Potton Lower School

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Potton Lower School

Meeting Board of Directors

Date & Tuesday 17th January2017 at 6.30pm Time

Directors John Graham (Chair) JG P Sandra Hiett (Vice Chair) SH A Helen Heap HH P Tony Olsen TO P Graham Hewer GH Ap Matt Wilson MW P Ann Stahler AS P Other Attendees Stephen Hughes StH P (Key: P = Present, Ap = apologies received and accepted, ApN = Apologies received but not accepted, A = absent) Clerk -: Deborah Moss

Action No Item Owner 1 Welcome & Apologies for Absence - Chair.

JG welcomed all to the meeting and apologies from Graham Hewer were received and accepted. There were no apologies received from Sandra Hiett.

2 Declaration of Personal or Business Interests – Chair

None were declared.

3 Any Other Business – Chair

DBS Checks – AS 6th Inset Day – AS Cause for Concern – AS Policy for feedback – StH

4 Review and Acceptance of Previous Minutes – Chair

TO raised a concern about ensuring that enough detail is recorded in the minutes so that all schools in the Trust understand how schools are supported financially.

Page 1 of 9 Action – DM agreed to ensure that the minutes are on the Trust DM website so that anyone from the individual schools can access them.

Directors reviewed the comments made by MW and agreed to the minutes of the 22nd November being enhanced. DM Action - DM agreed to amend and circulate. AS/MW Action – AS agreed to discuss the reasons for the previous Director leaving, with MW outside of the meeting.

AS then raised a query regarding not attending the Finance and Audit Committee stating that she has raised a query in relation to this with the RSC and they say that the advice on this situation is unclear. AS has asked that they seek clarification. JG advised that independence is needed and that whilst not a member, AS should attend as and when necessary. StH advised that as the accounts for the Trust belong to AS, she should attend. JG advised that attendance would be requested as and when.

5 Update on matters/actions arising from those minutes – Chair

Additional Action - An abbreviation glossary to be added to the DM website and sent to MW.

Item 6 – item on agenda today. Item 7 – action completed, details added including review date – StH Item 8 – comparison data – item on agenda today Item 8 – website enhancements – StH advised he has spoken with MW and TM and this will be taken forward. Item 8 – Legal Cases – item on agenda today Item 8 – Risk Map – No comments received, this went to Deyes LGB after the last Board meeting. Item 9 – Meeting duration to be extended – completed

6 Executive Head Teacher’s Report – AS

Projected Intakes

AS provided hard copies of the report on the evening and talked through key points including there is a sizeable 6th Form at Deyes this year. TO questioned the numbers last year. AS advised they were around 100, explaining that the retention rate is better this year and that there is a requirement to budget against that.

JG questioned if AS is confident in the 170 for CSSA. AS advised that confidence in this figure is high and could even be exceeded on appeal. HH asked about the process for exceeding PAN (Pupil Admission Numbers). AS explained that this is done on appeal and advised

Page 2 of 9 Directors of the process. Last year 7 were taken on appeal at Deyes. AS advised that WJ has modelled the impact of exceeding 240 at Deyes. AS also advised that the potential negative press of the funding formula changing was mitigated by undertaking modelling. . AS then explained the option of technicality appeals to the Board and the potential flaws that can occur due to the volume and pressure experienced in the local admissions teams.

Directors then discussed the Admissions Policy review process. MW asked about what happens with regard to exclusions. AS advised that the post is then technically vacant. JG flagged that the costs related to an exclusion are double the funding achieved by filling the subsequent vacant post.

AS then went on to express concern about the viability of the 6th Form at CSSA as numbers are very low and asked that the Board begin to consider if we can actually provide what we need to with the numbers concerned. AS explained to the Board how some other schools in Liverpool are viewed if they don’t have a 6th Form. JG asked if the fairly recent changes in legislation meaning that students are must stay in education/training for longer will bring about increased interest in the 6th Form in the future and asked if this could just be a blip. AS stated there is no certainty of this and that what we could see is an increasing number choosing the Studio. StH advised that he has previously costed 6th Forms and they are almost always being supported by the rest of the school. JG advised that it is important to have a 6th Form if we possibly can, to ensure that we have an attractive offer for students.

MW shared the view that Brexit could impact as with higher tuition fees, students may choose to stay longer at school.

The Studio was then discussed. AS advised that the total number is now 44 with year 10 feeling the greatest impact. Dancers are the biggest group as Studio 76 uses the Studio for its education elements. Post 16 may be the next stage of development and bring greater numbers to the Studio. AS advised that confidence is growing through the pro-active engagement work being undertaken by the external consultant currently working with the Trust.

