International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016

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International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016

East Texas Baptist University International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016

Course International Business (3 credit hours) Course Number BUAD 3362 Instructor Mr. Stan Baker Home Phone 903-797-4925 Email [email protected] Class Days/Times Tues/Thu: 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. Room 102 Office Hours Room 107 Tues: 10:00 – 10:50; 2:00 – 3:00 Thurs: 10:00 - 10:50; 2:00 – 3:00 And By appointment Office Extension: 2151

Course Description This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamentals of international business and globalization. The course includes the study of the global environment, international trade and finance, and global operations. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing

Required Textbook Geringer, J.M., McNett, J.M., Minor, M.S., Ball, D.A. (2016). International Business (1 ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Iwin. ISBN 978-1-259-31722-4

Course Purpose and Approach The primary goal of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of international business. In order to provide both theory and application, the instructor will use a variety of teaching methods, such as lectures, Discussion Boards, case studies, research, and quizzes. An emphasis will be made on the practical application of concepts. This course is intended for business majors and non-business majors. This course will be offered either during a regular semester as an on-ground class or during May term as a travel-study course.

Course Objectives: 1. Students will understand the changing and challenging context of International Business 2. Students will understand that sustainability of natural resources is essential in the global International Business environment. 3. Students will describe the basic international business concepts using appropriate terminology. 4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the broad topics influencing international business, such as competition, globalization, politics, law, culture, economics, finance, currency conversions, and socioeconomic forces. 5. Students will understand the basics of international trade & investment, regional integration, and management in the international business arena. 6. Students will develop a greater appreciation of people groups outside the U.S. and current global events. 7. Students will reflect on their own Christian faith and how it relates to people outside of their home culture.

P a g e 1 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016 Course Requirements

Student Responsibilities

I-PHONES, SMART PHONES, CELL PHONES, I-PADS (all electronic devices) may not be used in class. The only exception is the use of laptops used solely for note taking.

* Students are expected to attend each class session, to come to class on time, to be fully prepared to discuss readings and cases, and to participate in a positive way. The success of this course is dependent on student attendance and participation. If any student is consistently absent, the instructor will meet with that student one-on-one to try to correct the absenteeism problem. If the student continues to be frequently absent, then that student’s final grade will be affected negatively. Students must attend at least 75% of the time. If the student misses 25% or more of the available periods, the student will fail the course. Both excused and unexcused absences will count towards total absences.

* Students are expected to turn in homework assignments at the beginning of the class period when they are due. All assignments are to be typed. Please note that the professor will use your ETBU email regularly to communicate important class information. You need to check your ETBU email regularly to stay informed. You also need to regularly check Blackboard for course-related materials.

* A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services will notify you and your professor of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.

* Students enrolled at E.T.B.U. are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses. Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:  Failure of the class in question  Failure of particular assignments  Requirement to redo the work in question  Requirement to submit additional work

All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.

P a g e 2 | 9 *Course Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from a course or courses or from the university beginning with the first day through 75 percent of the semester without academic penalty. The final day to withdraw from this course is Friday, November 11th. To withdraw from a course or courses or from the university the student must secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office, his/her or from the ETBU website, and follow the directions on the form, securing all required signatures. Students must process their own withdrawals. For additional information, please refer to page 29 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.

*Weapons in class: The on-campus possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited with the exception of the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition by concealed handgun license holders in private vehicles (as described in SB1907). Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law, may not enter this property (ETBU) with a concealed handgun. The ETBU President may grant authorization to a qualified and certified full-time faculty or staff member, who is a license holder with a concealed handgun to conceal carry on the University campus, at a University sponsored event or within or on a University vehicle.

P a g e 3 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016

Methods of Instruction:

Textbook assignments, homework assignments, handout materials, interactive quizzes, classroom/online discussions, internet sites, and instructor/student e-mail.

