2410 Loyola Drive, Davis, California, 95618, USA

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2410 Loyola Drive, Davis, California, 95618, USA

Abraham Jacobus (Abri) de Buys

2410 Loyola drive, Davis, California, 95618, USA

Email: [email protected]; Cell: +2782 469 2858


Baccalaureus Technologiae is an honors level of study that requires qualification based on marks received during National Diploma

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Nature Conservation 2004 Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa.

Relevant Coursework (number of semesters): . Research Methodology (2: basic statistics, proposal writing) . Plant Studies (4: fire ecology, disturbance ecology, state and transition models) . Resource Management (4: GIS, Modeling) . Marine and Coastal Management (2: marine ecology & management) . Conservation Management (2: game reserve management) . Principles of Management (2: business management, business plans)

National diploma: Nature Conservation 2002 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Saasveld Campus, George, South Africa.

Relevant Coursework (number of semesters): . Plant Studies (4: plant physiology) . Animal Studies (4: animal physiology, genetics) . Conservation Ecology (6: forest, fresh water & marine ecology) . Conservation Development (1: sustainable use & development, organisations) . Conservation Communication (2: presentations, writing, media, barriers) . Conservation Administration (labor laws, personnel management) . Resource Management (4: fire ecology & management, alien plants, erosion) . Soil Science (2) . Computer Usage (1) RESEARCH INTERESTS

Savanna ecology, riparian ecology, herbivore interactions with water, spatial modeling, rare biota, science and management linkages.


Junior Specialist Department of Plant Sciences, University of California: Davis, USA 2007-2008

Admin assistant De Buys Financial Services, 2005-2006 Stellenbosch, South Africa

Research technician South African National Parks 2004-2005 Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Research technician River Savanna Boundaries Program 2001-2003 Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Field logistics coordinator Northern Plains Program 2001-2003 Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Field Guide South African National Parks 1999-2001 Kruger National Park, South Africa


Research Products  Manuscripts  De Buys, A.J., Grant, C.C., Gaylard, A. 2001. Comparing the effects foraging strategies of a specialist grazer (Roan Antelope) to that of generalist grazers on grassland, in prep.

 Reports  De Buys, A.J. 2005. Veld condition assessment in the Capricorn enclosure, Internal report, Skukuza, Kruger National Park  De Buys, A.J. 2005. Veld condition assessment in the Hlangwini enclosure, Internal report, Skukuza, Kruger National Park  Gaylard, A., De Buys A.J. and Alard, G.F. 2004. River Savanna Boundaries Program research projects report 01/04, Internal report, Shingwedzi, Kruger National Park  Grant, C.C. and De Buys, A.J. 2004. Northern Plains Program annual report, Scientific Services, Skukuza, Kruger National Park  Grant, C.C. and De Buys, A.J. 2003. Northern Plains Program annual report, Scientific Services, Skukuza, Kruger National Park  Grant, C.C and De Buys, A.J. 2002. Progress report for the Northern Plains Program – April 2002, Conservation Services, Skukuza, Kruger National Park

 Presentations  De Buys, A.J. 2003. Comparing the effects of forage strategies of bulk grazers and selective grazers on heterogeneity of the grass layer, Kruger Park Networking Meeting, Skukuza.

Collaborative research  Landscapes  Assisted in river cross-section surveys from boat  Assisted in ground truth surveys for landscape riparian classification  Mapped water pools in ephemeral rivers using LIDAR and spatial digital video footage.

