Winkleigh Parish Council Minutes

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Winkleigh Parish Council Minutes

WEDNESDAY 26th October 2016 7.30pm Winkleigh Village Hall

PRESENT Cllr Flockhart (Chair), Cllr Kane, Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Naylor, Cllr Mondy, Cllr Hodgson, Melanie Borrett (Clerk), Deanne Whittaker, Sue Ware

1.10.16 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Jacobs and Dist Cllr Boundy


3.10.16 MINUTES Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 28th September 2016 be approved by the Council, seconded by Cllr Mondy,1 abstention, 6 in favour, and Resolved motion carried with Minutes amended to read 28th September from 27th September 2016. (RR034/10/16)

4.10.16 CASUAL VACANCIES A) Co-option - Mrs Deanne Whittaker and Mrs Sue Ware co-opted on to the Parish Council, all in favour. B) Article for Distinctly Winkleigh Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve draft article for Winter Issue of DW appealing for new Cllrs, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour, and Resolved Motion carried (RR041/10/16)

5.10.16 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM MEMBERS Cllr Hodgson declared a personal interest in new planning application 1/1017/2016/FUL Lower Bransgrove Farm, Register entry WDOI005/2016 Cllr Ware declared a pecuniary interest in cemetery Contract, Register entry WDOI006/2016

6.10.16 PLANNING MATTERS and applications received from TDC A) Returned by TDC i. 1/0671/2016/FUL Winkleigh Airfield Erection of 4 buildings with associated access road and parking. GRANTED ii. 1/0845/2016/FUL Ashleigh House Farm Wembworthy, Agricultural general purpose building. GRANTED B) New Applications i. Proposed by Cllr Flockhart Under Standing Order 8a (xv) to suspend STO 7b to allow Cllrs to comment and make proposals on new applications, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion carried (RR035/10/16) Cllr Hodgson left the meeting room. ii. 1/1017/2016/FUL Lower Bransgrove Farm, Wembworthy. Variation of condition 1 from 1/0765/2016/FUL alternative surface to track. Determination deadline 6th December 2016 Proposed by Cllr Flockhart WPC support the application subject to there being no additional impact or more rapid run off surface drainage water into watercourses, Seconded by Cllr Mondy, 1 abstention 7 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR055/10/16) Cllr Hodgson returned to the meeting room. C) Other Planning Matters i. Workshop on Section 106 Agreements & Calling-in Planning Applications Cllr Flockhart reported on Planning Workshop and TDC Guidance on S106 Agreements trigger points. A generic wish list from Parish Councils to Torridge would be very useful. WPC should consider or submit a S106 list of what they want TDC to hold and consider for the Parish. Cllr Mondy and Pearce to compile a list for consideration at the next pcm. Action WM/GP ii. Parish/TDC Planning & E-Working To consider information from Di Thompson, Planning Performance Team Leader, TDC regards purchase of projector and screen for e-working at WPC meetings. WPC will not take this forward at this time. iii. Additional Planning Council Meetings Proposed by Cllr Mondy to move that Winkleigh Parish Council schedule Parish Council meetings to include August and December to consider any new planning applications received, seconded by Cllr Naylor. 1 in favour, 1 abstention, 8 against, Motion Failed (RR035/10/16) iv. Village Design Statement Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve draft letters to TDC (including Planning, Chair of Plans Committee and Conservation Officer) including copies of published VDS, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR040/10/16) v. Neighbourhood Plan Group Proposed by Cllr Mondy that WPC support the formation of an internal 'Neighbourhood Plan Group', which will liaise with non-Cllr and community members to investigate the viability of establishing a Neighbourhood Plan for Winkleigh and meet any appropriate and reasonable requests for paper/printing & room hire costs, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, following discussion, Motion Withdrawn (RR043/10/16) Cllr Mondy to liaise with CPAG regarding funding from PC reserves. Action WM vi. Response from TDC regards Omission of Archaeology Condition David Green TDC Planning Manager, emailed on 10th October 2016 stating, “… the checking procedure of the planning processes in TDC are as robust as we can make them and in line with other authorities in terms of the way we check and sign off decisions. Unfortunately these procedures do not account for human error and in this instance the Team Leader, Planning Officer and Planning support officer who all check the application decision before it goes out, all missed the Archaeological comments of DCC. I know I have explained this previously and have advised that there is no justification for this error however I would like to point out that since Christmas the Development Management team have been operating with a reduced resource as one of the Planning Officer posts has been vacant which has put the DM team under immense pressure. Whilst they have managed to ensure that our performance figures have not suffered this has obviously put pressure on the DM officers and I am confident that this is the reason the error has occurred in this instance.” vii. Examination of the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan (2011-2031) - Notice of Examination Hearing Sessions In accordance with Regulation 24 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, North Devon and Torridge District Councils hereby give notice that the Independent Examination Hearing Sessions on the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan will commence at 10am on Tuesday 22nd November 2016. All Hearing Sessions will take place at: The Cedars, Bickington Road, Sticklepath, Barnstaple, EX31 2HE.

