Review Article Survey Report on Space Filling Curves
International Journal of Modern Science and Technology Vol. 1, No. 8, November 2016. Page 264-268. ISSN: 2456-0235. Review Article Survey Report on Space Filling Curves R. Prethee, A. R. Rishivarman Department of Mathematics, Theivanai Ammal College for Women (Autonomous) Villupuram - 605 401. Tamilnadu, India. *Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Space-filling Curves have been extensively used as a mapping from the multi-dimensional space into the one-dimensional space. Space filling curve represent one of the oldest areas of fractal geometry. Mapping the multi-dimensional space into one-dimensional domain plays an important role in every application that involves multidimensional data. We describe the notion of space filling curves and describe some of the popularly used curves. There are numerous kinds of space filling curves. The difference between such curves is in their way of mapping to the one dimensional space. Selecting the appropriate curve for any application requires knowledge of the mapping scheme provided by each space filling curve. Space filling curves are the basis for scheduling has numerous advantages like scalability in terms of the number of scheduling parameters, ease of code development and maintenance. The present paper report on various space filling curves, classifications, and its applications. It elaborates the space filling curves and their applicability in scheduling, especially in transaction. Keywords: Space filling curve, Holder Continuity, Bi-Measure-Preserving Property, Transaction Scheduling. Introduction these other curves, sometimes space-filling In mathematical analysis, a space-filling curves are still referred to as Peano curves. curve is a curve whose range contains the entire Mathematical tools 2-dimensional unit square or more generally an The Euclidean Vector Norm n-dimensional unit hypercube.
Fractals Self Similarity and Fractal Geometry presented by Pauline Jepp 601.73 Biological Computing Overview History Initial Monsters Details Fractals in Nature Brownian Motion L-systems Fractals defined by linear algebra operators Non-linear fractals History Euclid's 5 postulates: 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any other. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any centre and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to each other. 5. That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles. History Euclid ~ "formless" patterns Mandlebrot's Fractals "Pathological" "gallery of monsters" In 1875: Continuous non-differentiable functions, ie no tangent La Femme Au Miroir 1920 Leger, Fernand Initial Monsters 1878 Cantor's set 1890 Peano's space filling curves Initial Monsters 1906 Koch curve 1960 Sierpinski's triangle Details Fractals : are self similar fractal dimension A square may be broken into N^2 self-similar pieces, each with magnification factor N Details Effective dimension Mandlebrot: " ... a notion that should not be defined precisely. It is an intuitive and potent throwback to the Pythagoreans' archaic Greek geometry" How long is the coast of Britain? Steinhaus 1954, Richardson 1961 Brownian Motion Robert Brown 1827 Jean Perrin 1906 Diffusion-limited aggregation L-Systems and Fractal Growth
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{ Final version for JMA - Nov 2, 2017 } Möbius Bridges Carlo H. Séquin CS Division, University of California, Berkeley E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Key concepts and geometrical constraints are discussed that allow the construction of a usable bridge that is topological equivalent to a Möbius band. A multi-year search in publications and on the internet for real-world bridges that meet these requirements has not identified a single clean construction that warrants the designation “Möbius bridge,” but a few promising designs can be found. Several simple but practical designs are presented here. 1. Introduction July 2017 marks the twentieth installment of the annual Bridges conference [1], which elucidates the connections between mathematics and art, music, architecture, and many other cultural venues. This year the conference has been held in Waterloo, Canada. In its twenty-year history it has visited many places around the globe, including Seoul in South Korea, Coimbra in Portugal, Pécz in Hungary, and Leeuwarden in the Netherlands, the hometown of M.C. Escher. This conference series got started by Reza Sarhangi [2] at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas. After a few occurrences at this initial location, Reza Sarhangi and other core members of this conference started discussing the possibility of establishing some kind of a commemorative entity of the conference on the Winfield campus. Since Escher, Möbius, and Klein are among the heroes of this Math-Art community, suggestions included an Escher Garden, a Möbius Bridge, or a Klein Bottle House. This prompted me to study the feasibility of such entities; and over the following year, I developed some practical designs for bridges and buildings that follow the geometry of a Möbius band [3].
