VOCAL Reps Update September 2012
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VOCAL Reps Update – September 2012
1. Children’s Trust Board: The Board met on 5th September 2012 and reports were made on 2 Trust Priorities: Early Intervention and Prevention: the City Council EIP Service was able to report on the positive impact of services for families. There was discussion that the strategy needed reviewing and consideration of interventions beyond the EIP Service should be included. There was some debate over the importance of ensuring a focus in the strategy as the definition of Early Intervention and Prevention could be extremely broad and it needed to be able to demonstrate clear impact in Salford. This work to be moved forward by the Children’s Trust Task Group 2 which includes Phil East as VOCAL Rep. Positive for Youth: this new national cross department strategy is at the start of implementation in Salford. The local partnership will be led by a Steering Group chaired by Eileen Buchan, Head of IYSS and will meet to develop the City’s PFY Strategy and agree how partners can report on performance against the strategy to the Board. The 2 VOCAL Reps to this Steering group are Wendy Priscott and Lee Turnbull.
Other business of the meeting included: Report on Young Carer’s Strategy: this has been developed following partners involvement and will be signed off by the Board at a future meeting. It is a priority to ensure early identification of young carer’s to ensure that their needs are identified and support provided. Schools are being asked to develop systems to identify and support young carer’s. Troubled Families/Helping Families: 5 multiagency panels, chaired by neighbourhood managers, have been developed to identify lead professionals and refer into Team Around the Child for support packages. Louise Murray and Phil Easy will be meeting with Matt Ainsworth to clarify involvement from the sector in the panels and the process for commissioning against any highlighted gaps in provision. Youth Day – please see Appendix 3 of this Update
Further information on the Trust, its priorities and minutes from Board meetings is available at: http://www.partnersinsalford.org/CYPTrust.htm
A Trust newsletter is to be developed and will be distributed at the end of September 2012. Salford CVS will forward this to VOCAL members.
1 2. 14-19 Partnership There has been no meeting of this Partnership since the May VOCAL Update. In The Review of Vocational Education – The Wolf Report (2011), it was identified that, from the age of 14, some learners would be best placed in a college environment. To this end, Salford Secondary School Headteachers and Salford City Council are seeking to collaborate with Salford City College to provide a 14-16 provision; at 16 learner’s progress to the appropriate pathway, academic, vocational or apprenticeship. They are currently seeking views about the proposal.
AEP Consultation amended.doc Please send your responses to [email protected] By Friday 14th September 2012.
3. CYP Emotional Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board The Terms of Reference were revised in response to feedback and were agreed at the June meeting.
Joanne Hannan is the new Commissioning Manager - Health within salford City Council Children’s Services. The first draft of the Emotional Health and Wellbeing strategy was presented to the Partnership for discussion. It is a 3 year strategy linked to the Salford Mental Wellbeing Strategy with an action plan. The focus of this year’s action plan was targeted early intervention. The discussion was around service provision, unmet need and consultation with young people. The strategy was to be amended to reflect the discussion and would then be out for circulation in time for feedback to the September meeting. Also feedback to the Children’s Trust Outcome Framework in Appendix 3 is needed.
A paper was circulated on Perinatal Infant Mental Health. This reflected work in Salford that was being done on a multi-agency basis. A meeting was set up to consider the NHS NW Framework and see how to move this forward in Salford – review/reflect on existing services and consider a more targeted support in cases of higher risk. Vera Martin’s is the VOCAL Rep to this Board.
