Use the Visual Above to Answer the Following
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EOCT Review Stations
1 ECOLOGY AKS 11 a-Ecosystems
Dependence of all organisms on one another, flow of energy, and matter within their ecosystems
Use the visual above to answer the following:
1- Using the following words, create a flow chart demonstrating energy flow in an ecosystem:
consumers sunlight producers
______ ______ ______
2- Where does the initial energy in this ecosystem come from?
3- What organisms are examples of producers? Consumers?
4- How do the consumers rely on the producers?
5- What is released as energy is passed through an ecosystem? 2 ECOLOGY -Relationships among organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes- Using the visual below, read the descriptions and name the level of organization
1- a group of deer ( one type of organism):______
2- trees, moose, deer, owl, squirrels, rabbit (a group different organisms):______
3- sky, bears, water, trees, eagle (biotic and abiotic):______
4- one deer ( single organism):______5- a specific area or region found on Earth where biotic and abiotic factors are found ______
6- the complete Earth:______
7- Write the correct order of levels in the biosphere from largest to smallest in the spaces below.
______ ________________________ ______
3- ECOLOGY - Community Relationships- Match the pictures up with the correct type of competition that is depicted
INTERSPECIFIC – competition between two INTRASPECIFIC- competition within the same different species species
Sea Anemones competing for light Lion and Hyena fighting for food
1. Sea anemones competing for light ______
2. Lion and hyena fighting for food ______Symbiotic Relationships
Mutualism +/- Both organisms benefit
Parasitism +/- One organism benefits and other is harmed
Commensalism +/0 One organism benefits and the other is not affected
Identify each symbiotic relationship in the scenarios below
4. A tick on a dog
5. Bacteria in our stomach to help with digestion
6. Remora fish attach themselves to sharks for protection
4- Cycling of nutrients (C,H,O,N,P), conservation of matter
Water Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Carbon Cycle
Look and analyze the nutrient cycle pictures to review important terms and concepts. Take the concept cards and place them under the correct nutrient cycle. Precipitation Bacteria Decomposition Weathering of
Not Not Usable by N2 Gas Assimilation organisms Atmospheric
Condensation Nitrogen Seepage and Photosynthesis Ground Water fixation
Food Chain Burning of Fossil Key Ingredient DNA and RNA in Proteins Fuels
Sun is the Cellular Transpiration Evaporation driving force Respiration Precipitation Bacteria Decomposition Weathering of
Not Not Usable by N2 Gas Assimilation organisms Atmospheric
Condensation Nitrogen Seepage and Photosynthesis Ground Water fixation
Food Chain Burning of Fossil Key Ingredient DNA and RNA in Proteins Fuels
Sun is the Cellular Transpiration Evaporation driving force Respiration 5- ECOLOGY Flow of energy through an ecosystem (food chain, energy pyramid, biomass pyramid)
Using all the visuals, create three possible food chains demonstrating the flow of energy through and ecosystem. Label producers, consumers, autotroph, & heterotroph.
Use the food chains that you created to now create a food web
1. ______3. ______
2. ______
Follow-up Questions
4- What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? 5- Where is there the most available energy in a food chain or web?
6- Where is there the least available energy?
7- What is the highest trophic level in your food web, and what organisms belong to that level?
8- What visual shows us the relative amounts of energy available at each level?
9-What is the 10% rule?
10- What visual allows us to see the amount of living tissue available at each level?
11- What visual allows us to see the relative number of organisms on each level?