Signal Processing Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimension and Grade of Fractality –Application to Fluctuations in Seawater Temperature–
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing (CIISP 2007) Signal Processing Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimension and Grade of Fractality –Application to Fluctuations in Seawater Temperature– Kenichi Kamijo Graduate School of Life Sciences, Toyo University, 1-1-1 Izumino, Itakura, Gunma, 374-0193, Japan and Akiko Yamanouchi Izu Oceanics Research Institute 3-12-23 Nishiochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 161-0031, Japan Abstract— Discrete signal processing using fuzzy fractal As an application in the present paper, we describe a new dimension and grade of fractality is proposed based on the fuzzy fractal approach for a system to monitor seawater novel concept of merging fuzzy theory and fractal theory. The temperature around Japan. Local fuzzy fractal dimension is fuzzy concept of fractality, or self-similarity, in discrete time used to measure the complexity of a time series of observed series can be reconstructed as a fuzzy-attribution, i.e., a kind of seawater temperature. fuzzy set. The objective short time series can be interpreted as an objective vector, which can be used by a newly proposed membership function. Sliding measurement using the local fuzzy fractal dimension (LFFD) and the local grade of fractality II. FUZZY FRACTAL STRUCTURE (LGF) is proposed and applied to fluctuations in seawater Generally, when the fractal dimension is calculated temperature around the Izu peninsula of Japan. Several remarkable characteristics are revealed through “fuzzy signal formally for a phenomenon that is not guaranteed to be processing” using LFFD and LGF. fractal in nature, the fractal dimension depends on the observation scale [17]. In this case, the dimension is referred to as a scale-dependent fractal dimension.
Accepted manuscript for The Mathematical Intelligencer, ISSN: 0343-6993 (print version) ISSN: 1866-7414 (electronic version) The final publication is available at Springer via DOI 10.1007/s00283-016-9630-9 Bridges: A World Community for Mathematical Art Kristóf Fenyvesi Mathematical Art Reborn: Academic Gathering or Festival of the Arts? This is not the first time the Mathematical Communities column has featured the Bridges Organization: the 2005 conference1, in the breathtaking Canadian Rocky Mountains at Banff, was described in these pages by Doris Schattschneider [Schattschneider, 2006], a regular Bridges participant and Escher-specialist. The 2005 conference saw the debut of Delicious Rivers, Ellen Maddow’s play on the life of Robert Ammann, a postal worker who discovered a number of aperiodic tilings.2 Marjorie Senechal, The Mathematical Intelligencer’s current editor-in-chief, served as Maddow's consultant.3 A theatre premiér at a conference on mathematics? A production performed by mathematicians, moonlighting as actors? But this is Bridges. A quick look at the 2005 conference relays the “essence” of this scientific and artistic “happening” resembling a first-rate festival of the arts. True to its title, Renaissance Banff, the 2005 Bridges gave all members of its community, whether based in the sciences or the arts, the feeling that they had helped bring about a genuine rebirth. I use “community” in its most complete sense—including adults, children, artists, university professors, art lovers and local people—for the wealth of conference activities could only be accomplished through the participation of each and every individual present.
ocr IB 1967 '70 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION for the • U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL - TM- 1919 INDICES OF QUALITATIVE VARIATION Allen R. Wilcox NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary natur<> and was prepared primarily far internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore doe> not represent o finol report. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. .-------------------LEGAL NOTICE--------------~ This report was prepared as on account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, compl""t"'n~<~~:oo;, nr ulltf!fulnes!l: of the information conto1ned in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disc lased in this report may not infringe privately ownsd rights; or B.
SCIENCE • ART • TECHNOLOGY 24 JULY THROUGH 10 AUGUST 2008 < Rinus Roelofs, PROGRAMME OF EVENTS new design for artwork consisting of a single 24 JULY – 10 AUGUST, 2008 continuous surface! (Location: Boer) BRIDGES, an annual conference founded in 1998 and serving since then 4 metres long, 2.5 metres high, as an international platform for artists, scientists and scholars working on corten steel the interface of science, art and technology will be held this year in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands from 24 - 29 July 2008. The approximately 200 visitors to the conference from 25 different countries will be coming to Leeuwarden to participate in a broad program of mathematical connections in art, music, architecture and science. Associated with the conference is a highly varied programme Gerard Caris > Polyhedral Net of cultural activities open to the general public that will run through Structure # 1, 10 August 2008. During the Open Day held on 29 July 2008, you can 160 x 95 x 95 cm become acquainted with a number of scientists and artists whilst young and old can participate in various workshops on Grote Kerkstraat in Exhibitions in churches Leeuwarden. The winners of the Gateways to Fryslân Competition will be announced during the conference. The artists exhibiting their work have come from abstract mathematical backgrounds to create many different visual products. Some artists, such as Gerard Caris (1925), limit their oeuvre to a single theme. In his case, this is the pentagon. In the village of Zweins, this artist will be showing a selection of his work including his ‘Polyhedral Net Structure # 1’.