 Plants  Conducted riparian vegetation surveys using laser mapping  Performed vegetation condition assessments and biodiversity surveys  Collected pre-dawn samples for tree water isotope analysis  Gathered tree phenology data  Participated in burn-plot experiments  Investigated tree seedling recruitment  Conducted plant water stress survey  Gathered and analysed tree growth data using dendrobands  Developed plant research protocols and designed sampling strategies  Compiled area species lists for Shingwedzi area, northern Kruger National Park  Design, preparation and installation of through-fall collectors  Performed riparian vegetation classification using LIDAR imagery and aerial video footage  Surveyed riparian vegetation for elephant feeding damage.  Collected leaf tissue samples for nutrient analysis

 Animals  Tracked roan antelope, elephants, bats using radio telemetry equipment  Surveyed Roan antelope population composition and studied grazing behaviour  Conducted coprological parasite egg counts using a microscope  Surveyed fresh water fish movement  Mapped frog species distribution and recorded frog calls  Contributed to bovine tuberculosis research  Participated in aerial animal census  Participated in game capture (elephant, buffalo, roan antelope, lion)  Mapped animal trails and activity using LIDAR imagery and aerial video footage  Conducted ground truth survey of trail maps with differential GPS  Soils and Meteorological  Installed and maintained tensiometers and lysimeters for soil water investigation  Collected meteorological data and maintained a weather station

 Laboratory  Captured and conducted basic analysis on extensive datasets electronically  Grinding and weighing of plant and soil samples using Wiley mills, ball mills and micro balances.  Prepared samples for nutrient analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (cleaning, drying, weighing, grinding, packaging of leaf and soil samples)  Assisted with preparation and extraction of through-fall collector resin columns  Assisted with preparation and digestion using Microwave digester

Training Activities

 International exchange with PI’s, graduate students, undergraduate students and other research assistants  Mentored Organization of Tropical Studies students with development of research questions and implementation of sampling  Conducted orientation fieldtrips for visiting scientists  Disseminated laboratory safety information as lab safety representative

Logistical Responsibilities

 Arranged logistics for visiting scientists’ fieldtrips  Supervised maintenance and development of research facilities  Maintained and inventoried vehicles, rifles and research equipment  Supervised Game Guards  Ordered stock and research equipment for field laboratory  Arranged international fieldwork campaigns (transport, flights, accommodation, field & personnel logistics)  Maintenance of laboratory safety documents and training records according to UC Davis standards  Conducted laboratory safety inspections according to UC Davis standards  Ordered office and laboratory supplies and equipment SKILLS

Computer Skills

 Microsoft Office applications  ArcGIS 9.x,  ArcView 3.x  GeoExplorer 3  GPS Pathfinder Office 2.80  Mapsource  Cybertracker  JMP

Field Skills

 Field Guides’ Association of South Africa accredited field guide  Compass navigation and wilderness first aid  Navigation with a Global Positioning System  Use of a large caliber rifle and advanced rifle training  Extensive experience living and working in an African game reserve (working, camping and bicycle patrols among dangerous animals)  Off-road 4X4 driving with manual transmission  Extensive knowledge of plants (identification, collection for herbarium, pressing)  Bird, frog and mammal identification and extensive knowledge of calls, behavior and tracks

Field and Lab Equipment Skills

 Laser rangefinder and electronic compass  Tensiometers  Lysimeters  Dendrobands  Radio tracking/telemetry equipment  Thermo-hygrograph  pH- meter  Electrical conductivity meter  Electronic surveying equipment (theodolite)  Two-way radio  Pressure bomb  Spatial digital video recorder  Grinding mills (Wiley and ball mills)  Micro balances  Microwave digester  Water purification/nanopure system  Drying oven  Dessicator  Passive aerosol samplers


 Afrikaans (home language)  English (speak, write and read fluently)  Xitsonga (basic) REFERENCES

Dr. Mary Cadenasso Assistant Professor Department of Plant Sciences University of California, Davis Office: 530 754 6151 (1314 PES) E-mail: [email protected]

Angela Gaylard Regional Ecologist: Frontier parks Scientific Services South African National Parks Knysna Regional Office Main Street Knysna South Africa Office: +27 44 3025611 Fax: +27 44 3025627 E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Rina Grant Program manager Plant- Herbivore interactions & Northern plains program Skukuza Kruger National Park South Africa Cell: +27 829256299 Office: +27 13 7354415 E-mail: [email protected] Alternative email: [email protected]

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