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Table of Contents
Shell Analysis : App1-4f, TORI 1...... 2 Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2...... 7 Flange Analysis : TAYLOR FORGE...... 13 Thinjnt Analysis : APP BB-8...... 17 ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1...... 19 Flohead Analysis : UHX20.3.1...... 28 Vessel Results Summary...... 32 CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 2 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Input Echo, Component 1, Description: App1-4f, TORI 1
Design Internal Pressure P 20.00 psig Temperature for Internal Pressure 200.00 F Design External Pressure PEXT 2.00 psig Temperature for External Pressure 200.00 F External Pressure Chart Name CS-2
Include Hydrostatic Head Components NO
Material Specification (Not Normalized) SA-516 70 Material UNS Number K02700 Allowable Stress At Temperature S 20000.00 psi Allowable Stress At Ambient SA 20000.00 psi Yield Stress At Temperature Sy 34800.00 psi Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 B Joint efficiency for Head Joint E 1.00
Outside Diameter of Torispherical Head D 96.0000 in. Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate T 0.1750 in.
Corrosion Allowance CA 0.0625 in.
Inside Crown Radius of Tori. Head L 96.0000 in. Inside Knuckle Radius of Tori. Head r 7.0000 in. Length of Straight Flange STRTFLG 2.0000 in.
Skip UG-16(b) Min. thickness calculation NO
Type of Element: Torispherical Head
INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS, SHELL NUMBER 1, Desc.: App1-4f, TORI 1 ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Ed-2001, A-03
M factor for Torispherical Heads ( Corroded ): M = (3+Sqrt((L+Ca)/(r+Ca)))/4 per Appendix 1-4 (b & d) M = (3+SQRT(( 96.000+ 0.0625)/( 7.000+ 0.0625)))/4 M = 1.6720
Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(L+T)*M)/(2*S*E+P*(M-0.2)) per Appendix 1-4 (d) = (20.00*96.1750*1.6720)/(2*20000.00*1.00+20.00*(1.6720-0.2)) = 0.0803 in.
Max. All. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (2*S*E*(T-CA))/(M*(L+T)-(T-CA)*(M-0.2)) per Appendix 1-4 (d) = (2*20000.00*1.00*(0.1125))/(1.6720*96.1750-(0.1125)*(1.67-0.2)) = 28.01 psig
M factor for Torispherical Heads ( New & Cold ): M = (3+SQRT(L/r))/4 per Appendix 1-4 (b & d) M = (3+SQRT(96.000)/(7.0000)))/4 M = 1.6758
Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold (MAPNC): = (2*SA*E*T)/(M*(L+T)-T*(M-0.2)) per Appendix 1-4 (d) = (2*20000.00*1.00*0.1750)/(1.6758*96.1750-2*0.1750*(1.68-0.2)) = 43.50 psig
Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*(M*(L+T)-(T-CA)*(M-0.2)))/(2*E*(T-CA)) = (20.00*(1.6720*96.1750-(0.1125)*(1.6720-0.2)))/(2*1.00*(0.1125)) = 14279.15 psi CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 3 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Appendix 1-4(f) Calculations ( t/L = 0.00111 )
Note: Please check the temperature limit given in Table 1-4.3 of the code. If the max. design temp. exceeds the temp. limit, see U-2(g). r/D = 0.074 : C1 = 0.601 : C2 = 1.250
Required Thickness Calculation:
First iteration:
Elastic Buckling Stress (Se): = C1 * Et * (t/r) = ( 0.601 * 0.285E+08 * 0.008) = 128801.602 psi
A = 0.5 * D - r = 40.825 in. B = L - r = 89.000 in. BETA = COS(A/B) = 1.094 rad. PHI = SQRT(L*t) / r = 0.320 rad. C = A / COS(BETA-PHI) = 57.106 in. Re = C + r = 64.168 in.
Buckling Internal Pressure (Pe): = (Se * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (128801.6*0.053)/(1.250*64.168*((0.5*64.168/7.062)-1.0)) = 24.090 psig
Yield Internal Pressure (Py): = (Sy * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (34800.0*0.053)/(1.250*64.168*((0.5*64.168/7.062)-1.0)) = 6.509 psig
Knuckle Failure Internal Pressure (Pck): = 0.408 * Py + 0.192 * Pe = 0.408 * 6.509 + 0.192 * 24.090 = 7.281 psig
Allowable Pressure (Pa): = Pck / 1.5 = 7.281 / 1.5 = 4.854 psig
Iterating to Determine the Required thickness ... Thk. Pe Py Pck Pa in. psig psig psig psig ------0.072 49.0 9.8 13.4 8.9 0.092 86.9 13.5 22.2 14.8 0.094 92.0 14.0 23.4 15.6 0.096 95.1 14.3 24.1 16.0 0.097 98.2 14.5 24.8 16.5 0.098 101.4 14.8 25.5 17.0 0.100 104.6 15.1 26.2 17.5 0.101 107.9 15.3 27.0 18.0 0.102 111.3 15.6 27.7 18.5 0.104 114.7 15.9 28.5 19.0 0.105 118.2 16.2 29.3 19.5 0.106 121.4 16.4 30.0 20.0
App 1-4(f) Calculated Required Thick. (TR) : 0.1063 in.
MAWP Calculation ( T/L = 0.00117)
Elastic Buckling Stress (Se): CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 4 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
= C1 * Et * (t/r) = ( 0.601 * 0.285E+08 * 0.016) = 272627.469 psi
A = 0.5 * D - r = 40.825 in. B = L - r = 89.000 in. BETA = COS(A/B) = 1.094 rad. PHI = SQRT(L*t) / r = 0.465 rad. C = A / COS(BETA-PHI) = 50.479 in. Re = C + r = 57.542 in.
Buckling Internal Pressure (Pe): = (Se * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (272627.5*0.112)/(1.250*57.542*((0.5*57.542/7.062)-1.0)) = 138.725 psig
Yield Internal Pressure (Py): = (Sy * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (34800.0*0.112)/(1.250*57.542*((0.5*57.542/7.062)-1.0)) = 17.708 psig
Knuckle Failure Internal Pressure (Pck): = 0.408 * Py + 0.192 * Pe = 0.408 * 17.708 + 0.192 * 138.725 = 33.860 psig
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP): = Pck / 1.5 = 33.860 / 1.5 = 22.573 psig
New & Cold Calculation ( T/L = 0.00182)
Elastic Buckling Stress (Se): = C1 * Et * (t/r) = ( 0.595 * 0.292E+08 * 0.025) = 434596.906 psi
A = 0.5 * D - r = 40.825 in. B = L - r = 89.000 in. BETA = COS(A/B) = 1.094 rad. PHI = SQRT(L*t) / r = 0.586 rad. C = A / COS(BETA-PHI) = 46.744 in. Re = C + r = 53.744 in.
Buckling Internal Pressure (Pe): = (Se * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (434596.9*0.175)/(1.250*53.744*((0.5*53.744/7.000)-1.0)) = 398.784 psig
Yield Internal Pressure (Py): = (Sy * t) / (C2 * Re * ((0.5 * Re / r) - 1.0)) = (38000.0*0.175)/(1.250*53.744*((0.5*53.744/7.000)-1.0)) = 34.869 psig
Knuckle Failure Internal Pressure (Pck): = 2.0 * Py = 2.0 * 34.869 = 69.737 psig
Maximum Allowable Pressure (MAPNC): = Pck / 1.5 = 69.737 / 1.5 = 46.491 psig CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 5 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Final Internal Pressure Results:
Final Required Thickness (TR): = MAX[ UG16B, TR(App.1-4d) OR TR(UG32e), TR(App.1-4f) ] = MAX[ 0.0625, 0.0803, 0.1063 ] = 0.1063 in.
Final Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP): = MIN[ MAWP(App.1-4d) OR MAWP(UG32e), MAWP(App.1-4f) ] = MIN[ 28.01, 22.57 ] = 22.5734 psig
Final Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold (MAPNC): = MIN[ MAPNC(App.1-4d) OR MAPNC(UG32e), MAPNC(App.1-4f) ] = MIN[ 43.50, 46.49 ] = 43.5016 psig
SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance, Trca 0.1688 in. Actual Thickness as Given in Input 0.1750 in. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP 22.573 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure, NC MAPNC 43.502 psig Design Pressure as Given in Input P 20.000 psig
HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Measured at High Point ): Hydrotest per UG-99(b); 1.3 * MAWP * Sa/S 29.35 psig Hydrotest per UG-99(c); 1.3 * MAPNC 56.55 psig Pneumatic per UG-100 ; 1.1 * MAWP * Sa/S 24.83 psig
Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 75t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) ) 1.852 % Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per Fig. UCS-66 -20 F Min. Metal Temp. at Req'd thk. (per UCS 66.1) -49 F Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 F
EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS, SHELL NUMBER 1, Desc.: App1-4f, TORI 1 ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Ed-2001, A-03
External Pressure Chart CS-2 at 300.00 F Elastic Modulus for Material 29000000.00 psi
Results for Max. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): Corroded Thickness of Shell TCA 0.1125 in. Outside Crown Radius Ro 96.1750 in. Crown Rad / Thickness Ratio (Ro/T) 854.8889 Geometry Factor, A (.125/(Ro/T)) A 0.0001462 Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 2120.1587 psi Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 2.48 psig EMAWP = B/(Ro/T) = 2120.1587 / 854.8889 = 2.4800
Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Pressure (Tca): Corroded Thickness of Shell TCA 0.1010 in. Outside Crown Radius Ro 96.1750 in. Crown Rad / Thickness Ratio (Ro/T) 951.9479 Geometry Factor, A (.125/(Ro/T)) A 0.0001313 Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 1903.9908 psi Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 2.00 psig EMAWP = B/(Ro/T) = 1903.9908 / 951.9479 = 2.0001
SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness 2.48 psig Required Pressure as entered by User 2.00 psig Required Thickness including Corrosion all. 0.1635 in. Actual Thickness as entered by User 0.1750 in.