6 ECOLOGY - Biome Review- Use this chart along with your memory, to decide which biome the following e-mails came from
Biome Characteristics Plants Animals
Tundra Permafrost -soil remains Plants- fast life Animals-thick fur permanently frozen cycles only Long winters and darkness, Ex.- caribou, polar bears Short summers Ex.- grasses for short Low temperatures, Very little rainfall periods of time, no trees Taiga Foggy, wet climate, acidic soil Plants- large coniferous Animals- Moose, elk, forest wolves , caribou, lynx, (firs, pines) porcupines, black bear Temperate has definite seasons Plants- shed leaves in Deer, opossum, winter black bear, fox, squirrel, Forest most of Northeastern US many bird species mixture of trees and insects (pines and hardwoods- deciduous trees) oaks, poplar, hickory Tropical At equator Plants large variety, Toucans, almost constant temperature of 25 oC adapted to monkeys, Rainforest most rain fall grow tall to find light, gorilla, snakes, very humid large broad leaves, some lizards, parrots greatest diversity vines
Grasslands Largest biome Widely Scattered trees, Bison, antelope, mostly grasses varying in steppe, plains, or prairie lengths gophers, buffalo, jackrabbits, Uneven rainfall sheep, lion, giraffe, gazelle
Desert low rainfall Plant s have small, active at night to prevent dehydration long droughts shallow root systems to absorb little rainfall lizards, kangaroo rat, high temperatures, can be cold at night quickly scorpions, snakes
leaves are needles to prevent water loss
1. August 10th (Temp = 85˚F) Bob found salamanders under rocks in streams and got chased up an oak tree by a black bear. Bill ______
2. September 8th (Temp = 99˚F) Bill drank all the hiking water and Bob tripped and fell on a plant leaving him full of spines. Night was cold and scary with the howling. Bubba ______
3. October 6th (Temp = 86˚F) Atlanta is no where near as humid as this place! We have never seen so much plant and insect diversity. Not many mammals but tons of birds. Bob ______4. November 18 (Temp = 45˚F) They say it is hot in summer here, but it is not hot today. We can see very far into the distance. Bubba wants to hunt Buffalo, but it seems someone already did that. Bill ______
5. December 25 (Temp = -60˚F) Merry Christmas! We can’t find a Christmas tree anywhere – in fact we can’t find a thing, because it is constantly dark. Wish you were here. Bob ______
6. January 10 (Temp = -35˚F) We got some great photos of moose today. Bob even saw a lynx chasing a rabbit. The only trees around have needles on them. Everything is covered with snow. Bubba ______
7. February 2nd (Temp = 70˚F) This is the largest land biome on earth!! This particular area as animals I have never seen before. The lion is a ferocious hunter, but I must admit the gazelle gave a good fight. Bob ______
8. April 1st (Temp = 90˚F) The vegetation is very thick here. Bubba got lost, but we found him eating bananas with his relatives the capuchins.
Bill ______
9. May 10th (Temp = 50˚F) Still quite cold outside and snows some nights, but at least we have some light outside unlike the Tundra. We miss the dogwood flowers in Atlanta, all these pine trees just do not compare. Bob ______
10. July 22nd (Temp = 45˚F) Bob just got killed by a polar bear. Burying him is difficult because there are no trees to make a coffin AND the ground is so frozen that we cannot dig in it. On our way home at last. Sorry we did not use metric system, we never paid much attention in science class. Bubba and Bill ______
7 ECOLOGY - Animal adaptations, behaviors, to survive stressful environment
Place the appropriate label with the correct type of tropism
1. ______2. ______
3.______4. ______
Answer the following about plant and animal adaptations
5- A plant’s response to light is called:______6- A plant’s response to gravity is called:______
7- A plant’s response to water is called: ______
8- A plant’s response to touch (surface):______
In review statements 5-10, read each statement and write down the organism, adaptation, and the reason why that the organism has adapted to the stressful environment.
9- Polar Bears have very thick skin to keep it warm in the tundra. They also have white fur enabling them to blend in with their surroundings when hunting for prey.
10- A sloth is a very light weight mammal so it can hang from branches to avoid predators. Most predators in the rainforest cannot get to an animal that is hanging from a branch that high. Most likely, the branch would break if an animal pounced on it.
11- Giraffes are well adapted to a life in a savannah. Their very long necks are an adaptation to feeding at high levels in the treetops. Their long necks do not only help them to graze but also helps them keep track of predators and it enables visual communication with other giraffe over several miles away. By eating in the trees it causes less competition for grazing animals.
12-Grass has long root systems to prevent grazing animals from pulling roots out of the ground.
Organism:______Adaptation:______Reason:______13- Many trees have needle-like leaves which shape loses less water and sheds snow more easily than broad leaves.
14- Some plants have air spaces in their stems to help hold the plant up in the water.
