English III Vocabulary for Achievement
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English III Vocabulary for Achievement Definitions
Lesson 10: Roots –val and –vinc 1. Ambivalence n. The simultaneous existence of conflicting feelings or thought 2. Avail n. Use, benefit, or advantage. v. to be of use or advantage to, help 3. Equivalent adj. Equal in quality, force, meaning, or value; having similar identical functions 4. Evaluation n. The act of judging the value or worth of something, or the result of such judgment 5. Evince v. To show or exhibit, as an emotion; to demonstrate clearly 6. Invalid adj. Being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law 7. Invaluable adj. Of inestimable use or help, indispensible 8. Prevail v. To be greater in strength or influence, triumph 9. Valedictory adj. Bidding farewell. n. A farewell address 10.Vanquish v. To defeat in a battle, conflict, or competition; to overcome
Vocabulary Lesson 11: Size and Amount 1. Abound v. To be great in number or amount. 2. Amplitude n. Greatness in size, magnitude, fullness 3. Augment v. To make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity; increase 4. Brevity n. Briefness of duration; concise expression 5. Commensurate adj. Of the same size, extent, or duration 6. Diminish v. To make smaller or less or cause to appear smaller or less 7. Infinitesimal adj. Immeasurable or incalculably tiny 8. Modicum n. A small amount or quantity. 9. Prodigious adj. Impressively great in size, force, or extent 10. Quota n. A proportional share assigned to a group or a member of a group: allotment
Vocabulary Lesson 12: Releasing and Taking Back 1. Abdicate v. To relinquish formally 2. Abnegate v. to deny to oneself; renounce 3. Absolve v. To pronounce clear of blame of guilt 4. Catharsis n. A purifying or figurative cleansing or release of tension 5. Countermand v. To cancel or reverse; to recall by contrary order n. an order or command reversing another 6. Recant v. To make a formal retraction or disavowal of a statement or previously held belief 7. Recoup v. To receive an equivalent for; make up for 8. Renunciation n. The act of giving something up, especially by formal announcement 9. Rescind v. To make void; repeal or annul 10. Waive v. To relinquish or give up voluntarily; to refrain from enforcing