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Scheme of work Combined Science: Synergy Transport over larger distances
This resource provides guidance for teaching the Transport over larger distances topic from our new GCSE in Combined Science: Synergy (8465). It has been up- dated from the draft version to reflect the changes made in the accredited specification. There have been some changes to the required practicals and minor changes in the specification content in sections; Respiration, –, – and Plant diseases.
The scheme of work is designed to be a flexible medium term plan for teaching content and development of the skills that will be assessed.
It is provided in Word format to help you create your own teaching plan – you can edit and customise it according to your needs. This scheme of work is not ex- haustive; it only suggests activities and resources you could find useful in your teaching. 4.2 Transport over larger distances
4.2.1 Systems in the human body
Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success Respiration in State that all animals 1 Show energy Consider a bottle of Exampro user guide cells can take and plants produce drink, glucose Lucozade, glucose PowerPoint place carbon dioxide and tablets and a tablets and a plant. Discussion prompts aerobically water all the time as a plant. Demonstrate the for considering (using oxygen) by-product of aerobic Discuss release of energy from energy release: or anaerobically respiration. substance the food. (without bottle of Luc- Write the word body uses as a oxygen). Investigate inhaled and ozade equation for aerobic source of energy respiration. exhaled air. Aerobic and what glucose tablets respiration is an Define the term aerobic means Demonstrate that exothermic ‘aerobic’. in order to build animals and plants in plant. reaction Describe what up the word the dark respire and Demonstration of represented by organisms need equation for release carbon dioxide. release of energy: word and energy for. aerobic Demonstrate that mounted needle symbol Describe tests for respiration. germinating peas/ equations. or tongs carbon dioxide and Demonstrate seeds transfer energy glucose + water. burning food is as heat. Observe piece of food oxygen carbon State the site of an exothermic results in following boiling tube of → dioxide + aerobic respiration reaction. lesson. water water and be able to give Watch BBC Observe EM images of An exothermic examples of cells that video clip about mitochondria in thermometer. reaction is one contain a lot of respiration. different types of cells Video clip: that transfers mitochondria (links and make conclusions. Discuss how to BBC Bitesize – Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success energy to its with show that Show diagrams of Aerobic respiration surroundings. humans transfer 'classic' experiments, Define the term Exhaled air energy and eg mouse in bell jar Organisms ‘metabolism’. demonstration: produce water with or without a green need energy Give examples of and carbon plant, with sufficient carbon dioxide for: reactions in dioxide. Relate annotations to enable in inhaled and Chemic metabolism. these students to deduce the exhaled air ap- al observations to rationale and findings paratus reactio the word of the investigations. limewater ns to equation for build aerobic mirrors larger respiration. cobalt chloride molecul Recap that paper es mitochondria in Movem cells are the site thermometers. ent of aerobic Demonstrating Keepin respiration (links evidence of g to respiration in an warm. Discuss animal: examples of two bell jars cells that will connected to contain many two containers mitochondria. of limewater Discuss what that air is metabolism passing through means and via tubes (first examples of the container is fit- Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success reactions that ted with thistle make up funnel contain- metabolism. ing soda lime) Does energy pump to draw transfer between air through sys- cells? tem Students small animal research the role of ATP in plant energy transfer black paper. and link to mitochondria. Demonstrating energy transfers as heat: soaked peas/ seeds boiled and cooled peas thermos flasks with temperat- ure probes. cont. Anaerobic Define the term 1 Mini-practical: Investigate the effect of BBC Bitesize – respiration in ‘anaerobic’. star jumps, jog exercise on heart rate, Aerobic and muscles is also on spot for 1 breathing rate, depth of anaerobic Explain why exothermic but minute – what breathing and respiration anaerobic respiration Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success it gives out less is less efficient than do you notice? temperature. Timer, pulse sensor energy. It is aerobic respiration. Why have these and spirometer if Investigate effect of represented by changes available. Write the word muscle fatigue on the word happened? equation for muscle strength and Muscle strength equation: anaerobic respiration Plan an produce an article for a meters. in animal cells. investigation fitness magazine. Timers and masses. about the effects glucose → Describe and explain Investigate how long it of exercise on the changes that takes muscles to the body. AQA resources: occur in the body fatigue – repetitive PowerPoint B2.6 lactic acid during exercise. Interpret line actions, eg step ups, Aerobic and graphs and holding masses at Because the Design and carry out anaerobic spirometer arm’s length or holding oxidation of an investigation about respiration tracings to arm aloft and glucose is the effects of exercise compare rate of