Absent: Twylla West, Gail Monteith

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Absent: Twylla West, Gail Monteith

Our Lady of Peace Parch

AGM Minutes

Meeting – 12:00 p.m. May 29, 2016

In Attendance: Approximately 50 parishioners, including Pastoral Council members; Father Peter, Bob & Antonette Rothecker, Jackie Bahan, Irene Haynes, Anita Rieger, Jodi Wilton, Irene Grad, JoAnne Zuck, Dennis Gibbs, Brian Martens, Betty Sparrowhawk, Pastoral Assistant; Stacey Grunert and Faith Formation Coordinator Brenda Dupmeier

Absent: Twylla West, Gail Monteith

1. Following a Pot Luck Lunch, the meeting was called to order by Pastoral Council Chair Brian Martens at 12:30.

2. Copies of the Agenda were circulated. The chair asked if there were any changes required to the Agenda. No changes were suggested. The agenda was approved.

3. Copies of last years AGM Minutes were circulated. The chair asked if there were any questions. No questions were asked. Last years minutes were approved.

4. Pastoral Report

 We can think of Father Peter as a supervisor. His boss is the Bishop and Archdiocese therefore everything we do needs to be approved by them. Members of the Parish Council and Finance Council support and assist Father Peter with his duties.

 When the Tri Parish was dissolved in 2014, Father was assigned to create a new vision for the people in the North East community and a place for them to come together to worship using the funds from the sale of St Charles and Canadian Martyrs. The new vision is now what’s known as Our Lady of Peace. In 2015, a Building Committee was organized to come up with options on how best to use the funds to facilitate an area of worship. They have been working on this for about a year now and have come up with two options.

 Usually the Bishop will perform confirmation but this year, the Archdiocese gave Father Peter the permission to do it.

 It is very important to connect with our youth and be involved in their schools. We have the Children’s Choir singing at mass once a month. More children are attending mass now which is very encouraging.

o Question – When will we have a new Bishop? Bishops are appointed by the Pope. We do not know when this will be done.

o Question – When will the list come out that identifies all the Priests and what parishes they belong to. The list is usually available in June. 5. Parish and Finance Council Annual Reports – Were circulated along with a 2015 - 2016 “Events Sheet”. Brian provided an overview of each council member’s area of responsibility and accomplishments. Further comments to this were as follows:

6.1 Liturgy – Phyllis Ericson – no further comments

6.6 Music – Stacey Grunert – Stacey and Charlene are planning on putting on a musical this year and will be looking for participation from any interested parishioners.

6.7 Education/Sacraments – Brenda Dupmeier/Stacey Grunert – Seeds are being planted with the children in our community and it takes time to grow but we are making progress. The school Principles are on board and willing to get involved which is very helpful.

6.8 Membership – Antonette Rothecker – We currently have 178 families in our parish. A lot of effort is put into making our church as welcoming as possible. Brenda and Stacey are doing a great job preparing kids and their parents for the sacraments.

6.9 Youth – Jodi Wilton/Twylla West – If anyone has any suggestions/ideas regarding youth activities and/or are willing to help, please feel free to come forward. In a perfect world this position would be a full time paid position but given that isn’t possible, they are doing as much as they can with the time and resources they have available.

6.10 Ecumenism – Gail Monteith – no further questions

6.11 Pastoral Care – Irene Grad – If anyone knows of someone who is in need of a visit or would like communion, please let Irene or Father know.

6.12 Deanery – Joanne Zuck – The chair of Deanery has had to step down. We are waiting to see if the new Bishop will want Deanery to continue.

6.13 Stewardship - Anita Rieger – Over the summer Anita will be working on gathering faith stories of long time parishioners. If you know of someone that would be a good candidate to interview, please let Anita know.

6.14 Public Relations & Organizations – Jodi Wilton/Twylla West - Social media continues to be the best way to communicate. Special thank-you to Melissa for all of her help!

6.15 Social Justice – vacant

6.16 Bishop’s Appeal – Antonette Rothecker –.Working on improving communication with the Archdiocese for more timely updates as to how much has been collected.

6.17 CWL, Good Samaritan – Irene Haynes – no further comments

6.18 Seniors – Betty Sparrowhawk – All you seniors come on out and join us for cards, knitting, yoga and hola hooping!

6.19 Knights of Columbus – Bob Rothecker – This will be Bob’s last year. Would like Finance Council to provide more timely updates as to how much money has been raised so they can let their members know. Reminder of the upcoming sausage and perogy fund raiser.

6.20 Parish School Liaison – Antonette Rothecker – .no further comments

6.21 Parish Volunteer Screening Committee – Antonette Rothecker – no further comments

6.22 Building – Don Macknack and Roger Bertrand - We have a new caretaker who will look after everything (cleaning and handy man duties)

6.23 Halls – Maurice Raboud – Needs an assistant as a back up for Hall Rental inquiries/needs. We currently make about 3K a year in Hall Rentals. If we didn’t have mass at 5:00 on Saturdays, we could probably rent it out more. 6.24 Finance – John Hartney – no further comments

6.25 Building Addition – Dennis Gibbs – refer to comments captured under Other Business

7. Elections - Elections were chaired by Dennis Gibbs. Jackie Bahan recorded proceedings of the nominating committee. The following were nominated and their positions filled by acclamation.

 Parish Council Vice Chair – Rick Perras

 Vocation Awareness – Kathryn Kozak

 Membership – Doris Frei

 Finance Administrator – Dennis Gibbs

 Education – no nominations

 Social Justice – no nominations

 Annual Appeal – Vivian Barton

 Screening and Protocal – Donalda Exner

Thank-you to all those who have served and who continue to serve!

9. Other Business –

9.1 Change in mass times – Some consideration was given to having one mass on Sunday (10:00) over the summer months. There are concerns that any changes to mass schedules would result in loss of members. The topic will be put on hold for now and re-visited possibly at a later date.

9.2 Building Addition – Dennis Gibbs – Our direction was to enhance our Parish using the funds from the sale of Canadian Martyrs and Saint Charles. PCL and Stantec were chosen to consult with to determine how best this could be accomplished. A big thank-you to everyone who has helped on this initiative.

9.3 Building Renovations Presentation - Eric Kristjansson, PCL and Brian Makowski from Stantec

9.4 2 Options were presented.

 Option 1 – The building will have a retractable wall that basically separates the building in half. One side will be the Chapel (250 seats) and the other will be the Hall (250 seats).

 Option 2 - The building will have two retractable walls which allows for a space of about 100 seats that can be used for smaller activities. As a result, the Chapel will be a bit smaller (160 seats), and the hall about 140 seats.

In both of the above options: o Walls can be retracted to either expand the space needed for the hall or the space needed for church services as the need arises. o Costs throughout the project will be monitored on a monthly basis to ensure we stay on budget. Contingencies will be built into the plan to help address any unknowns that may come up. o More space will be created by moving the kitchen out to the east. The building will be approximately 1500 square feet. A 15% increase is estimated for heating and lighting costs. o We won’t loose any parking. o The Building Committee is looking for comments from parishioners on both option. A box will be set up at the back of the church for a number of weeks to collect this feedback.

10. Meeting adjourned by Anita at 2:45 p.m.

Minutes recorded by Jackie Bahan

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