2012 2013December Human Resource File Layouts and Edit Specifications
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Automated Data Exchange Documentation
2012 – 2013 December Human Resource File Layouts and Edit Specifications
News and Updates Header File Layouts Detail File Layouts Preliminary Edit Specification Field Level Edit Specification File Level Specification Additional Edit Specification Sample Detail Record Submission
Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions
December Human Resource Data collection is required by staff employed in a budgeted full time equivalent (FTE) position as of December 1. Include all district employees, licensed and non- licensed personnel, employed in the district office and in all schools, including charter schools and detention centers. Do not include employees who work on an as needed basis, e.g. people who are on call to fill in on a temporary basis. Do not include employees who have terminated prior to December 1 or who were hired after December 1. Do not include special education employees.
Boards of Cooperative Education Services are also required to report all their employees.
December Human Resource Header File Layout The following table contains general information for the December Human Resource Header File. Included here are field names, sizes and types. December Human Resource Header File Layout: Format "A" All Fields File Name: hd####.nna General Field Descriptions File Type: header Record Type: fixed ASCII Record Size: 153 bytes No. of Field Start End Field Name Characters Type Position Position School District/BOCES Code 4 Code 1 4 Social Security Number 9 Num 5 13
1 EDID (Educator Identification) 8 Num 14 21 First Name 20 Char 22 41 Middle Name 20 Char 42 61 Last/Surname 20 Char 62 81 Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino 2 Code 82 83 Race: American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Code 84 85 Race: Asian 2 Code 86 87 Race: Black or African American 2 Code 88 89 Race: White 2 Code 90 91 Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific 2 Code 92 93 Islander Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting 2 Code 94 95 Category Gender 2 Code 96 97 Birth Date 8 Date 98 105 School District Code of Residence 4 Code 106 109 Highest Level of Education Completed 2 Code 110 111 Institution or State Code 4 Code 112 115 Years of Prior Pre/K-12 2 Num 116 117 Teaching Experience Instate Years of Prior Pre/K-12 2 Num 118 119 Teaching Experience Out of State Years of Prior Pre/K-12 2 Num 120 121 Education Experience Instate Years of Prior Pre/K-12 2 Num 122 123 Education Experience Out of State Beginning (start) Date at School District 8 Date 124 131 Subject Area of Degree 4 Code 132 135 Subject Area of Degree 4 Code 136 139 Subject Area of Degree 4 Code 140 143 Years Principal at any school 2 Numeric 144 145 Passed Paraprofessional Test 2 Code 146 147 Technology Proficiency Level 2 Code 148 149 Type of Technology Assessment Used 2 Code 150 151
2 Date of Technology Assessment 8 Num 152 159 Teacher Probationary Status 2 Code 148 149 Teacher Overall Performance Evaluation 2 Code 150 151 Rating from the Prior Year Principal Overall Performance Evaluation 2 Code 152 153 Rating from the Prior Year
December Human Resource Detail File Layout
The following table contains general information for the December Human Resource Detail File. Included here are field names, sizes and types.