Permanent Exclusions

AS talked through the figures, in particular the cases at the Studio – explaining that one case had recently gone to external appeal but had been upheld.


AS expressed concern regarding the attendance performance in all the Trusts schools. The government has pushed a target of 96% and all are below this with Year 10 at the Studio very low. Work is being done to

Page 3 of 9 examine the attendance in their previous schools of those in year 10 at the Studio. So far, a 9% improvement since coming to the Studio is being identified which whilst some way of the target is promising.

AS advised that the loss of dedicated attendance officers in the redundancy exercises may be starting to impact and that this was flagged as a concern at the start of the process.

Progress and Outcomes

AS gave the Board a reminder of the likely impact of Progress 8, explaining that nationally a 15% drop in performance is being seen across all parts of the country. JG asked where the comparison with previous performance is taken account of, to identify relative performance. AS explained the points she has raised nationally in the discussion forums. JG stressed that relativity is key. Grade boundaries may move down if performance across the UK drops. JG then asked what action we should be taking. AS explained that assessment data guidance has been distributed to staff and that Wendy Jack is teaching lead groups across the Trust as well as managing Year 11 Maths at CSSA. Other interventions are also underway across the Trust. TO expressed a concern that Wendy may be focusing more on CSSA and that Deyes may be impacted. AS acknowledged there is a challenge to balancing stretched resources across the Trust but stressed that the resources will need to flex according to greatest needs.

JG asked how easily Head Teachers can pick up if a student goes off their expected track. AS explained the process.

JG asked for regular feedback on the performance management of students and the interventions being put in to provide additional support where it is needed. AS explained that the local Board of Governors will receive this through the Teaching & Learning sub committees. AS asked if Wendy Jack should attend the Board. TO advised that he feels she shouldn’t at this time as the Board is changing and consolidating. Directors agreed that attendance should be as and when, to present information and re-assure Directors.


AS updated the Board on reporting, including external reports. An Education Advisor will work with any of the Trust schools who require improvement (RI) or are causing concern. AS advised that CSSA is currently causing concern and that Scott Walker is due to visit this week.

AS then gave an update on the visit by Margaret Bell to the Studio school. Directors had been sent the outcome letter and report in advance of the meeting. AS updated the Board on amendments agreed to the outcome letter, prior to it being sent and then talked through the key actions. The Studio Governors meeting is tomorrow where next steps will be discussed in detail. MW asked why the letter needed amending.

Page 4 of 9 AS explained the rationale and HH stated that the approach was entirely appropriate and necessary.

JG asked about the term ‘Broadly Good’ in relation to Page 5. AS explained that this is not clear. JG asked for assurance that for the future there will be an action plan in place for the Studio – being managed with the Board of Governors. AS advised that the actions are already in the School Development Plan.


AS talked through an overview of staffing.

TO asked if Mike Cloherty had not wished to remain in the Trust. AS explained the Mike is a future leader and that he was actively looking for his next post. JG reminded the Board that there is an exit interview process in place to identify reasons for staff leaving and any related issues.


JG explained the approach being taken to Health & safety issues with the age of the buildings at Deyes. The intention was to undertake work over the Christmas break but this has been delayed to later this week.

AS advised that the Education Funding Authority has written to all schools today regarding the general state of buildings and that this could present an opportunity in the near future to address some of the issues identified.


TO asked if the SCITT will go into the Maths Centre. AS explained that the Molyneux building will be used in the future as there are issues with this accommodation which mean it is more appropriate to have adult learners in there than children.

MW asked about the approach being taken for Electronics. AS advised that this is not being replaced and that uptake will be reviewed next week and a decision then taken as to whether a person is needed. MW offered to help with any recruitment and interviews through the professional body that he is a member of.

Strategic Plan

AS advised that the leadership team are now using key points from the plan in their more local planning. AS thanked HH for her comments and general input into preparation of the plan.

Page 5 of 9 HH raised some staffing and resources questions and asked that these are built into some scenario planning.

Action - AS agreed to take forward scenario planning. AS

StH advised that he has also scenario planned against a contribution to a shared services model, both on a current and future basis and that this report is currently with AS.

StH stressed that the situation and overall benefits improve as the Trust grows in size.

Action - JG asked for the modelling report produced by StH to be AS shared with the Board – AS agreed to do this.