opening/closing fingers incomplete in on the body. anaerobic breathing rapidly. Present and interpret before, during respiration Interpret spirometer data about heart rate, and after much less traces. energy is given breathing rate and exercise. breath volume. Calculate breathing out than in Use spirometer rate and depth of aerobic Interpret data relating tracings to breathing. respiration. to the effects of calculate If insufficient exercise on the body, breathing rate Interpret data and draw oxygen is eg spirometer and depth of conclusions. tracings. supplied, breathing. Show graphs of lactic anaerobic Describe the effects Interpret data on acid concentration and respiration of long periods of heart rate, speed or fitness. takes place in vigorous exercise on temperature and Students relate the Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success muscles. The the body. depth of data to the lesson and incomplete breathing during give a reasoned Define the term oxidation of exercise. explanation. ‘oxygen debt’. glucose causes Interpret data to a buildup of Explain what happens compare how fit lactic acid and to lactic acid once different people creates an exercise stops. are. oxygen debt. Oxygen debt is Discuss causes the amount of and effects of extra oxygen muscle fatigue the body needs and relate these after exercise to lactic acid to react with the build up. accumulated Watch a video lactic acid and showing remove it from sprinters and the cells. discuss how the body reacts at the end of the race – paying back the oxygen debt. YouTube has a variety of videos of marathon runners struggling over Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success the finish line – use them as a discussion starter, eg: Fantastic Marathon finishes and the agony of the feet or Extraordinary Human Beings in Slow Motion at the Twin Cities Marathon Finish Line A single-celled Explain the terms cell, 1 Calculate and Add boiling water to Torso, models or organism has a tissue, organ, organ compare surface two different sized images of systems, relatively large system and organism, area: volume beakers and take models or images of surface area to and be able to give ratios temperature over 5–10 organs showing volume ratio. examples of each. minutes. Plot line different tissues. Recap KS3 work graphs and students The tissues of Have an on organisation Microscope slides or suggest reasons for a multicellular understanding of the using models bio-viewers. differences. Work out organism size and scale of and images of the SA:volume ratio. consist of cells cells, tissues, organs, the human body with a similar organ systems and and organs. Working collaboratively, structure and organisms. students investigate Prepare a set of Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success function. cards with relationship between Organs, such images of surface area and as the heart different body volume. Groups make and lungs, are organs and ask one cube each 1 × 1 × made of students to 1 – 10 × 10 × 10. tissues. One arrange the Discuss link between organ may cards into organ SA, volume and consist of systems. What diffusion. several tissues. is the function of Students draw graphs: Organ systems, each organ length of side against such as the within its SA; against volume; circulatory system? against SA:volume system, are Students agree ratio. Describe overall groups of criteria to help trends. Discuss organs that them evaluate implications for perform a how effective diffusion and how a particular different parts of circulatory/transport function. the body are at system enables larger In multicellular allowing organisms to develop. organisms diffusion. many organ Use graphs to estimate systems are other SA:volume ratios. specialised for MS 1c exchanging materials. The Calculate and compare effectiveness of surface area:volume an exchange ratios. surface is Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success increased by: having a large sur- face area
a mem- brane that is thin, to provide a short diffu- sion path
(in animals) having an efficient blood sup- ply
(in animals, for gaseous exchange) being ventil- ated. The heart is a Describe the 3 Describe the Demo: show a model Model heart muscular organ functions of the heart functions of the heart and identify the Teachit Science that pumps and circulatory heart and chambers, main blood resources (19772) blood around system circulatory vessels and valves. ‘Modelling the the body in a Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success dual circulatory Describe and label a system. Demo: Heart and lungs circulatory system’ system. diagram of the heart of a pig to show the Show pictures of Demo: heart and showing four associated vessels. The right a single and a lungs of pig with chambers, vena cava, Allow students to feel ventricle pumps double vessels attached, pulmonary artery, the vessels. Show blood to the circulatory board, scissors, pulmonary vein and students how to dissect lungs where system. mounted needle, aorta. their pig hearts and gas exchange Students write gloves. identify the vessels. takes place. Describe the flow of down similarities Dissection: hearts The left blood from the body, and differences. Dissect a pig’s heart. with vessels ventricle pumps through the heart and Discuss the See Nuffield attached, boards, blood around lungs and back to the reasons why. Foundation Practical scissors, mounted the rest of the body. Science suggestions. Use computer needles, gloves. body. Explain how the heart simulation to Show lungs and Practical Biology: Valves prevent is