CYHA Monthly Board Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24, 2011

The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:28 PM

Board Members Present: Stephanie Balynas, Dave Haugen, Mary Harmon, Richard Poppke, Jeanne Veeneman, Carmen Jorgensen, Linda Kuntz, Scott Little, Nick Skoy (late)

Board Members Absent: Craig Piette, Pete Coenen, Rick Jackson, Chris Johnson, Todd Steffen

Membership Present: Christi Schreyer – Sponsorship Coordinator

Secretary’s Report: Presented September Board Meeting Minutes – Mary made a motion to approve, Dave seconded the motion. All but one in favor – motion passes.

Treasury Report: We have $163,648.23 in our account currently. We are down to less than $12,000 being owed to our association. Jeanne presented the treasurer report. Richard makes a motion to approve, Nick seconded the motion. All in favor – motion approves.

Other Business: Sponsorship update from Christi.

Tryouts: Discussed having a post tryout meeting at the beginning of our November 21 Board Meeting starting at 6:30 pm.

Boys Director: Will be starting the individual coaches meeting this weekend with the Traveling Coaches.

Girls Director: We have 2 Co-op teams for 14U. Recommendation for jerseys will be to wear the Centennial Black jerseys for the away games and the Blaine White jerseys for the home games. Need to discuss with the 14U coaches.

VP Hockey/ACE: Will be starting the individual coaches meeting this weekend with the Traveling Coaches.

VP Hockey/Admin: Richard is updating the CYHA policy and procedures for utilizing music during district games and tournaments. Richard makes a motion to approve this amendment, Dave seconded the motion. All in favor – motion approves.

Jr. Gold/Goalie Director: MEGA has a room at the Super Rink next Wednesday to discuss their program with anyone that wants to attend. 19U registration will be next week. Tryouts for Jr. Gold will be done 11/20-22.

Volunteers: Mite Manager meeting tomorrow night. Volunteers for Jr. Gold and 19U registration are full. Need to look for volunteers for cleaning out the trophy case, etc.

Mite Director: No report.

Fundraising: Sunday, November 13 from 11am to 5 pm will be a spaghetti feed for Jeff Paar at Kelly’s organized by the city of Centerville. All individual fundraising will end by October 24.

Boys Tournaments: We are full for B2 Squirt Centennial Chill but only half full for C Squirts. Scott would like to attend the Traveling Managers meeting next year to review over tournament details. He is still looking into getting a Mite Jamboree to be held @ Centennial.

Girls Tournaments: No report.

Future Board meetings: November 21 @ Hampton Inn and December 21(gambling only) @ Centennial Arena.

Richard made a motion to adjourn, Nick seconded the motion, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM.