligible to file a 990-N, otherwise known as an epostcard, since our annual income ($0) is below $50,000; according to the guidelines, since we are under $50,000 per year income we only have to file an epostcard every three years; I refiled the 990-N on January 21st and received confirmation that it was accepted.

6. Housing Issues in the County – a proposal was sent to Gerard for review; there is funding available through the remainder of 2015-16; the Mental Health Association will have an MOU with Community Development and handle the finances, and the Franklin Center will be the agency that will hold the lease with the Housing Authority; according to Gerard, the program has been approved and the funding has been transferred to a Community Development line item; we are working to finalize the details for implementation; a March 1 start-up date is anticipated

7. Elections – we need to assign a committee to make recommendations for officers for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 years.

8. New Meeting Format

8.i. Every other month full Board

8.ii. Skip Financial Report – answer any questions

8.iii. Pass out flyers instead of talking about them 8.iv. Ask for announcements instead of going around room

8.v. Focus on successes/new grants/initiatives Alternating month Small Group meetings – get to know members/ agencies/programs; common issues; issues facing agency/county; how can BCCAN address these issues

Small Groups Gerard Linda Dayna Toni Mike Dave Darlene Lisa Mary Ann Jonathan Joanne Rick Paulette Tami Carl Roni Darselle Mary Jeremy

9. REMINDER: The next full Board meeting will be held in March at the Beaver County Rehabilitation Center in Center Twp.! Financial Report

The Huntington National Bank (Primary Account) Checking Account Balance 02-01-16 $18,229.84 Deposits & Credits Posted 02/22 Deposits for Chamber Breakfasts $90.00 $ 90.00

Expenses Not Posted Posted 1431 Bank of America (VISA) ($211.75) 1432 Victor Colonna (cell phone) ($ 90.00) 1433 Beaver County Chamber (Victor Breakfast) ($ 30.00) 1434 Beaver County Chamber (Gerard, Dayna, Paulette) ($ 90.00) Total ($421.75) ($421.75)

Checking Account Balance 02-29-16 $17,898.09

The Huntington National Bank (VOAD) Checking Account Balance 02-01-16 $ 133.83 Deposits & Credits Total $ 0.00

Expenses Not Posted Posted Total ($ 0.00)

Checking Account Balance 02-29-16 $ 133.83

VISA Credit Card – Charges Date To: For: Amount 01/28 Verizon Phone bill $ 49.42 02/17 Vocelli Trng Comm lunch $ 35.20 02/25 Panera 5 sm mtg lunch $ 60.21 02/25 Panera 1 sm mtg lunch $ 11.01

Total $ 155.84 2015 - 16 BCCAN Budget

Spent Februar Budget Remaining % to Date y BCCAN EXPENSES Coordinator $30,000.00 $24,461.50 18.5% $5,538.50 $2,508.00 Assistance (Minutes/We bsite) $2,000.00 $1,892.00 5.4% $108.00 $0.00 P.O. Box $410.00 $410.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Cell Phone $1,080.00 $810.00 25.0% $270.00 $90.00 Travel $150.00 $150.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Mailings (printing/pos tage) $100.00 $100.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Misc $250.00 $250.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Chamber of Commerce $235.00 $4.00 98.3% $231.00 $0.00 Meeting Lunches/su pplies $1,700.00 $1,470.00 13.5% $230.00 $106.42 Phone $700.00 $550.36 21.4% $149.64 $49.42 Consultants $200.00 $200.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Insurance $1,580.00 $157.00 90.1% $1,423.00 $0.00 Web Site $1,595.00 $1,235.00 22.6% $360.00 $0.00 2-1-1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $50,000.00 $41,689.86 16.6% $8,310.14 $2,753.84 *********** TRAINING EXPENSES BCBH Meals/Water $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Trainers $2,000.00 $2,000.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 Misc $500.00 $250.00 50.0% $250.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $4,750.00 $250.00 $0.00

*********** TOTAL EXPENSES $55,000.00 $46,439.86 $8,560.14 $2,753.84

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