Simnet 2.0 Pageout Online Edition
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Intended for internal use only
SimNet 2.0 PageOut Online Edition Setup Requirements
The SimNet 2.0 PageOut Online Edition requires two elements: a web server and a client computer.
Web Server Requirements
In this type of installation, the web server stores the SimNet question data. It has not other function and requires no software installation. All administrative functions are handled through the PageOut interface. The web server simply substitutes for the CD.
Triad highly recommends using a web server with the Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system with IIS 4.0 or higher installed. While there should be no technical difficulties using a server with a Unix or Linux operating system, Triad cannot offer technical support for those environments. Triad’s web server uses Windows 2000, so that is the only operating system with which we can thoroughly test this type of installation.
The web server must have at least 250 MB available for the SimNet data.
The server must be properly configured as a web server and all appropriate domain names must be registered and functioning properly. SimNet is an add-on to an existing domain.
Client Computer Requirements
The client computer (student or instructor workstation) runs the executable and support files. It also stores the question pool XML file that refers to the question data stored on the web server.
Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional operating system
Minimum 32 MB RAM (64 MB or more highly recommended)
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher installed
Internet access (ISDN or higher recommended)
5 MB of available hard drive space Setup Instructions
Web Server Setup
There is no setup program for the web server in this type of installation.
1. Create a new folder (virtual directory) within the web domain. This directory can be named anything – although we recommend naming it simnet2000. If McGraw-Hill has a customer calling for this type of setup, and the customer does
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not know what “IIS” or “virtual directory” means, then that customer should not be using this type of installation (unless MH wants to tech support web server configurations).
2. Copy the entire folder simnet2000_exams from the SimNet 2.0 PageOut Edition CD to the new folder on the web server. All the question data must remain inside the parent folder simnet2000_exams. One word of advice: Be careful when copying files. If you use an FTP program, do NOT enforce all lowercase filenames. JavaScript is case sensitive, and many of Triad’s JavaScript files names use mixed case – so if you force all lowercase filenames, the file testme.js will no longer work, because the program will be looking for testMe.js.
Client Computer Setup
Before running the setup program “simnet_pageout_online.exe” be sure that you know the SimNet Online URL. You will need to enter this information in the setup program. This URL is NOT the same as the PageOut URL.
Run the program “siment_pageout_online.exe”.
If you do not have Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher installed, you will be prompted to upgrade your browser after completing installation. Because this executable will be available via download, we did not include a link to the Internet Explorer setup that resides on the SimNet 2.0 PageOut Edition CD (standard edition CD).
Once the program has been installed, start the program from the Windows Start Menu > Programs > SimNet > SimNet PageOut Online. You must have access to the Internet. Technical Background
Installed Files
Files that are installed to \program files\simnet_pageout_online: simnet_pageout_online.cfg configuration file for tila.exe, points to the redirect1.htm file redirect1.htm redirects to frameset.htm on the web server – e.g., This is the base file that calls all the other program files. unwise32.exe uninstall program uninstall.log uninstall log – tells the uninstall program which files to uninstall \simnet2000_questionpool\ question data questionPool.xml
Executable and system files that are installed if there is no existing version or if the existing version is outdated:
\program files\triad interactive\tila.exe
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System directory (e.g. \windows\system) triad.dll triadVBReg.dll msxml.dll mfc42.dll msvcrt40.dll regsvr32.dll
Registry Entries
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Simnet2000Admin\Startup
QuestionPoolDir Value: Location of questionpool.xml (e.g., c:\program files\simnet_pageout_online\ simnet2000_questionpool\questionpool.xml) StudentIDDir legacy value (not required for PageOut) TestResultsDir legacy value (not required for PageOut) XMLDir legacy value (not required for PageOut)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\triad interactive\SimNet
simnet_pageout_online path to main directory (e.g. c:\program files\simnet_pageout_online) TILARedirectFile URL ending with TestMain.htm (e.g., simnet2000_exams/test/TestMain.htm)
Issues Triad was unable to test:
1. What happens when question data is copied to a Unix or Linux server?
2. How does the program perform with a slower data connection? Triad has only tested with its own DSL connection. With our connection, it took about 4 minutes for a large Word exam to load completely. Once the exam was loaded, there was no lag time between questions. The results page took about 30 seconds to display (there were 70+ questions in the test exam).
3. If the end-user’s system requires a dial-up connection, will starting the program from the Start menu invoke the dial-up automatically? (Again, Triad’s DSL connection is always on, so we have no way to test this.)
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