STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘privacy’? 2) How much do you value your privacy? 3) How often do people invade your privacy? 4) What do you know about privacy laws in your country? 5) Is mental health more important than physical health? 6) What do you do for some privacy in a crowded place? 7) Do you feel totally safe and happy in the privacy of your own home? 8) Do you ever feel that questions asked on websites represent an invasion of privacy? 9) What’s the longest amount of time you felt you had total privacy somewhere? 10) Would you like to take karate lessons?

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

1) What is privacy? 2) What do you do to get privacy? 3) Do you always respect the privacy of others? 4) Do you think famous people worry about their privacy? 5) Is it OK for the government or police to ignore your privacy? 6) Is privacy important when choosing somewhere to go on holiday? 7) Do newspapers and the paparazzi need to look again at what privacy means? 8) Do parents invade their kids’ privacy by spying and eavesdropping on them? 9) Do you think there are issues with privacy and social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook? 10) What would life be like with no privacy?

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