WEIGHT and VOLUME RESULTS, ORIGINAL THICKNESS: CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 6 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Volume of Shell Component VOLMET 1633.7 in.**3 Weight of Shell Component WMET 462.3 lb. Inside Volume of Component VOLID 75932.7 in.**3 Weight of Water in Component WWAT 3261.0 lb. Inside Vol. of 2.00 in. Straight VOLSCA 14371.1 in.**3 Total Volume for Head + Straight VOLTOT 90303.8 in.**3
WEIGHT AND VOLUME RESULTS, CORRODED THICKNESS: Volume of Shell Component, Corroded VOLMETCA 1052.1 in.**3 Weight of Shell Component, Corroded WMETCA 297.7 lb. Inside Volume of Component, Corroded VOLIDCA 76476.7 in.**3 Weight of Water in Component, Corroded WWATCA 3282.0 lb. Inside Vol. of 2.00 in. Straight, Corr. VOLSCA 14408.7 in.**3 Total Volume for Head + Straight Corroded VOLTCA 90885.4 in.**3
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 7 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Input Echo, Nozzle Item 2, Description: Hside on Tori 2
Design Internal Pressure ( Case 1 ) P 245.00 psig Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMP 200.00 F
Include Hydrostatic Head Components NO
Shell or Head Material (Not Normalized or NA) SA-516 70 Material UNS Number K02700 Shell/Head Allowable Stress at Temperature S 20000.00 psi Shell/Head Allowable Stress At Ambient SA 20000.00 psi Shell/Head Yield Stress at Temperature Sy 34800.00 psi
Inside Diameter of Elliptical Head D 84.0000 in. Aspect Ratio of Elliptical Head AR 2.00 Actual Thickness of Shell or Head T 0.7156 in. Corrosion Allowance for Shell or Head CAS 0.1250 in.
Is this Nozzle a Radial Nozzle NO Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline L1 38.0000 in. Angle bet Nozzle & Shell/Head Centerline CANGLE 0.00 Degrees
Is the Nozzle Outside the 80% diameter Limit YES
Nozzle Material (Not Normalized or NA) SA-106 B Material UNS Number K03006 Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature SN 17100.00 psi Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient SNA 17100.00 psi
Diameter Basis for Nozzle BASISN OD Nominal Diameter of Nozzle DIA 2.0000 in.
Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis DBN Nominal Nominal Thickness of Nozzle THKNOM SCH XX-STG Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle CAN 0.1250 in. Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle ES 1.00 Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck EN 1.00
Insert or Abutting Nozzle Type NTYP Insert Outward Projection of Nozzle HO 6.0000 in. Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell WO 0.8750 in. Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel WGNV 0.7156 in. Inside Projection of Nozzle H 2.0000 in. Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell WI 0.3750 in.
Is this is Manway/Access/Inspection Opening No Skip Iterative Failure Thickness Calculations No
NOZZLE CALCULATION, NOZZLE NUMBER 2, Description: Hside on Tori 2 ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, Ed-2001, A-03, UG-37 to UG-45
Actual Nozzle Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 2.375 in. Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 0.436 in.
Internal Pressure Results for SHELL/HEAD :
Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Elliptical Head, TR, CASE 1 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure: = (P*(D+2*CA)*K)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) UG-27(d) = (245.00*(84.0000+2*0.1250)*1.00)/(2*20000.00*1.00-0.2*245.00) = 0.5167 in.
Internal Pressure Results for NOZZLE : CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 8 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, Trn CASE 1 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure: = (P*D/2)/(S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1) = (245.00*2.3750/2)/(17100.00*1.00+0.4*245.00) = 0.0169 in.
UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : CASE 1 Effective material diameter limit, DL 5.0922 in. Effective material thickness limit, no pad TLNP 0.7775 in.
------NOTE: Checking Nozzle 90 degrees to the Longitudinal axis. ------
RESULTS of NOZZLE REINFORCEMENT AREA CALCULATIONS: AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc Area Required AR 1.362 NA NA in² Area in Shell A1 0.182 NA NA in² Area in Nozzle Wall A2 0.391 NA NA in² Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.148 NA NA in² Area in Welds A4 0.680 NA NA in² Area in Pad A5 0.000 NA NA in² TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE ATOT 1.401 NA NA in²
Pressure Case 1 Governs the Analysis
Nozzle Tangent Angle Used in Area Calculations 43.51 Degs.
The area available without a pad is Sufficient.
Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle: AR = (DLR*TR+2*THK*TR*(1-FFR1)) UG-37(c) or UG-39 AR = (2.5461*0.5167+2*(0.4360-0.1250)*0.5167*(1.0-0.86)) AR = 1.362 in²
Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID: Area Available in Shell (A1): A1 = (DL-DLR)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)-2*(THK-CAN)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)*(1-FFR1) A1 = (5.092-2.546)*(1.00*(0.7156-0.125)-0.517)-2*(0.436-0.125) *(1.00*(0.7156-0.1250)-0.5167)*(1.0-0.86) A1 = 0.182 in²
Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad: A2NP = ( 2 * MIN(TLNP,HO) ) * ( THK - CAN - TRN ) * FFR2 A2NP = ( 2 * 0.7775 ) * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 - 0.0169 ) * 0.86 ) A2NP = 0.391 in²
Area Available in Nozzle Penetration: A3 = 2 * (TN-CAN-CAN) * MIN(H-CAN, TL, 2.5*(TN-CAN-CAN)) * FFR2 A3 = 2 * ( 0.1860 ) * ( 0.4650 ) * 0.86 A3 = 0.148 in²
Area Available in Welds, no Pad: A4NP = ( Wo^2 - Area Lost )*FFR2 + ( (Wi-Can/0.707)^2 - Area Lost)*FFR2 A4NP = ( 0.8750^2 - 0.0095 ) * 0.8550 + ( 0.1982^2 - 0.0000 ) * 0.8550 A4NP = 0.680 in²
UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: = Max(Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4),UG45A) = Max(Min(Max(Max( 0.6417, 0.1875),Max( 0.1250, 0.1875)), 0.2598), 0.1419) = 0.2598 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 0.3815 in. OK
M.A.W.P. RESULTS FOR THIS NOZZLE GEOMETRY (Based on Areas) Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry AMAP 248.552 psig CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 9 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Weight of Nozzle, Nozzle Neck Only, Uncorroded 6.55 lb. Weight of Nozzle, Nozzle Neck Only, Corroded 4.09 lb.
MINIMUM DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE ( Nozzle Neck ) Minimum Metal Temp. w/o impact per Fig. UCS-66 -14 F Minimum Metal Temp. at operating stress -154 F Minimum Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 F
MINIMUM DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE ( Shell ) Minimum Metal Temp. w/o impact per Fig. UCS-66 14 F Minimum Metal Temp. at operating stress 1 F Minimum Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 F
Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 1(b), MIN(tn,t,te) Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per Fig. UCS-66 -14 F Min. Metal Temp. at Req'd thk. (per UCS 66.1) -154 F Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 F
Intermediate Calcs. for nozzle/shell welds Tmin 0.3110 in.
RESULTS Per UW-16.1: Required Thickness Actual Thickness Nozzle Weld 0.2177 = 0.7 * Tmin 0.6187 = 0.707 * WO , in.
WELD STRENGTH AND WELD LOADS PER UG-41.1, SKETCH (a) OR (b) W = (AR-A1+2*(THK-CAN)*FFR1*(E1(T-CAS)-TR))*S W = ( 1.3621 - 0.1816 + 2 * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 ) * 0.8550 * ( 1.00 * ( 0.7156 - 0.1250) - 0.5167 ) ) * 20000 W = 24396. lb. W1 = (A2+A5+A4-(WII-CAN/.707)^2*FFR2)*S W1 = ( 0.3910 + 0.0000 + 0.6801 - 0.0393 * 0.86 ) * 20000 W1 = 20749. lb. W2 = (A2+A3+A4+(2*(THK-CAN)*(T-CAS)*Fr1))*S W2 = ( 0.3910 + 0.1479 + 0.6801 + 0.3141 ) * 20000 W2 = 30661. lb. W3 = (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*(THK-CAN)*(T-CAS)*Fr1))*S W3 = ( 0.3910 + 0.1479 + 0.0000 + 0.6801 + 0.3141 ) * 20000 W3 = 30661. lb.
Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld: SONW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0.49*SNW SONW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 3.4495 * 0.8750 * 0.49 * 17100 SONW = 39726. lb.
Shear, Inward Nozzle Weld: SINW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0.49*SNW SINW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 3.4495 * 0.1982 * 0.49 * 17100 SINW = 9000. lb.
Shear, Nozzle Wall: SNW = (PI*(DLR+DLO)/4.0)*(THK-CAN)*0.7*SN SNW = ( 3.1416 * 1.4989) * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 ) * 0.7 * 17100 SNW = 17530. lb.
Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld: TNGW = (PI/2)*DLO*(WGNVI-CAS)*0.74*SNG TNGW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 3.4495 * ( 0.7156 - 0.1250 ) * 0.74 * 17100 TNGW = 40495. lb.
Strength of Failure Paths: CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 10 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
PATH11 = ( SONW + SNW ) = ( 39726 + 17529 ) = 57255 lb. PATH22 = ( SONW + TPGW + TNGW + SINW ) = ( 39726 + 0 + 40494 + 8999 ) = 89220 lb. PATH33 = ( SONW + TNGW + SINW ) = ( 39726 + 40494 + 8999 ) = 89220 lb.
SUMMARY OF FAILURE PATH CALCULATIONS: Path 1-1 = 57255 lb., must exceed W = 24396 lb. or W1 = 20749 lb. Path 2-2 = 89220 lb., must exceed W = 24396 lb. or W2 = 30661 lb. Path 3-3 = 89220 lb., must exceed W = 24396 lb. or W3 = 30661 lb.
UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : CASE 1 Effective material diameter limit, DL 3.5562 in. Effective material thickness limit, no pad TLNP 0.7775 in.
------NOTE: Checking Nozzle in plane parallel to the vessel axis. ------
RESULTS of NOZZLE REINFORCEMENT AREA CALCULATIONS: AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc Area Required AR 0.952 NA NA in² Area in Shell A1 0.127 NA NA in² Area in Nozzle Wall A2 0.391 NA NA in² Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.148 NA NA in² Area in Welds A4 0.611 NA NA in² Area in Pad A5 0.000 NA NA in² TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE ATOT 1.276 NA NA in²
Pressure Case 1 Governs the Analysis
Nozzle Tangent Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.
The area available without a pad is Sufficient.
Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle: AR = (DLR*TR+2*THK*TR*(1-FFR1)) UG-37(c) or UG-39 AR = (1.7530*0.5167+2*(0.4360-0.1250)*0.5167*(1.0-0.86)) AR = 0.952 in²
Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID: Area Available in Shell (A1): A1 = (DL-DLR)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)-2*(THK-CAN)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)*(1-FFR1) A1 = (3.556-1.753)*(1.00*(0.7156-0.125)-0.517)-2*(0.436-0.125) *(1.00*(0.7156-0.1250)-0.5167)*(1.0-0.86) A1 = 0.127 in²
Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad: A2NP = ( 2 * MIN(TLNP,HO) ) * ( THK - CAN - TRN ) * FFR2 A2NP = ( 2 * 0.7775 ) * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 - 0.0169 ) * 0.86 ) A2NP = 0.391 in²
Area Available in Nozzle Penetration: A3 = 2 * (TN-CAN-CAN) * MIN(H-CAN, TL, 2.5*(TN-CAN-CAN)) * FFR2 A3 = 2 * ( 0.1860 ) * ( 0.4650 ) * 0.86 A3 = 0.148 in²
Area Available in Welds, no Pad: A4NP = ( Wo^2 - Area Lost )*FFR2 + ( (Wi-Can/0.707)^2 - Area Lost)*FFR2 A4NP = ( 0.8750^2 - 0.0904 ) * 0.8550 + ( 0.1982^2 - 0.0000 ) * 0.8550 A4NP = 0.611 in²
M.A.W.P. RESULTS FOR THIS NOZZLE GEOMETRY (Based on Areas) Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry AMAP 287.701 psig CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 11 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
Intermediate Calcs. for nozzle/shell welds Tmin 0.3110 in.
RESULTS Per UW-16.1: Required Thickness Actual Thickness Nozzle Weld 0.2177 = 0.7 * Tmin 0.6187 = 0.707 * WO , in.
WELD STRENGTH AND WELD LOADS PER UG-41.1, SKETCH (a) OR (b) W = (AR-A1+2*(THK-CAN)*FFR1*(E1(T-CAS)-TR))*S W = ( 0.9523 - 0.1267 + 2 * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 ) * 0.8550 * ( 1.00 * ( 0.7156 - 0.1250) - 0.5167 ) ) * 20000 W = 17300. lb. W1 = (A2+A5+A4-(WII-CAN/.707)^2*FFR2)*S W1 = ( 0.3910 + 0.0000 + 0.6109 - 0.0393 * 0.86 ) * 20000 W1 = 19366. lb. W2 = (A2+A3+A4+(2*(THK-CAN)*(T-CAS)*Fr1))*S W2 = ( 0.3910 + 0.1479 + 0.6109 + 0.3141 ) * 20000 W2 = 29278. lb. W3 = (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*(THK-CAN)*(T-CAS)*Fr1))*S W3 = ( 0.3910 + 0.1479 + 0.0000 + 0.6109 + 0.3141 ) * 20000 W3 = 29278. lb.
Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld: SONW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0.49*SNW SONW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 2.3750 * 0.8750 * 0.49 * 17100 SONW = 27352. lb.
Shear, Inward Nozzle Weld: SINW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0.49*SNW SINW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 2.3750 * 0.1982 * 0.49 * 17100 SINW = 6196. lb.
Shear, Nozzle Wall: SNW = (PI*(DLR+DLO)/4.0)*(THK-CAN)*0.7*SN SNW = ( 3.1416 * 1.0320) * ( 0.4360 - 0.1250 ) * 0.7 * 17100 SNW = 12069. lb.
Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld: TNGW = (PI/2)*DLO*(WGNVI-CAS)*0.74*SNG TNGW = ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 2.3750 * ( 0.7156 - 0.1250 ) * 0.74 * 17100 TNGW = 27881. lb.
Strength of Failure Paths: PATH11 = ( SONW + SNW ) = ( 27351 + 12069 ) = 39421 lb. PATH22 = ( SONW + TPGW + TNGW + SINW ) = ( 27351 + 0 + 27880 + 6196 ) = 61428 lb. PATH33 = ( SONW + TNGW + SINW ) = ( 27351 + 27880 + 6196 ) = 61428 lb.
SUMMARY OF FAILURE PATH CALCULATIONS: Path 1-1 = 39421 lb., must exceed W = 17299 lb. or W1 = 19366 lb. Path 2-2 = 61428 lb., must exceed W = 17299 lb. or W2 = 29277 lb. Path 3-3 = 61428 lb., must exceed W = 17299 lb. or W3 = 29277 lb.
Iterative Results per Pressure, Area and UG-45: ( Assuming same Corr. All. for Shell and Nozzle) Maximum (failure) Corrosion Allowance: 0.1293 in. Minimum (failure) Nozzle Thickness: 0.3067 in. Minimum (failure) Shell Thickness: 0.5863 in. CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 12 FileName : Example ------Nozzle Analysis : Hside on Tori 2 Item: 2 9:53a Mar 3,2004
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 13 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Input Echo, Flange Item 1, Description: TAYLOR FORGE
Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck Description of Flange Analysis Analysis Only Design Pressure P 400.00 psig Design Temperature 650.00 F Corrosion Allowance FCOR 0.0000 in.
Flange Inside Diameter B 32.0000 in. Flange Outside Diameter A 39.1250 in. Flange Thickness T 2.0000 in. Thickness of Hub at Small End G0 0.5000 in. Thickness of Hub at Large End G1 1.1250 in. Length of Hub HL 2.7500 in. Perform thickness calcs. based on rigidity No
Flange Material (Not Normalized) SA-516 70 Flange Material UNS Number K02700 Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature SFO 17500.00 psi Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient SFA 17500.00 psi
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt Material UNS Number G41400 Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature SBO 25000.00 psi Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient SBA 25000.00 psi
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 37.0000 in. Nominal Bolt Diameter DB 1.0000 in. Type of Threads TEMA Thread Series Number of Bolts 36
Flange Face Outside Diameter FOD 34.5000 in. Flange Face Inside Diameter FID 33.0000 in. Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a
Gasket Outside Diameter GOD 36.0000 in. Gasket Inside Diameter GID 33.0000 in. Gasket Factor, m, M 2.7500 Gasket Design Seating Stress Y 3700.00 psi
Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II Full face Gasket Flange Option Check
FLANGE ANALYSIS, FLANGE NUMBER 1, Description: TAYLOR FORGE ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, App. 2, Ed-2001, A-03
Corroded Flange ID, BCOR = B+2.0*FCOR 32.000 in. Corroded Large Hub, G1COR = G1-FCOR 1.125 in. Corroded Small Hub, G0COR = G0-FCOR 0.500 in. Code R Dimension, R = (C-B)/2.0 - G1 1.375 in.
Gasket Contact Width, N = (GODC-GIDC) / 2 0.750 in. Basic Gasket Width, B0 = N / 2.0 0.375 in. Effective Gasket Width, BE = SQRT(B0) / 2.0 0.306 in. Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = GODC-2.0*BE 33.888 in.
Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure: H = 0.785 * G * G * PEQ H = 0.7854 * 33.8876 * 33.8876 * 400.0000 H = 360771. lb.
Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces: HP = 2 * BE * PI * G * M * P HP = 2 * 0.3062 * 3.1416 * 33.8876 * 2.7500 * 400.00 CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 14 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
HP = 71713. lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID: HD = 0.785 * Bcor * Bcor * P HD = 0.785 * 32.0000 * 32.0000 * 400.0000 HD = 321699. lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face: HT = H - HD HT = 360771 - 321699 HT = 39072. lb.
Operating Bolt Load: WM1 = H + HP + HPP (cannot be < 0) WM1 = ( 360771 + 71713 + 0 ) WM1 = 432485. lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load: WM2 = Y * BE * PI * G + Ypart * BEpart * GLPG + HPGY WM2 = 3700.00*0.3062*3.141*33.888+0.00*0.0000*0.00+0.00 WM2 = 120609. lb.
Required Bolt Area: AM = Maximum of WM1/SBO, WM2/SBA AM = Maximum of 432484 / 25000 , 120608 / 25000 AM = 17.2994 in²
Bolting Information for TEMA Thread Series: ------Minimum Actual Maximum ------Bolt Area, in² 17.299 19.836 Radial distance bet. hub and bolts 1.375 1.375 Radial distance bet. bolts and the edge 1.063 1.062 Circumferential spacing between bolts 2.250 3.225 5.692 ------
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calculation]: Nmin = AB * SBA/(Y * PI * (GOD+GIDC) ) = 19.836 * 25000.00/( 3700.00 * 3.14 * ( 34.50 + 33.00) ) Nmin = 0.632 in.
Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating: W = SBA * ( AM + AB ) / 2.0 W = 25000.00 * ( 17.2994 + 19.8360 ) / 2.0 W = 464192.34 lb.
Gasket Seating Force: HG = WM1 - H HG = 432484 - 360771 HG = 71713.25 lb.
Moment Arm Calculations:
Distance to Hub Large End: R = (C - BCOR) / 2 - G1COR R = ( 37.000 - 32.000) / 2 - 1.125 R = 1.3750 in.
Distance to Gasket Load Reaction: DHG = (C - G ) / 2.0 DHG = ( 37.0000 - 33.8876 ) / 2.0 DHG = 1.5562 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction: CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 15 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
DHT = ( R + G1COR + DHG ) / 2.0 DHT = ( 1.3750 + 1.1250 + 1.5562 ) / 2.0 DHT = 2.0281 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction: DHD = R + ( G1COR / 2.0 ) DHD = 1.3750 + ( 1.1250 / 2.0 ) DHD = 1.9375 in.
SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment End Pressure, MD 321699. 1.9375 1.0000 51941. Face Pressure, MT 39072. 2.0281 1.0000 6604. Gasket Load, MG 71713. 1.5562 1.0000 9300. Gasket Seating, MA 464192. 1.5562 1.0000 60197.