December Human Resource Detail File Layout: Format "B" All Fields File Name: hd####.nnb General Field Descriptions File Type: detail Record Type: fixed ASCII Record Size: 100 bytes No. of Field Start End Field Name Characters Type Position Position School District/BOCES Code 4 Code 1 4 Social Security Number 9 Num 5 13 EDID (Educator Identification) 8 Num 14 21 School Building Code 4 Code 22 25 Employment Status Code 2 Code 26 27 Number of Contract Days 3 Num 28 30 Hours Worked per Day 4 Num 31 34 Hourly Rate of Pay 5 Num 35 39 Base Salary or Wage 6 Num 40 45 Job Classification Code (Position Code) 3 Code 46 48 Teaching Subject Area 4 Code 49 52 Administrator/Instructional Area 4 Code 53 56 Grant/Project Funding Source 4 Code 57 60
3 Years Principal at this school 2 Num 61 62 Grade Level - Infant 2 Code 63 64 Grade Level – Pre-K 2 Code 65 66 Grade Level - K 2 Code 67 68 Grade Level - 1st 2 Code 69 70 Grade Level - 2nd 2 Code 71 72 Grade Level - 3rd 2 Code 73 74 Grade Level - 4th 2 Code 75 76 Grade Level - 5th 2 Code 77 78 Grade Level - 6th 2 Code 79 80 Grade Level - 7th 2 Code 81 82 Grade Level - 8th 2 Code 83 84 Grade Level - 9th 2 Code 85 86 Grade Level - 10th 2 Code 87 88 Grade Level - 11th 2 Code 89 90 Grade Level - 12th 2 Code 91 92 24 Semester Hours 2 Code 93 94 Number of Classes Taught in Subject 2 Num 95 96 Passed an Out of State Elementary or Early 2 Code 97 98 Childhood Core Content Test State Core Content Test Administered 2 Code 99 100 (outside of Colorado)
December Human Resource Preliminary Edit Checks (The following criteria must be met before further validation of the file will occur)
File Names
Header File Name - HD####.nnA Detail File Name - HD####.nnB HD - Indicates Human Resource December #### - Is your District/BOCES code
4 .nn - Is the file revision number (01, 02, 03, 04.... 99) A, B - Is the file format
Note: The file revision number for both the Header File and the Detail File must match for each submission.
Record Sizes-- All records submitted should be fixed-width ASCII.
The record size for the Header File (HD####.nnA) should be 153 bytes. 2012 The record size for the Detail File (HD####.nnB) should be 100 bytes.
District Code-- Your unique 4-digit district/BOCES code must appear in bytes 1-4 of every record submitted. This should be the same code used in the file name submitted.
December Human Resource Field Level Edit Specifications
School District/BOCES Code-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid School District/BOCES Code; refer to School District/BOCES Codes Table. Must be the 4-digit code representing the school district or BOCES submitting the data. Must match School District/BOCES Code used in the file name. (Preliminary Check).
Social Security Number (Header File)-- Definition
Required. Must be numeric (9-digits, no hyphens). Only one record per individual employed in this school district or BOCES is allowed. (No duplicate Social Security Numbers will be permitted in this file).
EDID (Educator Identification)-- Definition
Required. Must be numeric (8-digits, no hyphens). Only one record per individual employed in this school district or BOCES is allowed. (No duplicate EDID numbers will be permitted in this file).
First Name-- Definition
Required. May only contain characters A-Z, blanks, apostrophes, hyphens and slashes. May only contain one space between name parts (e.g., MARY ANN).
Middle Name-- Definition 5 Optional. If not blank, may only contain characters A-Z, blanks, apostrophes, hyphens and slashes. If not blank, may only contain one space between name parts (e.g., MARY ANN).
Last/Surname-- Definition
Required. May only contain characters A-Z, blanks, apostrophe s, hyphens and slashes. May only contain one space between name parts (e.g., VAN DYKE).
Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Race: Asian-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Race: Black or African American-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Race: White-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions. If "Ethnicity: Hispanic" = 01 (yes - Hispanic), then "Federal Reporting Category" must = 04 (Hispanic). If more than one of the five race fields ("Race: American Indian", “Race: Asian”, “Race: Black”, “Race: White”, and “Race: Pacific Islander”) is equal to 01 (yes), “Federal Reporting Category” must = 07 (two or more races). 6 If only one of the five race fields (“Race: American Indian”, “Race: Asian”, “Race: Black”, “Race: White”, and “Race: Pacific Islander”) is equal to 01 (yes) then the same race must be reported in the “Federal Reporting Category”.
Gender-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid Gender code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Birth Date-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid date in MMDDYYYY format. Individual must be between the ages of 15 and 85 as of the current date.
School District Code of Residence-- Definition
Required for all staff. Must be a valid School District Code representing the district in which the staff member resides; refer to School District/BOCES Codes Table. For employees working out of state, a valid State code may be used, left justified.