adapted for its show the flow of trachea of a sheep Looking at a heart the blood from function. blood around from a local butcher. flowing back the heart, lungs Identify the main BBC Bitesize; The Describe the heart as from the and body. structures and discuss human heart (video a double pump and ventricles to the the roles. clip showing heart explain why this is Students model atria. and pacemaker efficient. the circulatory Inflate the lungs with a Knowledge of cells). system. bicycle pump. Explain how the the names of Activity: Cards to alveoli are adapted Label a diagram Observe prepared the heart valves sort is not required. for efficient gas of the heart and slides of the different exchange. colour to show vessels, or use bio- The structure of the Blood vessels oxygenated and viewers. Compare their heart associated with Explain how the blood deoxygenated size and structure. the heart vessels are adapted Torso or model of blood. include the for their function. Students compare gas exchange Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success aorta, vena Describe the three types of blood system. cava, flow of blood by vessel in a Venn Sheep lungs and pulmonary sorting cards diagram or similar. trachea (PLUCK), artery, with names of Measure pulse rate and bicycle pump pulmonary vein blood vessels, blood pressure – lying Microscopes, and coronary chambers, lungs down, sitting and arteries. and body to prepared slides, bio- standing. show direction viewers. Gas exchange of blood flow. takes place in The blood vessels the lungs. Research the Pulse and blood Important work of Galen pressure: timers or features of the and William pulse rate sensor, lungs are the Harvey and blood pressure trachea, produce a monitor. bronchi, alveoli report. and the Teachit Science: Recap KS3 work capillary heart and circulatory on the structure network system resources and function of surrounding the the gas alveoli. The exchange alveoli have the system. Use a specialised model and surfaces for identify the main gas exchange organs in the between air gas exchange and the blood. system. The natural Label a diagram Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success resting heart of the gas rate is exchange controlled by a system. group of cells Label a diagram that act as a of the alveoli pacemaker, and explain how located in the they are right atrium. adapted for Artificial efficient gas pacemakers exchange. are electrical devices used to Use computer correct simulation or irregularities in video clip the heart rate. showing the three types of The body blood vessels contains three and comparing different types their functions. of blood vessel: Extract arteries information to explain the veins structure of the blood vessels. capillaries. Label diagrams of the three types of blood vessel. Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success Produce a table to compare the structure of the vessels and relate to their function. Demo: how valves in veins prevent backflow of blood using someone with prominent veins. Students explain the principles of valve action. MS 1a, 1c Use simple compound measures such as rate. MS 1a, 1c Carry out rate calculations. Blood is a Describe the four 1 Discuss the Observe prepared Microscopes, tissue main components of functions of blood smears, or use prepared slides or Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success consisting of blood. blood and bio-viewers. Compare bio-viewers. plasma, in describe the four the size and number of Explain how each BBC Bitesize: Blood which are main red and white blood component is adapted suspended: components of cells. for its function. blood. Given data, students red Identify pictures of the Draw and label construct a diagram blood different blood cells. cells diagrams of red showing the percentage of each white blood cells, white blood cells main component of blood and platelets. blood. cells platelet Students list the s substances dissolved in plasma. How may these change over time? Watch BBC lesson about blood with animations (see resources). Produce models of red blood cells, white blood cells and Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success platelets. Produce a Mind map to explain the composition of blood and describe the functions of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Write a word equation for the reaction of oxygen with haemoglobin. The digestive Describe the 2 Required Demonstrate the Model of the system uses functions of the practical 7: use digestion show: digestive system enzymes to digestive system to qualitative and organs. mouth is potato break down digest and absorb reagents to test masher in a bowl BBC Bitesize: large molecules foods. for a range of (add food and Digestive system in food into carbohydrates, Identify the positions mash). Squirt in small soluble lipids and Two bowls of the main organs on saliva molecules that proteins. To a diagram of the Masher can be include: digestive system. transfer into a Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success