Effective Hub Length, H0 = SQRT(BCOR*G0COR) 4.000 in. Hub Ratio, HRAT = HL / H0 0.688 Thickness Ratio, GRAT = (G1COR/G0COR) 2.250
Flange Factors for Integral Flange: Factor F per 2-7.2 0.777 Factor V per 2-7.3 0.162 Factor f per 2-7.6 1.000 Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.223 T = 1.830 U = 10.740 Y = 9.773 Z = 5.041 d = 66.480 in.^3 e = 0.194 in.^-1 Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.388 BETA = 1.518 GAMMA = 0.759 DELTA = 0.120 LAMBDA = 0.879
Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating: SHO = ( f * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHO = ( 1.0000 * 814133 / 32.0000 ) / ( 0.8792 * 1.1250^2 ) SHO = 22865. psi
Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating: SHA = ( f * RMA / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHA = ( 1.0000 * 722369 / 32.0000 ) / ( 0.8792 * 1.1250^2 ) SHA = 20288. psi
Radial Flange Stress, Operating: SRO = ( BETA * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * TH^2 ) SRO = ( 1.5180 * 814133 / 32.0000 ) / ( 0.8792 * 2.0000^2 ) SRO = 10982. psi
Radial Flange Stress, Seating: SRA = ( BETA*RMA/BCOR ) / ( Rlambda*TH^2 ) SRA = ( 1.5180 * 722369/ 32.0000 ) / ( 0.8792 * 2.0000^2 ) SRA = 9744. psi
Tangential Flange Stress, Operating: STO = ( Y*RMO / (TH*TH*BCOR) ) - Z*SRO STO = ( 9.7733 * 814133 / ( 2.0000^2 * 32.0000) ) - 5.0413 * 10981 STO = 6800. psi
Tangential Flange Stress, Seating: STA = ( Y*RMA / (TH^2*BCOR) ) - Z*SRA STA = ( 9.7733 * 722369 / ( 2.0000^2 * 32.0000) ) - 5.0413 * 9744 STA = 6033. psi CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 16 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Average Flange Stress, Operating: SAO = ( SHO + MAX( SRO, STO ) ) / 2 SAO = ( 22864 + MAX( 10981, 6799 ))/ 2 SAO = 16923. psi
Average Flange Stress, Seating: SAA = ( SHA + MAX( SRA, STA ) ) / 2 SAA = ( 20287 + MAX( 9744, 6033 ))/ 2 SAA = 15016. psi
Bolt Stress, Operating: BSO = ( WM1 / AB ) BSO = ( 432484 / 19.8360 ) BSO = 21803. psi
Bolt Stress, Seating: BSA = ( WM2 / AB ) BSA = ( 120608 / 19.8360 ) BSA = 6080. psi
STRESS COMPUTATION RESULTS: OPERATING GASKET SEATING Actual Allowed Actual Allowed Longitudinal Hub 22865. 26250. 20288. 26250. psi Radial Flange 10982. 17500. 9744. 17500. psi Tangential Flange 6800. 17500. 6033. 17500. psi Maximum Average 16923. 17500. 15016. 17500. psi Bolting 21803. 25000. 6080. 25000. psi
Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 413.6 psig Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Gasket Seating ) 542.0 psig Estimated Finished Weight of Flange 290.5 lb. Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging 535.0 lb. APP. S Flg. Rigidity Index, Seating (should <= 1) 0.796 APP. S Flg. Rigidity Index Oper. (should <= 1) 1.035
Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per Fig. UCS-66 -55 F Min. Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 F
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 17 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Input Echo, Thin Joint Item 1, Description: APP BB-8
Design Cycle Life, Required Number of Cycles Nreq 1800 Design Temperature of Expansion Joint 200.0 F Design Internal Pressure P 150.0 psig Expansion Joint Opening Per Convolution E 0.1250 in.
Material of Expansion Joint Bellows SA-240 304 Bellows Operating Allowable Stress S 17800.0 psi Bellows Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. Eb 27700000 psi Bellows Elastic Modulus at Ambient Temp. E`b 28300000 psi
Material Category for Bellows AUSTENITIC STAINLESS
Inside Diameter of Bellows d 24.0 in. Convolution Depth w 1.0000 in. Convolution Pitch q 1.1250 in. Bellows Minimum Thickness before Forming tm 0.0500 in. Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor Kg 1.0000
Nominal Bellows Thickness Based on given Minimum t = ( Tm * Sqrt( d/( d + w ) ) ) t = ( 0.0500 * Sqrt( 24.00/( 24.00 + 1.0000 ) ) ) t = 0.0490 in.
Cross Sectional Area of Bellows Ab = ( 0.571 * q + 2 * w ) * t Ab = ( 0.571 * 1.1250 + 2.0 * 1.0000 ) * 0.0490 Ab = 0.1294 in²
Final Reinforcement Ratio = 1.0000
Minimum Required Thickness for Unreinforced Bellows Treq = p*(d+w)/(S*(1.14+4.0*w/q)) Treq = 150.0*( 24.0+ 1.0000)/( 17800.0*(1.14+4.0* 1.0000/ 1.1250)) Treq = 0.0449 in.
Required Bellows Thickness for Pressure = 0.0449 in.
Actual Knuckle Radius for one Convolution r = ( q / 4 - tm / 2 ) r = ( 1.1250 / 4 - 0.0500 / 2 ) r = 0.2562 in.
Allowed Knuckle Radius for one Convolution Tm3 = 3 * tm = 0.1500 in.
Stiffening Factor for Bellows Under Pressure k = 0.3-( 100/( 0.6 * P^1.5 + 320 ) )^2 k = 0.3-( 100/( 0.6 * 150.0^1.5 + 320 ) )^2 k = 0.2951
SUMMARY for PRESSURE CALCULATIONS : Nom. Bellows Thickness based on given Minimum t 0.0490 in. Required Bellows Thickness for Pressure Treq 0.0449 in. Actual Knuckle Radius for One Convolution r 0.2562 in. Allowed Knuckle Radius for One Convolution 3*Tm 0.1500 in. Cross-Sectional Area for One Convolution Ab 0.1294 in² Fraction of Pressure Resisted by Bellows R 1.0000 Stiffening Factor for Bellows under Pressure ks 0.2951
SUMMARY of FIGURES 26-3, 26-4, 26-5 Horizontal Figure Factor q/2W 0.56250 CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 18 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Vertical Figure Factor q/(2.2((d+w)* t)^.5) 0.46207 Value Interpolated from Figure 26-3, Cp Cp 0.63207 Value Interpolated from Figure 26-4, Cf Cf 1.74880 Value Interpolated from Figure 26-4, Cd Cd 1.78330
Circumferential Stress in the Bellows Scmpu = P*(d+w)/(t*(1.14+4.0*w/q)) Scmpu = 150.0*( 24.0+ 1.0000)/( 0.0490*(1.14+4.0* 1.0000/ 1.1250)) Scmpu = 16301.9 psi
Meridional Membrane Stress due to Pressure Smmpu = ( P * w )/( 2 * t ) Smmpu = ( 150.0 * 1.0000 )/( 2 * 0.0490 ) Smmpu = 1530.9 psi
Meridional Bending Stress due to Pressure Smbpu = ( p * w * w * Cp )/( 2 * t * t ) Smbpu = ( 150.0* 1.0000* 1.0000* 0.63207 )/( 2 * 0.0490 * 0.0490 ) Smbpu = 19752.2 psi
Meridional Membrane Stress due to Deflection Smmdu = ( E`b*t*t*e )/(2*w^3*Cf ) Smmdu = ( 0.283E+08* 0.0490* 0.0490* 0.1250 )/(2* 1.0000^3* 1.74880 ) Smmdu = 2427.4 psi
Meridional Bending Stress due to Deflection Smbdu = 5*E`b*t*e/(3*w*w*Cd) Smbdu = 5* 0.283E+08* 0.0490* 0.1250/(3* 1.0000* 1.0000* 1.78330) Smbdu = 161967.2 psi
Summation of all Meridional Stresses Sn = 0.7( Smmpu + Smbpu ) + Smbdu + Smmdu = 179292 psi
The Total Cycle Life N = (Fm/((Fn*Kg*Sn/Eb)-Fo))^2 N = ( 2.72/(( 14.78* 1.0000* 179292/ 0.277E+08)- 0.020))^2 N = 1292.
Maximum Stress for Required number of Cycles Smaxc = (Fm/(Nreq^(1/2))+Fo)*(Eb/Fn*Kg) Smaxc = ( 2.72/( 1800^(1/2))+ 0.020)*( 0.277E+08/ 14.8* 1.0000) Smaxc = 157637.0 psi
STRESSES in BELLOWS, psi Actual Allowed Circumferential membrane, pressure Scmp 16301 17800 Meridional Membrane, pressure Smmp 1530 17800 Meridional Bending , pressure Smbp 19752 Meridional Membrane, deflection Smmd 2427 Meridional Bending , deflection Smbd 161967
Meridional Membrane + Bending , pressure 21283 26700 Summation of all Meridional Stresses 185677 157637
Stress Amplitude for Cycle Life Evaluation 179292 Cycle Life for Bellows 1292
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 19 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
INPUT ECHO, TUBESHEET NUMBER 10, Description: UHX-20.2.1
Shell Design Pressure Ps 150.00 psig Shell Thickness TS 0.2500 in. Shell Corrosion Allowance CAS 0.0000 in. Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 34.7500 in. Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure Temps 750.00 F Shell Material SA-249 TPXM-19 Shell Material UNS Number S20910 Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Ss 20500.00 psi Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient SAS 24300.00 psi
Channel Design Pressure Pt 400.00 psig Channel Thickness TC 0.6750 in. Channel Corrosion Allowance CAC 0.0000 in. Inside Diameter of Channel DC 38.0000 in. Channel Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMPC 649.00 F Channel Material SA-240 304 Channel Material UNS Number S30400 Channel Allowable Stress at Temperature Sc 15900.00 psi Channel Allowable Stress at Ambient SAC 18800.00 psi
Number of Tubes Holes NTUBS 649 Tube Wall Thickness t 0.0830 in. Tube Outside Diameter D 1.0000 in. Design Temperature of the Tubes 750.00 F Tube Material SA-249 TP304 Tube Material UNS Number S30400 Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature SOT 15000.00 psi Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient SAT 17000.00 psi Tube Yield Stress At Operating Temperature SYT 20000.00 psi Is Welded Tube Material specified (not Seamless) NO Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) P 1.2500 in. Tube Layout Pattern Triangular
Fillet Weld Leg af 0.0000 in. Groove Weld Leg ag 0.0000 in. Tube-Tubesheet Joint Weld Type Partial Strength Method for Tube-Tubesheet Jt. Allow. App. A Tube-Tubesheet Joint Classification a Is Tube-Tubesheet Joint Tested No ASME Tube Joint Reliability Factor FASME 0.70
Radius to Outermost Tube Hole Center ro 16.5900 in. Largest Center-to-Center Tube Distance Ul 0.0000 in. Length of Expanded Portion of Tube Pedd 1.6625 in. Tube-side pass partition groove depth hg 0.0000 in.
