Those Leading Worship Today
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![Those Leading Worship Today](
BENEDICTION (Remain standing) The Spring Glen Church, United Church of POSTLUDE (Please be seated) Christ RINGING THE CLOSE OF WORSHIP A Service of the Word and Table (Please remain seated until after the steeple bell finishes ringing.) February 3, 2013 10 a.m. Our gratitude to those leading worship today: Officiants: Rev. Jeff Crews For Reflection: Liturgist and Reader: Susie Hawthorne Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within Organist and Choir Director: Dr. Terese Gemme you heals your sick self. Musicians: Adult Vocal Choir; Hannah Leckman, soprano; Susie Hawthorne, Conductor ~Khalil Gibran The greeters are John and Meredith Kinkle. The flowers are given in loving memory of Kenny Heath by Jennifer and Evan Heath. The Fellowship Hour hosts are Nancy Dittes, Curt Johnson and Fran Dittes with Stefanie RINGING THE HOUR OF WORSHIP (Please be seated) Summerer. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to Spring Glen Church this morning! Prayer request cards may The Entire Congregation, Ministers of the Church be found in the pew racks. If you have a joy or concern you would like Rev. Jeff Crews, Senior Pastor [email protected] included in today’s prayers, please fill out a card. You may wish to use Rev. Clare Robert, Acting Associate Pastor [email protected] the quiet time during the prelude for this purpose. Please pass cards to Jennifer McCleery, Christian Ed Coordinator [email protected] the center aisle on the first hymn, when ushers will collect them. Kara Scroggins, Youth Minister [email protected] Dr. Terese Gemme, Organist and Choir Director [email protected] Ed Ercolano, Custodian [email protected] PRELUDE Gayle Logan, Office Manager [email protected] Clergy Serving in Covenant with The Spring Glen Church: CALL TO WORSHIP (Please stand) Liturgist Susie Hawthorne Rev. Ian Oliver, Pastor of University Church and [email protected] Sr. Assoc. Chaplain for Protestant Life at Yale (Adapted from Psalm 71) One: In you, O Lord, we take refuge; All: May your righteousness deliver and rescue us all! One: Incline your ear to us and save us, O Lord. All: Be our rock, our strong fortress. Save us! One: Rescue us from the grasp of the unjust and cruel. All: For you, O Lord, are our hope, trust and our delight. We come before you, merciful One, humbly worshipping you. Amen.
HYMN (Remain standing) “Enter, Rejoice and Come In” New Century Hymnal # 73
UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Please remain standing) Dear God, we so easily see disease in others and so quickly overlook the disease within our own souls. Heal us in body. Challenge us in love. Heal us in spirit, we pray. Amen. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; AFFIRMATION OF GRACE Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God for all that love has done; RESPONSE (Please remain standing) “Alleluia” New Century #768 Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Prayer of Dedication (Please remain standing) PASSING THE PEACE (Please remain standing) One: May the peace of Christ be with you. THE SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION All: And also with you. This table is open to all. Today, you will be served in the pew. Parents, your children One: Let us share among us a sign of Christ’s peace. are welcome to share Holy Communion. When served bread, please take a piece, then (Please greet one another.) pass the tray to your neighbor. Please wait until all are served, so that we may share (Afterwards, children and teachers may leave for Noah’s Chapel, returning for together. If you prefer, a separate plate of gluten–free bread will be passed. When Communion with their families.) passing the cup of grape juice, please take one and wait until all are served. Come, for this Table is prepared by the eternal loving God for you! READING FROM THE EPISTLES 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Communion Hymn “Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether” READING FROM THE GOSPEL Luke 4:21-30 New Century Hymnal #337 Invitation SERMON “Challenged In Love” Rev. Jeff Crews One: Now we come together as God’s people, at God’s table, where Christ is the host, and we are the guests. HYMN (Please stand) “I Am the Light of The World” All: As the many grains of wheat become the one loaf, New Century Hymnal # 584 and the many grapes become the one cup, so are we, in our manyness, the one Body of Christ. PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH (Please be seated) One: Here we receive God’s blessing, here we remember God’s Joys and Concerns grace, here we proclaim together: Pastoral Prayer All: Christ is present here, Christ is present now, Christ is present The Lord’s Prayer in Unison always. Thanks be to God. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us Prayer of Consecration our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into Words of Institution temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the Sharing the Bread and the Cup glory for ever. Amen. Prayer of Thanksgiving OFFERING OF GIFTS All: We give thanks to you, O God, for the blessing of your table, for your grace Moment for Mission Barbara Hobbs that loves, forgives and heals the world. Now send us out to be bread for each other Offertory “Magnificat in G Major” by Charles Villiers Stanford (1852- and light for the world, 1924) as we follow Jesus into your kingdom. Amen. Adult Vocal Choir, Hannah Leckman, soprano soloist HYMN (Please stand) “I Love to Tell the Story” New Century Hymnal # 522
Doxology (Please stand) Tune: Old Hundredth