CGC1P: Types of Volcanic Eruptions & Cones

1. Quiet Eruption - low pressure, lava pours out in steady stream and thinly, calm • often called Hawaiian • produces a ______- wide base, and gentle, convex slope • gases emitted slowly

2. Explosive - great violence, often earthquakes or loud rumblings preceeding the eruption • volcanic bombs, called ______• produces a ______- narrow base, steep side • volcanoes not very high because material is loosely organized • e.g. Krakatoa 1883

3. Fissure Flows - an open crack in solid surface produces a lava plateau or plain many kilometres wide (sometimes thousands of km) • looks like a ribbon of magma/fire • produces a ______"cone" or lava plateau

4. Intermediate or Strombolian - is a combination of quiet and explosive eruptions • combination of lava and rock fragments in alternating layers (produces pyroclastics during explosive phase) • produces a composite cone or ______

Draw each type of cone in the space below:

Shield Cone Cinder Cone Stratovolcano CGC1P: Types of Volcanic Eruptions & Cones