7 Trustees Report & Audit Report 15-16 - StH

Both reports were shared in advance of the meeting. StH then drew attention to the following; P17 – The balance sheet is very strong. P28 – In the Trustees report on expenses the Head Teachers are not paid members of the Board but their school salaries have to be reflected in the report. This presents a slightly distorted view. P31 – The split of the reserves.

StH advised that the Auditors have no concerns.

JG stated that the meeting of the Finance & Audit Committee prior to Christmas had been a very positive one and drew attention to P8 of the management report.

MW asked how often remuneration is reviewed. StH advised that this is done annually in line with national guidance. JG stated that the national guidance is quite sparse and multi academy trusts do have a good degree of flexibility, using Brown Jacobson for advice where necessary.

MW asked where the annual salaries are recorded. JG explained that there is no requirement to publish this information. AS advised that each schools’ pay committee and the executive team pay committee for cross trust roles, receives detailed pay data for their staff. JG confirmed that all Directors can have the detail of senior leaders pay if requested.

MW then asked a general question about the impact of the government apprenticeship levy and its impact on the Trust. StH explained that the levy is £15K and that this is gifted back if the apprentice is employed at the end of the term. There are currently 5 apprentices in the Trust.

Page 6 of 9 Q1 Finance Summary

StH advised that the detailed report would be submitted to the Finance and Audit sub-committee on 31st January 17.

Risk Map

StH shared a document in hard copy at the meeting and advised that it had been shared in draft form previously with no comments received.

Legal Update

A summary report was provided in hard copy on the evening and talked through. There were no questions.

Action - DM asked that StH provide electronic copies of this and the StH Risk Map

8 Policy Updates/Ratifications - StH

Staff Disciplinary Policy

StH distributed hard copies of the policy on the evening and advised that the sections in yellow were the proposed additions/changes. All Action - Feedback was requested in advance of the next meeting Directors

9 Any Other Business – Chair

 DBS Checks – AS AS explained that some time ago local governing bodies took the decision to move away from regular re-checking of staff as a way of saving resources. This has now been questioned by one of the lead Safeguarding governors and the approach needs to be reviewed for the Trust. There is now the potential option of individuals being added to the update service which is to both their and the schools benefit as it means that any change in circumstances is flagged. JG asked who has been re- checked in the last 3 years. StH advised that approximately 80% of the staff have. JG confirmed that the Board has a very low risk appetite in this area.

Action – Registering all existing and in the future new staff onto the StH/AS update service should be explored with the DBS. StH and AS agreed to take this forward as a priority.

Page 7 of 9 Directors fully supported this approach and confirmed that LLT should pay the associated fees as long as not totally unreasonable.

 6th Inset Day – StH

AS explained that there is no maximum number of inset days and asked that the Board consider adding a 6th day to focus on collaboration across the trust.

TO stated that as a parent, he would decline the request and that day to day collaboration should be enough. JG asked for the benefits to be further explained. AS advised that staff would like more time to work strategically and to bring in speakers to share experiences etc. JG asked what the other 5 days are currently used for. AS advised it is welcome back & start to the new academic year, discussion of and action planning in relation to results and other data and updates on areas such as gifted & talented and Literacy (usually in the form of shorter twilights).

HH stated she feels that the Board should be encouraging relationship building across the trust and collaboration as a trust. AS confirmed it would be a day where staff come together across the trust. MW asked what AS recommends. AS stated she feels it should definitely happen. MW supported the request.

JG then confirmed that the 6th day would be introduced but that tangible outcomes must be shared with the Board and that the approval was for one year only at this stage.

Action – 6th Inset Day to be introduced and outcomes reported to a AS future Board.

 Cause for Concern – AS

AS advised the Board that James Kerfoot is going to be issuing a ‘cause for concern’ document to his governors and that this will be tabled at the next Childwall Board of Governors meeting. AS clarified that whilst the letter is being issued, the education advisor had generally been very content with all the work being done at CSSA and had not identified any significant gaps.

10 Feedback from the meeting – DM

MW asked if open boards have been considered as a way to increase engagement. JG stated he would be open to this idea but that there would likely be closed items and that much greater thought would need to go into putting the agenda together to maintain confidentiality where needed.

Page 8 of 9 MW also asked if other communications methods have been considered in addition to emails. JG advised that this is something that could be considered in the future.

Directors asked for timings on the agenda and that all papers relating to items are submitted in advance and not on the day.

11 Date and Time of Next Meeting – DM

Next Meeting – Tuesday 28th March 6.30pm – 8.00pm

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