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January 2006 uninspiring effect on others. When conditions are right agitation in the leader Being-in-the-moment becomes productivity loss in the team and Leaders Take Real Control Andrew Burnham rising costs for the organization. As leaders we now have two problems and no Leaders lose the capacity for authentic, creative and measured responses by solutions. allowing their buttons to be pushed. By learning how to be in the moment, leaders and others take control and Buttons remain calm and centred in challenging When someone or something pushes our situations and with difficult people. buttons we are having a negative reaction. What do we look for in leaders? A negative reaction is simply an automatic We admire and appreciate leaders who are and uncontrolled way of processing what is calm and centred in difficult situations. We happening. The ‘what happens out there’ are more comfortable trusting and following starts to negatively affect our ‘in here’. people who stay focused on constructive action. This is true across cultures and Where are our Buttons? times. We look to people who are not Start the process of reducing and adversely affected amidst chaos and are eliminating your buttons by considering the able to make decisions. following: If a golf ball hits you on the head is the pain in the golf ball or is the pain in How do we want to be as Leaders? you? “Of course, the pain is in me”, you As leaders we are not satisfied with merely say. It’s easy to see that our reactions are appearing calm in challenging situations and not in the difficult people or challenging with difficult people, we want to be calm. situations themselves. Our reactions are We also want to be authentic, creative and clearly in us so why not look for solutions action oriented. We cannot evidence these where they really are and not where we are qualities consistently nor are we walking the unlikely to find them? talk of leadership when we our allowing our buttons to be pushed. Stick to the Facts As far as being in the moment is concerned, Making Wise Use of Limited Time we only deal with the facts. And all we Can you afford the time it takes to become know is what we experience. What the golf and stay agitated? Agitation has an ball experiences and what is going on in the

1 Andrew Burnham, ©2007 minds of the difficult people we encounter is in this very moment, then what is the value unknown and inconsequential. Knowing of continuing to focus on it? what is going on in the minds of others doesn’t change the fact that we are still Where is the Problem? agitated and have buttons. For this reason, If we can control or change the other it’s far more useful to pay attention to what person or situation, then that is where our is going on in our own minds and leave the focus would be right now. Where is the speculative thinking for later. problem now? If we can do something constructive then that is what we are doing The Problem is not ‘Out There’ in the moment. As we start to learn how to We sometimes erroneously think that it is process our work and our interactions with the other person or the situation that is others in this way, what we can control on responsible for our stress. Our focus is not the outside also increases. on the real problem. Thinking in this way puts everyone and everything else in Be Vigilant, Be Aware control, paves the way for problems to recur When our buttons are pushed, our reactions again and again, and leaves us floundering usually occur with lightning speed. Being in when we can least afford it. the moment creates space between the outside and event and our reaction to it. Being Response-able Cultivating this awareness is the key to Being responsible begins with developing an trading our self-defeating reactions into awareness of what our attention is directed authentic responses. We respect and trust to. This is being in the moment and it’s the leaders who are authentic. most practical place to be. When we are in the moment we are ‘response-able’. Quick Change Once we become aware that we have just Take Action or Take Attention Away picked up a searing hot pan we put it down. Take constructive action right here and now That is what awareness is like. And once to change the situation or person if this is we realize that we can trade our reactions possible. There is no agitation or stress in in for responses, dealing with difficult this approach. Is something bothering you people or situations is no longer a problem right now? What can you do about it? If and change is easy. We don’t pick up the there is nothing that can be done right now, hot pan anymore.

2 Andrew Burnham, ©2007 solutions without any negativity, loss of time Focus on What Is or wasted energy. Another way to say this It’s not difficult to see that many things and is that these leaders don’t make a problem people should be different. But does out of what is happening in the moment and dwelling or stewing on what or who should have unlimited access to all of their skills. be different change anything? Continuing to dwell on our own make-believe worlds does In the Moment Questions not create solutions. Deal with reality as  What is my mind now focused on? much as you can. Are you going to take  Is what I am focused on leading to action now or are you going to dwell on what action? should have happened or how someone  Can I take action now or am I just should be behaving? dwelling on something without results?

Focusing on the Wrong Things

As our thinking becomes less automatic we Stop people from pressing your buttons notice some telling things. We actually see Go to to in real time when and how our thinking has listen and learn. gone off the rails. For example, we directly ______realize that dwelling on the shortcomings of Are you involved with: others doesn’t diminish their faults nor does  Leadership or Team development? it make our own leadership qualities grow.  Learning? Powerful and immediate learning like this is  Training? par for the course as we learn how to be in Arrange an introductory Mind Tools for Self Management workshop or presentation. the moment. To realize something is to know something directly and it's the quick Do you plan meetings or conferences? way to long and lasting change. Write me at [email protected] and we’ll arrange a 30 minute presentation. What is Being in the Moment Like? Learn first hand how being in the moment benefits your clients. Leaders and others who are in the moment experience the same challenges as Help Spread the Word. everyone else. The critical difference is that Were you moved in the right direction by this they create no negative reaction and are in article and others? Consider the others you control. They actively work for change and know who stand to benefit. More good news is coming.

3 Andrew Burnham, ©2007 Do you have something to say?

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Andrew Burnham is President of two learning consulting firms and an international workshop leader and speaker who specializes in re- emerging ways of learning, being and doing.

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4 Andrew Burnham, ©2007

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