7.10.16 FINANCIAL MATTERS for Winkleigh Parish Council since 28th September 2016 A) Financial Statement of payments and receipts (Appendix A) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve the Financial Schedule of payments as presented by the Clerk, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR036a/10/16) B) External Audit 2016 External Auditor certificate and opinion 2015/16. RFO reported the external audit has been returned and certificated, with 2 comments by the auditor regarding the involvement of the internal auditor and PAYE system, which have been addressed by the RFO. C) Bank Reconciliation received with no comments (Appendix B) D) The 2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement consultation Proposed by Cllr Flockhart Under Standing Order 8a (xv) to suspend STO 7b to allow Cllrs to comment and make proposals on the responsible finance officers recommendations, seconded Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR044/10/16) Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC accept the RFO recommendations not to agree with the suggestion that referendum principles may be extended to all local precepting authorities, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried. (RR056/10/16) E) Grant applications 2017/18 Proposed by Cllr Flockhart under Standing Order 8a (xv) to suspend STO 7b to allow Cllrs to comment and make proposals on the grant applications, seconded Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR045/10/16) CAB request for £250 towards volunteer advisers who are highly trained to give the best quality advice and information to the public. This high standard ensures that we maintain the credible Citizens Advice name and provide the local community with accurate and helpful advice to help them move forward with their lives ODCTG request for £300 towards continuation of their current services including the Ring and Ride bus service, voluntary car service and wheelchair accessible transport. Winkleigh Football Club request for £1,000 towards refurbishment of the football pavilion which needs modernizing and insulating so it can provide a suitable facility for both club members and supporters. The refurb would include upgraded kitchen facilities so hot/cold refreshments could be provided. It would provide a more welcoming facility which would help to encourage more people to attend/join the club so it can be a focal point of the community. This can in turn provide a club which can provide physical activity for various ages. Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve the following grants with effect 1st April 2017, CAB £250 under Local Government Act 1972 S.142 (2A), ODCTG £300 under Local Government & Rating Act S26-29, Winkleigh Football club £500 under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 S.19, seconded Cllr Turner, 6 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention, and Resolved, Motion Carried. (RR057/10/16) F) Budget 2017/18 to be presented at PCM 30th November 2016 8.10.16 CURRENT BUSINESS A) Rat infestation Winkleigh Square Mark Beer, TDC Environmental Health Officer has stated the sewers are in good working order and they are satisfied this is a surface infestation and advice has been sent by EHO to properties in the area. Mr Beer has offered to meet with Cllrs on site to discuss these issues. Cllrs Whittaker and Naylor to meet with Mr Beer. Clerk to check legislation that may be applicable with regards to placement of bin bags on the street prior to collection. Action DW/RN/Clerk B) Townsend Hill Traffic Calming Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC approve the submission of an application for Lottery Grant Funding for the Townsend Hill Traffic Calming Project to the National Lottery as long as it is found to be a valid application upon clarification of points raised, seconded Cllr Flockhart, all in favour and Resolved, Motion carried. (RR042/10/16)

