Castles Federation: Cambo School

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Castles Federation: Cambo School

CREATIVE PARTNERSHIPS CASTLES FEDERATION: CAMBO SCHOOL Pilgrims: Life in medieval times Key Stage 2 curriculum links relating to story-telling, and to non-fiction research

LITERACY YEAR 3 Term 2 LITERACY YEAR 4 Term 2 Word level 17: continue to collection of new words from reading and work in other subjects Word level 18: infer the meaning of unknown words from context Word level 11: understand words which are now little used

Word level 20: write own definitions of words developing precision and accuracy Word level 12: define words within given constraints; consider how to arrive at best use of words for different purposes Text level 1: investigate styles/voices of traditional story language Text level 2: understand how settings influence events, incidents, and how character’s behaviour is affected Text level 3: compare and contrast settings across a range of stories; evaluate, form and justify preferences Text level 2: identify typical story themes Text level 8; review a range of stories Text level 9: identify intended audience by looking at themes, issues, treatments etc Text level 3: identify/discuss main/recurring characters, evaluate behaviour and justify Text level 4: understand how language can create moods, arouse expectations, build views tension, describe attitudes and emotions Text level 7: describe/sequence key incidents in a variety of ways Text level 10: develop use of settings, using adjectives and figurative language Text level 8: write portraits of characters Text level 14: note making - edit sentences and passages by deleting repetitions, asides, secondary points Text level 9: write a story plan for own myth or traditional tale, using prior knowledge Text level 13: write examples of descriptive, expressive language based on those read Text level 10: write alternative sequels using same characters and settings Text level 12: collaborate with others to write stories in chapters, using plans with particular audiences in mind Text level 13: discuss merits/limitations of particular instructional texts Text level 16: write instructions using a range of organisational devices Text level 25: write explanations of a process (eg. how to make a giant model dragon) Text level 17: make clear notes Text level 22: fill out brief notes into connected prose Text level 15: appraise a non-fiction book for its contents/usefulness by scanning Text level 16: prepare for factual research by reviewing what is known/ what is needed/ what is available / where to search Text level 17: scan texts to locate words/phrases and use these to summarise text Text level 18: mark extracts; select key headings/words/sentences SUBJECT ASPECT OF PROGRAMME OF STUDY PROJECT AREA OF LEARNING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Generate ideas for products after thinking who will use them and their Research ideas from CD/Internet/reference purpose, using information from a number of resources books/photos/observation linked to themes from ‘Pilgrims’ planning sheet Develop and explain ideas clearly; plan what to do, suggesting alternatives; Produce design sheets, in the role of medieval person communicate ideas in different ways eg. armour designer/ architect/boat builder/journey planner Explore materials, processes and finishing techniques Make large group sculptures with textile creative artist, and individual objects related to project themes ICT Talk about what information is needed and how to find/use it Use CD/Internet sites and shared schools website to find information Prepare information for development using ICT; select suitable sources, find Store/retrieve and change information related to information, classify and check it. medieval research Interpret information and check relevance/accuracy Compare different sources of information Refine and bring ideas together Manipulate images/text/sound relevant to project to create eg own web pages/ information sheets Share and exchange information in a variety of ways Contribute to shared schools website using images/sound/text etc Think about quality/content when communicating information Display examples of work on screen/ whiteboard/display board HISTORY Local history study for Key Stage 2; prepare children for studies of Tudor Investigate how locality was affected by life in the times medieval period, especially the time of the Crusades Place events, people and change into correct periods of time, using relevant Place knight and crusades on time line related to vocabulary previous history studies Explore ideas/beliefs/attitudes/experiences of people Research any elements of ‘Pilgrims’ planning sheet and in background to Robert de Beauchamps’ life Explore social/cultural/religious diversity of the period Research crusading knights Identify reasons for historical events and situations Find out why Knights Templar were needed; why castles were needed in the Borders area Use an appropriate range of sources of information Access CD/Internet sites/ reference materials/ images / sites of interest / living history actor Ask/answer questions; select and record relevant information Use living history actor and other reference materials to select, organise and then record information in various ways SUBJECT ASPECT OF PROGRAMME OF STUDY PROJECT AREA OF LEARNING ART AND DESIGN Record from experience, imagination and observation; explore ideas for Create images based on encounters with living history different purposes actor/historical sites and on research Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points; select Explore different sources of inspiration for work from ideas to use in own work medieval images and ideas. Explore new uses for materials through work with textiles artist Collect visual/other information to develop ideas eg using a sketchbook Produce own collection of sketches/ printed images from Internet/ photos etc from medieval work to form a source book Investigate/combine visual/tactile qualities of materials/processes; match Explore new ideas and techniques in textiles /3D work these to purpose of work with textiles artist Develop control of tools, techniques and processes Explore new ideas and techniques in textiles /3D work with textiles artist Use a range of methods/approaches to communicate and to design Use drawing / painting /textiles / digital imagery/ clay to produce images/artefacts elated to medieval themes Investigate the roles/purposes of artists/craftspeople and designers in other Look at examples of medieval imagery eg. heraldry/ times tapestries/ floor tiles/ architecture/ costume/ stained glass/ illuminated manuscripts/ calligraphy. Use these as source material for own work MUSIC Sing songs in unison and two parts Learn simple medieval songs with creative artist Practice, rehearse and present performances with an awareness of Participate in group singing with children from other audience schools for pageant Improvise, developing rhythmic/melodic material when performing Explore ideas of drone/ modal music with creative artist Explore/explain feelings about music using movement, dance, expressive Work with creative artists to explore combination of language and musical vocabulary story/music/movement/dance Explore how time and place influence the way music is created, performed Listen to a range of medieval music/instruments, both and heard live and recorded eg. Hildegard of Bingen/ crusade songs/ medieval rounds / dance tunes DANCE Create/perform dances using a range of movement patterns, including those With creative artist, create and perform simple dances from different times alone/with partner/with group based on medieval steps and dance ideas Respond to a range of stimuli and accompaniment Explore feelings related to story/music/drama/historical research and show them through dance and movement

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