Academic Performance, Committee on (CAP)

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Academic Performance, Committee on (CAP)

Institute and Faculty Committees Academic Performance, Committee on (CAP) The Committee on Academic Performance is concerned with the academic performance of undergraduates. It makes recommendations to the faculty on such matters as minimum scholastic standards, calendar changes, examinations, and grading, in consultation with the Committee on Graduate Programs on those matters which also relate to graduate students. The Committee acts with power on petitions from individual undergraduate students relating to exceptions to established academic standards, and on applications for readmission at the undergraduate level. At the conclusion of each regular examination period, the Committee holds meetings with representatives of the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education and of the second-year, third-year, and fourth-year Faculty Advisors, in order to review the academic records of undergraduate students and to take appropriate action in the name of the Faculty. The Committee presents to the Faculty its recommendations on candidates to be awarded Bachelor's degrees, and also a summary of its other actions. Undergraduate Representatives: Obasi Onuoha, Jade Philipoom, Jeannette Maisano-Brown

Baker Memorial Foundation The Everett Moore Baker Foundation is administered by a committee of five students who are charged with implementing the ideals and objectives of Everett Moore Baker that included the provision of a dynamic extracurricular program and a congenial physical and intellectual environment at MIT. They identify needs at MIT and undertake projects that will contribute to the fulfilling of these objectives. It is the role of the Baker Foundation advisors to meet with the student committee to act as a resource and provide advice and support. Undergraduate Representatives: Cody Jacobucci, Rudy Garcia, Katelyn Sweeney, Kenneth Friedman, Arturo Chavez-Gehrig

Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board The Campus Activities Complex, or CAC, Advisory Board, serves to assist the CAC in their mission to provide a range of facilities and services designed to support the educational mission of the institute and the out-of-classroom needs of the community. CAC services include facilities management, event planning and support, retail, and contracted services. Undergraduate Representatives: Jakob Weisblat, Nikhil Bhatia

Campus Planning Committee The campus planning committee deals with the long-term vision of the entirety of MIT’s property. Undergraduate Representatives: N/A

Chancellors Advisory Committee The Chancellors Advisory Committee serves as a group with provides student input on activities and initiatives taken up by Chancellor Cindy Barnhart. Undergraduate Representatives: Sravya Bhamidipati

Commencement, Committee on The Commencement Committee, composed of members of the faculty, administration, and student body, has charge of the arrangement and conduct of commencement exercises. Undergraduate Representatives: Sophia Liu, Daysi Gomez, Liana Ilutizi, Pragya Tooteja

Communication Requirement, Subcommittee on (SOCR) The Subcommittee on the Communication Requirement is charged to support, encourage, and monitor the development of new, innovative subjects and changes to the Communication Requirement; and ensure regular review of new and existing subjects to ascertain that the educational goals of the Communication Requirement are met while maintaining MIT’s high educational standards. Undergraduate Representatives: Henry Shackleton, Clyde Huibregtse

Community Service Fund Board The Community Service Fund Board provides financial support to charitable organizations in which MIT student/employee/faculty volunteers participate. The board solicits contributions from all members of MIT and outside sources, and then reviews requests for help from projects utilizing MIT volunteers. The board consists of members throughout MIT representing the Corporation, faculty, students, administration, and alumni/ae. Undergraduate Representatives: Sarah Curtis

Compton Prize Committee A committee tasked with selecting the awardees of the Compton Prize. Undergraduate Representatives: Ihssan Tinawi

Corporation Joint Advisory Council (CJAC) The purpose of CJAC is to associate with the Corporation a representative group at MIT to which the Corporation can turn for consideration and advice on special Institute-wide matters requiring Corporation attention. The committee provides an additional means for bringing student and faculty representatives into regular communication with the Corporation on matters of long-range importance to the MIT community. Membership consists of 6 Corporation members, 6 faculty members, and 6 students. Undergraduate Representatives: Rasheed Auguste, Brandt Nelson, Sophia Liu

Curricula, Committee on (CoC) The Committee on Curricula serves to implement the General Institute Requirements and Course Curricula for undergraduates, including acting with power on: a) proposals for changes in the Institute requirements and making recommendations to the Faculty; b) proposals for Science Distribution and Laboratory subjects; c) requests from individual students for exceptions to the General Institute Requirements; d) proposals for changes in undergraduate subjects of instruction; e) proposals for new curricula, changes in existing curricula, and the discontinuation of existing curricula; in addition to, f) reviewing departmental reports on individual student's programs that include major departures from an approved curriculum. Undergraduate Representatives: Kathleen Chen, Courtney Diamond, Sarah Curtis, Paige Omura

DAPER Advisory Board The DAPER Advisory Board is composed of faculty members, alumnae, students, and ex-officio members of the Administration all of whom are appointed by the President of MIT to advise on all matters of policy and procedure related to the Institute programs in physical education, intercollegiate athletics, club and intramural sports along with informal recreational pursuits. Undergraduate Representatives: Kelly McGee, Zach Churukian, IM Exec Board Chair, Club Sports Council VP of External Relations

