Meeting of Board of Commissioners

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Meeting of Board of Commissioners


The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. The meeting was called to order by President Todd Gamler at 7:30 pm. with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice President), Thomas Herb, Linwood Bartman and Tom Reidnauer. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Township Secretary Jeannie DiSante, Treasurer/Tax Collector Joan Herb, Township Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Township Engineer John Sartor and Police Chief Christopher Schott.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Resident Bill Evans, 38 Mulberry Lane addressed the Commissioners in defense of his parking a school bus on the street in front of his property. He addressed a complaint brought before the Board at the last Commissioner’s meeting. CEO Stauffer explained that there was a miscommunication; the original complaint was against a Mr. Beecher at 15 Walnut Lane however both bus drivers are keeping their busses on the street during the week rather than taking them back to Quigley’s parking lot.

CEO Stauffer, at the direction of the Commissioners, contacted Quigley to address the parking issue of both busses in this neighborhood. Both drivers take the busses back to Quigley after their last run on Friday and pick them up on Monday morning. Mr. Evans stated that he is not breaking any law or ordinance and no other neighbors have a complaint about this issue.

Resident Dennis Sherlock told the Board he did not accuse the bus driver of leaving his bus on the street over the weekend. His main complaint is that the bus is used only 3- 4 hours a day and the rest of the week it sits on the street. Mr. Sherlock does not appreciate the continued view of a bus from his home. He feels this has an adverse effect on the property values and is concerned other commercial vehicles will be allowed to park on a residential street if bus parking is allowed.

President Gamler explained the current Ordinance that addresses parking regulations and CEO Stauffer said busses are not specifically mentioned. This issue will be addressed at the Joint Zoning Ordinance committee meetings. CEO Stauffer suggested that this issue be addressed in the Township Street Ordinance where enforcement can be handled much faster than through his department.

Ed and Gladys Nemchik, 940 Unger Lane informed the Board that in the last two months his vehicles have been vandalized a number of times at great expense to him. Bottles are also thrown onto the driveway and paint balls shot at the house. The speed limit is continually exceeded making it difficult exit their driveway. They called the police and have two reports and they asked if the department can be more present in this area. Chief Schott said his department will concentrate coverage on that road. Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 2

MINUTES Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Reidnauer to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2009 Board of Commissioners’ meeting and the September 14, 2009 Budget meeting minutes. Motion carried.

REPORTS Treasurer Herb submitted the August 2009 Treasure’s Report for review. There were no comments from the Board. President Gamler read the bills list as follows: General Fund Expenses 9/9-9/21/09 $ 61,132.10 Payroll Fund Expenses 9/18/09 $ 35,804.01 Street Light Fund Expenses 9/21/09 $ 4.92 Recycling Fund Expenses 9/21/09 $ 20.02 Police Projects Fund Expenses 9/21/09 $ 51.75 Liquid Fuels Fund Expenses 9/21/09 $ 59,760.00

Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to pay the listed bills from the funds mentioned above. Motion carried. President Gamler noted the submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statements. The Statements are available to the public for review.

POLICE REPORT Chief Schott reported to the Commissioners that he will be on vacation October 1 through 11, 2009 and Corporal Viola will be the Officer in charge. He also informed the Board that Madison Street will be closed between Second Avenue and Estate Road from 7:00 AM until 4:00 PM on October 3, 2009 for the Hook and Ladder Fire Company’s annual Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show at the Boyertown Park.

Chief Schott asked for approval to send Detective Guida to a training seminar in November. The cost will be $ 295.00 and $70.00 for his hotel stay in Harrisburg. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to approve the costs to send Detective Guida to the above seminar. Motion carried.

ROAD MASTER’S REPORT Nothing reported at this time.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT CEO Stauffer submitted a building permit application from Todd & Yvonne Grebe, 369 Indian Lane to construct a patio, deck & walkway. President Gamler noted the PA registration number was missing and instruction CEO Stauffer not to issue a permit until the contactor submits his number. CEO Stauffer said the contractor is working on getting his registration number from the state.

