NAME: ______CS1043 In Class Exercise

Make a class called Employee with instance variables name and salary. The Employee class should have one constructor that sets the name and salary. The Employee class should have a display method to print the current state of the instance variables (name it display). Make a class called Manager inherit from Employee. Add an instance variable, named department of type String to the Manager class. Include a constructor for the Manager class that sets the name, salary, and department. Supply an accessor method that prints the manager’s name, department, and salary (name it display).

Note: all instance variables (instance fields) must be declared as private. NAME:______CS1043 Inheritance and Polymorphism In-Class Exercise

Look at the main program on the next page. Trace the program and determine what is printed by each print statement. Use the BankAccount Class posted on the course website. /* Date: 10-05-06 Language Version: Java2 1.5.0_06 Course: CS1043 Section: 1 and 2 File Name: Classes: AcctExer

Description: This program is an exercise for Inheritance and Polymorphism. Label each method call as either: 1. Polymorphic, 2. Inheritance, or 3. Overloading. */ public class AcctExer { public static void main( String [] args ) { TimeDepositAccount collegeFund = new TimeDepositAccount( 1, 4 );

CheckingAccount harrysChecking = new CheckingAccount( 1000. );

collegeFund.deposit( 5000.);

collegeFund.transfer( harrysChecking, 580. );

harrysChecking.withdraw( 500. ); harrysChecking.withdraw( 80. ); harrysChecking.withdraw( 10000. );

endOfMonth( collegeFund ); endOfMonth( harrysChecking );

printBalance( "the college fund", collegeFund ); printBalance( "Harry's checking", harrysChecking );

} // end main

public static void endOfMonth( SavingsAccount savings ) { savings.addInterest(); }

public static void endOfMonth( CheckingAccount checking ) { checking.deductFees(); }

public static void printBalance( String name, BankAccount account ) { System.out.printf("The balance of the %s account is $%.2f.\n", name, account.getBalance() ); }

} // end AcctExer