Past, Present and Future of Computers in my Life By Jamie Colburn EDT 321


TABLE OF CONTENTS...... 2 Introduction...... 3 Computers of the Past...... 4 First Generation Computers...... 4 Second Generation Computers...... 4 Third Generation Computers...... 4 Fourth Generation Computers...... 5 Present Computers...... 6 The Digital Divide...... 6 Uses of today’s computer...... 6 Types of Computers used by everyday people...... 7 The Future of Computers...... 8 Summary...... 9 References...... 9

2 Introduction

Computers have come along way from being an instrument for military intelligence to shaping and creating a global society. Not only can the military have their desired technology for war and peace but every person in the world is more likely today to have the opportunity to learn and see places and things and communicate with people they will never be physically in front of. The following pages will show the past, present and future of the computer.

3 Computers of the Past

First Generation Computers

The computers of the 1930’s thru the 1950’s were very large, used a lot of electricity and put out a lot of heat. These computers were called the first generation computers. The Mark I was put together in 1944. It had miles of wire and was very expensive to run because it need precise calculations and had many moving parts. The Mark I operated by using an electrical current. Next the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) came along Bitter & Legacy (2008 p. 25). The military worked with this computer and invented the technology to help them with international affairs. The ENIAC was much faster then the Mark I because it used vacuum tube technology. The size and electricity consumption of these earlier computers was not acceptable to scientists and the military.

Second Generation Computers

In 1959 through 1964 transistor technology was developed by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley. They discovered semiconductor material could run through a transistor that did the work of the vacuum tubes. These semiconductors were much smaller than the vacuum tubes. The size of the computer was able to be reduced and the speed increased. These new second generation computers did not use as much electricity or give off the heat the older ones did. Transistors though were expensive because they had to be put in one by one into holes in the plastic board Wires had to be attached. There was an overwhelming amount of parts that had to make up one transistor.

Third Generation Computers

From 1963 to 1975 integrated circuits were invented. These third generation computers still had a great amount of work and parts need to make them but the integrated circuits enabled computers to be smaller, faster and used less electricity. Because of the size more people were able to have and operate them.

4 Fourth Generation Computers

The Fourth generation computers in the 1970’s had manufactured chips that are made easier and can perform more functions. Brattain and Shockley describe them as “creating a microelectronic “system” capable of performing various tasks required for a single job” et al Shockley (2008). The microelectronic chip was called Large-scale integration (LSI) and can be associated with the pocket calculator, digital watches and the computer–on a-chip which led to the first microprocessor. Because of LSI’s research allowed for computer prices to come down allowing more that just the military and researchers to own a computer.

5 Present Computers

The Digital Divide

Computer prices are lower than they have ever been allowing marginal users to afford them. Computers can be found in most homes, schools and libraries. If a person does not have a computer they will probably know someone who does. There are Universities and Social programs that are doing research to try to get a computer in every neighborhood in the United States. Assistive technology has given people with disabilities the opportunity to tailor a computer for their use. People with vision problems and increase the font size on their computers, the blind can have Braille key boards and use software that allows them to use the internet in a way that is productive for them. Media player allows for sound to heard and other assistive technology programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking assists with audio and visual que’s for dyslexic people. There are people working in groups such as “Web Accessibility Initiative” and “The adaptive Technology resource Centre” that work to create, inform and deliver technological access to people with disabilities and to help the public be more aware of technology and disabilities. To read more about assistive technology visit

Uses of today’s computer

Computers today are used by people to communicate asynchronously through e-mail or synchronously and face to face through using web cams and programs like SKYPE. People can talk to one person or many people at the same time through chat rooms and instant messaging. The World Wide Web has allowed people learn about themselves, others and the world we live in. The computer allows anonymity to its users if they like. If a shy person or a disabled person doesn’t want anyone they are communicating with to know about there physical appearances or behaviors they can disguise themselves with how they present themselves or invent themselves in their writings in Blogs or through My Space or other community sites. The computer also allows people to meet other people with the same abilities or disabilities and form friendships or

6 activist groups or communities that help them to understand and live in the world that is their reality. Reality can also be altered on the World Wide Web. There are virtual worlds where people can become avatars or just about anything else. People can talk to AI computers or psychological Bots to entertain themselves. You can meet an AI named Alice at In the work place and for personal use computers are used for there Microsoft software such as Microsoft Word for word processing, making spreadsheets with excel, presentations with PowerPoint. People also can use the art and graphic tools for creating art or manipulating pictures.

Types of Computers used by everyday people

The following table describes three different types of computers:

Desk Top Computers Lap Top Computers Cell Phones Consists of a monitor, key board Light enough and small enough to Cell phones come in all shapes and and mouse. Speakers can be be carried yet big enough to type sizes. People will personalize cell internal or external. on using both hands. Speakers, phones to take on their Other items such as web cams, keyboard and mouse are all in the personalities. Cell phones have additional software and hardware lap top but you can purchase these internet capabilities just like Desk can be purchased for games, items and attach them externally. top computers and Lap Tops. They photography and video. Other items such as web cams, are mostly used to talk inter- additional software and hardware personally but they can be used for can be purchased for games, e-mailing through text messaging, photography and video. picture taking and video recording. Blackberry phones have a full key board but only large enough for a finger to tap it or a small pointer to tap it. Business, Educational and Business, Educational and Business, Educational and Personal Personal use Personal use use

7 The Future of Computers

Business  More people will work from home. This will help the environment. The future of computers for Business is extremely promising. Here are a few Private use ways they will assist in our economic People use computers for the following: world.  Word processing short cuts will aid in  Fun: inter active & virtual games. more cost effective and time saving  Exploring their identities and others, jobs. Learning and business.  Artists, writers and musicians who  People have will continue to influence would normally never be heard of or politics by forming factions on line. seen will be discovered and will not Activists will mobilize and band have to leave their home to perform. together world wide to make a  Artificial Intelligence will be able to difference for their equality in the guide people through the massive world not just in their physical World Wide Web as well as direct, community. advise and council people in their  Virtual worlds may become some daily lives. people’s real world.  Business will not have to keep paper  Gaming and chat rooms could be files; everything can be located in a tomorrow’s favorite outing or social secure file on the computer, saving event even though they stay home. millions of trees.

8 Summary

Computers are creating a culture of their own. A culture where there are many voices that can and will be heard by someone at some point in time. These voices can’t feel or touch each other but they communicate and try to give a sense of humanity. Computers help with communication, education and peoples personal lives but they can also isolate people from each other physically and emotionally. The future use of computers will change the world because it is changing how we think about others and ourselves. People are able to understand cultures, societies they would have never been able to understand before because they are connected through the World Wide Web.


Bitter and Legacy, (2008).Using Technology in the Classroom. Pearson Education, Inc.