8- ECOLOGY relate environmental conditions to successional changes in ecosystems (GPS)
Use the two visuals depicting succession and place the ideas on the next page under each type of succession.
Primary Succession Secondary Succession
Overall length of time (longer/shorter) When it occurs
Soil Presence
First types of organisms
Last types of organism
Order of Succession
HARDWOOD TREES SHORTER 9 A- ECOLOGY assess and explain human activities that influence and modify the environment such as global warming, population growth, pesticide use, and water/power consumption (GPS)
Write these terms under each of the graphs provided to explain the population growth curves in the diagrams
Logistic curve J shaped Limited growth S Shaped
Exponential growth curve Unlimited growth Reaches carrying capacity
Has limiting factors Does NOT have limiting factors
Graph A ______Graph B ______
9B Human Impact on the Environment
Examine the diagram 1 of Acid rain formation.
1. What are the two gases that cause Acid rain to form?
2. Where do the gases come from?
Examine diagram 2.
3. The trapping of heat by the atmosphere is known as the ______effect.
4. When too much heat is trapped causing an increase in the Earth’s temperature, it is called ______.
5. This is caused by an increase in Carbon dioxide (CO2) due to what human activity?
Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Examine the diagram 3 of Biomagnification.
6. The diagram shows the amount of toxin in organisms in a food chain. As you move up a food chain, what is happening to the amount of toxin?
7. Where is the least concentrated toxin in the food chain?
8. Where is the most concentrated toxin in the food chain?
9. Which level organism is affected the most by biomagnification?
Examine diagram 4.
Diagram 3 10. The ______layer prevents lethal amounts of UV rays from reaching the Earth.
11. The ozone layer is thinning because of the use of ______. Diagram 4
10 CELLS-analyze the relationship between structures and functions in living cells (GPS, HSGT)
Place the ideas that go with the appropriate cell type in the correct part of the diagram.
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes No Nucleus---Genetic Have a Nucleus that Information Floats around contains Genetic in Cytoplasm Information No Membrane-Bound Have Membrane-Bound Organelles (organelles Organelles (organelles do don’t have a surrounding have a surrounding membrane) membrane) Much Smaller in size Generally Larger in size
Very Simple Structure Very Complex Structure
Ex: Staphylococcus, E. Ex: Paramecium, Fungi, coli, Streptococcus Plants, , HUMANS
11- CELLS state the cell theory describe the cell cycle
Analyze the cell cycle visual and read each cell cycle description. Place the appropriate concepts relating to the cell cycle around the visual in the correct order. G1- Growth phase 1- growth and normal metabolic role
G2- Growth phase 2- growth and E final preparation for mitosis
S- phase (synthesis phase)- DNA is replicated in the nucleus
M- phase (mitotic phase)- Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase ---- P M A T) is part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides.
Interphase- a place where the cell spends most of its time, getting ready for mitosis
Read each statement of the cell theory and place the appropriate concept with the correct statement of the cell theory. structure and function pre-existing composed
1. All living things are ______of cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of ______in living things. 3. Cells arise from ______cells.
G1- Growth phase 1- growth and G2- Growth phase 2- growth and M- phase (mitotic phase)- Prophase, normal metabolic role final preparation for mitosis Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase ---- (P M A T) is part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides. S- phase (synthesis phase)- DNA is Interphase- a place where the cell replicated in the nucleus spends most of its time, getting ready for mitosis structure and function pre-existing composed
G1- Growth phase 1- growth and G2- Growth phase 2- growth and M- phase (mitotic phase)- Prophase, normal metabolic role final preparation for mitosis Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase ---- (P M A T) is part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides.
S- phase (synthesis phase)- DNA is Interphase- a place where the cell replicated in the nucleus spends most of its time, getting ready for mitosis structure and function pre-existing composed
G1- Growth phase 1- growth and G2- Growth phase 2- growth and M- phase (mitotic phase)- Prophase, normal metabolic role final preparation for mitosis Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase ---- ( P M A T) is part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides.