Highest Level of Education Completed-- Definition
Required for all administrative, instructional and paraprofessional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range and 415,418,419). If not blank or zero-filled, must be a valid Level of Education code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Institution Code or State Code-- Definition
Required for all administrative and instructional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range). If not blank, must be one of the following: o A valid Colorado Institution code, if institution attended was a Colorado institution of higher education; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions. o A valid State code, if institution attended was outside of Colorado; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Teaching Experience In-state-- Definition
Required for all administrative and instructional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If not blank, must be greater than or equal to zero.
7 If not blank, must be less than or equal to Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Education Experience In-state.
Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Teaching Experience Out of State-- Definition
Required for all administrative and instructional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If not blank, must be greater than or equal to zero. If not blank, must be less than or equal to Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Education Experience Out of State.
Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Education Experience In-state-- Definition
Required for all administrative and instructional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If not blank, must be greater than or equal to zero. If not blank, must be greater than or equal to Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Teaching Experience Instate.
Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Education Experience Out of State-- Definition
Required for all administrative and instructional staff. (i.e., any individual with a Detail Record for a Job Classification Code in the 100 and 200 level range). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places If not blank, must be greater than or equal to zero. If not blank, must be greater than or equal to Years of Prior Pre/K-12 Teaching Experience Out of State.
Beginning (start) Date at School District-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid date in MMDDYYYY format. Must be on or before December 1. Must be on or before the current date. Must be greater than the individual's Birth Date plus 15 years. If individual has been rehired - use most current hire date.
Subject Area of Degree-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 201-206 (classroom instructional staff). This field is required for teachers teaching 7th grade or higher. Can enter up to 3 different Subject Area of Degrees. If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid Subject Area of Degree Code; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions. 8 Required if Highest Level of Education is 16 or above.
Years Principal at any school-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 105 (Principal) or 100 (Superintendent with Administrator/Instructional Area code 2410). If not blank must be numeric. Must be greater than or equal to Years Principal at this School.
Passed Paraprofessional Test-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 415,418,419 (Paraprofessionals). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Technology Proficiency Level-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 105,106,201,204,206 or 216. Required if Job Classification is 104,107 and school code is not 9980 (district wide). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Type of Technology Assessment-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 105,106,201,204,206 or 216. Required if Job Classification is 104,107 and school code is not 9980 (district wide). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Date of Technology Assessment-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 105,106,201,204,206 or 216 and Technology Proficiency Level is not 03 (Not Assessed). Required if Job Classification is 104,107 and school code is not 9980 (district wide) and Technology Proficiency Level is not 03 (Not Assessed). YYYYYYYY format, no dashes allowed. If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid eight digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Teacher Probationary Status-- Definition
Required for jobclass codes 201, 206. If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions. May be zero-filled, blank or have a valid code.
Teacher Overall Performance Evaluation Rating from the Prior Year-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 201, 206 9 If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Principal Overall Performance Evaluation Rating from the Prior Year-- Definition
Required if Job Classification is 105 If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Social Security Number (Detail File)--Definition
Required. Must be numeric (9-digits, no hyphens).
EDID (Educator Identification)-- Definition
Required. Must be numeric (8-digits, no hyphens).
School Building Code-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid School Building code representing a school within the school district (refer to School Building Code Table) or 9980 - District Wide Must be a valid School Building code for BOCES (refer to School Building Code Table) or 9980 - District Wide Should be at least one record indicating an individual with district wide responsibility (eg. Superintendent).
Employment Status Code-- Definition
Required. Valid Employment Status Codes vary depending on the current collection period: o For December, must be 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09 or 10 Refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Number of Contract Days-- Definition
Required if Employment Status Code is 01, 02, 04, 08, or 10 (Active Employment). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If required, must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 261.
Hours Worked Per Day-- Definition
Required if Employment Status Code is 01, 02, 04, 08, or 10 (Active Employment). If not blank, must be numeric.
