Lab Report Scoring Rubric

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Lab Report Scoring Rubric

Lab Report Scoring Rubric

Element Score Element 5 4 3 2 1 Title page Contains names of Contains names of Contains names Missing two of No title or experimenters, experimenters, date, of experimenters, the required missing multiple date, descriptive descriptive title, ME but may be elements items title, ME 190, and 190, and may not be as missing date, or is attractively laid attractive as it could be title, or ME 190 out Background Background on the Background on the Background on Background on Background is IMU is well- IMU is adequately the IMU is the IMU is less skimpy or not described, such described, such that adequately than adequately adequate that someone who someone who described, but described previously did not previously did not may be missing know about it know about it would be some detail that would be well- adequately, but maybe would be helpful informed about the not well- informed. unit. References cited, etc. Exp. Setup Experimental setup Experimental setup is Experimental Experimental Experimental is clear and well fairly well described, so setup is setup is missing setup is not well described, so that a that it is probably likely somewhat important described, and a peer could easily that a peer could described, but a information, and peer probably reproduce the setup reproduce it peer might need it would be could not additional difficult to reproduce it from information to reproduce the the description. reproduce the setup. setup Tests The tests The tests conducted and The tests The tests Description of conducted conducted were results are adequately conducted and conducted and tests and results clearly described described. results are results are are significantly and results clearly described, but described lacking in graphed and/or could be somewhat, but completeness tabulated. improved in are missing and/or clarity completeness information or and/or clarity. not clear. Code Code is fully Code is commented to a Code has some Code is missing Code is commented and large degree and is comments and is some comments significantly clearly presented. readable. somewhat and is somewhat lacking in readable. lacking in comments and/or readability. clarity. Discussion Discussion of Discussion is adequate Discussion for Discussion is Discussion is results is complete, for the results obtained. the most part somewhat significantly clear, and is addresses the lacking in lacking in compelling for the result, but could addressing what addressing what results obtained. be improved. happened with happened with the the results. results. Conclusions Conclusions are Conclusions are Conclusions for Conclusions are Conclusions are thoughtfully adequately described the most part are not fully significantly prepared, clear, appropriate, but described or lacking Lab Report Scoring Rubric

and complete could be somewhat improved or lacking expanded Summary of Contributions by Contributions by team Contributions by Contributions by Contributions are contributions each team member members are team members team members inadequately are clearly adequately described. are mentioned, are not entirely described. articulated. but may lack in clear. clarity and completeness. Appendices Appendices are Appendices are Appendices, if Appendices, if Appendices are (may or may fully appropriate appropriate. appropriate, may appropriate, are missing, when not be needed) and add value to be lacking to lacking to a they should be the report. some degree in large degree in present or not completeness completeness acceptably and/or clarity and/or clarity presented.

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