Tubesheet TYPE: Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger, Conf B
Tubesheet Design Metal Temperature TEMPTS 750.00 F Tubesheet Material Specification SA-240 304 Tubesheet Material UNS Number S30400 Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Temperature S 17700.00 psi Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Ambient SATS 20000.00 psi Thickness of Tubesheet H 1.7500 in. Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Shell side) CATS 0.0000 in. Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Channel side) CATC 0.0000 in. Tubesheet Outside Diameter A 42.6250 in.
ADDITIONAL DATA FOR FIXED/FLOATING TUBESHEET EXCHANGERS Length of Tubes L 164.50 in. Unsupported Tube Length SL 59.000 in. Tube End condition corres. to Span. (SL) k 1.00 Tubesheet Metal Temp. at Rim TDASH 550.00 F CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 20 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Shell Metal Temp. at Tubesheet TDASHS 555.00 F Channel Metal Temp. at Tubesheet TDASHC 226.00 F Perform Differential Pressure Design N Run Multiple Load Cases YES Shell Side Vacuum Pressure PEXTS 0.0000 psig Channel Side Vacuum Pressure PEXTC 0.0000 psig
Mean Shell Metal Temp. along Shell len. TEMPSM 550.00 F Mean Tube Metal Temp. along Tube length TEMPTM 560.00 F Expansion Joint Projection from Shell ID wj 1.8750 in. Exp. Joint Spring Rate (Corroded) Kjc 11388.00 lb./in. Exp. Joint Spring Rate (Uncorroded) Kjnc 11388.00 lb./in.
ADDITIONAL DATA FOR GASKETED TUBESHEETS: Tubesheet Gasket on which Side SIDE CHANNEL Flange Outside Diameter FLGOD 42.6250 in. Flange Inside Diameter FLGID 38.0000 in. Flange Face Outside Diameter FOD 40.0000 in. Flange Face Inside Diameter FID 39.0000 in. Gasket Outside Diameter GOD 40.0000 in. Gasket Inside Diameter GID 39.0000 in. Gasket Factor, m, M 0.00 Gasket Design Seating Stress Y 0.00 psi Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II Gasket Thickness 0.1250 in. Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects
Bolting Information: Diameter of Bolt Circle DB 41.0000 in. Nominal Bolt Diameter DBOLT 0.6250 in. Type of Threads TEMA Thread Series Number of Bolts 10 Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt Material UNS Number G41400 Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature SBO 23600.00 psi Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient SBA 23600.00 psi Weld between Flange and Shell/Channel WLDH 0.0000 in.
Alternate Flange Design Bolt Load 277868.00 lb.
Tubesheet Integral with SIDE SHELL Tubesheet Extended as Flange Yes Thickness of Extended Portion of Tubesheet TF 2.2500 in.
Shell Band input: Shell Band Material SA-249 TPXM-19 Shell Band Material UNS Number S20910 Shell Band Allowable Stress at Temperature SSB 20500.00 psi Shell Band Allowable Stress at Ambient SSBA 24300.00 psi Shell Band Thickness ts1 1.1880 in. Shell Band Thickness Casb 0.0000 in. Shell Band Length, Front End L1 12.0000 in. Shell Band Length, Rear End L1´ 12.0000 in.
ASME TubeSheet Results per Part UHX, Ed. 2001, A-03
------Detailed Tubesheet Result for the load case 7uc (Ps+Pt+Th-Ca) ------
Gasket Contact Width, N = (GODC-GIDC) / 2 0.500 in. Basic Gasket Width, B0 = N / 2.0 0.250 in. CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 21 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Effective Gasket Width, BE = B0 0.250 in. Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (GODC+GIDC) / 2.0 39.500 in.
Bolting Information for TEMA Thread Series: ------Minimum Actual Maximum ------Bolt Area, in² 20.770 2.020 Failed Radial distance bet. hub and bolts 0.938 3.125 Radial distance bet. bolts and the edge 0.750 0.812 Circumferential spacing between bolts 1.500 12.670 28.250 ------
Flange Design Bolt Load W 277868.00 lb. W = 277868.00 lb. (Mating Flange Load Governs)
Note: Since ASME does not provide an explicit formula for flanged extensions, the TEMA formula will be used.
Req. Thk. of Flanged Extension for Fixed/Floating Exchangers Per TEMA 8th Ed. FTREQ = .98*SQRT((RM*(R^2-1+3.71*R^2*LN(R))/((S*(A-G)*(1+1.86*R^2)) FTREQ = .98*SQRT(( 0.149E+07*( 1.2266^2-1+3.71* 1.2266^2*LN( 1.2266))/ ( 17700*( 42.6250- 34.7500)*(1+1.86* 1.2266^2)) FTREQ = 2.1073 in.
Elasticity/Expansion Material Properties :
Shell - TE-1 : Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. along Length 0.735000E-05 / deg F Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.248500E+08 psi
Channel - TEMA : TP304 Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. at Tubesheet 0.884460E-05 / deg F Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.250550E+08 psi
Tubes - TEMA : TP304 Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. along Length 0.946600E-05 / deg F Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.244500E+08 psi
Tubes - TEMA : TP304 Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.244500E+08 psi
TubeSheet - TEMA : TP304 Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. at Rim 0.945000E-05 / deg F Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.244500E+08 psi
Shell - TE-1 : Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. at Tubesheet 0.735500E-05 / deg F
Shell Band - TEMA : 25Cr-12Ni, 23Cr-12Ni, 25Cr-20Ni Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. along Length 0.919500E-05 / deg F Elastic Modulus at Design Temp. 0.244500E+08 psi
Shell Band - TEMA : 25Cr-12Ni, 23Cr-12Ni, 25Cr-20Ni Coeff. of Thermal Exp. at Metal Temp. at Tubesheet 0.919650E-05 / deg F
Results for ASME Fixed Tubesheet Calculations for Configuration b, Per Ed-2001, A-03 Revisions, Original Thickness :
Results for Step 1 :
rho = Pedd / h (modified for corrosion if present) rho = 1.6625 / 1.7500 = 0.9500 ( must be 0 <= rho <= 1 ) CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 22 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
d* = MAX( dt - 2tt*( Et/E )( St/S )( rho ), dt - 2tt) d* = MAX( 1.0000-2* 0.0830*( 0.244E+08/ 0.244E+08)* ( 15000/ 17700 )*( 0.950), 1.0000-2* 0.0830 ) d* = 0.8664 in.
Do = 2 * ro + dt Do = 2 * 16.5900 + 1.0000 = 34.180 in.
mu = (p - dt)/p mu = ( 1.2500 - 1.0000)/ 1.2500 = 0.2000
ao = Do / 2 ao = 34.1800 / 2 = 17.0900 in.
pstar = p / sqrt( 1 - 4*UL/(PI * Do) ) pstar = 1.2500 / sqrt( 1 - 4* 0.0000/ ( 3.142 * 34.1800) ) pstar = 1.2500 in.
mustar = (pstar - dstar) / pstar mustar = ( 1.2500 - 0.8664) / 1.2500 = 0.3069
Rhos = as / ao Rhos = 17.3750 / 17.0900 = 1.0167
Rhoc = ac / ao Rhoc = 19.7500 / 17.0900 = 1.1556
xt = 1 - Nt*( (dt - 2*tt)/(2*ao) )² xt = 1 - 649*( ( 1.0000 - 2* 0.0830)/(2* 17.0900) )² xt = 0.6136
xs = 1 - Nt*( dt/(2*ao) )² xs = 1 - 649*( 1.0000/(2* 17.0900) )² xs = 0.4445
h'g = 0.0 (For pressure plus thermal case and thermal only case)
Results for Step 2 :
Ks* = PI * ( Ds + ts )/[ (L - L1 - L1´)/(Es * ts) + (L1 + L2)/(Es1 * ts1) ] Ks* = 3.14 * ( 34.7500 + 0.2500 )/[ ( 164.500 - 12.000 - 12.000)/ ( 0.244E+08 * 0.2500) + ( 12.000 + 12.000)/( 0.244E+08 * 1.1880) ] Ks = Ks* = 4690554.0000 psi * in.
Kt = PI * tt( Dt - tt )Et/L Kt = 3.14 * 0.0830( 1.0000 - 0.0830 ) 0.244E+08/ 164.500 Kt = 35539.4141 psi * in.
Kst = Ks / ( Nt * Kt ) Kst = 0.469E+07 / ( 649 * 35539.414 ) = 0.20336
J = 1 / ( 1 + Ks/Kj ) J = 1 / ( 1 + 0.469E+07/ 11388.000 ) = 0.0000 J = 0.002421978 ( = 1.0 if No Exp. Joint )
ßs = ( ( 12 * (1 - rnus²) )^0.25 ) / = ( (Ds + ts1) * ts1 )^0.5 ßs = ( ( 12 * (1 - 0.30²) )^0.25 ) / ( ( 34.7500 + 1.1880) * 1.1880)^0.5 ßs = 0.2782 1/in.