10 If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - 2 decimal places assumed (do not include actual decimal point). If required, must be greater than or equal to .5 and less than or equal to 10.00.
Hourly Rate of Pay-- Definition
Required if Base Salary or Wage is blank and Employment Status Code is 01, 02, 04, 08, or 10 (Active Employment). Must be blank (or zeros) if Base Salary or Wage is not blank (or zeros). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - 2 decimal places assumed (do not include actual decimal point). If required, must be greater than or equal to .50 and less than or equal to 300.00.
Base Salary or Wage-- Definition
Required if Hourly Rate of Pay is blank and Employment Status Code is 01, 02, 04, 08, or 10 (Active Employment). Must be blank (or zeros) if Hourly Rate of Pay is not blank (or zeros). If not blank, must be numeric. If not blank, must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If required, must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 250,000.
Job Classification Code(Position Code)-- Definition
Required. Must be a valid Job Classification Code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Teaching Subject Area-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 or 415-419 (all classroom instructional staff or teaching assistants). If not blank or zero-filled, must be a valid Teaching Subject Area Code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Administrator/Instructional Area-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 100-299 (all administrative and instructional staff) If not blank or zero-filled, must be a valid Administrator/Instructional Area Code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grant/Project Funding Source-- Definition
Required if position is funded through a grant/project. Must be a valid Funding Source Code; refer to Chart of Accounts.
Years Principal at this school-- Definition
11 Required if Job Classification is 105 (Principal) or 100 (Superintendent with Administrator/Instructional Area code 2410). If not blank must be numeric. Must be less than or equal to the number of years employed at the district.
Grade Level - Infant-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level – Pre-K-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - K-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 1st-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 2nd-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 3rd-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 4th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 5th-- Definition
12 Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 6th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 7th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 8th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 9th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 10th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 11th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Grade Level - 12th-- Definition
Required if Job Classification Code is 201-206 (all classroom instructional staff). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
24 Semester Hours-- Definition 13 Required if Job Classification is 201-206 (Teachers). Can be 01 for general education teachers (teaching subject area 0010-0060). If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code ; refer to Human Resource Data Elements and Definitions.
Number of Classes Taught in Subject-- Definition
Required for all teachers Job Classification 201-206. This field is required for teachers teaching 7th grade or higher. If not blank must be numeric. If not blank must be right justified and zero filled - no decimal places. If not blank should be greater than zero and less than 16.
Passed an Out of State Elementary or Early Childhood Core Content Test-- Definition
For teachers Job Classification 201-206 who have passed either an Elementary or Early Childhood Core Content Test outside of Colorado which is listed in the approved test name table in the provided State code list at State code. If not blank or zero-filled must be a valid two digit code.
State Core Content Test Administered (outside of Colorado)-- Definition
Required for all teachers Job Classification 201-206 with yes marked in the 'Passed Elementary or Early Childhood Core Content Test' field for an out-of-state test. If not blank must be a valid State code. (Please note: CO is not listed or accepted)
December Human Resource File Level Edit Specifications
Header File
No duplicates - only one record per individual is allowed in the Header File. (Same School District/BOCES Code and Social Security Number). Header records with the same Last Name, First Name and Birth Date will be flagged with a warning. (i.e. Possible duplicate header records (first name, last name, birth date)). Each record in the Header File for individuals actively employed must have one or more corresponding Detail Records (same School District/BOCES Code and Social Security Number).
Detail File
Each record in the Detail File must have a corresponding record in the Header File (same School District/BOCES Code and Social Security Number). Separate Detail Records for an individual are required for every combination of the following assignments within a district or BOCES: o School Building o Job Classification o Teaching Subject Area o Administrator/Instructional Assignment
14 o Grant/Project Code The following fields reported on each Detail Record should reflect only the amount attributed to the assignment reported on that Detail Record: o Hours Worked per Day o Base Salary or Wage Separate Detail Records for an individual will be allowed only if the above combination of assignments on each detail record is distinct (i.e.: Duplicate Detail Records will generate a warning). Detail records where Employment Status Code is 09 (Sunset Employment) will be ignored. For the Federal Application and End-of-Year collections, each detail record may contain data in the Budgeted/Actual Salary or Wage field or the Additional Contract Compensation field or both of these fields.