Discipline, Committee on (COD) The Committee on Discipline (COD) shall consider such cases of alleged misconduct by students as shall be brought to its attention by the Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education or by any member of the MIT community. An accused student shall be given an opportunity to appear in person at a COD meeting. If the findings of the committee include a recommendation that a student be required to withdraw from the Institute, the recommendation with the findings shall be reported to the President for approval or disapproval; otherwise, the COD shall act with power. From Rules and Regulations: The Committee on Discipline shall consist of the Dean for Undergraduate Education and the Dean for Student Life, ex officiis; six elected members of the Faculty; and three undergraduate and two graduate students. Undergraduate Representatives: Kerrie Green, Christina Rossitto, JT Homrich

East Campus Steering Committee A committee task with assisting senior administrators in planning both near term renovation and long term vision for the east side of campus. Undergraduate Representatives: Lilly Chin

Faculty Policy Committee (FPC) The Faculty Policy Committee maintains a broad overview of the Institute’s academic programs, deals with a wide range of policy issues of concern to the faculty, and coordinates the work of the Faculty Committees. From Rules and Regulations: The Faculty Policy Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Faculty who shall be Chair of the Committee; the Associate Chair of the Faculty who shall be Deputy Chair of the Committee; the Secretary of the Faculty; the Chair elect or the immediately preceding Associate Chair (in alternate years); seven elected Faculty members; one undergraduate and one graduate student; and, ex officiis nonvoting, two members designated by the Provost, and one member designated by the President. Undergraduate Representatives: Kyle Archer

Family and Work, Council on MIT’s Council on the Family and Work serves in an advisory and deliberative capacity concerning family and work-related issues as they impact MIT’s faculty, staff, and students. It is the Council’s responsibility to: 1) identify family and work-related issues, 2) establish a process to evaluate and respond to these issues, and 3) make periodic recommendations to MIT’s senior officers about courses of action relevant to these specific issues. Undergraduates Representatives: Elizabeth Cox

Hass Requirement, Subcommittee on It is the responsibility of the CUP Subcommittee on the HASS Requirement (SHR) to support, encourage, and monitor the development of new innovative subjects and changes to the HASS Requirement; and ensure regular review of new and existing subjects to ascertain that the educational goals of the HASS Requirement are met while maintaining MIT’s high educational standards. Undergraduate Representatives: Iris Fung, Jakob Weisblat

Hobby Shop, Committee on The Committee on the Hobby Shop encourages and promotes the use of the Hobby Shop by students. Undergraduate Representatives: John Drago, Akwasi Owusu-Akyaw

Humans as Experimental Subjects, Committee on (COUHES) The Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects is responsible for reviewing every research project utilizing humans as research subjects, and for devising effective procedures to ensure the adequate review of all protocols. Its principal role is to determine whether subjects used in any research project are protected against undue risk and to ensure that their rights, privileges, and privacy are protected. Undergraduate Representatives: Christopher Desnoyers

IS&T Advisory Board A group which is advises on the direction and operation of the Information Systems and Technology group on campus. Undergraduate Representatives: Chair of the Technology Committee

LGBT Issues Group LBGT Issues Group is a committee of faculty, staff, students, and alumni(ae) who are lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, or just plain friendly. They seek to foster a safe and welcoming environment for LBGT students and to ensure that the educational mission of MIT is upheld for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Meetings are once a month and address specific projects dealing with the concerns of the LBGT community. Anyone affiliated with MIT and LBGT-friendly is welcome to join or participate. Undergraduate Representative: Shelby Pefley

Library System, Committee on The Committee on the Library System shall formulate policy for the administration of the Libraries, with the advice of the Director of Libraries, consistent with the objectives of the Institute. It serves as a liaison between the Libraries and their users. The committee shall review budget allocations as prepared annually by the Director of Libraries. From Rules and Regulations: The Committee on the Library System shall consist of six elected Faculty members, two graduate student members, two undergraduates, and the following ex officio members: the Provost (or representative), the Vice President for Information Systems (or representative), and the Director of Libraries and two members of the Library Staff designated by the Director. Undergraduate Representative: Herng Cheng, Mehitabel Glenhaber

MacVicar Selection Committee The committee is tasked with the selection of MacVicar Fellows. Undergraduate Representatives: N/A

Medical Consumer's Advisory Council The Medical Consumers' Advisory Council serves as a communications link between the Medical Department and its users. Its objectives are to keep the MIT community informed of the services available through the Medical Department and to discuss criticisms and suggestions for the modification or addition of services to meet the changing needs of the community. The council reports annually to the Medical Management Board, which is the governing board of the Medical Department within the MIT structure. Undergraduate Representatives: Iva Monique Gramatikov, Dana Vigue

Open CourseWare, Committee on The Committee on Open CourseWare is tasked with the oversight and development of Open CourseWare at MIT. Undergraduate Representatives: Drew Bent