4. Early Intervention and Prevention Forum The terms of reference and membership for this Forum are being reviewed following discussion at the Children’s Trust Board of its function. VOCAL awaits confirmation of the purpose of this Forum and will then confirm whether a Rep will be appointed. The business of the July meeting included a review of Salford’s Early Intervention Service action plan and a focus on the Strengthening Families project which aims to prevent babies being removed from families through pre-birth assessment, intensive parenting programme, ‘Me, myself and I’ course, family support and links with children’s centres. 2 5. Salford Safeguarding Children Board & Exec The minutes of the July Board meeting area available at: http://www.partnersinsalford.org/sscb/documents/Minutes_16_July_2012.pdf Business of the July Board meeting included: The Board received a report on Salford’s Ending Gang and Youth Violence Programme. One third of all GM firearms incidents last year took place in Salford. The approach is to target known criminal families through a multi agency safeguarding hub co locating RIAT, Housing, Police and Benefits Agency in Unity House. Safeguarding is at the heart of these considerations with additional support aimed to change the behaviour of young people. This scheme is funded for one year by the Home Office and 50% of the funded delivery must be provided by the VCS. Target areas are East Salford and Ordsall with a neighbourhood approach being taken. The project is being peer reviewed in September.
Information was given on Claire’s Law – information sharing on perpetrators of domestic abuse. Phil Owen is the GMP lead on this.
The Board has agreed to focus in Child Sexual Exploitation in the Autumn
Business of the SSCB Exec has included:
New Working Together guidelines are out for consultation. These are very short and unclear. The Voluntary sector is not mentioned, and neither is the Local Authority Designated Officer. The SSCB is making a formal response. Further information is available at http://www.workingtogetheronline.co.uk/
The Salford safeguarding strategy and key priorities are now available: http://www.partnersinsalford.org/sscb/documents/SSS-2012-2015.pdf
The SSCB bi-monthly e bulletin is available at: http://www.partnersinsalford.org/sscb/news.htm
6. Private Fostering SSCB Task and Finish group The SSCB is currently surveying those working with children and young people about their awareness of private fostering. Of 431 responses only 4 have been from staff employed by voluntary and community organisations. Please can you cascade this link to all staff and volunteers in your organisation, and give your personal encouragement to take part in the survey so that we can accurately assess the level of awareness of Private Fostering in Salford. Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PFAnonymousMiniSurvey
3 7. Safe Working Practice Sub group CRB rules have changed so that any worker/volunteer who does not have face to face contact with children will not be CRB checked. Organisations that do not follow this ruling may have their CRB licence removed. This has been raised as a concern- since many employees have access to sensitive data but do not have face to face contact. It would also impact on Trustees CRB checks. VOCAL Rep, Karen Rose, is seeking further clarification.
There is a concern about the lack of referrals to the LADO from the voluntary and community sector. Last year there were only 2. Concerns or complaints about a member of staff/ volunteers conduct (relating to child protection) may need to be referred to the LADO (603 4328 [email protected]) an action plan to promote this service is being put together. Suggestions as to how the role of the LADO can be promoted are welcomed.
8. Child Sexual Exploitation, SSCB Sub Group Linda Steggles is the VOCAL Rep to this group. As reported in the July VOCAL Update, an action plan has started to address each of the Terms of Reference. No further update from this group.
9. E Safety, SSCB Sub Group The E-safety Policy Guidance for the City has now been published and can be accessed from http://www.salford.gov.uk/d/e-Safety-Practice-Guidance.pdf
An online training module has been developed and is currently being piloted off-line. VOCAL Reps are taking part in the pilot. It is anticipated that the training will go live during September. The proposed training module is an excellent introduction to e-safety issues which will be very beneficial to those working and volunteering in our sector. 10.Voice of the Child Rachel Dawson attended the first meeting of this group on behalf of VOCAL on 6th July. No update to VOCAL has yet been made available.