S- phase (synthesis phase)- DNA is Interphase- a place where the cell replicated in the nucleus spends most of its time, getting ready for mitosis structure and function pre-existing composed
12- CELLS identify common cell organelles and describe the function of each (e.g. diagrams and microscopic examinations) 8 1
2 3
4 5 9 6 10
7 11 12
Organelle Function in the cell Letter Cell Wall Support and protect the cell Cell Membrane Controls what move in or out of the cell Nucleus Controls all cell processes Nucleolus Makes ribosomes, contains proteins and RNA Mitochondria Makes and releases energy to the cell Chloroplast Use sun energy to make food for plants Cytoplasm A gelatinous fluid that fills the cell Central Vacuole Stored water and other liquids Ribosome Make proteins
Chromosomes Contain genetic (DNA) information Endoplasmic Important for Reticulum assembly and protein modification Golgi Apparatus Process and package proteins and lipids Lysosome Filled with digestive enzymes
13- CELLS explain the role of cell organelles (including the cell membrane) in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (GPS)
CELLS identify the elements that comprise living cells
Use the word bank to label the visual to review the process of cell reproduction. Telophase interphase spindle fibers anaphase centrioles prophase chromatin daughter cells metaphase chromatids nucleolus nuclear membrane cell membrane aster chromosome
Cell Membrane properties thin and flexible barrier selectively hydrophilic carbohydrate chain protein channel hydrophobic phosphate head phospholipid bilayer fatty acid tails
1. The cell membrane is ______permeable, which means it only allows certain things into the cell. 2. The cell membrane is a ______surrounding the cell. 3. The cell membrane exhibits water fearing or ______properties, as well as water loving or ______properties.
14 CELLS - explain the impact of water in life processes (i.e. adhesion, cohesion, capillarity, density, and osmosis) (GPS)
compare the reaction of plant and animal cells in solutions of different solute concentrations (i.e., isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic solutions) Examine each of the pictures below all dealing with the properties of water. Read each description about the properties of water, and identify the concept for eah picture or diagram. Each water molecule is attracted to every Water molecules can also be attracted to other water molecule. This is called other materials. This is called cohesion. adhesion.
Isotonic - solute concentration is equal on both Hypotonic environment- solutes concentration is sides of the cell membrane. Equal amounts, and no lower on the outside of the cell relative to the inside. net movement of water on either side of the cell More water on the outside of the cell membrane. The membrane. cell swells
Hypertonic environment- solutes concentration is
higher on the outside of the cell relative to the inside. Less water on the outside of the cell membrane. The cell shrinks.
1 2 3
4 5
15- CELLS describe processes whereby substances enter and leave the cell (passive and active transport mechanisms)
Next to each picture, place the appropriate transport processes/ ideas that relates to it. A
16- Enzymes - explain how enzymes function as catalysts (GPS)
Use the terms below to complete the statements. activation energy speed up catalysts 1 Enzymes are biological______present in the body to help 2 ______chemical reactions by lowering the ______3 required to start the reaction.
Use the phrases to complete the statements below.
Activation energy with enzyme Activation energy without enzyme
Reactant Product
4. The arrow labeled A represents ______.
5. The arrow labeled B represents ______
6. Label C represents the energy of the ______.
7. Label D represents the energy of the ______.
Label the parts of the diagram below using terms provided.
Product Substrates Temperature Hydrolysis pH Enzyme Condensation Active site
8. A and B are the ______in this reaction.
9. C is the ______in this reaction.
10. D is the ______.
11. E is the ______in this reaction.
12. Since the molecules in this reaction are being joined together, this is a ______reaction.
13. If the molecules are being broken apart, then the reaction would be a ______.
14. Two factors that affect the rate of enzyme activity is ______and ______.
17-Organic Compounds - describe the four basic types of organic macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) and their function in the cell (GPS) Compound Monomers – Function and Drawing “Building common name Blocks”
Looks like an E
Nucleic Acid
Complete the table above for organic molecules
18-analyze and explain the storage and release of energy through the process of photosynthesis and respiration (GPS)
Place the appropriate terms in the blanks for PHOTOSYNTHESIS and CELLULAR RESPIRATION Diagram A Diagram B
1. What cellular reaction takes place in the structure in Diagram A?
2. Where does it take place (what is the structure in diagram A)?
3. Write the words to represent the equation for the reaction below. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
4. What are the reactants of photosynthesis? What are the products?
5. What cellular reaction takes place in the structure in Diagram B?
6. Where does it take place (what is the structure in diagram B)?
7. Write the words to represent the equation for the reaction below.
6O2 + C6H12O6 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
8. What are the reactants of cellular respiration? What are the products?
9. What is the name for the energy molecule produced during respiration?
10.How many are formed during anaerobic respiration and how many are formed during aerobic respiration?