ks = ßs * Es * ts³ / ( 6 * (1 - rnus²) ) ks = 0.278 * 0.244E+08 * 1.188³ / ( 6 * (1 - 0.300²) ) CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 23 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
ks = 2088844.5000 psig*in.²
Lambdas = (6*Ds*ks)/(h³) * (1 + h*ßs + 0.5*(h*ßs)²) Lambdas = 6* 34.750* 0.209E+07/( 1.750³) * ( 1 + 1.750* 0.278 + 0.119 ) Lambdas = 130459848.0000 psig
Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Channel side: ßc, kc, Lambdac = 0.0
Results for Step 3 :
E*/E from Table UHX-11.2(a) = 0.312291 nu* from Table UHX-11.2(b) = 0.328250 E* = ( E* / E )E = 7635516.50 psi
Xa = ((24 *(1 - nu*²)*Nt * Et* tt* (dt - tt)* ao²) / ( E* * L * H³ ) )^0.25 Xa = ((24 *(1 - 0.328²)* 649* 0.244E+08* 0.0830* ( 1.0000 - 0.0830)* 17.0900²)/( 0.764E+07 * 164.50 * 1.750³ ))^0.25 Xa = 5.7877
Values from Table UHX-13.1 Zd = 0.007792 Zv = 0.030364 Zm = 0.252062
Results for Step 4 :
K = A / Do K = 42.6250 / 34.1800 = 1.2471
F = (1.0 - nu*) / (E*) * ( Lambdas + Lambdac + E * ln(K) ) F = (1.0 - 0.33) / ( 0.764E+07) * ( 0.130E+09 + 0.00 + = 0.244E+08 * ln( 1.25) ) F = 11.9524
Ø = (1 + nu*) * F Ø = (1 - 0.3282) * 11.9524 = 15.8758
Q1 = (Rhos - 1 - Ø * Zv)/(1 + Ø * Zm) Q1 = ( 1.0167 - 1 - 15.8758* 0.0304)/(1 + 15.8758* 0.2521) Q1 = -0.093045317
Qz1 = (Zd + Q1*Zv)/2 *Xa^4 Qz1 = ( 0.00779 + -0.09305* 0.03036)/2 * 5.78774^4 = 2.7866
Qz2 = (Zv + Q1*Zm)/2 *Xa^4 Qz2 = ( 0.03036 + -0.09305* 0.25206)/2 * 5.78774^4 = 3.8776
U = (Zv + (Rhos - 1)*Zm)*Xa^4 / (1 + Ø*Zm) U = ( 0.0304 + ( 1.0167 - 1)* 0.2521)* 5.78774^4/ (1 + 15.8758* 0.2521) U = 7.7552
Results for Step 5 :
gamab = ( Gc - C ) / Do (config b) gamab = ( 39.5000 - 41.0000) / 34.1800 = -0.04389
gamma = ( Ttm - Tamb )*alphatm*L - ( Tsm - Tamb )*[alphasm* (L - L1 - L1´) + alphasm1*(L1 + L1´)] gamma = ( 560 - 70)* 0.947E-05* 164.50 - ( 550 - 70)*[ 0.735E-05 *( 164.50 - 12.00 - 12.00) + 0.919E-05*( 12.00 + 12.00)] gamma = 0.1614 in. CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 24 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
gamastars = ßs² * ts1² * Rhos³ *(1 + ßs*h)/(6*(1 - rnus²))*(1 - rnus/2) gamastars = 0.278² * 1.1880² * 1.017³* (1 + 0.278* 1.7500)/ ( 6* ( 1 - 0.300² ) )* (1 - 0.300/2) gamastars = 0.026571739
gamas = (Rhos² - 1) * (Rhos - 1)/4 - gamastars gamas = ( 1.017² - 1) * ( 1.017 - 1)/4 - 0.0266 = -0.02643
gamastarc = ßc² * tc² * Rhoc³ *(1 + ßc*h)/(6*(1 - rnuc²))*(1 - rnuc/2) gamastarc = 0.000² * 0.6750² * 1.156³* (1 + 0.000* 1.7500)/ ( 6* ( 1 - 0.300² ) )* (1 - 0.300/2) gamastarc = 0.000000000
gamac = (Rhoc² + 1) * (Rhoc - 1)/4 - (Rhos - 1)/2 - gamastarc gamac = ( 1.156² + 1) * ( 1.156 - 1)/4 - ( 1.017 - 1)/2 - 0.0000 gamac = 0.082540661
Tr = (T’ + T’s )/2 Tr = ( 550.0 + 555.0 ) / 2 = 552.5 F
T*s = (T’s + Tr)/2 T*s = ( 555.0 + 552.5) / 2 = 553.8 F
T*c = (T’c + Tr)/2 T*c = ( 226.0 + 552.5) / 2 = 389.2 F
Pstars = Esb*ts1/as * ( alphas’ * (T*s - Tamb) - alpha’ * (Tr - Tamb) ) Pstars = 0.244E+08* 1.1880/ 17.3750 * [ 0.920E-05 * ( 553.8 - 70.0) - 0.945E-05 * ( 552.5 - 70.0) ] Pstars = -185.2605 psig
Pstarc = 0.000 psig (= 0 For Pressure only case or Configs. b,c,d,B,C,D)
Results for Step 6 : Psdash = (xs + Nt * (dt - tt) * dt * rnut / (2 * ao² ) + 2 * Rhos² * rnus / Kst - (Rhos² - 1) / (J * Kst) - (1 - J) * as * wj * (Ds + wj) / (J * Kst * ao² * Ds) ) * Ps Psdash = ( 0.444 + 649 * ( 1.000 - 0.083) * 1.000 * 0.300 / (2 * 17.090² ) + 2 * 1.017² * 0.300 / 0.203 - ( 1.017² - 1) / ( 0.002 * 0.203) - (1 - 0.002) * 17.375 * 1.875 * ( 34.750 + 1.875) / ( 0.002 * 0.203 * 17.090² * 34.750) ) * 150.000 Psdash = -45388.2461 psig
Ptdash = ( xt + Nt * (dt - tt) * (dt - 2*tt) * rnut / (2 * ao² ) + 1/(J * Kst) )*Pt Ptdash = ( 0.614 + 649 * ( 1.000 - 0.083) * ( 1.000 - 2* 0.083) * 0.300 / (2 * 17.090²) + 1/( 0.002 * 0.203) )* 400.000 Ptdash = 812468.1875 psig
Pgama = Nt * Kt * gama / ( PI * ao² ) Pgama = 649 * 35539.414 * 0.161 / ( 3.142 * 17.090²) = 4057.094 psig
Pgamastar = U * ( gamastars * Pstars - gamastarc * Pstarc) Pgamastar = 7.755 * ( 0.027 * -185.261 - 0.000 * 0.000) = -38.176 psig
Pw = -gamab * U * W / (2 * PI * ao²) Pw = - -0.044 * 7.755 * 277868.00 / (2 * 3.142 * 17.090²) = 51.533 psig
Prim = -U*(gamas * Ps - gamac * Pt) Prim = - 7.755*( -0.026 * 150.000 - 0.083 * 400.000) = 286.795 psig
Pe = J * Kst / (1 + J * Kst *(Qz1 + (Rhos - 1) * Qz2)) * CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 25 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
(Psdash - Ptdash + Pgama + Pgamastar + Pw + Prim) Pe = 0.2422E-02 * 0.203 / (1 + 0.002 * 0.203 *( 2.787 + ( 1.017 - 1) * 3.878)) * (-45388.246 - 812468.188 + 4057.094 + -38.176 + 51.533 + 286.795) Pe = -419.7909 psig
Results for Step 7 : Q2 = ao²*( (gamas*Ps - gamac*Pt) - (gamastars*Pstarc - gamastarc*Pstarc) ) + W*gamab/(2*PI) ) / ( 1 + Ø*Zm ) Q2 = 17.090²*( ( -0.02643* 150.00 - 0.08254* 400.00) - ( 0.02657* -185.26 - 0.00000* 0.00) ) + 277868.0* -0.04389/ (2*3.1415) ) / ( 1 + 15.8758* 0.2521 ) Q2 = -2260.036865234
Q3 = Q1 + 2 * Q2 / ( Pe * ao²) Q3 = -0.093 + 2 * -2260.037 / ( -419.791 * 17.090²) = -0.0562
Fm Value from Table UHX-13.1 = 0.028090
The Tubesheet Bending Stress - Original Thickness: Sigma = (1.5* Fm/mustar) * (2* ao/(H - hdashg)² * Pe Sigma = (1.5* 0.0281/ 0.3069) * (2* 17.0900/( 1.750- 0.000 ))² * -419.79 Sigma = -21984.6074 psi
The Allowable Tubesheet Bending Stress : SPS (ASME Sec VIII Div 1, UG-23(e)) = 53100.0000 psi
The Tubesheet Bending Stress - Final Thickness: Sigmaf = (1.5 * Fm/mustar) * (2 * ao/( h - hdashg)² * Pe Sigmaf = (1.5* 0.0290/ 0.3069) * (2* 17.0900/( 1.145 - 0.000)) ² * -419.66 Sigmaf = 53100.0000 psi
Required Tubesheet Thickness, for bending stress (Including Corrosion): H reqd. bend. = H + CATS + CATC H reqd. bend. = 1.1445 + 0.0000 + 0.0000 = 1.1445 in.
Results for Step 8 : The Tubesheet Avg. Shear Stress - Original Thickness: Tau = ( 1/(2*mu) ) * ( ao/h ) * Pe Tau = ( 1/(2* 0.200) ) * ( 17.0900/ 1.750 ) * -419.791 = -10248.89 psi
The Allowable Tubesheet Shear Stress : Tau allowed = 0.8 * S Tau allowed = 0.8 * 17700.00 = 14160.00 psi
The Tubesheet Shear Stress - Final Thickness: Tauf = ( 1/(2*mu) ) * ( ao/h ) * Pe Tauf = ( 1/(2* 0.200) ) * ( 17.0900/ 1.267 ) * -419.690 = -14156.61 psi
Required Tubesheet Thickness, for shear stress (Including Corrosion): H reqd. shear = H + CATS + CATC H reqd. shear = 1.2666 + 0.0000 + 0.0000 = 1.2666 in.
Required Tubesheet Thickness for Given Loadings (Including Corrosion) : H reqd. = Max( H_req_bend, H_reqd_shear ) H reqd. = Max( 1.1445, 1.2666) = 1.2666 in.
Results for Step 9 :
Fq = (Zd + Q3*Zv)*Xa^4/2 Fq = ( 0.0078 + -0.0562* 0.0304)* 5.7877^4/2 = 3.4147
The Tube Stress in the outermost Tube row. Sigmato = ( (Ps*xs - Pt*xt) - Pe*Fq)/(xt - xs) ) Sigmato = ( ( 150.00* 0.4445 - 400.00* 0.6136) - -419.79* 3.415)/ CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 26 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
( 0.6136 - 0.4445) ) Sigmato = 7418.6724 psi
The Allowable Tube Stress, Sigmato = 2*Sot = 30000.0000 psi
The Force on the Outermost Tube : TubeForce = TubeStress * Tube Area TubeForce = 7418.67 * 0.2391 = 1773.88 lb.
Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME App. A: Lmax = (PI/4)*(DT²-(DT-2*TT)²)*SOT*fr Lmax =.785*(1.0000²-(1.0000-2*0.0830)²)*30000*0.70 Lmax = 5021.31 lb.
Results for Step 10 :
Note: For a given Shell thickness of: 1.188 in. Min. Shell len. adjacent to the tubesheet is: 11.565 in.