11.VOCAL Reps September 2012 Representative’s feedback to the quarterly VOCAL meetings where we also discuss items to take forward into the partnership meetings. If your group works with children, young people or families and you would like to contact a VOCAL representative their details are:
Children’s Trust Phil East, Deputy Chief Executive, [email protected] Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Emotional Health and Well Being Board
4 Vera Martins, Director, 42nd Street [email protected]
14-19 Partnership Dawn Brannigan, Manager, YMCA Training [email protected]
Positive for Youth Steering Group Wendy Priscott [email protected] Lee Turnbull [email protected]
Children with Disabilities Project Board Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Helping Families Steering Group Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Early Intervention and Prevention Forum To be confirmed
Children’s’ Commissioners Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Contract Overview Group Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Salford Safeguarding Children Board Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Salford Safeguarding Children Board Exec Karen Rose, CEO, Pro-Contact Expert Services [email protected]
Safe Working Practice - Chair Karen Rose, CEO, Pro-Contact Expert Services [email protected]
Private Fostering – Chair Louise Murray, Salford CVS [email protected]
Sexual Exploitation Linda Steggles, Service Director, Brook Pennine [email protected]
Voice of the Child Rachel Dawson [email protected] 5 VOCAL Update: Appendix One
Consultation Salford City College 14 - 16 Education Provision
In The Review of Vocational Education – The Wolf Report (2011), it was identified that, from the age of 14, some learners would be best placed in a college environment.
In the Wolf Review of Vocational Education – Government Response (2011), it is stated:
‘ For some young people at age 14, college will offer a better learning option than schools, subject to ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in place. This will enable them to access good quality vocational provision, alongside the core academic Key Stage 4 programme. Students are currently able to enrol in colleges pre-16 and we want to see more young people being offered this opportunity. We will communicate this to all schools and colleges directly to ensure they are aware before the end of the summer term. We will also work with colleges in the autumn term to better understand the existing barriers to enrolling 14 year old learners.’
To this end, Salford Secondary School Headteachers and Salford City Council are seeking to collaborate with Salford City College to provide a 14-16 provision; at 16 learner’s progress to the appropriate pathway, academic, vocational or apprenticeship. We are currently seeking views about the proposal.
6 1. What part of Salford do you live/work in?
2. What is the reason for your interest in the proposed Salford City College 14-16 Provision? (please tick)
Prospective parent Prospective learner
Current learner Prospective staff member
Local secondary school Local post 16 provision representative representative
Trade Union representative Local employer/ business partner Local resident Local community group representative Elected local Councillor Local Government Officer
Other (please specify)
3. Secondary Schools in Salford and Salford City Council are seeking to collaborate with Salford City College, to deal with placing excluded and managed move learners and In Year applicants in years 10 and 11. Under this route, Salford will consider the best pathway for the learner. Where it is agreed that Salford City College 14-16 Provision is the right place for that learner, the learner will come on to the Salford City College roll, with Salford City College 14-16 Provision becoming the learner’s full time education provision.
Do you agree or disagree with this approach?
4. Salford City College 14-16 Provision will offer vocational course pathways including sport fitness, IT, customer services, beauty, childcare, media, youth work and hospitality and catering as well as core curriculum in English, maths and ICT.
Do you agree or disagree that these courses are suitable for the prospective learners at Salford City College 14-16 Provision?
7 5. Salford City College is happy to consider other alternative provision for 14-16 learners.
Do you have any suggestions as to what type of curriculum should be developed?
6. Overall, do you agree or disagree that the secondary schools and Salford City Council should collaborate with Salford City College to form an alternative provision?
7. Do you have any other comments or responses on any aspects of this proposal?
Thank you for taking part. If you would like to receive further information about Salford City College 14-16 Provision as it develops; please insert your contact details below (address or email address).
Please return this form to [email protected] or
Nikki Anderson Inclusion Officer, Children with Complex Needs (Inclusion) Children's Services Salford City Council 2nd Floor, Unity House Chorley Road Swinton Salford M27 5AW
By Friday 14th September 2012.