absorbed into Know that food Benedict’s test sandwich bag Food the blood molecules must be for sugars, (stomach) and through the small and soluble in iodine test for squeeze with ‘en- Bottle of ‘saliva’ walls of the gut. order to be absorbed starch and zymes’ and ‘enzymes’ The blood into the blood. Biuret reagent transfer into anoth- Sieve carries the for protein. Describe how amino er bowl via a sieve small Two sandwich acids are broken Biology AT 2. (small intestine) molecules to bags down in the liver to the cells of the Recap the form urea for what is left in the Scissors body where functions of the excretion by the sieve must be they can be digestive Microscopes kidneys as urine. soaked up with a used for system, and sponge (large in- Slides of small respiration or to organs in the testine) then emp- intestine. make the new system from tied into a small large molecules KS3. sandwich bag Digestion of egg that the cells Label a diagram (rectum) sandwich video need as of the digestive Teachit Science reserves of cut a hole in corner system and resource (25126) energy or for of bag for anus colour areas ‘Digestive enzymes growth and and show egestion where digestion, - dominoes’ repair. digestion and View sections of the Starch is a absorption of small intestine under a carbohydrate. food and microscope Its molecules absorption of Make a model to show consist of a water occur. how the villi increase long chain of Watch the video the surface area of the glucose of digestion of small intestine. molecules. an egg Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success Digestion by sandwich (see Use play dough to carbohydrase resources). model structure of enzymes three key nutrients. Describe the breaks down pathway of an Students research a insoluble starch egg sandwich topical issue connected to water-soluble from mouth to to dietary advice, eg glucose. Cells anus. Tell it as a sugar in diet, Omega-3, use glucose story. cholesterol, during antioxidants, 'super respiration. Links to foods'. Can they find Enzymes Lipids are fats quantitative data to and oils. Students design support claims? Digestion by a board game to How do cells make new lipase enzymes aid learning. proteins? breaks down They should lipids to include: nutrient, Students use the glycerol and structure and particle model to fatty acids. function, explain the process of Cells reform digestive digestion and fats from the enzyme, absorption. fatty acids and product. glycerol Make molecules. Fats connections are stored as a between source of products of energy digestion and because cells other organ can break them Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success down and use systems. them in Students respiration. research high- Proteins are protein diets. long-chain Calculate the % molecules difference made up of between RDA many amino (g/kg) of protein acids linked and (g/kg) intake together. in a high-protein Digestion by diet. protease Some enzymes researchers breaks down have expressed proteins to concerns that a amino acids. high-protein diet Cells use may cause amino acids to kidney damage. make new How might this proteins. be? The liver breaks down unwanted amino acids to urea, which is then carried by the blood to the Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success kidneys. The kidneys excrete urea in solution as urine. The nervous Explain the 2–3 Starter: any Plan and manage a Body responses: system enables importance of being short clip that variety of stimuli to three bowls of humans to able to respond to has a ‘surprise’. illustrate body responses. Present water – hot, react to their environmental Explain how and analyse results, warm and ice- surroundings changes and detection of eg: cold and to coordinate behaviour. stimuli protects coordinate their response to tem- Explain how the the body from salt, sugar, cof- behaviour. perature nervous system is danger. fee and lemon Information adapted for its taste receptors solutions to Demo: response from receptors functions. taste to different skin sensitivity. passes along Describe the temperatures. hairpins, ruler, cells Evaluate different functions of the main blindfolds. (neurones) as Detecting methods for measuring structures in the impulses to the different tastes reaction time. Teachit Science nervous system. resource (20696) central nervous on the tongue – Give data for ‘Touch testing’ system (the Explain the role of draw results on conduction velocity brain or the chemicals at diagram of (m/s) and axon BBC Bitesize: The spinal cord). synapses. tongue. diameter. Discuss nervous system The central scale choice for axes Describe and use Investigate Reaction time test nervous system different methods to sensitivity of and appropriate coordinates the measure reaction different areas number at origin. BBC Sheep reaction response of time. of the body. Students plot graph. time test effectors which Show and discuss line Measure Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success may be Required practical reaction time of best fit. Nervous system muscles using different Make a plan to Required practical 4: BBC Bitesize – The contracting or methods, eg investigate a factor on investigate the effect of nervous system glands Sheep Dash human reaction time. a factor on human secreting Activity (see AQA PPT: B1.2 The reaction time. hormones. Explain the resources). nervous system importance of reflex Biology AT 1, 3 and 4 Required prac- actions and give tical 8: plan MS 2c, 4a stimulus → examples. and carry out an Describe the investigation into the effect of a differences between factor on human voluntary and reflex reaction time. receptor → actions. Biology AT 1, 3 Describe the stages and 4 of a reflex action. Plan for required coordinator → practical. Use knee-jerk and pupil effector → reflexes as a stimulus for discussion. response Students discuss their Reflex actions importance and are automatic gather other and rapid; they examples Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success do not involve leading into the conscious explanation of part of the why they are brain. faster