December Human Resource Additional Edit Specifications
Character Data Fields
All character data (names and addresses for example) should be left justified.
Numeric Data Fields
All numeric data (amounts for example) should be right justified and zero-filled. For all numeric type fields that are not required, blanks and zeros will be treated the same.
Code Data Fields
Numeric codes should be right justified and zero-filled or blank. (Use '01', not '1 ' or ' 1' for example).
Highest Level of Education Out of Range
Administrative and Instructional Staff with less than a Bachelor's Degree will be flagged with a warning. (i.e. All detail records with job classification codes 101-299 should have a corresponding header record where the Highest Level of Education code is 16-20).
Total Prior Teaching Experience (Instate + Out of State)
Years Prior Pre/K-12 Teaching Experience Instate + Years Prior Teaching Experience Out of State must be less than or equal to the individual's current age minus 15.
Total Prior Education Experience (Instate + Out of State)
Years Prior Pre/K-12 Education Experience Instate + Years Prior Education Experience Out of State must be less than or equal to the individual's current age minus 15.
Missing Education Experience
15 Administrative and Instructional Staff who are not new to the district and have no Education Experience reported will be flagged with a warning. (i.e. All detail records with job classification codes 101-299 should have a corresponding header record where the total education experience fields are greater than 0 -OR- a beginning date at the school district which came after December 1 of the previous year).
Beginning Date Out of Range
Warnings are listed for all individuals who started working at the district before they turned 15 years of age. (i.e. Beginning date should be greater than the Birth Date plus 15 years).
Total Hours Worked per Day for all Detail Records for an individual
The sum total Hours Worked per Day for each individual (from all detail records with the same Social Security Number) must be between 0.5 and 10.0.
Base Salary Out of Range
The adjusted base salary reported for each individual by job classification is compared for reasonability against each district's salary matrix. For determining adjusted base salary, records are summed by social security number and job classification. The calculation for adjusted base salary is as follows: o Salaried Employees . base salary / hours per day / contract days = hourly pay rate . standard hours per day (8) * hourly pay rate * contract days = adjusted base salary o Hourly Employees . standard hours per day (8) * hourly pay rate * contract days = adjusted base salary
Total Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)
The sum total FTE calculated for each individual (from all detail records with the same Social Security Number) must be between 0.5 and 1.6.
Job Classification Code for Superintendent
Only one job classification code (101) will be accepted for a Superintendent. If the superintendent is also serving as a principal at 1 or more schools, use administrative/instructional are code 2410 (superintendent serves as principal) and school code 9980 for the jobclass code of 101. No other record is allowed.
Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) for Superintendent
The Full-Time Equivalency for the Superintendent should not be less than .75.
School Building Code for Teachers
16 Teachers are to be assigned to specific School Buildings and not to School Building Code 9980, if feasible.
December Human Resource Sample Detail Record Submission
Separate Detail Records for an individual are required for every combination of the following assignments within a district or BOCES:
School Building Job Classification Teaching Subject Area Administrator/Instructional Area Grant/Project Code
The following fields reported on each Detail Record should reflect only the amount attributed to the assignment reported on that record:
Hours Worked per Day Base Salary or Wage
F.T.E. (Full Time Equivalent) is computed using each district’s mode contract days and hours. Based on the data file submitted by the district, records for each jobclass code are selected to determine the number of contract days and number of hours per day worked most frequently reported.
Top | Contents | ADE Automated Data Exchange Documentation - December Human Resource File layouts and Edit Specifications
Last Modified: March 8, 2012 For support or suggestions please contact the administrator at: [email protected]