The Shell Membrane stress due to joint interaction Sigmasm = ao²/(2*(as+ts1)*ts1)* [Pe + (Rhos²-1)(Ps-Pt)] + as²*Pt/ (2*(as+ts1)*ts1) Sigmasm = 17.090²/(2*( 17.375+ 1.19)* 1.19)* [ -419.79 + ( 1.017²-1) ( 150.00- 400.00)] + 17.375²* 400.00/(2*( 17.38+ 1.19) * 1.19) Sigmasm = -97.6496 psi
The Shell Bending stress due to joint interaction Sigmasb = 6*ks/ts1²* { ßs*as²/(Esb*ts1) * [ (1 - rnus/2)Ps + Pstars - rnus * Sigmasm * ts1 / as ] + 6(1 - nu*²)/(E*)(ao/h)³(1 + h*ßs/2) * [Pe(Zv + Zm*Q1) + 2/ao²*Zm*Q2] } Sigmasb = 6* 0.209E+07/ 1.188²* { 0.278* 17.375²/( 0.244E+08* 1.19) * = [ (1 - 0.30/2) 150.00 + -185.26 - 0.30 * -97.6 * 1.19 / 17.38 ] + 6(1 - 0.33²)/( 0.764E+07)( 17.09/ 1.75)³(1 + 1.75 * 0.28/2) * [ -419.8( 0.030 + 0.252* -0.093) + 2/ 17.09²* 0.252* -2260.037] } Sigmasb = -50478.3750 psi
SHELL STRESS SUMMATION vs. ALLOWABLE |Sigmasm| + |Sigmasb| =< SPSsb | -97.6 | + | -50478.4 | =< 61500.0 50576.02 must be < or = 61500.0000
Computations completed for ASME Tubesheet configuration b
Summary of stress/force comparisons ------Stress Description Actual Allowable Pass/Fail ------Tubesheet bend. stress 21984.6 <= 53100.0 psi Ok Tubesheet shear stress 10248.9 <= 14160.0 psi Ok Stress in outermost tube 7418.7 <= 30000.0 psi Ok Force on the outermost tube 1773.9 <= 5021.3 lb. Ok Shell stress (jt. inter.) 50576.0 <= 61500.0 psi Ok ------
Summary of thickness comparisons ------Thk. Description Actual Required Pass/Fail ------Req. Tubesht. Thk. 1.750 > 1.267 in. Ok ------CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 27 FileName : Example ------ASMETube Analysis : UHX-20.2.1 Item: 10 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Fixed Tubesheet results per ASME UHX-13 Ed-2001, A-03 Results for 7 Load Cases:
--Reqd. Thk. + CA ------Tubesheet Stresses Case Pass/ Case# Tbsht Extnsn Bend Allwd Shear Allwd Type Fail ------1uc 1.541 2.107 24334 26550 9750 14160 Fvs+Pt-Th-Ca Ok 2uc 0.250 2.107 3295 26550 544 14160 Ps+Fvt-Th-Ca Ok 3uc 1.562 2.107 26424 26550 10291 14160 Ps+Pt-Th-Ca Ok 4uc 0.250 2.107 815 53100 48 14160 Fvs+Fvt+Th-Ca Ok 5uc 1.199 2.107 21527 53100 9704 14160 Fvs+Pt+Th-Ca Ok 6uc 0.250 2.107 1840 53100 495 14160 Ps+Fvt+Th-Ca Ok 7uc 1.267 2.107 21984 53100 10248 14160 Ps+Pt+Th-Ca Ok ------Max: 1.562 2.107 in. 0.995 0.727 (Str. Ratio)
Given Tubesheet Thickness: 1.7500 in. Given Tubesheet Extension Thickness: 2.2500 in.
* - Note: Fvt,Fvs - User-defined Shell-side and Tube-side vacuum pressures or 0.0. Ps, Pt - Shell-side and Tube-side Design Pressures. Th - With or Without Thermal Expansion. Ca - With or Without Corrosion Allowance.
Tube, Shell and Channel Stress Summary: ------Tube Stresses Tube Loads Shell Stress Channel Stress Pass Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd Ld Allwd Stress Allwd Stress Allwd Fail ------1uc 7664 15000 - - 1832 2510 48735 61500 - 0 Ok 2uc 1188 15000 - - 284 2510 5601 30750 - 0 Ok 3uc 8701 15000 - - 2080 2510 49501 61500 - 0 Ok 4uc 36 30000 - - 8 5021 5929 61500 - 0 Ok 5uc 6497 30000 - - 1553 5021 49836 61500 - 0 Ok 6uc 957 30000 - - 229 5021 6675 61500 - 0 Ok 7uc 7418 30000 - - 1773 5021 50576 61500 - 0 Ok ------Max RATIO 0.580 0.000 0.829 0.822 -
Given Shell Band lengths, l1: 12.000, l'1: 12.00in. Min Shell length of thk, (1.188) adj. to tubesheet: 11.565 in.
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 28 FileName : Example ------Flohead Analysis : UHX20.3.1 Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Input Echo, Floating Head Item 1, Description: UHX20.3.1
Floating Head Type Appendix 1-6 type (d) Tube Side ( Internal ) Design Pressure PTS 150.00 psig Shell Side ( External ) Design Pressure PSS 250.00 psig Design Temperature for Spherical Head TEMP 300.00 F
Head Material SA-516 70 Head Material UNS Number K02700 Head Allowable Stress at Temperature SOH 17500.00 psi Head Allowable Stress at Ambient SAH 17500.00 psi
Crown Radius for Spherical Head L 30.0000 in. Head Thickness TH 0.5000 in. Tube Side ( Internal ) Corrosion Allowance CATS 0.0000 in. Shell Side ( External ) Corrosion Allowance CASS 0.0000 in.
Flange Material SA-105 Flange Material UNS Number K03504 Flange Allowable Stress at Temperature SOC 17500.00 psi Flange Allowable Stress at Ambient SAC 17500.00 psi
Flange Outside Diameter FOD 30.0000 in. Flange Inside Diameter FID 23.0000 in. Flange Thickness TC 1.0000 in.
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt Material UNS Number G41400 Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature SBO 23000.00 psi Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient SBA 23000.00 psi
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 27.9920 in. Nominal Bolt Diameter DBOLT 0.5000 in. Type of Threads TEMA Thread Series Number of Bolts 16
Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects
Flange Face Outside Diameter FFOD 27.0000 in. Flange Face Inside Diameter FFID 25.9850 in. Gasket Outside Diameter GOD 27.0000 in. Gasket Inside Diameter GID 25.9850 in.
Gasket Factor, m, M 1.0000 Gasket Design Seating Stress Y 10.00 psi Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II Gasket Thickness 0.0000 in. Flange Face Nubbin Width 0.0000 in.
Dist. from Head Centerline to Flange Centroid hr 0.1250 in.
The Flange is not Slotted.
Backing Ring Material Specification SA-516 70 Backing Ring Material UNS Number K02700 Backing Ring Allowable Stress, Temperature SOTS 20000.00 psi Backing Ring Allowable Stress, Ambient SATS 20000.00 psi Backing Ring Inside Diameter DR 26.1020 in. Backing Ring Thickness TR 0.5000 in. Number of Splits in Backing Ring NSPLIT 1
Mating Flange Operating Bolt Load 0.00 lb. Mating Flange Seating Bolt Load 0.00 lb. Mating Flange Design Bolt Load 26225.00 lb. CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 29 FileName : Example ------Flohead Analysis : UHX20.3.1 Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Thickness Due to Internal Pressure: t = 5PL / 6S t = ( 5 * 150.00 * 30.0000 ) / ( 6 * 17500 ) t = 0.2143 in.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Given Thickness: Pa = 6S(T-Cass-Cats) / 5L Pa = ( 6 * 17500 * 0.5000 ) / ( 5 * 30.0000 ) Pa = 350.00 psig
Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold: Pnc = 6ST / 5L Pnc = ( 6 * 17500 * 0.5000 ) / ( 5 * 30.0000 ) Pnc = 350.00 psig
Actual Stress at given Pressure and Thickness: Sact = 5PL / 6(T-Cass-Cats) Sact = ( 5 * 150.00 * 30.0000 ) / ( 6 * 0.5000 ) Sact = 7500. psi
External Pressure Chart CS-2 at 300.00 F Elastic Modulus for Material 29000000.00 psi
Results for Maximum Allowable External Pressure: Corroded Thickness of Shell TCA 0.5000 in. Outside Crown Radius of Shell OD/2 30.5000 in. Crown Radius / Thickness Ratio (0D/2)/T 61.0000 Geometry Factor, A f(D/T,LD) A 0.0020492 Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 15126.8311 psi Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 247.98 psig EMAWP = B/( (0D/T)/ 2 ) = 15126.8311 /( 122.0000/2.0) = 247.9808
Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Pressure (Tca): Corroded Thickness of Shell TCA 0.5034 in. Outside Diameter of Shell OD 61.0000 in. Diameter / Thickness Ratio (D/T) 121.1733 Geometry Factor, A f(DT,LD) A 0.0020632 Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 15148.7021 psi Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 250.03 psig EMAWP = B/((D/T)/2) = 15148.7021/( 121.1733 / 2 ) = 250.0336
Gasket Contact Width, N = (GODC-GIDC) / 2 0.508 in. Basic Gasket Width, B0 = N / 2.0 0.254 in. Effective Gasket Width, BE = SQRT(B0) / 2.0 0.252 in. Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = GODC-2.0*BE 26.496 in.
Bolting Information for TEMA Thread Series : Total Area of Bolts 2.016 in² Minimum radial distance between hub and bolts 0.813 in. Actual radial distance between hub and bolts 2.496 in. Minimum radial distance between bolts and edge 0.625 in. Actual radial distance between bolts and edge 1.004 in.
Minimum circumferential spacing between bolts 1.250 in. CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 30 FileName : Example ------Flohead Analysis : UHX20.3.1 Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Actual circumferential spacing between bolts 5.461 in. Maximum circumferential spacing between bolts 5.000 in. Bolt spacing correction factor 1.045
Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure H 82708.6 lb. Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces HP 6289.7 lb. Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID HD 62321.3 lb. Pressure Force on Flange Face HT 20387.2 lb. Radial Component of Head Membrane Force HH 151634.0 lb. Operating Bolt Load: WM1 88998.2 lb. Gasket Seating Bolt Load WM2 209.7 lb. Required Bolt Area AM 3.869 in²
** WARNING ** Reqd. Bolt Area (3.869) > Actual (2.016)
Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) W 67683.1 lb. Gasket Seating Force (Operating) HG 6289.7 lb. Distance to Gasket Load Reaction DHG 0.7479 in. Distance to Face Pressure Reaction DHT 1.6219 in. Distance to End Pressure Reaction DHD 2.4960 in.
SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment End Pressure, Md 62321. 2.4960 1.0451 13547. Face Pressure, Mt 20387. 1.6219 1.0451 2880. Gasket Load, Mg 6290. 0.7479 1.0451 410. Floating Hd. Load, Mh 151634. 0.1250 1.0451 -1651. Gasket Seating, Ma 67683. 0.7479 1.0451 4408.
TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION ( Internal Pressure ) 15186. TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING ( Int. Pressure ) 4408.
Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure H 137847.6 lb. Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces HP 10482.8 lb. Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID HD 103868.9 lb. Pressure Force on Flange Face HT 33978.7 lb. Radial Component of Head Membrane Force HH 252723.3 lb. Operating Bolt Load: WM1 88998.2 lb. Gasket Seating Bolt Load WM2 209.7 lb. Required Bolt Area AM 3.869 in²
** WARNING ** Reqd. Bolt Area (3.869) > Actual (2.016)
Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) W 67683.1 lb. Gasket Seating Force (Operating) HG 137847.6 lb. Distance to Gasket Load Reaction DHG 0.7479 in. Distance to Face Pressure Reaction DHT 1.6219 in. Distance to End Pressure Reaction DHD 2.4960 in.
SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment End Pressure, Md 103869. 1.7481 1.0451 15814. Face Pressure, Mt 33979. 0.8741 1.0451 2587. Floating Hd. Load, Mh 252723. 0.1250 1.0451 -2751. Gasket Seating, Ma 67683. 0.7479 1.0451 4408.
TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION ( External Pressure ) 15649. TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING ( Ext. Pressure ) 4408.
Required thickness for Main Flange, internal operating conditions: CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: COADE, Inc. (CADWorx Server) 31 FileName : Example ------Flohead Analysis : UHX20.3.1 Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
T = F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) T = 0.195 + SQRT( 0.195 * 0.195 + 3.428 ) T = 2.0568 in.
Required thickness for Main Flange, internal bolt-up conditions: T = F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) T = 0.000 + SQRT( 0.000 * 0.000 + 0.995 ) T = 0.9975 in.
Required thickness for Main Flange, external operating conditions: T = F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) T = 0.325 + SQRT( 0.325 * 0.325 + 3.532 ) T = 2.2325 in.
Required thickness for Main Flange, external bolt-up conditions: T = F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) T = 0.000 + SQRT( 0.000 * 0.000 + 0.995 ) T = 0.9975 in.
Required thickness for Backing Ring, internal operating conditions: T = SQRT( M Y / S B ) Per TEMA 8th ed. RCB-5.141 T = SQRT( 168206.6 * 14.000 / ( 20000.0 * 26.102 ) ) T = 2.1239 in.
Required thickness for Backing Ring, internal bolt-up conditions: T = SQRT( M Y / S B ) Per TEMA 8th ed. RCB-5.141 T = SQRT( 127921.0 * 14.000 / ( 20000.0 * 26.102 ) ) T = 1.8521 in.
SUMMARY OF REQUIRED THICKNESSES: Head Flange Backing Ring Tubeside (Internal) Pressure 0.2143 2.0568 2.1239 in. Shellside (External) Pressure 0.5034 2.2325 in. Tubeside Gasket Seating Load 0.9975 1.8521 in. Shellside Gasket Seating Load 0.9975 in. Maximum + Corrosion Allowance 0.5034 2.2325 2.1239 in. Actual Thickness as Given 0.5000 1.0000 0.5000 in.
WEIGHT OF HEAD AND FLANGE: Weight of Spherical Head, Uncorroded WHD 61.1 lb. Weight of Spherical Head, Corroded WHDCA 61.1 lb. Weight of Flange Ring, Uncorroded WFL 82.5 lb. Weight of Flange Ring, Corroded WFLCA 82.5 lb. Weight of Backing Ring, Uncorroded WBR 24.3 lb. Weight of Backing Ring, Corroded WBRCA 24.3 lb.
CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: 32 FileName : Example ------Vessel Results Summary Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Summary for shell/head, Div 1:
MAPNC MAWP Tr-int Tr-ext EMAWP Description psig psig in. in. psig ------App1-4f, TORI 1 43.502 22.573 0.169 0.164 2.480 App1-4f, TORI 2 76.955 76.955 0.072 ------App1-4f, Ellip 316.957 316.957 0.062 ------Minimum MAWP 43.502 22.573 2.480
Note: Reqd. thk. reported above includes Corrosion Allowance.
Total Shell/Head weight is (New-Cold) 689.7 lb. Total Shell/Head weight is (Corroded) 525.1 lb. Total Shell/Head weight, filled with Water (New) 4849.5 lb. Total Shell/Head volume is (New-Cold) 115193.8 in.**3 Total Shell/Head volume is (Corroded) 115775.5 in.**3
Summary for Nozzles :
MAWP FLG. EXT. P MAWPNC UG-45 WLD Description psig MAWP CHECK CHECK CHECK ------Hside on Tori 1 230.17 ------OK OK H Side Hside on Tori 1 267.72 ------OK OK 90° Hside on Tori 2 248.55 ------OK OK H Side Hside on Tori 2 287.70 ------OK OK 90° Hillside on Elp 33.33 ------OK OK H Side Hillside on Elp 45.40 ------OK OK 90° ------Minimum MAWP 33.326 ---
Flange Results Summary for Item 1 : TAYLOR FORGE Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Analysis Only Design Pressure : 400.00 psig
Flange Diameters id: 32.000 od: 39.125 in. Gasket Diameters id: 33.000 od: 36.000 in. Gasket Factors m: 2.750 y: 3700.000 psi
Flange has 36 Bolts 1.000 in. at BCD 37.000 in.
Operating Seating MAWP 413.628 542.047 Rigidity Index 1.035 0.796
Note: The Flange passed, for the Internal Pressure.
Flange MDMT -55.00 F The finished weight of the flange 290.458 lb. The unfinished weight of the flange 535.029 lb.
Thin Joint Summary For Item 1 : APP BB-8 Summary for Pressure Calculations, psi : Actual Allowed Circumferential membrane, pressure Scmp 16301 17800 Meridional Membrane, pressure Smmp 1530 17800 Meridional Bending , pressure Smbp 19752 Meridional Membrane, deflection Smmd 2427 Meridional Bending , deflection Smbd 161967
Meridional Membrane + Bending , pressure 21283 26700 CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: 33 FileName : Example ------Vessel Results Summary Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
Summation of all Meridional Stresses 185677 157637
Stress Amplitude for Cycle Life Evaluation 179292 Cycle Life for Bellows 1292
ASME Floating Head Summary for Item 1 : UHX20.3.1
Required Thicknesses: Head Flange Backing Ring Tubeside (Internal) Pressure 0.2143 2.0568 2.1239 in. Shellside (External) Pressure 0.5034 2.2325 0.0000 in. Tubeside Gasket Seating Load 0.9975 1.8521 in. Shellside Gasket Seating Load 0.9975 0.0000 in. Maximum + Corrosion Allowance 0.5034 2.2325 2.1239 in. Actual Thickness as Given 0.5000 1.0000 0.5000 in.
MAWP Results for Spherical Head : MAWP New and Cold ( Internal Pressure ) 350.000 psig MAWP Corroded ( Internal Pressure ) 350.000 psig External MAWP for Spherical Head 247.981 psig
Note: MAWP calculations are not performed for the Flange/Backing Ring !
ASME Tube Sheet Results for Item 10 : UHX-20.2.1
Fixed Tubesheet results per ASME UHX-13 Ed-2001, A-03 Results for 7 Load Cases:
--Reqd. Thk. + CA ------Tubesheet Stresses Case Pass/ Case# Tbsht Extnsn Bend Allwd Shear Allwd Type Fail ------1uc 1.541 2.107 24334 26550 9750 14160 Fvs+Pt-Th-Ca Ok 2uc 0.250 2.107 3295 26550 544 14160 Ps+Fvt-Th-Ca Ok 3uc 1.562 2.107 26424 26550 10291 14160 Ps+Pt-Th-Ca Ok 4uc 0.250 2.107 815 53100 48 14160 Fvs+Fvt+Th-Ca Ok 5uc 1.199 2.107 21527 53100 9704 14160 Fvs+Pt+Th-Ca Ok 6uc 0.250 2.107 1840 53100 495 14160 Ps+Fvt+Th-Ca Ok 7uc 1.267 2.107 21984 53100 10248 14160 Ps+Pt+Th-Ca Ok ------Max: 1.562 2.107 in. 0.995 0.727 (Str. Ratio)
Given Tubesheet Thickness: 1.7500 in. Given Tubesheet Extension Thickness: 2.2500 in.
* - Note: Fvt,Fvs - User-defined Shell-side and Tube-side vacuum pressures or 0.0. Ps, Pt - Shell-side and Tube-side Design Pressures. Th - With or Without Thermal Expansion. Ca - With or Without Corrosion Allowance.
Tube, Shell and Channel Stress Summary: ------Tube Stresses Tube Loads Shell Stress Channel Stress Pass Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd Ld Allwd Stress Allwd Stress Allwd Fail ------1uc 7664 15000 - - 1832 2510 48735 61500 - 0 Ok 2uc 1188 15000 - - 284 2510 5601 30750 - 0 Ok 3uc 8701 15000 - - 2080 2510 49501 61500 - 0 Ok 4uc 36 30000 - - 8 5021 5929 61500 - 0 Ok 5uc 6497 30000 - - 1553 5021 49836 61500 - 0 Ok 6uc 957 30000 - - 229 5021 6675 61500 - 0 Ok 7uc 7418 30000 - - 1773 5021 50576 61500 - 0 Ok CodeCalc 2004 Licensee: 34 FileName : Example ------Vessel Results Summary Item: 1 9:58a Mar 3,2004
------Max RATIO 0.580 0.000 0.829 0.822 -
Given Shell Band lengths, l1: 12.000, l'1: 12.00in. Min Shell length of thk, (1.188) adj. to tubesheet: 11.565 in.
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CodeCalc 2004 ©1989-2004 by COADE Engineering Software