than a voluntary action. An example of a simple reflex Label a diagram action is the of a reflex arc. pain withdrawal Draw a flow reflex. This can diagram or use be explained in cards to show terms of a the sequence in reflex arc. a reflex action. Sensory Use BBC activity neurones carry (see resources) impulses from as a summary of receptors to the the nervous spinal cord and system. brain. Relay neurones carry impulses within the CNS. Motor neurones carry impulses from the CNS to effectors. Where two neurones meet, Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success there is a tiny gap called a synapse. Impulses cross this gap using chemicals. Reaction times vary from person to person. Typical values range from 0.3s to 0.9s. This topic links with Stopping distances The endocrine Describe the 2 Collective Relate hormone Torso and large system is endocrine system and memory or Card release and hormone image of the human composed of define the term sort using action to the control body. glands which hormone. hormone name, system model. BBC Bitesize – secrete function and Relate hormone Negative feedback – homeostatic control hormones location. Self- release and hormone make an analogy to directly into the assess. action to the control relaxing in a hot bath. bloodstream. system model Pin the tail on Too hot at first, add Hormones are introduced in the donkey type more cold, just right, large Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success molecules. The Label a diagram of activity – give then cools as time blood carries the organs in the each student a passes, add more hot the hormone to endocrine system. card and get and so on. Ask a target organ them to stick it students to make up/ Explain why the where it on a large body find their own examples pituitary gland is often produces an outline, self- of negative feedback: called the master effect. assess the end what do these systems gland. Compared to result. have in common? the nervous Compare the actions Label a diagram system the of the nervous and of the endocrine effects are endocrine systems. system using slower but act information on for longer. the cards. The pituitary Write definitions gland in the for endocrine brain is a system and ‘master gland’. hormone. It secretes several Discuss why the hormones pituitary gland is which act on called the other glands to master gland. stimulate other Compare the hormones to be actions of the released. endocrine (HT only) system with the Adrenaline is nervous system. Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success produced by WS1.2, MS 2c the adrenal (HT only) gland. It boosts Interpret and the delivery of explain simple oxygen and diagrams of glucose to the negative brain and feedback muscles and control. prepares the body for ‘flight or fight’. (HT only) Thyroxine from the thyroid gland stimulates the basal metabolic rate. It plays an important role in growth and development. (HT only) The control of thyroxine levels involves negative feedback. Spec ref. Summary of the Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to apply Self/peer assessment specification (hours) develop practical and enquiry Opportunities and What most candidates content Scientific skills resources should be able to do Communication Reference to past skills questions that indicate success Negative feedback tends to stabilise a system. Any change in the system leads to a response that tends to reverse the change. 4.2.2 Plants and photosynthesis
Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do Meristem Describe the 0.5 Look at dividing Show images of meristem tissue tissue contains function of cells in YouTube time lapse – tomato plant the cells in a meristems in prepared root plant that plants. tip squash Prepared slides and microscopes or bioviewers divide as the slides. of root tip squashes plant grows. Nuffield – root tip squash practical. This type of tissue is found BBC Bitesize –cell specialisation at the growing SAPS – cell growth in plants animation tips of shoots and roots. The cells differentiate into different types of plant cells depending on where they are in the plant. Plants, like Label the main 0.5 other organs of a multicellular plant and organisms, describe their need functions. specialised Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do structures for Name the transporting substances and transported into exchanging and out of materials. The plants, to roots, stem include carbon and leaves dioxide, form a plant oxygen, water organ system with dissolved for transport of nitrate and substances magnesium around the ions. plant. Describe why Plants take in plants needs to carbon dioxide transport each from the of these atmosphere substances. for photosynthesis and oxygen for respiration. Plants take in water from the soil with dissolved ions including nitrate ions to make proteins Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do and magnesium ions to make chlorophyll. Water is drawn Describe the 2 Prepare Demonstrate long piece of capillary tubing into the roots organs that sections of supported in clamp, beaker of coloured water. of plants from make up the celery or plant Plant stalks: celery or plant stalk in beaker of the soil. Water plant stem and coloured water, scalpels, tiles, slides and moves into the transpiration observe under coverslips, microscopes. root hairs by system. a microscope. Prepared slides: of xylem, phloem and root hair osmosis. Describe the Observe cells, microscopes, bioviewers. Mineral ions role of xylem, prepared slides move from the phloem and or bioviewers