Possible Points Weight 1. Chapter Critical Thinking Questions (CTQ) (5 x 100)) 500 10% 2. Chapter Mini-Cases (2 x 100) 200 10% 3. Global Edge Research Task (1 x 100) 100 10% 4. Discussion Boards (3 x 100) 300 20% 5. Quizzes (5 x 100) 500 20% 6. Final Paper (1 x 100) 100 20% 7. Attendance/Participation (28 x 5) 140 10% Total 1,840 100%

Specific Graded Areas:

1. Chapter Critical Thinking Questions (CTQ): There are five (5) Chapter Critical Thinking Questions in this course. In an effort to increase understanding and awareness about what “makes up” International Business, students test their knowledge and interests in a wide variety of areas, allowing the student to personally apply chapter content to the domestic and international business environment. The Chapter questions are located at the conclusion of the respective chapter. The Chapter Critical Thinking Questions are 10% of the course grade.

2. Mini-Case Studies: There are two (2) Chapter Mini-Cases due at specific classes. Therefore you do not have to complete one for every chapter (see Course Schedule for Mini-Case Studies and when they are due). Complete the questions associated with the case and turn in on the required date. The Case Studies are 10% of your course grade.

3. GlobalEdge Research Task: This exercise is designed to introduce the student to international business research. There is one (1) GlobalEdge research exercise in this course. The student will use the Michigan State University (MSU) globalEDGE website to access various source data; In today’s global International Business environment, comprehensive research and due diligence is essential in gathering information required in order to make the most informed decisions.

4. Discussion Boards: There will be three (3) Discussion Boards for this course. The initial posting will be a sentence or two that asks a profound question drawn from the weekly reading. The initial posting will be posted by the instructor. The Discussion Board may accessed by clicking the “Discussion Board” link in Blackboard. The Discussion Boards are 20% of your course grade.

P a g e 4 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016 Course Requirements

a. Students respond to the instructor’s initial question by submitting a response (between 150 – 200 words) that answers the question. The reply to another student’s primary posting must begin by naming the individual to whose post you are responding, along with one sentence that summarizes his/her point (should be a minimum of 75 words). This way, a person reading your post will understand to whom you are responding. You should end each post with a “follow-on” question. (This keeps the thread going). The original post is worth 75 points; the reply to another student is worth 25 points. The student’s grade will not be posted until the student has both posted and replied.

Discussion Board Post/Reply Submitted Number Open: No later Than: Comments

1. 8:00 a.m. Sep 15th Midnight, Monday, Sep 19th 2. 8:00 a.m. Oct 13th Midnight, Monday, Oct 17th 3. 8:00 a.m. Nov 18th Midnight, Monday, Nov 22nd In Lieu of Final Exam

b. In lieu of a final exam, the final Discussion Board will be submitted no later than midnight, Tuesday, November 22nd. This Discussion Board should be a minimum of 300 words with one reply of around 75 words. The original post is worth 75 points; the reply is worth 25 points. The student’s grade will not be posted until the student has both posted and replied.

5.Chapter Quizzes: There are five (5) quizzes to be completed via Blackboard. You may access each quiz by going to “Course Quizzes”. Then click on the appropriate quiz. Each quiz is timed. You must take the quiz in one setting. Quizzes are 20% of your course grade. NOTE: There may be a class where the Quiz is administered in class.

Quiz # Covers Chapters Open: To be completed by: 1 1 – 3 8:00 a.m. Sep 8th Midnight, Sunday, Sep 11th 2 4 – 6 8:00 a.m. Sep 29th Midnight, Sunday, Oct 2nd 3 7 – 9 8:00 a.m. Oct 20th Midnight, Sunday, Oct 23rd 4 10 – 12 8:00 a.m. Nov 10th Midnight, Sunday, Nov 13th 5 13 & 14 8:00 a.m. Dec 1st Midnight, Sunday, Dec 4th

6. Final Course Paper: Core Value Determination and Implementation prepared for International Business. The Final Course Paper will be 20% of your grade for this course.

