Sixth Grade Mathematics Syllabus s9

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Sixth Grade Mathematics Syllabus s9

2016-2017 School Year ______

Course GPS Advance Algebra/Algebra II Course 27.0973001-7 Name Code School Chamblee Chatter High Teacher Clinton Momon Jr. Name Name School 678-676-7052 Teacher [email protected] Phone Email Number School Teacher Website / Website

Course Description: Advance Algebra/Algebra II is designed for students who have successfully completed Algebra I and Geometry. Algebra II will build on the basic concepts presented in Algebra I to encourage higher order thinking. Algebra II students will represent and analyze mathematical situations. The students will analyze and apply a variety of methods to model and graph Polynomial functions and rational functions. Students will also use algebraic, graphical, and numerical methods for analysis of quadratic equations and functions and polynomials and rational functions. Exponential functions, logarithmic functions, data analysis, and probability will be explored in Algebra II Curriculum Overview : The following academic concepts will be covered.

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Unit-1 – Quadratic Revisited Unit-2 – Operations with Polynomial Unit-3 – Polynomial Functions Unit-4 – Rational And radical Relationship continue in second semester

BOARD-APPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Title GPS Advance Algebra ISBN Replacement Cost $82.00 Online book and/or resources Online student access code (school specific)

GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.

GRADING CATEGORIES *GRADE PROTOCOL Formative Assessment - 0% A 90 – 100 ~P (pass) Assessment During Learning – 25% B 80 – 89 ~F (fail) Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45% C 71 – 79 Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning– 30% D 70 F Below 70

Classroom policies and Procedures

Homework Policy:

Homework will be assigned most days and is required. The purpose of homework in Math is to reinforce the concepts covered in class and to aid in the learning process. On assignments ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN in order to receive full credit. I expect students to work the problems first then check the answers in the back of the book. This helps students to learn from their mistakes.

Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. It will be considered late after that. Students must be responsible to have their homework ready to check after the tardy bell.

Late assignments will be accepted for half credit until the date the student takes the unit test for that assignment. Late homework will not be accepted for a unit after the unit test for that assignment. Heading for papers:

All papers including tests that are turned in must have your first and last name written on it. If you do not have both your first and last name on your paper you will lose points from your grade.

Make up work and other class work to be turned in must have the following in the heading. The heading is to be in the upper right hand corner of the page.

First and Last Name Period Date of assignment Assignment (page # & Problem #’s)

Bathroom Passes:

Each student will receive 2 bathroom tickets at the beginning of each 9 weeks. These are to be used during that 9 weeks period. They are only to be used if you need to go to the bathroom. Use these wisely. You may not borrow tickets from another student you must only use your own tickets. It is encouraged that students try to make a habit of going to the bathroom between classes so as not to miss instruction.

Any tickets that are not used may be redeemed at the end of the 9 weeks for bonus points. Each ticket is worth 5 bonus points.

Testing Policy:

Students are expected to come to class on test day well rested, having studied, and prepared with pencil, notebook and calculator. Students will not be allowed to go to their locker after the tardy bell rings to get their supplies.

No Bathroom passes are allowed on test day. Students must use the bathroom before coming to class.

On test day students that have cell phones will be asked to turn them off and place them in a basket at the front of the room. This is to assure that cell phones will not be used during test time. Students may retrieve their cell phones at the end of the class period as they are leaving.

During the test:  Students must remain silent during the entire test to allow every one the opportunity to concentrate. You are welcome to bring something to read or work on after you finish your test in case you get done early.  Students must use his/her own calculator. Passing calculators during a test will not be allowed.  Tests taken in purple or red ink will not be accepted.  Cheating is not allowed. Keep your eyes on your own paper.  Students must remain in your seat during the entire test. If you need something or have a question raise your hand and I will come to you. I will pick up the test from each individual at the end of the testing time. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in receiving a grade of zero for the test.

Make up tests will be taken during class time on the day that the student returns from being absent. The student is expected to get notes from that day either from another student or myself and must also complete the assignment that is assigned.

There may be times when I ask the students to get their test signed by a parent after I have graded it. This is for communication to the parent. If the signed test is not turned in to me by the designated dates then the student will receive a zero for homework, And I will call the parent.

Required Materials:

 Small ( 1 inch) 3 ring binder with pockets  Notebook paper  Graph paper  Pencils , erasers  Four AAA batteries for calculator  Graphing Calculator (can be TI-83 plus, TI-84 plus, or TI-84 plus silver addition)

Cell Phones: Students may not have phones OUT during any graded assignments or instructional time. Students will be asked to turn off phones and put in book bags or purses during all tests and instructional time. If a student has a phone out during a test it will be considered cheating. Cell phones may be used during other times for instructional purposes at the teacher’s discretion . DISTRICT EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS STUDENT PROGRESS Semester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and thirteen and a half weeks into each semester. The progress of students shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall be generated to remediate deficiencies as they are discovered. Plans shall include appropriate interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See Board Policy IH. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, providing false information, falsifying school records, forging signatures, or using an unauthorized computer user ID or password. See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook. HOMEWORK Homework assignments should be meaningful and should be an application or adaptation of a classroom experience. Homework is at all times an extension of the teaching/learning experience. It should be considered the possession of the student and should be collected, evaluated and returned to the students. See Board Policy IHB. MAKE-UP WORK When a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by Georgia law or when the DUE TO ABSENCES absence is apparently beyond the control of the student, the student shall be given an opportunity to earn grade(s) for those days absent. Make-up work must be completed within the designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA. SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS . Be respectful. Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself. . Be on time and come to class prepared. Bring paper, pencil, homework, notebook, and calculator every day. . Follow all directions the first time they are given.

MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Notebook : You must have a separate Advanced Algebra 3-ring binder. You are required to keep an organized 3-ring binder with loose-leaf and graph paper. If you would like to organize your notebook with tabs, have WARM-UPS, NOTES, PRACTICE, HOMEWORK, & QUIZZES

Calculators (TI-36XPro, TI-83 or TI-84) : These calculators are permitted on the majority of the course. Different calculators will be allowed during specific units.

EXTRA HELP Morning (7:40 – 8:05) Afternoon(3:30 – 4:00) Monday Tuesday Room: 2110 Room: 2123 Wednesday Thursday Room: 2110 Friday GO HOME! 


GUIDELINES Be Prompt  Be in class, in your assigned seat, and ready to work when the bell rings. Be Prepared  Bring textbook, notebook, paper, graph paper and sharpened pencils and calculator to class every day. Do not write in purple or red ink. Anything written in these colors will not be accepted. Be Respectful  Listen when the teacher or another student is talking and wait your turn to speak.  Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat. Follow all of the rules in the Student Handbook. Leave class only when I dismiss you not when the bell rings.

Discipline Policy Minor infractions:  First infraction –warning  Second infraction – another warning and possible Phone Call to parent.  Third infraction – discipline referral will be sent to office

Major disruptions: Student will be sent with a referral immediately to Office. STUDENT/PARENT INFORMATION To be returned within one week of the student first attending class.

I have read the syllabus for GSE Advance Algebra - A. I will instruct and expect my child to uphold the rules and guidelines. I understand that any violation of classroom expectations may result in suitable disciplinary action.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Name ______Home phone ______Cell phone Student home e-mail address ______(Please print neatly)

Mother/Guardian Name ______Home phone ______Daytime phone ______Cell phone ______Parent e-mail address ______(Please print neatly)

Father/Guardian Name ______Home phone ______Daytime phone ______Cell phone ______Parent e-mail address ______(Please print neatly)

Students who return this completed form within one week of first attending class will receive a 100% for their first homework grade.

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