of BBC Bitesize: The need for transport soil into the root hair cells xylem and root BBC Bitesize: Movement across cell root hairs by and explain hair cells; draw membranes active how they are them and transport. adapted for estimate their Tracking active uptake of minerals by plant their functions. size. roots Define the term Investigate the Stomata: Leaves from privet and spider plants, Water flows ‘transpiration’. effect of kettle, beakers, nail varnish, slides, coverslips from the roots oxygen and microscopes. through xylem Explain why availability on in its stems to there are more Demo: 2 cylindrical balloons, sellotape. the growth of stomata on the its leaves. plants. Observe Measuring stomatal density Xylem tissue is lower surface results in later Stomata: Leaf structure, stomata and carbon composed of of a leaf. lessons. dioxide video clip hollow tubes Describe the Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do strengthened role of stomata Nuffield - Rap: BBC Bitesize: Photosynthesis rap by lignin and guard cells investigate the Nuffield – Measuring the rate of water uptake adapted for to control water effect of by a plant shoot using a photometer. the transport loss and gas changing of water in the exchange. conditions on Oxygen: gas jars with lids, glass tubes, fresh transpiration the rate of and boiled water to make mineral ion Calculate transpiration solution(s), black paper. stream from stomatal using a the roots to the density. photometer. leaves. Describe and Students compare the predict then processes of Water research the diffusion, evaporates in effect of osmosis and the leaves and humidity on the active the water rate of transport. transpiration. vapour Explain how Calculate size escapes factors such as of stomata through tiny light, humidity given images holes in the and moving air and scale bar. surface of affect the rate leaves called of transpiration. stomata. The stomata can open or close as conditions change because the Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do guard cells can gain or lose water by osmosis.
The rate of transpiration varies with: • light intensity, which affects the opening of stomata • air move- ments, which affect the con- centration of water vapour in the air around leaves • temperature, which affects the rate at which water evaporates. The Students 1 Required Video clips: chlorophyll should be able practical 9: and other to: investigate how YouTube: Basics of chromatography pigments in suggest paper YouTube: Paper and thin layer chromatography plant leaves how chro- chromatograph Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do can be mato- y can be used RSC experiment – ‘Chromatography of leaves’ separated and graphic to separate and identified by methods tell the chromatograp can be difference hy. used for between Chromatograp distinguish- coloured hy can be ing pure substances. used to substances Students separate from impure should mixtures and substances calculate Rf can give values. information to interpret Chemistry AT 1 help identify chromato- and 4 substances. grams and determine The ratio of Rf values the distance from chro- moved by a mato- compound grams. (centre of spot from origin) to the distance moved by the solvent can be expressed as
its Rf value: Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do
Different compounds have different
Rf values in different solvents, which can be used to help identify the compounds. The compounds in a mixture may separate into different spots depending on the solvent but a pure compound will produce a single spot in all solvents. Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do Photosynthesi Write the word 2 Put cards in BBC Bitesize – Photosynthesis in plant leaves s takes place and symbol order to create Photosynthesis equation cards in the equation for equation. chloroplasts in photosynthesis. Nuffield foundation- photosynthesis Set up the cells of the experiments: Explain why experiments to leaves of photosynthesis show that light, BBC Bitesize - Van Helmont’s experiments on plants. The is important for carbon dioxide plant growth chloroplasts the survival of and chlorophyll contain the SAPS – BBC video clip –production of oxygen other are needed to chlorophyll, in plants organisms. make starch – which absorbs follow up with Teachit Science resource (20867) sunlight. Investigate the testing a leaf ‘Photosynthesis text analysis’ need for light, Photosynthesi for starch in carbon dioxide s is an later lesson. and chlorophyll endothermic Consider to make reaction that controls. glucose. can be Predict what represented by Explain why will happen and word and plants should why. symbol be de-starched equations: before Consider how photosynthesis theories carbon dioxide experiments develop over + water → and describe time. glucose + how this is oxygen Carry out the done. test and The glucose Describe interpret the produced in experiments to Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do photosynthesis show that results. may be: plants produce Recall test for oxygen in the used for oxygen. light. respiration Interpret results Describe how of test and converted glucose relate to into insol- produced in photosynthesis uble starch respiration is equation. for storage used by the Amend the plant. used to method to produce fat measure rate of or oil for photosynthesis. storage Use a model to embed used to understanding produce of process. cellulose, which strengthen s the cell wall
used to produce amino acids for protein Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do synthesis.