General guide to the Science and Cosmos Museum 1 Background: “Tenerife monts” and “Pico” near of Plato crater in the Moon PLANTA TERRAZA Terrace Floor 5 i 2 1 4 6 3 ASCENSOR 4 RELOJ DE SOL ECUATORIAL Elevator Analemmatic sundial i INFORMACIÓN 5 BUSTO PARLANTE Information “AGUSTÍN DE BETANCOURT” Agustín de Betancourt 1 PLAZA “AGUSTÍN DE talking bust BETANCOURT” Agustín de Betancourt 6 ZONA WI-FI Square Wi-Fi zone 2 ANTENA DE RADIOASTRONOMÍA Radioastronomy antenna 3 TELESCOPIO Telescope PLANTA BAJA Ground Floor WC 10 9 8 11 7 1 6 5 4 12 2 3 ASCENSOR Cosmos Lab - Creative Elevator Laboratory 1 EXPOSICIÓN 7 PLANETARIO Exhibition Planetarium 2 TALLER DE DIDÁCTICA 8 SALIDA DE EMERGENCIA Didactic Workshop Emergency exit 3 EFECTOS ÓPTICOS 9 MICROCOSMOS Optical illusions 10 SALÓN DE ACTOS 4 SALA CROMA KEY Assembly hall Chroma Key room 11 EXPOSICIONES TEMPORALES 5 LABERINTO DE ESPEJOS Temporary exhibitions Mirror Labyrinth 12 ZONA DE DESCANSO 6 COSMOS LAB - LABORATORIO Rest zone CREATIVO CONTENIDOS Contents 7 LA TIERRA The Earth 23 EL SOL The Sun 33 EL UNIVERSO The Universe 45 CÓMO FUNCIONA How does it work 72 EL CUERPO HUMANO The human body 5 ¿POR QUÉ PIRÁMIDES? Why pyramids? 1 Sacred places have often been con- ceived of as elevated spaces that draw the believer closer to the divi- nity. For this reason, once architec- tural techniques became sufficiently refined, mosques or cathedrals rai- sed their vaults, minarets, towers and spires to the sky. However, for thousands of years, the formula fa- voured by almost every culture was the pyramid.
Pattern, the Visual Mathematics: a Search for Logical Connections in Design Through Mathematics, Science, and Multicultural Arts
Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses 6-1-1996 Pattern, the visual mathematics: A search for logical connections in design through mathematics, science, and multicultural arts Seung-eun Lee Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Lee, Seung-eun, "Pattern, the visual mathematics: A search for logical connections in design through mathematics, science, and multicultural arts" (1996). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. majWiif." $0-J.zn jtiJ jt if it a mtrc'r icjened thts (waefii i: Tkirr. afaidiid to bz i d ! -Lrtsud a i-trio. of hw /'' nvwte' mfratWf trawwi tpf .w/ Jwitfl- ''','-''' ftatsTB liovi 'itcj^uitt <t. dt feu. Tfui ;: tti w/ik'i w cWii.' cental cj lniL-rital. p-siod. [Jewy anJ ./tr.-.MTij of'irttion. fan- 'mo' that. I: wo!'.. PicrdoTrKwe, wiifi id* .or.if'iifer -now r't.t/ry summary Jfem2>/x\, i^zA ' z&ietQStd (Xtrma iKc'i-J: ffocub. The (i^piicaiom o". crWx< M Wf flrtu't. fifesspwn, Jiii*iaiin^ jfli dtfifi,tmi jpivxei u3ili'-rCi luvjtv-tzxi patcrr? ;i t. drifters vcy. Symmetr, yo The theoretical concepts of symmetry deal with group theory and figure transformations. Figure transformations, or symmetry operations refer to the movement and repetition of an one-, two , and three-dimensional space. (f_8= I lhowtuo irwti) familiar iltjpg .