Presidential Advisory Cabinet (PAC) The Presidential Advisory Cabinet (PAC) is a student advisory body to MIT President Rafael Reif. The body consists of four undergraduate and four graduate students (including the presidents of the Graduate Student Council and the Undergraduate Association who serve as exofficio members). This body serves at the pleasure of the MIT president in a purely advisory capacity on various issues identified by the President concerning the student body. Student members are nominated through the GSC and UA nominations boards and serve one-year terms starting July 1st every year. Undergraduate Representatives: Arturo Chavez-Gehrig, Robert Binkowski Joshua, Woodard, Sophia Liu

Race and Diversity, Committee on The Committee on Campus Race Relations is charged with fostering better relations among the races of people at MIT and helping the community realize the benefits of its cultural and racial diversity. Members are appointed from the senior administration, faculty, staff, and student body and include people with different racial and cultural backgrounds. Members will work closely with the various racial and ethnic groups. The committee has several responsibilities, including coordinating a systematic action agenda for improving race relations on campus, developing and distributing relevant resource guides, and administering a modest grants program to support projects and activities that promote multicultural understanding and positive race relations. Undergraduate Representatives: Luisa Kenausis, Nenye Anagbogu

Recreation Advisory Committee The Recreation Advisory Committee works with DAPER to ensure recreation at MIT, including physical education classes, is as beneficial to the community as a whole as possible. Undergraduate Representatives: Alec Anderson

ROTC, Committee on The ROTC Oversight Committee monitors the partnership between the campus ROTC programs and MIT, working closely with the senior MIT administrator responsible for ROTC. The committee responds to issues as they arise and makes recommendations for changes in policy and operational matters where appropriate. Undergraduate Representatives: N/A

Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Committee As charged by the President, the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Committee is an advisory body that will provide guidance to the Provost, Chancellor, the Vice President for Human Resources, and the Institute Community and Equity Officer as needed; to encourage a campus environment that is safe, respectful and free from discrimination; and to oversee an institute-wide approach to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct and other forms of gender- based discrimination. Undergraduate Representatives: Courtney Diamond, Dana Vigue, David Dellal, Kate Farris

Student Life, Committee on (CSL) The Committee on Student Life (CSL) shall be concerned with the quality of the learning and living environment of the MIT community. The duties and responsibilities of the CSL shall include effecting Institute-wide support services to students by maintaining formal and informal relationships among students, the Institute, and the Faculty; modifying policies pertinent to student life and making recommendations to the Faculty and the Dean for Student Life; encouraging innovation in programs, including the coordination and review of initiatives; interacting with other Faculty Committees and student governing organizations and communicating with the MIT community; and serving as the standing Faculty advisory body to the Dean for Student Life. Undergraduate Representatives: Rebecca Li, Daysi Gomez, Daniel Yahalomi

Subject Evaluation, Committee on The Committee on Subject Evaluation is responsible for the oversight of MIT course evaluations. Undergraduate Representatives: Colin Godwin

Technology Broadcast Corporation Technology Broadcasting Corporation is a Massachusetts 501(c) corporation that operates the radio station WMBR, with the participation of MIT students. Undergraduate Representatives: Jon Beaulieu

Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Committee on (CUAFA) The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid shall be responsible for formulating and reviewing policies on admission of all undergraduate students, including college transfers, except in cases of students applying for readmission, and on financial aid to students, including undergraduate scholarships, loans, and student employment. The committee shall also exercise prior review of MIT publications and formal releases directed toward the prospective undergraduate student. From Rules and Regulations: The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid shall consist of six elected Faculty members, three undergraduate students, one graduate student, and, ex officiis, the Dean for Undergraduate Education, the Dean of Admissions, the Executive Director, Student Financial Services, and one member designated by the Dean for Undergraduate Education. Undergraduate Representatives: Alexander Turner, Alexa Martin, Alberto Hernandez

Undergraduate Program, Committee on (CUP) The Committee on the Undergraduate Program exercises oversight for the undergraduate academic program including the freshman year, the General Institute Requirements, and other interdepartmental educational activities. The Committee considers proposals that would establish or change educational policies related to the undergraduate program, and it makes appropriate recommendations on these proposals to the MIT Faculty. One of the CUP’s particular responsibilities is in encouraging innovation and experimentation in undergraduate education and therefore, it has the authority to approve limited educational experiments and grant exceptions to existing policy and procedure in these cases. More details on the responsibilities of the CUP can be found in its charge in Rules and Regulations of the Faculty. Undergraduate Representatives: Lisa Ho, Caitlin Fischer, John Gordon, Victoria Petrova

West Campus Steering Committee A committee task with assisting senior administrators in planning both near term renovation and long term vision for the east side of campus. Undergraduate Representatives: John Gordon

Women's Advisory Group The Women’s Advisory Board is representative of many women at MIT. Its members are selected from various constituencies and from various areas of the Institute. The committee meets quarterly and works with and advises the Special Assistant to the President on areas of concern to the constituent groups and serves as a communications link with her office. Undergraduate Representatives: Shirin Shivaei

Descriptions from MIT Committees and Graduate Student Council descriptions

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