Foundation Stage Medium Term Planning

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Foundation Stage Medium Term Planning

Year Two Planning: Class 9 Summer Term A 2017

Week/Date Literacy Numeracy Science/History Art/D&T RE/PSHE PE Geography/ICT Music Blue Home Books Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive Arts & design SEAL Theme: Going for Physical development Goals. 1 Fiction text: Talk for Measures: Weight Science: Living Things and Writing: (Imitation) Solve practical problems: their habitats; Learn about Music/ Malachi performing St. George’s Day – Sunday P.E session with Sports Bank Holiday: Introduce new story text; Use vocabulary to describe Animals and Plants that live arts: Session taught by the 23rd April 2017. Teacher: Weds pm. Easter Monday: ‘How the world was made’: Weight/Mass, use underneath the sea. Music Teacher. (Tues pm) How do we remember St. Games. 18/4/17 -22/4/17 Focus: Setting. Wow heavy/light, lighter than, Computing Multimedia: To George? Handwriting skills. starter activities. Learn heavier than, Measure use technology to organise What do people do to new vocabulary and join in weight and mass using and present my ideas in celebrate St. George’s with retelling new story. standard units. Begin to different ways. SCIENCE Day? Daily Phonics record weight/mass in LINK: Present a Handwriting skills. standard units. Use news/weather report which Reading Comprehension. grams/kilograms weights and is to be filmed using a a balance. video camera based on Spelling, Punctuation and Begin to record ‘Spring’ seasonal changes. Grammar activities. Weight/Mass in standard Speaking and listening; talk Prefixes/suffixes. units. Use grams/kilograms. about signs of the ‘Spring’ season. Use ‘Spring’ vocabulary. Describe what they can see using adjectives.

2 Red Fiction text: Talk for Measurement: Money Science: Living Things and Art & Design: P.E Session: (Tues am): 24/4/17-28/4/17 Writing: How the world Addition/Subtraction Habitats; what lives under Design and make pop-up/moving Introduction to new school Maypole dancing. was made’: Focus: Setting. Recognise that money has the ocean/sea? Reinforce pictures based on the theme: topic: What’s underneath? P.E session with Sports Focus on story settings: value. To know the value of names of living creatures ‘What’s underneath the Explore different concepts Teacher: Weds pm. ocean’?’ The idea is for the explore other ideas for different coins and notes. that live in the sea and in e.g. under the sea/under Games. children to start by creating story settings e.g. ‘Under Recognise the symbols for a rock pool habitat from their own Sea/ocean themed the ground… Handwriting skills. the sea’. What different pounds (£) and pence the previous week. setting picture using card. This places can a story be set? (p).Add and subtract money Computing: can be created using paints, Describe the story setting using the coins. Use the ‘Textease’ word water colour pencils, and wax using interesting Solve simple money processing program. Type a crayons. This is to follow with descriptive vocabulary.(Use addition/subtraction description/facts about a drawing a sea creature which is to pop out or move from the some expanded noun problems using coins. sea creature. Keyboard setting picture. phrases to describe and Find different combinations skills; How can we make *Literacy link: Research and specify) of coins that equal the same sure that we have a capital write facts about the sea Write a list of living amount of money. Begin to letter at the beginning of a creature. creatures that live in solve problems involving sentence? – Reminder of different habitats in our giving change. difference between shift Music/ Malachi performing world. Link with our and caps lock key. How do arts: Session taught by the science topic theme based we make a space between Music Teacher. (Tues pm) on ‘Living Things and their words? Thumb on space habitats’. Choose bat. Talk about one space characters that live in the between words and two chosen story setting spaces at the end of a (habitat). Write own story sentence. How can we idea. delete letters? What do we use the enter key for? Daily Phonics Encourage use of both Handwriting skills. hands. Open the document. Reading Comprehension. Add first bit of text. Support all the children Spelling, Punctuation and with saving and closing Grammar activities. their document. Open their Prefixes/suffixes. document. Can you add an Use expanded noun phrases image from the clip art? using adjectives. Save and close the document. (This will be an assessment of the children’s keyboard skills!)