The Final Course Paper represents the culmination of the student’s efforts in this course. Therefore, every effort should be made on the part of the student to show what he/she has learned in the course by linking the paper to the concepts learned in the course.

The Final paper should be submitted in APA Format. There is no specified minimum length for this paper; it should be long enough to cover the subject, yet short enough to hold your readers’ attention and interest. In most cases, 6 to 8 content pages (exclusive of P a g e 5 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016 Course Requirements bibliography, exhibits, etc.) should be appropriate; however, papers can be much longer depending on the context. The paper should be properly referenced and formatted. The paper should be typed and double-spaced with 1” margins throughout. Other than these criteria, the student should follow the official style requirements for the university. (See page six of this Syllabus for writing instructions under General Instructions).

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of International Business. This paper is to be the student’s own work, not a group effort.

Final Paper requirements:

Task: Pick an international company of your choice – and you are the CEO of the home company. You have learned over this semester there are many important issues when exploring starting/expanding a business in a foreign country. What do you do? Where do you research – and for what? Your instructor has selected two chapters/areas of the text in which your paper should focus.

a. Chapter 11, Global Leadership Issues and Practices. Discuss three potential problem issues of importance – and your solution(s). (One example, when selecting a leader/manager to lead the foreign company, should the leader be from the home country or from the foreign country?) Why?

b. Chapter 14, Managing Human Resources in an International Context. Discuss three potential problem issues that could arise in the labor market – and your solution(s). (For example, pay, culture shock, labor unions, and do you staff with locals, immigrants, or guest workers? These are just a few possibilities that you should consider. Discuss any other area in Chapter 14 that is of importance.

Tips - Do use: as a starting point for your research. Take a look at: to find interesting information about your country.


The success of this course is dependent on student attendance and participation. Attendance is essential for every part of this course – every set of questions, every case study, every quiz, etc.. In some cases, I will ask students (in advance) to lead (or facilitate) the self-assessment and/or case study discussions. There are 28 class dates for this course. Therefore, your attendance and class contributions can positively impact your final grade. Attendance and class participation will count for 10% of your course grade. (See Page 2 for “Student Responsibilities”) P a g e 6 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016 Course Requirements

General Instructions:

Writing Expectations: Many of the discussion questions and case studies will require you to research the internet or other appropriate media such as, business journals, magazines or news articles. Appropriate credit should be given to the author of any material you cite or refer to in your response. Other’s experience and/or research lend creditability and assists in supporting your opinion. Points will be deducted if a reference is not given for material other than your personal, firsthand knowledge. Remember that even if you only use someone else’s ideas and not their words, a reference must be used.

In grading, I will be evaluating on the following items:

- always use the APA Format - include the cover page - was your answer clearly and concisely worded and supported by your research - were references included (include the specific internet site) - the text should always be used as a reference - include the “Reference Page” (Works Cited or Bibliography is not APA). - proper use of spelling, punctuation and grammar - was the minimum word length requirement met for each assignment for the original answer

Late Assignments: Assignments are due when scheduled. Late assignments may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor, and if accepted, will be graded with a late penalty assessed, -10 points per day late. You must let the instructor know if you have missed an assignment within one day of the due date (by email is fine). If a late assignment is accepted, a deadline will be given by the instructor for its due date.

Late Tests: If for any reason you are unable to take an exam (or quiz) within the time frame allowed, you must clear the absence with the instructor. Late tests may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor, and if accepted, will be graded with a late penalty assessed, minus 10 (-10) points per day. The difficulty level of make-up exams may be higher than that of the regularly-scheduled exam. Permission to submit a late exam is totally within the purview of the professor. In case of an emergency, you must let the instructor know if you have missed a test within one day of the missed test.