Station 19- Genetic 1. How many daughter cells are made during Mitosis? Are they Haploid or Diploid?
2. How many daughter cells are made during Meiosis? Are they Haploid or Diploid?
3. What types of cells are made during mitosis?
4. What types of cells are made during meiosis?
5. What happens to the chromosome number during mitosis?
6. What happens to the chromosome number during meiosis?
7. Sexual reproduction is important to the survival of the species because it adds genetic ______to the population.
8. What process is being shown by the picture to the right?
9. When does this event occur?
If the 2N (diploid) number of an organism is 32;
10. how many chromosomes are found in a sperm cell? ______
11. how many chromosomes are found in a diploid cell? ______
12. how many chromosomes are found in an ovum or egg? ______
13. how many chromosomes are found in a haploid cell? ______
13. how many chromosomes are found in a skin cell? ______
14. When chromosomes fail to separate properly ______occurs where cells may have too many or too few chromosomes.
STATION 21- Genetics
Match the word with definition. homozygous Heterozygous dominant Chromosome Genetics Heredity recessive Gene
1. the passing of traits from parents to offspring 2. the study of heredity 3. rod-shaped structures in the nucleus that transmits genetic information 4. units of hereditary information found on the chromosomes 5. a gene that masks the expression of another gene in a pair 6. a gene in a pair that is hidden by the dominant gene 7. two genes in a pair that are identical. (RR or rr) 8. individual with one dominant and one recessive gene in a pair. (Rr)
STATION 22- Genetics Black fur color in cats is dominant to white fur color. Diagram a Punnett square for a heterozygous female and a white male.
9. What is the male’s genotype? ______
10. What is the female’s genotype? ______
11. What is the probability of producing a white cat? ______
12. What is the genotypic ratio?______
Feather color in birds is an incomplete dominant trait. Genes for blue feathers and genes for white feathers combine to form birds with silver feathers. Diagram a cross for two silver feathered birds.
13. What is the parents’ genotype? ______
14. What is the phenotypic ratio? ______
15. What is the probability of producing a bird with blue feathers? ______
16. What is the probability of producing a bird with silver feathers? ______
17. What are the different types of blood?
18. What are the different genotypes for each type of blood, remember some have more than one possibility.
Eye color in canaries is a sex-linked trait. Black eyes are dominant and red eyes are recessive. A red-eyed female is crossed with a black-eyed male.
19. What is the the male’s genotype?______
20. What is the female’s genotype?______
21. What is the probability of producing a red-eyed female? ______
22. What is the probability of producing a black-eyed male? ______STATION 23- Genetics
Label the three parts of a nucleotide in the diagram below.
In DNA, how do the bases bond?
4. ______bonds with ______
5. ______bonds with ______
6. Put the steps of DNA replication below in order.
1. Free floating nucleotides attach to complementary bases on both sides
2. Sugars and phosphates join together on the new strands
3. DNA molecule unzips using helicase
4. Two DNA molecules are produced each made of one new strand and one template
7.Comparison of DNA and RNA
Base Pairs
STATION 24- Genetics
Protein Synthesis is divided into two processes.