3 Yellow Fiction text: Talk for Measurement: Money Science: Living Things and Music/ Malachi performing P.E Session: (Tues am): Writing: Addition/Subtraction Habitats; What lives arts: Session taught by the Self-esteem: How are you Maypole dancing. *May Day Bank Innovation/Invention: Recognise that money has underneath the ground? Music Teacher. (Tues pm) special? What are your Holiday: 1/5/17 – Letters: Write a letter to value. To know the value of Name the living creature strengths/talents/qualities? P.E session with Sports 5/5/17 the piper from the story different coins and notes. that live under the How do you learn best? Teacher: Weds pm. of ‘How the world was Recognise the symbols for ground/soil. Go outside Games. made’. What questions pounds (£) and pence and explore school R.E: ‘The Creation Story’. could you ask the piper? (p).Add and subtract money environment to look for (Link with talk for writing Handwriting skills. Innovate and change the using the coins. living creatures. story; ‘How the world was piper’s actions for each of Solve simple money made’.) the days. addition/subtraction Spelling, Punctuation and problems using coins. Grammar sessions. Find different combinations Sentence work: of coins that equal the same Computing: Use the ‘Text Statements, questions, amount of money. Begin to ease’ word processing exclamations, commands. solve problems involving program. Use past and present giving change. Keyboard skills: (Continue tense. Conjunctions: and, as week 2) Type a or, but, when, if, because. description about a living Use prefixes/suffixes. creature that lives Use expanded noun phrases underneath the ground. using adjectives. Link with Science. Daily Phonics Handwriting skills.

Reading Comprehension.

4 Green Non-Fiction: Talk for Number: Addition and Science: Plants Music/ Malachi performing Going for goals P.E Session: (Tues am): Writing: Subtraction Identify and name a arts: Session taught by the Setting and achieving Maypole dancing. Wow starter session variety of common wild and Music Teacher. (Tues pm) goals/targets. P.E session with Sports activities: Plant garden plants, including Persistence – keeping going Teacher: Weds pm. 8/5/17 – 12/5/17 sunflower/bean seeds deciduous and evergreen Art & Design: even when we find things Games. Year 2 (Science links) trees. Identify and Observational drawings of difficult. Resilience: Handwriting skills. Assessments. Focus: Instructions for describe the basic plants and trees in the bouncing back/maintaining planting seeds. structure of a variety of school environment. effort after a mistake or Daily Phonics common flowering plants, difficult experience. Handwriting skills. including trees. Observe and describe how Spelling, Punctuation and seeds are to grow into Grammar sessions. plants. Sentence work: Find out and describe how Statements, questions, plants need water, light exclamations, commands. and suitable temperature Use past and present to stay healthy. tense. Conjunctions: and, Computing: Handling data: or, but, when, if, because. Look at 2D shapes. Use prefixes/suffixes. Use Set up Furbles program. expanded noun phrases Follow to collect data and using adjectives. present information in a Reading Comprehension. graph using the Infant video toolkit 2Graph Author Study: Roald Dahl program. Answer questions. Non-Fiction: Talk for Number: Addition and Science: Plants P.E Session: (Tues am): 5 Writing: Subtraction Identify and name a Music/ Malachi performing Everybody is different Country dancing Focus: Learn information variety of common wild and arts: Session taught by the Everybody is good at P.E session with Sports 15/5/17 – 19/5/17 about Plants. Shape garden plants, including Music Teacher. (Tues pm) something/has got Teacher: Weds pm. Year 2 Daily Phonics deciduous and evergreen different talents, Games. Assessments. Handwriting skills. trees. Identify and Art & Design: strengths and qualities. Handwriting skills. describe the basic Look at the characters from Appreciating the good Spelling, Punctuation and structure of a variety of the stories of Roald Dahl. things in other people. Grammar sessions. common flowering plants, Observational drawings of Sentence work: including trees. characters from the books. Statements, questions, Observe and describe how exclamations, commands. seeds are to grow into Use past and present plants. tense. Conjunctions: and, Find out and describe how or, but, when, if, because. plants need water, light Use prefixes/suffixes. and suitable temperature Use expanded noun phrases to stay healthy. using adjectives. Computing: Handling data: Reading Comprehension. Sorting 2D shapes. Create a branching data Author Study: Roald Dahl base. 6 Blue Assessments. Shape Science: Plants P.E Session: (Tues am): Daily Phonics Identify and name a Music/ Malachi performing Working together Country dancing 22/5/17 – 26/5/17 Handwriting skills. variety of common wild and arts: Session taught by the What is a team? Year 2 garden plants, including Music Teacher. (Tues pm) Why is important to work P.E session with Sports Assessments. Spelling, Punctuation and deciduous and evergreen Art & Design: together? Teacher: Weds pm. Games. Grammar sessions. trees. Identify and Look at the characters from How do we work well as a Sentence work: describe the basic the stories of Roald Dahl. team? Handwriting skills. Statements, questions, structure of a variety of Observational drawings of exclamations, commands. common flowering plants, characters from the books. Use past and present including trees. tense. Conjunctions: and, Observe and describe how or, but, when, if, because. seeds are to grow into Use prefixes/suffixes. plants. Use expanded noun phrases Find out and describe how using adjectives. plants need water, light Reading Comprehension. and suitable temperature to stay healthy.

Author Study: Roald Dahl Computing: Handling data: Sorting 2D shapes. (TES:Shape sorting activities on the computer)


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