To produce proteins, plants also use nitrate ions that are absorbed in solution form the soil. The rate of State factors 2 Consider Nuffield practical – investigating factors photosynthesis that can limit different affecting the rate of photosynthesis depends on: the rate of methods of photosynthesis. gathering the energy evidence. available Interpret data from light showing how Interpret factors affect graphs and the con- the rate of calculate the centration photosynthesis. rate of of carbon photosynthesis. Required dioxide practical: carry Required the temper- out an practical 10: ature investigation, investigate the collect, present effect of light (HT only) The and analyse intensity on the rate of the results. rate of photosynthesis photosynthesis may be limited Calculate the Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do by: rate using using an numerical aquatic low tem- information or organism such perature graphs. as pondweed. shortage of Biology AT 1, 2, carbon di- 3, 4 and 5 oxide
shortage of light.
(HT only) Increasing any one of the factors speeds up photosynthesis until the rate is limited by the factor which is in shortest supply. Phloem tissue Define the term 0.5 Model plant Prepared slides: of phloem and microscopes or is composed ‘translocation’. vascular bioviewers. of tubes of bundles using Describe the BBC Bitesize – transport systems and elongated long cardboard structure of processes in plants living cells cylinders and phloem and adapted for boxes. relate to its Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do translocation function. Estimate the of sugars from scale of the Describe how where they are model from sugar is produced by given data transported to photosynthesis about xylem different parts in the leaves and phloem. of the plant. to other parts of the plant for Explain why immediate use sugar is or storage. transported to Cell sap other parts of containing the plant. sugars and other nutrients is able to move easily from one phloem cell to the next as the end walls have pores. Tobacco Define the term 1 Explore images RHS rose black spot video mosaic virus is ‘communicable of plant disease UMN article ‘Tomato- Tobacco mosaic virus’ a widespread diseases’. on Rothamsted plant pathogen Research APSnet article ‘Tobacco mosaic virus disease’ Describe the affecting many website. causes, species of symptoms and plants Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do including control tomatoes. It methods of gives a tobacco mosaic distinctive disease and ‘mosaic’ rose black pattern of spot. discolouration on the leaves, which affects the growth of the plant due to lack of photosynthesis . Rose black spot is a fungal disease where purple or black spots develop on leaves, which often turn yellow and drop early. It affects the growth of the plant as photosynthesis Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do is reduced. The disease is spread by spores of the fungus that are produced in the black spots. Common control methods for tobacco mosaic virus include: removing and des- troying in- fected plants
washing hands and tools after handling infected plants
crop rota- Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do tion to avoid planting in soil that has been infected for at least two years.
Methods to control black spot include: not plant- ing roses too close together – to allow the air to flow freely around them
avoiding wetting the leaves when wa- tering – wet leaves Spec ref. Summary of Learning Suggested timing (hours) Opportunities Self/peer assessment Opportunities and resources the outcomes to apply Reference to past questions that indicate success specification practical and What most content enquiry skills candidates should be able to do encourage the fungal disease
cleaning up any infec- ted leaves from the ground round the roses – to avoid spores spreading
using a fungicide to prevent in- fection – spraying, especially in advance of warm, wet weath- er.