P a g e 7 | 9 International Business (BUAD.3362) Fall 2016

WK DATE CH Class # TOPIC Quiz/Case/Discussion Board/Global Edge Due T- 8/23 1 1 Intro to Course Syllabus Overview 1 Th – 8/25 1 2 Chapter 1 Lecture Chapter 1 Lecture/PowerPoints T- 8/30 2 3 Chapter 2 Lecture Chapter 2 Lecture/PowerPoints 2 Th- 9/1 2 4 Chapter 2/Class Discussion CTQ Chapter 2; Submit CTQ Questions 2 and 5; page 56 T – 9/6 3 5 Chapter 3 Lecture Chapter 3 Lecture/PowerPoints 3 Th – 9/8 3 6 Quiz review; Quiz 1 Chapters 1 – 3 Quiz 1 Blackboard (9/8 – 9/11) 4 T – 9/13 4 7 Chapter 4 Lecture Chapter 4 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 9/15 4 8 Chapter 4 MiniCase/Class Dicussion Chapter 4 MiniCase/Submit MiniCase; p 119; Q 1 and 2 Discussion Board # 1/Blackboard Discussion Board # 1/Blackboard (9/15 – 9/19) 5 T – 9/20 5 9 Chapter 5 Lecture Chapter 5 Lecture/PowerPoints

Th – 9/22 5 10 Chapter 5/Class Discussion CTQ Chapter 5; Submit CTQ Questions 1, 3, and 4; page 145 6 T – 9/27 6 11 Chapter 6 Lecture Chapter 6 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 9/29 6 12 Chapter 6/Class Discussion CTQ Chapter 6; Submit CTQ Questions 3 and 7; page 176-177 Quiz review; Quiz 2 Chapters 4 – 6 Quiz 2 Blackboard (9/29 – 10/2) 7 T– 10/4 7 13 Chapter 7 Lecture Chapter 7 Lecture/PowerPoints

Th – 10/6 xx xx Fall Break – No class Fall Break – No Class – no assignments 8 T – 10/11 8 14 Chapter 8 Lecture Chapter 8 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 10/13 8 15 Chapter 8 Global Research Task # /Class Disc. Chapter 8; Submit Global Research Task; page 230 Discussion Board # 2/Blackboard Discussion Board # 2/Blackboard (10/13 – 10/17) 9 T – 10/18 9 16 Chapter 9 Lecture Chapter 9 Lecture/PowerPoints Th –10/20 9 17 Chapter 9/Class Discussion CTQ Chapter 9; Submit CTQ Questions 1, 7; page 254 Quiz Review; Quiz 3 Chapters 7 – 9 Quiz 3 Blackboard (10/20 – 10/23) 10 T – 10/25 10 18 Chapter 10 Lecture Chapter 10 Lecture/PowerPoints

Th –10/27 10 19 Chapter 10/Class Discussion CTQ Chapter 10; Submit CTQ Questions 1, 3; page 279 11 T– 11/1 11 20 Chapter 11 Lecture Chapter 11 Lecture/PowerPoints Th– 11/3 11 21 Chapter 11 MiniCase/Class Discussion Chapter 11 MiniCase/Submit MiniCase; p 304-305;Q 1/2

12 T – 11/8 12 22 Chapter 12 Lecture Chapter 12 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 11/10 12 23 Quiz Review; Quiz 4 Chapters 10 – 12 Quiz 4 In Class/On Paper OR (11/10 – 11/13 online)

13 T – 11/15 13 24 Chapter 13 Lecture Chapter 13 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 11/17 13 25 Discussion Board # 3 Discussion Board # 3 (11/18 – 11/22) T– 11/22 xx Thanksgiving Week – No Class Thanksgiving Week – No Class Th – 11/24 xx Thanksgiving Week – No Class Thanksgiving Week – No Class 14 T– 11/29 14 26 Chapter 14 Lecture Chapter 14 Lecture/PowerPoints Th – 12/1 14 27 Quiz Review; Quiz 5 Chapters 13 – 14 Quiz 5 Blackboard (12/1 – 12/4)

15 Th - 12/8 xx 28 Final papers due in Instructor’s office: Final papers due in Instructor’s office: 12:30 – 2:20 12:30 – 2:20

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Revised 8/2016/skb

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