Subject/Grade Level: Algebra/6Th Grade

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Subject/Grade Level: Algebra/6Th Grade

English Language Arts Curriculum Map

Grade Level: English 3 Pre AP Title: The Victorian Period (1832-1901) Time Frame: 2 weeks

Enduring Understanding: The development of the Modern Language and the effect of society on literature

Essential Questions: What is the relationship between place and literature? How does literature shape or reflect society? What is the relationship of the writer to tradition?

Vocabulary Instructional Activities/ Selections/ Concept/Topic Indicators Development Assessment Extension Activities Resources Strategies E4-1.1 Compare/contrast Rhyme, alliteration, Some instructional Prereading Strategies: Alfred Lord Tennyson “The Lady of Shallott” The Victorian ideas within and assonance, activities should be used Anticipation Guide Robert Browning “My Last Duchess” Period across literary texts medievalism, dramatic as formative assessment to Socratic Seminar Matthew Arnold “Dover Beach” to make monologue, tone, drive classroom KWL Elizabeth Barrett Browning “Sonnet 43” inferences. syntax, extended instruction Quickwrite Thomas Hardy E4-1.2 Evaluate the impact metaphor, Italian Admit Slip A. E. Houseman of point of view on sonnet, repetition, Reading Strategy and Brainstorming Rudyard Kipling literary texts. paraphrase, mood, Response Journals Predicting Gerard Manley Hopkins E4-1.3 Evaluate devices of figurative language, Charlotte Bronte figurative speaker, couplet, novel Summative Reading During or After Reading language of manners, Assessments: Use cold Strategies: (including texts to assess indicators at Think-pair-share extended the appropriate level of Think-aloud metaphor, Bloom’s Chunking the text Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice oxymoron, pun, Marking the text Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre and paradox). Released AP multiple Close reading Joseph Conrad The Secret Sharer E4-1.4 Evaluate the choice questions from this Graphic organizers relationship among character, plot, period of British literature Double-entry journal Textbook conflict, and Interactive read-aloud Online Website theme in a given Questioning the text CD Recordings literary text. Diction, Syntax, Sketch to Stretch my eBook CD Planner

English 3 Pre AP – Unit 6 – The Victorian Period April 2011 300 South Catawba Street, Lancaster SC 29720

1 English Language Arts Curriculum Map

Vocabulary Instructional Activities/ Selections/ Concept/Topic Indicators Development Assessment Extension Activities Resources Strategies E4-1.5 Analyze the effect of Characterization, Choral Reading the author’s craft Letter Writing, Plot Waterfalling AP Central web site: (including tone and Elements, Gothic Making Connections the use of imagery, Romance, Foil, Summarizing flashback, Victorian Customs Paraphrasing foreshadowing, Visualizing symbolism, motif, Reader’s Theater irony, and Literature Circles Text allusion) on the Reformulation meaning of literary texts. Most Important Word E4-1.6 Create responses to Written Conversation literary texts Reflective Write through a variety of Jigsaw methods, (for example, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, media productions, and the visual and performing arts). E4-1.7 Evaluate an author’s use of genre to convey theme. E4-1.8 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure.

English 3 Pre AP – Unit 6 – The Victorian Period April 2011 300 South Catawba Street, Lancaster SC 29720

2 English Language Arts Curriculum Map

Vocabulary Instructional Activities/ Selections/ Concept/Topic Indicators Development Assessment Extension Activities Resources Strategies E4-2.1 Evaluate theses within and across informational texts. E4-2.2 Compare/contrast information within and across texts to draw conclusions and make inferences. E4-2.3 Analyze informational texts for author bias (including word choice, the exclusion and inclusion of particular information, and unsupported opinion). E4-2.4 Create responses to informational texts through a variety of methods (for example, drawings, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, and media productions).

English 3 Pre AP – Unit 6 – The Victorian Period April 2011 300 South Catawba Street, Lancaster SC 29720

3 English Language Arts Curriculum Map

Vocabulary Instructional Activities/ Selections/ Concept/Topic Indicators Development Assessment Extension Activities Resources Strategies E4-2.5 Evaluate the impact that text elements have on the meaning of a given informational text. E4-2.6 Evaluate information from graphic features (for example, charts and graphs in informational texts). E4-2.7 Evaluate propaganda techniques and rhetorical devices in informational texts. E4-2.8 Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information.

E4-3.1 Use context clues to determine the meaning of technical terms and other unfamiliar words. E4-3.2 Analyze the meaning of words

English 3 Pre AP – Unit 6 – The Victorian Period April 2011 300 South Catawba Street, Lancaster SC 29720

4 English Language Arts Curriculum Map

Vocabulary Instructional Activities/ Selections/ Concept/Topic Indicators Development Assessment Extension Activities Resources Strategies by using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes.) E4-3.3 Explain how British history and culture have influenced the use and development of the English language. E4-3.4 Spell new words using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes.)

All Semester:

*Students will read (2) two teacher selected novels with extended unit study during the course. *Students will read (4) four student selected novels that are independent/parallel novels of their choosing *Vocabulary enrichment/critical-thinking skills with Vocabulary Workshop *Students are to write a minimum of (5) five polished pieces per course that are in-depth thesis-driven analysis

English 3 Pre AP – Unit 6 – The Victorian Period April 2011 300 South Catawba Street, Lancaster SC 29720


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