Fahrenheit 451

Before beginning the book (due Monday, March 10):

The definition of affect: affect is a verb that means to influence. Example: Explain how technology affects modern day society. The definition of effect: effect is a noun, it often refers to the result of something Example: Explain the effects of technology in modern day society. Your Assignment: Part I: Choosing to focus on either: the automobile, cell phones or smart phones or television. In a well-developed, typed, double spaced essay, discuss one of the pieces of technology listed above. Remember- only choose one and be sure you are discussing either the AFFECTS or the EFFECTS. Do not confuse the two. Part II: Read about Bradbury’s life and censorship. Do some research on other censored books. What is the most frequent reason books are censored? Do a bit more research on the historical context of the time period during which Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451. What outside influences might have affected the content of the book.

Assignments as we read: To celebrate Bradbury’s desire that we spend more time on personal communication and less time in front of a screen, we will discuss below questions. As this is a graded discussion, you participation is paramount as are quality responses. Discussions are worth 20 pts per day- to receive full credit, one must provide two or more insightful comments throughout the discussion. One comment receives 15 points, no comments, a zero. Should you NOT speak during class, you can write TWO full paragraphs answering TWO questions below. These are due the DAY AFTER the class discussion.

After finishing Part I (be prepared to discuss on Thursday, March 13):

1. Most of the characters, including Guy Montag actually enjoy aspects of the world they live in. What might be appealing about this world? Cite specific examples from the text.

2. Why do you think this section is entitled “The Hearth and the Salamander”?

3. Good writers can use metaphors and similes to formulate a desired tone. Choose FIVE metaphors and simile’s from the Part I. Write the sentence (or sentences) down and then explain the tone elicited from each.

4. A centrifuge is a device that rotates or spins at a very high speed in order to separate things. Bradbury uses the word centrifuge to describe the society in which Montag lives. “When it [the television show] was over, he felt like a man who had been thrown from a cliff, whirled in a centrifuge and spat out over a waterfall that fell into emptiness.” Find three other examples either specifically using the word centrifuge or making direct references to the word. Explain why this device is an appropriate symbol of Montag’s society.

5. Captain Beatty is an articulate spokesman for the established order of the society both he and Montag live in. Do you feel that Beatty is too one sided and accepting of the society or do you see that he is a rationale thinker? Keep in mind the similarities between our own society and the society in Bradbury’s novel as you answer this question.

6. Mildred, Beatty, Clarisse and Guy are all symbols of types of people within a society. For example, Guy Montag is that person who questions and does not take what society offers at face value. Discuss who/what each character symbolically represents.

7. Eerily, Bradbury originally wrote F451 as a short story called “The Fireman” ……in 1950! Before televisions were common in households, before families had multiple automobiles and before the technology we have today played such an influential role in society. How can we see a bit of ourselves and society in F451? Look at your own life and examine how you have allowed yourself to become heavily influenced by “societal norms.” 8. How do Clarisse and Montag’s lives differ? Why does Bradbury introduce us to Clarisse and Montag soon after Clarisse has overdosed?

After finishing Part II (be prepared to discuss on Thursday, March 20):

1. You can only save five books – What are they? Why?

2. Montag still struggles with Beatty in one ear and now Faber in the other (literally). Go into the differences between these two men, their impact on Montag, their motivations, their philosophies, their takes on happiness and success. What is Bradbury getting at?

3. The happiness theme ties into the theme of entertainment. Are we really happy when kept occupied or amused? What parallels do you see between Beatty’s ideas and our true society regarding occupying people’s minds with trivia, etc. How about the run in with Mildred’s friends (Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles)? Check it out again (pgs. 94 – 101). Does it remind you of us?

4. List five realizations Fahrenheit 451 reinforces regarding our society.

5. Explain what Faber and Montag talk about. What does Faber insist is missing from the society?

6. Explain the confrontation between Beatty and Montag.

7. What does Mildred say about why television is better than books? What is the essential difference between television and books?

8. Bradbury has a very clear and poignant opinion about his own society here. Explain what aspect of history he is referring to and what his opinion is. “Jesus, God,” said Montag. “Every hour so many damn things in the sky! How in the hell did these bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn’t someone want to talk about it! We’ve started and won two atomic wars since 1990! Is it because we’re having so much fun at home we’ve forgotten the world? Is it because we’re so rich and the rest of the world’s so poor and we just don’t care if they are? I’ve heard rumors; the world is starving, but we’re well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we’re hated so much?”

9. Describe the mechanical Hound. Do you see any similarities to the Hound in our society?

10. How does Bradbury describe books? What literary devices does he use? Find two excerpts from the novel. What do these descriptions do for the reader?

After finishing Part III (be prepared to discuss on Friday, March 27):

1. Choose any two of the following characters and explain how each character is a foil to the other: -Mildred and Clarise -Beatty and Montag -Faber and Beatty

2. Describe the run-in Montag has with the car full of children. What is odd about this encounter?

3. Why does the society report that they’ve caught Montag, when in reality, they caught a totally innocent man?

4. Provide three examples of Bradbury’s reference to mirrors. What do these references symbolize and how do they add depth to the story?

5. Compare Bradbury’s novel to another modern novel with a similar theme. Describe the similarity between the two novels and elucidate on why many writers choose to comment on dystopian societies like the one Bradbury created in F451? 6. Is anyone to blame for the change in Beatty or Montag? As we follow Montag’s life; we are witness to the progression of his thoughts and own individuality. The opposite happens with Beatty. Who/what causes these changes in both men?

As we read F451, we can’t help but to critique our own society and examine our relationship with others and the things that surround us. As thinkers, criticism is often ubiquitous. The following exercise is not intended to illicit change (although change is often good), it’s intent is to simply observe our daily habits in regards to technology and personal interactions. Begin this assignment on the day you receive F451. Record your last observations on Thursday, March 28.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Automobiles Less than 1x a day 2-3 x a day 3 or more x a day Texts Less than 10 a day Less than 20 a day Less than 40 a day 5o or more a day Television None ½ hr. 1 hr. 2+ hrs Internet Usage None ½ hr. More than 1 hr More than 2 hrs Meals With Others None 1 2 3

Now look over your habits and how much time you spend with each aspect of technology. What observations can you make about your daily life and your current habits.