Responsible for: The emotional, psychological and mental health & wellbeing of What is the partnership children and young people. responsible for? The partnership will influence both commissioning and service development but the management of such will be undertaken by dedicated forums which focus on each element of work. Function: To support effective delivery on the priorities of Salford’s What are the functions of Children & Young People’s Trust Board (Appendix 1) and the partnership? locally required performance indicators To consider the needs of children and young people: o To promote emotional health and wellbeing o To recommend early interventions to prevent the escalation of difficulties. o To ensure appropriate specialist services using a ‘right person; right place and right time’ standard. o To ensure support is targeted to reach ‘vulnerable’ children and young people (Appendix 2) o To ensure that children, young people and their parents and carers are able to influence the commissioning and delivery of services. To support and advise commissioners with the development of services to address emotional, psychological and mental health and wellbeing of children and young people up to the age of 18yrs (25yrs where appropriate) in Salford. To task subgroups with specific projects and oversee their delivery. Accountable to Salford’s Children and Young People’s Trust Board The partnership will report to the CYP Trust Board its progress against the objectives within the action plan, and produce an annual report to the CYP Trust Board. It will be supported by a commissioning group and will direct service development groups as required
Children’s Trust Board Health and Wellbeing Board
Emotional Health and Children’s Strategy Well-Being Partnership Group (PCT)
EHWB Commissioning Service Development Group Groups
Chair and Membership CAMHS Commissioners:
9 Chair/ CSD Leadership Jon Stonehouse Head of Children’s Commissioning Salford PCT - Matt Dixon Salford City Council Commissioner Debbie Fallon Salford City Council Commissioner Jo Hannan CAMHS Operational Manager Liam Connolly CAMHS Clinical Leads Hilary Lloyd(Deputy:Rachel Elvins) Paul Wallis (Deputy: Frances Gulliford) Adult Mental Health: Commissioner Judd Skelton Adult Mental Health Provider Angela Murphy/ David Bartholomew Educational Psychology Janet Muscutt /Pam Taylor Complex Needs /Special Education Services Lorraine Stephen Secondary School Head Steve Aveyard SEBD Head Ian Thomas Primary School Head Daniel Gauld Head of Safeguarding Sharon Hubber Children’s Social Care Julie Moss (Head of CP/CIN) Early Intervention & Prevention Sue Myers IYSS manager Eileen Buchan YOS manager Kay Davidson Connexions Manager Gavin Armstrong Voluntary Sector representatives VOCAL Vera Martins BASIC Sue Parkes Commissioned providers vacant Public health Eejay Whitehead GP Dr. Farooq Community Nursing Liz McGahey Community Paediatrician Dr Elaine Burfitt User rep Vacant BME rep Via BME task group Approach . The partnership meets bi-monthly. Schedule / frequency of . A minimum of members from 4 agencies is required for a meeting meetings to be quorate. Preparation and . Any agenda items and supporting documents should be circulation of papers forwarded to the Chair and administrative support at least 10 working days in advance.
. Agendas and documentation will be circulated prior to the meetings (by email wherever possible) at least 5 working days before the meetings. Performance Measures These will be monitored through CYP Trust Board performance management arrangements . Commissioning recommendations are identified in relation to priorities . Work programme objectives produced and agreed by the partnership . The Partnership monitors progress on objectives using a traffic light system and includes the data in the report to the CYP Trust Board.
. 90% of planned meetings take place. Date of last review of June 2012 TOR Signed 10 ______Date: ______Sub Group Chair VOCAL Update: Appendix 3 Youth Day 2012
Briefing for VOCAL meeting 11th September, from Salford Children and Young People’s Trust (www.partnersinsalford.org/cyptrust)
This year Salford will be holding its first ever Youth Day, celebrating the achievements of our city’s young people. Youth Day 2012 will be held on 30 October for young people aged 13-19. It aims to dispel some of the myths about young people that often lead to them being perceived negatively by adults. Salford’s Youth Council and groups from the city’s youth centres are arranging activities all over Salford to mark Youth Day. A special Youth Day website will be set up where you can upload video messages telling us what you are doing for Youth Day, and what you think is great about young people in Salford. You will also be able to find out more about events going on in the city and how to get involved. We will circulate more details about the website later in September; meanwhile you can start planning your own Youth Day event today!