9.10.16 CLERK REPORTS A) Replacement litter bin Folly Cottage installed 12/10/2016 B) Grit Bin replenishment Devon County Council will not automatically refill grit bins with immediate effect. They will only do so on a reactive basis having received a request to do so, any bins which are broken or empty within the parish, should be reported to customer service 0345 155 1004 or email [email protected] stating the location and ideally the grit bin number which is on a label located on the underside of the lid. C) Defective road surface outside of Church West Gate Devon Highways report it will be done this financial year and hopefully before Christmas. The parish will be informed of any road closures that are needed closer to the time. D) TDC Housing Renewal Technical Officer will be carrying out an assessment of the Cemetery Bungalow formally using the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). Torridge District Council (TDC) has a duty to act if any category 1 hazards are identified. On this basis, TDC deem an inspection necessary in order to determine if the Parish Council have any responsibilities. Inspection will take place at 2pm on 16th November, with the Clerk as Proper Officer in attendance with the tenant. E) Holsworthy Area Advisory Group Cllr John Hart the leader of DCC is attending the HAAG on 31/10/2016 to give a 20 minute update on the 2017 budget and devolution and will take questions.

10.10.16 COUNCILLOR REPORTS A) Chair and Cllr Jacobs attended the TAAG meeting, there was a lot of discussion regarding business rates in Torridge rising by 10% and TDC are going to lobby and ask why it is so high in Torridge compared with North Devon by example. B) District Cllr None C) Bungalow Group (Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Naylor) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC authorise Cllrs Kane, Flockhart, Mondy, Hodgson, and Jacobs, Ware, Whittaker to attend the bungalow for a familiarisation visit date to be arranged, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR037/10/16) D) Cemetery Group (Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Hodgson) i. Correspondence from WD Carne in response to cemetery matters “In our opinion we found that the grave belonging to the late Mrs Short and surrounding area was satisfactory and very tidy. It is normal procedure for grave diggers to fill in any low graves with fine soil, which on this occasion there were three low graves.” Council made no further comment. ii. Soil Pit Rebuild has been completed and the works have been inspected by Cllrs and found to have been carried out satisfactorily iii. Cemetery Maintenance repairs costings Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC approve that the current Cemetery maintenance contractor Mr Ware to rub down and repaint the notice board black for £60 and to clear the drain at £20 identified in the Annual Cemetery Inspection, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, 1 abstention, 8 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR046/10/16) E) Asset Group (Cllr Pearce and Cllr Naylor) Annual Asset Inspection completed, only minor maintenance issues identified, report and costings to be prepared by Clerk for next Parish Council Meeting. Action Clerk F) Annual Defibrillator Training Dates (Mr Andrew Ware) Annual training event Tuesday 29th November 2016, 6.30pm Village Hall, free to all residents. WPC extend their thanks to Mr Ware for his continued work as the Community Coordinator. G) Work & Tidy Group (Cllr Jacobs and Cllr Naylor) i. Annual Street cleaning route/timetables amendment or recommendations. DCC do not work to a set timetable or with particular dates set aside. At present TDC are not able to extend their manual street cleaning operations into the Eggesford Road area. They will however speak to the driver of the scarab street cleaning vehicle to ensure he includes Eggesford Road onto his round when he is next scheduled to be in the Winkleigh area ii. Parishioner correspondence – received from Dr Dale, “Parish Council need to adopt their own policy to maintain Street Cleaning along Torrington Road to ensure that this work is carried out in the future.” WPC thank Dr Dale for his suggestion however, unfortunately H&S conditions also apply to members of the Parish Council and members of the public acting on behalf of the WPC as volunteers under the conditions of our insurance policy. H) Emergency Plan Group (Cllr Kane and Cllr Naylor) Devon Community Resilience Forum will be held on 9 November and will explore community/parish desktop exercises to test Community / Parish Emergency Plans, and help identify what works well and what amendments may be required. I) Clerks Hours Review - Core hours will remain the same at 12 hours per week.

