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Report to the Board on 30 August 2016



1. The bi-monthly Board Development Sessions provide an opportunity for Board Members and senior clinicians and managers to consider key issues for NHS Fife in some detail, in order to improve Members’ understanding and knowledge of what are often very complex subjects. The format of the sessions usually consists of a briefing from the lead clinician or senior manager in question, followed by discussion and questions, or a wide-ranging discussion led by members themselves.

2. These are not intended as decision-making meetings. The Board’s Code of Corporate Governance sets out the decision-making process, through recommendations from the Executive Directors Group and/or relevant Board Committee, and this process is strictly observed.

3. The Development Sessions can, however, assist the decision-making process through in depth exploration and analysis of a particular issue which will at some point thereafter be the subject of a formal Board decision. These sessions also provide an opportunity for updates on ongoing key issues.

July Development Session

4. The most recent Board Development Session took place in the Lecture Hall, Playfield Institute, Stratheden Hospital on Tuesday 26 July 2016. There were three main topics for discussion: Clinical Strategy Implementation, Finance Up- date/Local Delivery Plan and Health & Social Care Partnership Data/Benchmarking

Clinical Strategy Implementation

5. Dr Elliot introduced the session and explained that the presentation will provide an opportunity for Members to be informed on the progress made to date, around engaging public and staff, as NHS Fifes goes through the public Consultation pathway of the implementation of the Clinical Strategy.

6. Irene McGonnigle, Head of Planning and Performance and Susan Fraser, PMO Project Lead undertook a joint presentation which would enable discussion on the following key points: • How can we best reach as many people as possible to gather views and feedback on the recommendations of the Clinical Strategy? • Discuss the developing Governance structure for delivery of the Clinical Strategy

7. The second slide covered the timeline for the implementation of the Clinical Strategy, which shows NHS Fife Board sign off in July, and then out to public consultation. During this time, various ‘pop up’ sessions have been undertaken with Public Partners and Staff as well as via Participation and Engagement Networks and Community Groups and Events, meetings and survey monkey. Once the Consultation finishes in September, the outcome will be presented to the Board at its meeting in October 2016.

8. A series of charts showed representatives from each of the above groups and Members were encouraged to see a diverse audience providing their thoughts and feedback. Survey Monkey was proving very popular whereby the team has received responses from 527 individuals at 22nd July and over 72% strongly agree or agree with the recommendations. Members felt that more could be done to raise awareness of the staff ‘pop up’ sessions, as the number of attendees at the sessions to date was not very encouraging.

9. Dr Elliot stated that the Clinical Strategy is a key agenda item at most Committees. With the commencement of the new Head of Communications, and through word of mouth from Members and the Executive Directors Group, it is hoped to encourage staff to attend and provide feedback.

10. Dr Elliot thanked Mrs McGonnigle and Ms Fraser for their comprehensive presentation. She emphasised that the more staff and the public are engaged and involved in the implementation of the Clinical Strategy the more successful they will be. A paper will be brought to the Board Meeting in October 2016 with key recommendations.

Finance Up-Date / Local Delivery Plan

11. Mr Hawkins presented an up-date on his assessment on the risk profile of the £30m efficiency savings plan for 2016/17. Mr Hawkins explained that he has met with Scottish Government colleagues and National Services Scotland (NSS) has been asked to support NHS Fife, with expertise in relation to data analytics, programme management, pharmacy and PFI.

12. Mr Burns stated that NHS Fife needs to set a three-year financial programme which demonstrates what we are looking to achieve and how we plan to execute it. This needs to be in place by September 2016. There are ideas in the pipeline which need to be looked at in more detail.

13. There is an estates rationalisation workshop taking place on 15th August which will be looking at future Estate Disposals. A workshop is also being held with Staff Side representatives early in September to engage and keep them informed throughout the process. 14. Mr Hawkins stated that while this is being taken forward, NHS Fife needs to continue to drive forward with current initiatives, in order to reduce the £9.4m gap.

Health and Social Care Partnership Data / Benchmarking

15. Mr Hawkins introduced Alison Taylor, Head of the Integration Division, Directorate for Health and Social Care at the Scottish Government.

16. Mrs Taylor explained that the presentation today was a high level analysis of data which linked activity between Health and Social Care and Acute Services.

17. Members were taken through a series of slides with examples of areas which could provide an opportunity for redesign. There was positive discussion amongst Members.

18. Professor McLean said that his team had conducted a recent data analysis exercise and found it extremely useful to learn and understand the reasons why patients present themselves at hospitals, and this data would further enable his team to compare across Boards to look at what they are doing and see if there are any areas for change and innovation.

19. Mrs Taylor said that this tool could be used as a stimulus to provide meaningful analysis on activity and to inform a fuller understanding across health and social care in Fife. With the support of a member of the Scottish Government LIST Team (Local Intelligence Support Team), they can access specialist skills, offer analytical support and share skills and expertise.

20. Mr Burns welcomed this support and thanked Mrs Taylor for her presentation. He said that he looked forward to working with the LIST team moving forward and feels this tool has great potential for Fife.


21. The Board is asked to note the report on the Development Session

ALLAN BURNS Board Chairperson 4 August 2016

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