Y9 Curriculum Plan 2016-17

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Y9 Curriculum Plan 2016-17

Y9 Curriculum Plan 2016-17

Autumn Week 1-5 – Crime fiction e.g. The Speckled Band/ Hound of the Baskervilles/ My Last Duchess (Sentences). Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Vary the length, structure and ● Make sure that my sentence ● Use a variety of sentence ● Sentence structure is subject of sentences of lengths and structures are types deployed judiciously imaginative, precise and sentences for specific effects; chosen to fit with the overall across the text to achieve accurate, matched to ● Use a wide range of effect and purpose I want my purpose and overall effect, writer’s purpose and connectives within my writing to have; with rare loss of control intended effect on the sentences; ● Use a range of punctuation to ● Use a range of features reader ● Use a wide range of clarify meaning and create employed to shape/craft ● Paragraphing provide particular effects. sentences that have individual vocabulary in order to get textual coherence and different reactions from my merit and contribute to overall cohesion to position the reader. development of the text reader appropriately in relation to the writer’s purpose ● Meet varied writing challenges with distinctive personal voice and style matched to intended effect

Focus on how to build compound and complex sentences for effect – explore this through texts. Y7 narrative wtg/ Y8 descriptive wtg. Writing AFs 5 & 6 (1& 7 secondary focus) and Reading AFs 2, 3 to guide learning objectives. Assessment Task – in hall- audit students’ learning. Week 6-9–19th Century novel Dickens: Oliver Twist/ Great Expectations – focus on structure to include changes in character.

Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Explore how the structural ● Begin to evaluate, through ● Comments begin to develop precise, ● Clear critical stance develops a choices made by writers detailed exploration, the perceptive analysis of how language is coherent interpretation of enhance the overall effect extent to which structural used. text(s), drawing on imaginative of the text; choices support theme and ● Some appreciation of how the writer’s insights and well supported by ● Identify and explain in purpose; language choices contribute to the overall reference and wider textual detail, using appropriate ● Through precise analysis effect on the reader. knowledge terminology, how writers show how writers’ ● Responses begin to develop some ● Clear appreciation and use language, image etc language choices analytic or evaluative comment on understanding of how the text for particular effects; contribute to the overall writer’s purpose and viewpoint across a structure and language use ● Paragraphing clearly effect on the reader; text. supports the meaning and ● Shape and craft paragraphs support the writer’s purpose and purpose of my writing creatively e.g. last contribute to meaning (e.g. thematic links sentence echoing the first. ● Response to overall effect of between paras, para topic the text shows clear signaled and then understanding and critical developed). evaluation of writer’s purposes and viewpoints and how these are articulated throughout the text Revise topic sentences, variety of sentence openings (linked to effect), and cohesive elements in writing. Assessment Task: evaluate the narrative structure and effect of language choices on the reader. Week 10-11– Newspaper articles (Sentences 2) Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Use a wide range of sentence ● Make sure that my sentence ● Use a variety of sentence ● Sentence structure is lengths and structures to provide lengths and structures are types deployed imaginative, precise and clarity and enhance meaning; chosen to fit with the overall judiciously across the accurate, matched to writer’s ● Use a wide range of connectives effect and purpose I want my text to achieve purpose purpose and intended effect on within my sentences and to writing to have; and overall effect, with the reader sequence my work; ● Use a wide range of rare loss of control ● Paragraphing provide textual ● Use the full range of punctuation connectives to make explicit ● Use a range of features coherence and cohesion to links between paragraphs; employed to shape/craft correctly. position the reader ● Use a range of punctuation to sentences that have appropriately in relation to the clarify meaning and create individual merit and particular effects. contribute to overall writer’s purpose development of the text ● Meet varied writing challenges ● Syntax and full range of with distinctive personal voice punctuation are and style matched to intended consistently accurate in a effect variety of sentence structures, with occasional errors in ambitious structures Use reading of texts to inform pupils’ writing. Focus on topic sentences, sentence types (e.g. statement, command, question, and exclamation), connectives as signposts/ connectives in different forms of non-fiction writing, word choice, images. Focus on purpose: to persuade.

Assessment task in style of Paper 2 Section B. Week 12 (and up to Feb half term) The Novel: A Christmas Carol

Curricular targets:

Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Identify and explain in ● Through precise analysis • Comments begin to develop precise, ● Clear critical stance develops detail, using appropriate show how writers’ language perceptive analysis of how language is a coherent interpretation of terminology (literary and choices contribute to the used. text(s), drawing on imaginative language devices), how overall effect of the text on the • Some appreciation of how the writer’s insights and well supported by writers use language, image reader; language choices contribute to the reference and wider textual overall effect on the reader. etc for particular effects; ● Through close reference knowledge • Responses begin to develop some ● Use textual evidence to to the text and careful ● Clear appreciation and show that I understand how analysis/ evaluation show how analytic or evaluative comment on understanding of how the text purpose and viewpoint are purpose and viewpoint are writer’s purpose and viewpoint across a developed throughout a text. managed across the text. text. structure and language use • Responses begin to develop an support the writer’s purpose and appreciation of how particular contribute to meaning techniques and devices achieve the ● Response to overall effect of effects they do the text shows clear understanding and critical evaluation of writer’s purposes and viewpoints and how these are articulated throughout the text

Focus: how has the text been created to impact on the reader? All AOs need to addressed in the teaching and learning leading up to the essay to enable pupils to address these in their writing however, specific emphasis needs to be placed on AO2 (structural features of chapters, text as a whole), AO 1&3 (authorial intent and the effect of language choices on the reader). Assessment Task: Essay evaluating writer’s success in achieving specific purpose through language choices and or structural features (e.g. with holding info). Spring Term 2