11.10.16 CONSULTATIONS Your Future Care Consultation proposals to improve the way elderly and frail people are cared for in the Eastern locality of Devon. The Eastern locality includes Exeter, East Devon, Mid Devon and parts of West Devon including Okehampton. Closing date 6th January 2017

12.10.16 CORRESPONDENCE FROM PARISHIONERS Parishioners are encouraged to make their own complaints to DCC/TDC where appropriate, via the respective websites and not via the Clerk A) Obstruction of bus stop sign by weight restriction sign, Torrington Road. Dr Dale – reported by Clerk to Devon Highways 3/10/2016 ref W16942919 B) Reduction of National speed limit Torrington Road, Dr Dale - request for Parish Council to campaign to replace national speed limit with 30mph limit before a fatality occurs. Clerk has emailed Neighbourhood Highway Officer and he has requested the Council email the reasons why this should be considered and he will investigate on our behalf. WPC agreed that a short report will be compiled. Action Clerk C) Road Closure at Berners Cross and Chulmleigh Road 12th October 2016 (Cllr Flockhart) - complaint received regarding lack of detailed notice to affected properties/business, Highways are in correspondence with the party concerned. D) Landing place for the Devon Air Ambulance (Cllr Mondy) - would WPC be interested in providing a landing place as they are now commencing night flights, or about to. The parish did not own any suitable land, however the War Memorial Recreational Fields Trust may be interested as they would gain financially and their available land maybe suitable. Cllr Mondy to Liaise with Mike Wilson.


14.10.16 REMINDERS, LATE ITEMS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS at the chairman’s discretion A) Shute Lane Grant Agreement with TDC - Information only that TDC have had to make amendments to the Grant Agreement by extending the time period in which the Grant Funds will need to be spent and the project needs to be completed. This benefits the recipient by prolonging the time period in which they have to spend the money in accordance with the Project. New Grant Agreement dated 14th October. Action – Cllr Jacobs B) Grass Cutting Contract - The required 9 cuts for the year have been carried out, the grass is still growing therefore do the Council wish for a further cut at additional £70. To be carried to next agenda C) Broken Dog bin by cemetery has still not been removed. Action - Clerk D) Broadpark Deer Farm - there is a residential dwelling believed to have been built within the barn – Clerk to check with TDC Lewis Andrews. Action - Clerk E) Christmas Lights - Winkleigh Fair Committee Sunday 27th Nov, to be carried to next agenda, Clerk to check WPC insurance and to nominate Cllrs to carry out risk assessment. Action - Clerk

15.10.16 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE A) Crime report None received B) Chulmleigh Community College - Following advice from the Education Funding Agency (our funders) and our auditors we are currently reviewing the agreement between Chulmleigh Community College and Chulmleigh Recreational Association (CRA). It is our intention to continue to have a shared facility with the community. Open invitation to all the Parish Councillors to visit Chulmleigh Community College, and are Council willing to receive regular updates from Chulmleigh Community College to read/circulate at your meetings. C) Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference 2016 (Western) - invitation for Cllrs to attend 1 of 4 events held between 16th and 23rd November 2016. Cllrs to respond individually to invite if they wish to attend. D) Rough Sleeper Estimate - Since autumn 2010 all local authorities must submit an annual figure indicating the numbers of people sleeping rough in their area. They can do this by choosing to conduct a count or submitting intelligence based estimate of the number of people rough sleeping on a typical night. E) Save our Hospital Services (SOHS) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve the completion of the email template to County Cllr Boyd, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion carried (RR047/010/16)

16.10.16 PART II

A) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that the public be excluded from this section of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information by virtue of Part I Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, being information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR038/010/16 Cllr Ware left the meeting room during the Cemetery maintenance contract discussions.


B) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart Under Standing Order 8a (xv) to suspend STO 7b to allow Cllrs to make proposals on Part II items, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR039/10/16) C) Proposed by Cllr Hodgson that the cemetery maintenance contract be awarded to Mr Andrew Ware for 2017, Seconded Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR058/10/16) Cllr Ware returned to the meeting room. D) Proposed by Cllr Turner that DKA Pest Control be appointed to remove the moles in the cemetery at a cost of £130.00, Seconded by Cllr Hodgson, 1 abstention, 8 in favour, and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR059/10/16) E) Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC approve the Clerk to instigate an insurance claim for accidental damage to a headstone in the cemetery, seconded by Cllr Turner, 1 against, 8 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR060/10/16)

17.10.16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 2nd November 2016 7.30pm Community Centre – Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to comment on Parish meeting from 12th October 2016 regarding Cemetery Bungalow 30th November 2016 7.30pm Community Centre, Parish Council Meeting

Meeting closed 22.20pm Melanie Borrett Melanie Borrett: Clerk (Proper Officer)/RFO Winkleigh Parish Council


Financial statement : Winkleigh Parish Council Meeting date: 26th October 2016

Total all balances : 30th September 2016 Reserve Current Bungalow 12718.42 13044.12 4802.80

Regular Payments Since last PCM 28th September 2016 Payment Payment reference Details TOTAL COST method PM060/16 DD EDF Oct 12.00 PM061/16 STO Internal auditor Nigel Warne 40.00 PM063/16 DD TDC Cemetery Rates 2/2 198.00 PM062/16 STO M Borrett Basic Salary Oct 704.32 £954.32 Items for payment 26th October 2016 Payment reference Cheque no. Details TOTAL COST

PM064/16 1739 Viking Stationary order £27.92 PM065/16 1741 Cllr Mondy mileage planning course £37.80 PM066/16 1742 Village Hall room hire x 4 £40.00 PM067/16 1743 DALC planning course, GF/WM/RN £108.00 PM068/16 1744 Royal British Legion wreath £75.00 PM069/16 1745 HMRC £101.76 PM070/16 1746 Clerk Additional Payment £279.63 PM071/16 1747 The Small Job Company (Soil pit) £502.00

£1,172.11 Receipts since last PCM 28th September 2016 Receipt Receipt number Details TOTAL AMOUNT reference

RC032/16 BACS Interest Reserve Account August £0.58 RC042/16 BACS Interest Reserve Account September £0.52 RC033, 034, 035, 041/16 STO Rent x 4 Bungalow September £398.40


Current Monies held in the reserves account as at 30th September statement Reserves Account UNALLOCATED Amount Details Balance BALANCE

12718.42 -500.00 Restricted - Earmarked Election accrual -500.00 Restricted - Earmarked bus shelter accrual -2603.24 Restricted - Earmarked CPAG -7500.00 Earmarked - Council contingency -676.00 TAP fund project 2016/17 -120.80 Earmarked - 2016-17 Budget from rent income £818.38

Bungalow Monies held in the bungalow account CONTINGENCY Amount Details BALANCE 01/04/2016 3508.00 Restricted Bungalow Contingency Rental income for 2016/17 general budget & 1294.80 bungalow admin costs

£4,802.80 APPENDIX B

WINKLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT BALANCES LEDGERS Current Account stmt 501 13044.12 Bungalow Account stmt 4 4802.80 Reserve Account stmt 182 12718.42 Opening Balance 20007.94 Sub-total 25762.54 30565.34 Receipts to date 23951.96 Deposits not on statement Payments to date -13746.18 Payments 2015/16 -642.17

Running balance 29571.55 Sub-total 0.00 0.00

Un-presented cheques:

1731 ICO 35.00 1732 Cllr Naylor 18.00 1733 Vision ICT 150.00 1734 HMRC 18.83 1737 HMRC 75.15 ffffg 1738 Pauline Warner 146.76 Receipts to date 1736 Clerk 550.05 Payments to date Xfr to Current a/c 14000

Playfield Opening balance Receipts to date Payments to date Running balance

Sub-total 993.79 993.79 Other Capital projects Opening balance Payments to date Sub-total 0.00 0.00 Running balance 29571.5 NET BALANCE 5 BALANCE 29571.55 Reconciliation date 30th September 2016

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