Words to use: Nucleus, Ribosome, Transcription, Cytoplasm, Translation
8. Process 1- ______-mRNA is made by copying the code from a DNA molecule.
9. This process occurs in the ______.
10. Process 2-______- a protein is assembled from amino acids.
11. This process occurs in the ______at a ______.
12. Label the visual below that shows the process of protein synthesis transcription DNA parent strand 1 m-RNA codon nucleotide base DNA parent strand 2 translation protein start codon
G STATION 25- Genetics
13. Name the parts labeled in the diagram. Ribosome Amino Acid mRNA tRNA Protein
A. ______D. ______
B. ______E. ______
C. ______Station 26- Genetic Mutations Place the names of the type of mutation demonstrated below. Deletion Insertion Substitution Normal DNA T A C G C A T G G Amino Acid Met Arg Thr 1.Mutated DNA T A C C A T G G Amino Acid Met Val none 2.Mutated DNA T A C C C A T G G Amino Acid Met Val Thr 3.Mutated DNA T A C G G C A T G G Amino Acid Met Pro Tyr
4. Which type of mutation results in the change of only one amino acid?
5. Which types of mutations may affect more than one amino acid?
6.______is when chromosomes fail to separate correctly during meiosis as in the picture below. STATION 27- BIOTECHNOLOGY/ GENETIC ENGINEERING-To review this unit, match the pictures up with the corresponding descriptions of the processes.
Stem Cell Research Gene Therapy
Genetically Modified Organisms Recombinant DNA
DNA Fingerprinting by Gel electrophoresis Cloning
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
Station 28 Evolution
Name the term that best describes the theories of Darwin and Lamarck in the table.
Adaptation Acquired traits Natural selection
Scientist Term Description diagram Lamarck 1 By using or not using its body parts, an individual tends to develop certain characteristics, which it passes on to its offspring
Darwin 2 Organisms with traits best suited to the environment survive and pass on their traits 3 to offspring change in a species that makes it better suited to its environment
Evidence for evolution radioisotope dating Speciation relative dating extinction population genetics biodiversity reproductive fossil geographic molecular clocks 1. Permanent loss of a species
2. Mold or cast of organism left in rock, record indicates life gets more complex over time
3. Uses half-life of element to estimate age of organism
4. Shows which organisms came before other organisms based on their position in rock
5. formation of a new species, members of similar populations no longer interbreed
6. Using mathematics to explain the frequencies of genes a population
7. As new species are formed from existing species ______increases.
8. New species form due to ______and ______isolation
9. Molecules that change very slowly over time used to determine how long ago species shared a common ancestor
Match the card with the best illustration.
1 2 3
5 6
7 8 9
Adaptive Convergent gradualism punctuated Vestigial radiation evolution 10 equilibrium organs homologous phylogeny Disruptive Stabilizing Directional parts selection selection selection Adaptive Convergent gradualism punctuated Vestigial radiation evolution equilibrium organs homologous phylogeny Disruptive Stabilizing Directional parts selection selection selection
Adaptive Convergent gradualism punctuated Vestigial radiation evolution equilibrium organs homologous phylogeny Disruptive Stabilizing Directional parts selection selection selection
Adaptive Convergent gradualism punctuated Vestigial radiation evolution equilibrium organs homologous phylogeny Disruptive Stabilizing Directional parts selection selection selection
Adaptive Convergent gradualism punctuated Vestigial radiation evolution equilibrium organs homologous phylogeny Disruptive Stabilizing Directional Classificationparts selection selection selection
Use the word bank below to complete Part one. Species Family phylum Binomial nomenclature protein coat genus nucleic acid crystals order lytic lysogenic reproduce class taxonomy kingdom
Two parts of the virus are the ______1______and ______2______.
The ______3______cycle destroys the host cell.
In the ______4______cycle, the virus DNA becomes part of the host cell’s DNA.
The two part naming system using genus and species is ______5______.
Viruses are not considered living things because they cannot ______6______without a host and they can form ______7_____ and still remain functional.
The science of grouping and naming organisms is ______8______.
9-15. List the seven levels of classification in order from largest to smallest.
Complete the table using the cards provided.
Kingdom Cell type Number of Nutrition Example cells organism Archaebacteria
Heterotroph Halobacteria & & Prokaryote Unicellular Autotroph Thermophiles
Heterotroph E.Coli & & Prokaryote Unicellular Autotroph Streptococcus Heterotroph Unicellular Paramecium & & & Eukaryote Autotroph Multicellular Amoeba
Het Unicellular Mushrooms erotroph & & Eukaryote Multicellular Bread Mold
Aut Multic Moss, Fern, otroph ellular & Oak tree Eukaryote
Het Multic Sponge, erotroph ellular grasshopper, Eukaryote & lion