Week 1-5 – Poetry (Begin Conflict cluster poems) Storm on The Island, War Photographer, My Last Duchess, Exposure, Bayonet Charge. Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Draw together through ● Begin to evaluate, through ● Comments begin to develop ● Clear critical stance develops a analysis, how writers’ detailed exploration, the precise, perceptive analysis of coherent interpretation of language choices extent to which structural how language is used. text(s), drawing on contribute to the choices support theme and ● Some appreciation of how the imaginative insights and well overall effect on the purpose; writer’s language choices supported by reference and reader; ● Through precise analysis contribute to the overall effect on wider textual knowledge ● Identify and explain in show how writers’ language the reader. ● Clear appreciation and detail, using choices contribute to the ● Responses begin to develop some understanding of how the text appropriate overall effect of the text on terminology (literary the reader; analytic or evaluative comment structure and language use and language devices), ● Through close reference to on writer’s purpose and support the writer’s purpose how writers use the text and careful analysis/ viewpoint across a text. and contribute to meaning language, image etc for evaluation show how ● Response to overall effect of particular effects; purpose and viewpoint are the text shows clear ● Use textual evidence to managed across the text. understanding and critical show that I understand evaluation of writer’s purposes how purpose and and viewpoints and how these viewpoint are are articulated throughout the developed throughout a text text.

Cohesive elements in writing, punctuation as units of meaning, purpose and viewpoint, authorial intent, impact of word choice on reader.

Assessment task: Comparative essay and unseen poetry question. Summer Term Week 1-10 Romeo and Juliet Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Begin to analyse how writers’ ● Through close analysis show ● Comments begin to develop ● Clear critical stance language choices contribute to the how writers’ language choices precise, perceptive analysis of develops a coherent overall effect of the text on the contribute to the overall effect of how language is used. interpretation of text(s), reader; the text on the reader; ● Some appreciation of how the drawing on imaginative ● Begin to develop close textual ● Through close textual analysis writer’s language choices insights and well supported by analysis to show that I understand demonstrate how particular contribute to the overall effect on reference and wider textual how purpose, viewpoint and techniques and devices achieve the reader. knowledge theme are managed across the the effects they do. ● Responses begin to develop ● Clear appreciation and text. some analytic or evaluative understanding of how the text ● . comment on writer’s purpose and viewpoint across a text. structure and language use ● Some analysis of how support the writer’s purpose different meanings and and contribute to meaning interpretations of a text relate to ● Response to overall effect the contexts in which it was of the text shows clear written or read. understanding and critical evaluation of writer’s purposes and viewpoints and how these are articulated throughout the text

Focus learning on the social and historical context of the texts as well as theme, characterization etc.

Week 11-13 Non-fiction and literary non-fiction reading and writing- Reviews and Speeches Curricular targets (Paragraphs): Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Use a wide range of sentence ● Shape and craft paragraphs ● Information, ideas and events ● Sentence structure is lengths and structures to creatively e.g. last sentence skillfully managed and shaped imaginative, precise and provide clarity and enhance echoing the first; to achieve intended purpose and accurate, matched to meaning; ● Paragraphing across the text is effect. writer’s purpose and ● Use a wide range of essential to the purpose and ● A variety of devices position the intended effect on the connectives to make explicit meaning of my writing; reader. reader links between paragraphs; ● Within paragraphs, cohesive ● Individual paragraphs shaped or ● Paragraphing provide ● Use a wide range of devices contribute to emphasis crafted for imaginative or textual coherence and connectives within my and effect. rhetorical effect. cohesion to position the sentences and to sequence my work; reader appropriately in ● Use the full range of relation to the writer’s punctuation correctly purpose ● Meet varied writing challenges with distinctive personal voice and style matched to intended effect

Stimulus material to consist of a range of diary, letter and autobiographical writing pre and post 1900. Exploration to lead into production of texts: focus on varied and appropriate vocabulary (language choice), structure and organisation to address purpose and engage the reader (conscious crafting). Triplet: Inform, explain, describe. Writing AFs 1, 2, 3, 7 and Reading AFs 4, 5, 6.

Assessment tasks: production of own text(s). Summer 1 (Week 6) Summer 2 (Week 1-7) Week 5-13– Romeo and Juliet Curricular targets: Emerging Developing Secure Mastering ● Begin to analyse how writers’ ● Through close analysis show how ● Comments begin to develop ● Clear critical stance develops a language choices contribute to the writers’ language choices precise, perceptive analysis of coherent interpretation of overall effect of the text on the contribute to the overall effect of how language is used. text(s), drawing on imaginative reader; the text on the reader; ● Some appreciation of how the insights and well supported by ● Begin to develop close textual ● Through close textual analysis writer’s language choices reference and wider textual analysis to show that I understand demonstrate how particular contribute to the overall effect on knowledge how purpose, viewpoint and techniques and devices achieve the reader. ● Clear appreciation and theme are managed across the the effects they do. ● Responses begin to develop some understanding of how the text text. analytic or evaluative comment on structure and language use ● . writer’s purpose and viewpoint across a text. support the writer’s purpose ● Some analysis of how different and contribute to meaning meanings and interpretations of a ● Response to overall effect of text relate to the contexts in which the text shows clear it was written or read. understanding and critical evaluation of writer’s purposes and viewpoints and how these are articulated throughout the text

Reading AFs 3,4,5,6, 7. Avoid focusing on The Globe and Shakespeare’s in England in general terms as this is often covered in Y5. Focus learning on the social and historical context of the texts as well as theme, characterization etc.

Week 38-39 – Speaking and Listening – preparation (use of S&L record). Weeks beginning 3rd and 10th July

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