Tiree Community Development Trust

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Tiree Community Development Trust

Tiree Community Development Trust Board Meeting

Date 11th July 2017 Time 7.30pm Venue Trust Offices Present Trust Directors: Fiona Malcolm, Ian Tainsh, John Bowler, Adam Milne, Isabella MacKinnon (until item 8), Neil MacPhail, William Angus MacLean (from item 5), Martin Finnigan (conference call), Craig Smith Guest: Elaine Hayes (Item 5 only) Staff: Louise Reid, Andy Wright Apologies: Ann MacDonald

**Items 6 & 7 were dealt with prior to item 5, with the exception of the Wild Diamond Application**

1. Welcome and Apologies  IT welcomed all present, apologies were received from AMD.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting  Pending amendments, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved by JB and seconded by NMP.

3. Matters Arising and Previous Actions  It was agreed to carry forward staff/director line management allocations to August board meeting. C/FWD.  It was agreed that the finance sub-committee would present a paper on grant application process at August meeting. C/FWD  CS agreed to join the finance sub-committee, this was agreed by all present.  It was agreed to advertise the vacancy on the TCDT board caused by Rosaleen Campbell’s resignation in An Tirisdeach, the closing date for this opportunity will be 28th July. The process of appointment is as follows: . Should only one member of the community come forward, this person will automatically gain a place on the board. . If, however more than one member of the community comes forward, a vote will take place within the current board and the interested party with the majority vote will gain a place on the board. This is in accordance with the memorandum and articles. . No names were proposed for the co-opted vacancy.

4. Conflict of Interest  JB declared a conflict of interest under item 7 of the agenda Windfall Fund – Enquiries.  In WAML’s absence a conflict of interest was recorded under item 7 of the agenda Windfall Fund - Wild Diamond.

5. Presentation from Elaine Hayes – Bùth a Bhaile  Elaine Hayes (EH) attended the meeting to give a brief update on the progress of her new business plan for Bùth a Bhaile.  EH gave an insight into the proposed plans for developing the external seating area, suggesting a small extension for a coffee shop, which Elaine believes would be beneficial to the growth of the business.  The main point of the proposal is that TCDT would pay for the building of the extension, and a rent increase would be implemented.  Elaine confirmed that the café would be open throughout the year.  A full discussion ensued and EH answered questions on her business model.  Thanks were given to EH for attending and she left the meeting.  A brief discussion took place regarding the feasibility of an extension to the premises at this stage. It was agreed by all present that TCDT does not have the resources to take on a building project for the time being.  It was also agreed to suggest to EH that she consider adapting the layout of the existing store, allowing for developments within the current building. AW/IT to feedback.

6. Growth Plan 2017-2020  AW reported that there has been a number of responses to the Growth Plan, with good feedback being received from various sources, such as members of the community, community groups, Argyll and Bute Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. AW stated that he has incorporated these points into a further update of the GP. This has now been issued to the GP sub-group for review.  The GP sub-group is scheduled to meet within the coming fortnight to review the delivery dates and confirm that they are attainable.  Once approved by the sub-group, the final draft will be circulated to the full board for approval.

7. Windfall

1 Tiree Community Development Trust Board Meeting

Enquiries  One enquiry was received and discussed and a full application is to be submitted. LR to feedback to enquirers.

Applications  Laura Kilpatrick . An application was received from Laura Kilpatrick for £220 to go towards Flute Grade One Roxy Le Roux – total project cost is £220. . This application was approved and Laura Kilpatrick will receive £192 to go towards this project.

 Wild Diamond . WAML left the room. . An application was received from Wild Diamond for £2,200 to go towards Wave Classic – total project cost is £51,300. . This application was approved and Wild Diamond’s project - Tiree Wave Classic will conditionally receive £2,200 to go towards this project. . The agreed conditions to the grant are as follows: o Wild Diamond must provide a set of accounts for this event showing a full breakdown of income and expenditure. o There must be a level of Windfall Fund publicity on display at the event. o AW/IT are to discuss these conditions with John Isaacson.

8. Humza Yousef Visit- Agenda Items  It was agreed to propose to Tiree Community Council that this meeting follow the same format as for Leslie Evans’ visit yesterday, whereby Humza Yousef be shown various projects as well as areas for concern on the island. It was agreed to include such projects as Harbours and broadband.  An agenda will be drafted in conjunction with TCC and circulated to other groups for their input prior to the meeting on 16th August. AW/TCC to action.

**TMK left the meeting at this point**

9. Finance  The budget report was displayed and discussed and will be circulated to the full board. SMK to action.  IT apologised that the report had not been circulated prior to the meeting

10. Staff & Project Reports  Project and core activities reports had been previously circulated and were discussed.  It was requested that the ‘TREL output year to date’ figures should include the YTD figure for previous year. LR to action.  Moorings have now been installed and are being used. It was noted that the Harbours steering group are taking action to ensure all sailing publications have been informed.  It was agreed that after the business plan for the Harbours project is approved, this should be sent to MSP’s etc. to raise awareness of the project.  It was noted that the Indoor Play Centre group is meeting on 24th July to prepare a survey for the community based on the mind-map compiled at the first meeting.

11. Preliminary Discussion around Conflicts of Interest etc.  It was agreed to draft headings for discussion for the next meeting. IT/NMP/CS to action.

12. Cùram Proposal  A proposal paper from Cùram previously circulated was discussed. The proposals are as follows: . Margaret Worsley the Voluntary Worker, the sole employee of Cùram, should transfer to the Trust’s payroll with effect from 1 August 2017. . TCDT should also assume responsibility for the accounting admin for Cùram and the production of regular financial reports and production of the statutory accounts. This work would be handed over by the Treasurer phased over the next few months. . It was noted that Margaret would continue to be line managed by the Cùram board, who will remain a separate legal charity.  These proposals were unanimously agreed.

13. AOCB  Training for AW is currently being investigated. FSG to action

2 Tiree Community Development Trust Board Meeting

 It was noted that John Swinney (Education Minister) is currently on the island, it was agreed to informally raise the issue of the Harbours. AW gave WAML a copy of briefing note he had prepared which had been given to Leslie Evans yesterday. WAML agreed to pass this on to JS. WAML to action.  Tiree Music Festival are holding a drinks reception for event sponsors on 13th July, all staff and directors have been invited.

14. DONM  The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 8th August 7.30pm.  There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.15pm.

Summary of Actions

ACTION COMPLETED BY ACTION DUE Discuss Staff/Directors Line Management ALL 8th August Feedback to Elaine Hayes regarding recent proposal Andy Wright/Ian Tainsh 8th August Feedback to Windfall Enquiries Louise Reid 14th July Work with TCC to create a plan for Humza Yousef Visit Andy Wright 16th August Circulate Finance Report Shari MacKinnon 14th July Consider Conflict of interest discussion headings Ian Tainsh, Neil MacPhail, Craig Smith 8th August Paper on grant application processes FSG 8th August Consider appropriate training for AW FSG 8th August Pass briefing paper re Harbours to JS WMAL When appropriate


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