CEO Stauffer informed the Board that he is working with a bank in Georgia, who now owns the property at 45 Villa Avenue, to get the grass cut and trash removed. Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 3


SOLICITOR’S REPORT Solicitor Karver submitted the revised Pump Maintenance Agreement signed by Mr. & Mrs. Kelsch and requested approval from the Board. There was discussion concerning how often the maintenance log book report will be submitted to the Township. There were also concerns about who will be responsible for the certification requirement. The pump has been tested by Lloyd Wary and the building inspected by CEO Stauffer. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to authorized acceptance of the Pump Maintenance Agreement contingent on Solicitor Karver revising the certification wording and increasing the frequency of the maintenance reports. Motion carried.

Solicitor Karver also submitted the revised Solicitation Ordinance and requested authorization for advertisement. Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to authorize Solicitor Karver to advertise Ordinance #3-2009 the Solicitation Ordinance. Motion carried.

ENGINEER’S REPORT Engineer Sartor asked the Board to review a request from David Leinbach for the Grace Independent Baptist Church project. He asked the Township to waive the required Professional Engineer (PE) signed and sealed estimate and accept his construction cost estimate based on a quote he received from his excavator. The Township’s Municipal Planning Code requires that a PE sign and seal the estimate. The Board’s consensus was that Mr. Leinbach’s calculations must be signed and sealed by a PE to determine the required financial security escrow.

COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT Commissioner Bartman stated he wanted to clarify that the surveyor he saw in the alley was doing work for the Reitnauer/Staton subdivision.

MANAGER’S REPORT Manager Conrad request approval to send a donation to the Animal Rescue League in light of the help they gave to the Township with the wild cats. To-date the Road Crew has trapped 25 cats and taken them to the shelter. After a discussion there was a motion by William Spade seconded by Linwood Bartman to donate $500.00 to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. Motion carried. Commissioner Bartman suggested leaving the traps in place for another week before returning them to the Rescue League.

Manager Conrad submitted an invoice from Municibid for the annual subscription fee and asked if the Board wished to continue to subscribe to this municipal auction site. The consensus was nay. Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 4

Manager Conrad submitted a request from Lloyd Wary for fire police assistance at three events. Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to approve the use of the fire police personnel to assist at the Boyertown Halloween parade on October 24 2009, the Borough of Bally Halloween Parade on October 20, 2009 and the Boyertown Unity Walk on October 11, 2009. Motion carried.

Also, Lloyd Wary requested the Township consider an ordinance for a key lock box system to coordinate with residential fire alarm systems. Manager Conrad submitted an ordinance from South Middleton Township in Cumberland County that addresses this issue for the Board to review. The Board discussed the issue and the consensus was nay for residential use. President Gamler asked that the request be kept on the agenda for the next meeting for further consideration for commercial buildings.

Manager Conrad requested approval to make the Capital Reserve payment for half of the police car to be purchased in 2010. Motion by Tom Reidnauer and seconded by William Spade to approve the transfer of $16,000.00 budgeted in 2009 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve account. Motion carried.

Manager Conrad requested approval of and authorization to submit to Bechtelsville the 2010 Colebrookdale-Bechtelsville Municipal Police Cooperation Agreement. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve and send to Bechtelsville the agreement stated. Motion carried.

Manager Conrad submitted a memo to update the Commissioners on the Rte. 100 Median Barrier project. CEO Stauffer attended the pre-construction meeting. The projected start date is October 13, 2009 and the completion date is scheduled for November 25, 2009. President Gamler asked Engineer Sartor for his opinion on the specification for the guide rail as listed. Engineer Sartor commented that the spec is consistent with the standards.

Manager Conrad submitted a request received from BASD Transportation Supervisor to have two signs installed on Mill Street warning motorists of a ‘school bus stop ahead’ in the area of Jonica Drive for the safety of the students. The Board agreed to have Manager Conrad respond with a letter asking the supervisor to have the school purchase the signs and the Township will install them. Manager Conrad will research the purchase prices and send a letter to the school.

Manager Conrad received an email update on the electricity bid process. The pricing will now come in on Tuesday September 29, 2009. She will contact each Commissioner that day for their vote to approve or reject the bid.

Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 5 Manager Conrad received a quote to install an emergency generator back-up switch in the traffic light at Walmart for $1,500.00. She forwarded the quote to the realty manager at Walmart as they are responsible to reimburse the Township and has had no response.

Manager Conrad submitted a request from an Angela Sheetz to rent the pavilion next April for a Relay for Life fundraising event. Multiple teams will be involved with an estimated 40-50 volunteers working during the event. Ms. Sheetz stated they intend to provide food, music and carnival games. She also stated that the American Cancer Society will provide liability insurance coverage for the event. The Board discussed issues that Ms. Sheetz should be made aware of which includes: there is only one bathroom, parking only on Township property and the need for fire police to direct traffic if a large turnout is expected. The consensus of the Board was favorable in allowing the pavilion to be used for this event.

COMMITTEE REPORT Manager Conrad submitted a report from the pension committee meeting held September 14, 2009. She explained there was a loss in the Non-Uniform Pension Plans as a result of the economic problems the past year. She also explained the Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO) for 2010 and the funding for the Uniformed Pension Plan.

The committee recommended that the Board approve $12,282 for the 2010 Non- Uniformed Pension Plan MMO and an additional $10,000 added to the plan for 2010 to offset the loss. The committee also recommended approval of adding the remaining balance of $1,959 in this year’s state aid to the Non-Uniform Pension Plan to help offset the loss. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Linwood Bartman to approve the Non-Uniform Pension payments as stated. Motion carried.

Manager Conrad also submitted a recommendation from the pension committee for approval for payment to the Uniformed Pension Plan of $52,646.50 which includes the 3% member contribution that will remain unchanged in 2010. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve the payment as stated. Motion carried

Manager Conrad brought the Commissioners up-to-date on the communications with the Boyertown Recreation committee and the up-coming Fall Festival.

Manager Conrad reminded the Board that the Joint Zoning Ordinance Committee Meeting will be September 24th at 7:00 PM at the Township building. She noted that Charlie Schmehl will meet with the Board at 7:00 p.m. prior to the scheduled Board meeting on October 19, 2009.

Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 6 OLD BUSINESS SUBDIVISIONS Plan Status

Spring Creek Commons Subdivision – Preliminary – Spring Garden Drive The review period for the plan is to expire on October 14, 2009. No action was taken by the Board.

Colebrookdale Woods Development – State Route 73 September 10, 2009 Township sent a letter to the owner and developer requesting payment of invoices and notification that reviews are discontinued until payment received. No action was taken by the Board.

Westwood’s Subdivision – Preliminary Plan – Route 562. The review period for the plan is to expire on December 29, 2009. Township waiting for response from Douglass Township for confirmation that the developer has backed out of the contract. No action taken by the Board.

Mest Subdivision – Preliminary – Township Line Road. The review period for the plan is continuous. The plan was tabled by the Planning Commission on 5/18/07. Solicitor Karver sent notification to owner and developer that plan must be completed then approved by the Commissioners by December 31, 2009 or it will be formally rejected by the Township. No action taken by the Board.

Mildred Frey Minor Annexation – Final – 436 & 516 N. Reading Avenue Nothing received. No action was taken by the Board.

Boyertown Foundry Building Expansion – Final Plan Nothing received. No action was taken by the Board.


Reitnauer/Staton Annexation Final - #614 & #618 North Reading Avenue September 15, 2009 Aston Surveyors submitted a minor subdivision plan and engineering review waiver request. Planning Commission accepted the plan and submitted a letter recommending the Commissioners approve a waiver of a formal engineering review with the condition that the Township Engineer reviews the final legal descriptions for each parcel.

There was discussion concerning the dedication and width of the alley shown on the plan. Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve the waiver of a formal engineering review with the condition as stated above along with an additional condition that the alley be shown on the plan as 25’ wide. Motion carried. Board of Commissioners September 21, 2009 Minutes Page 7 COMMUNICATIONS All communications received since September 8, 2009 is included in the Commissioner’s books. All correspondence was available for review by the public.

FYI Nothing discussed at this time.


ADJOURNMENT Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Reidnauer that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous unless stated otherwise. The meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie DiSante Township Secretary

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