City of Blue Earth s4

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City of Blue Earth s4

1 CITY OF BLUE EARTH 2 MINUTES 3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4 Monday, July 16, 2007– 5:00 P.M. 5 6 CALL TO ORDER 7 8Mayor Hammond called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. 9 10 ROLL CALL 11 12Roll call was taken: Councilmembers Gaylord, Wiborg, Maher, 13Scholtes, Huisman and Mayor Hammond were present. Councilmember 14Brod was excused. Staff members present were: City Administrator 15Ben Martig, Assistant City Attorney Mike Johnson and City 16Engineer Bill Sayre. 17 18 DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM 19 20After roll call, Mayor Hammond determined there was a quorum. 21 22 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 23 24Mayor Hammond led the pledge of allegiance. 25 26 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 27 28Mayor Hammond noted that Commissioners Barb Steier and Butch 29Erichsrud were present. 30 31 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 32 33Motion by Maher, second by Scholtes to approve the minutes from 34the Regular Council Meeting and Work Session Meeting of Monday, 35July 2, 2007 and the minutes from the Joint audit of the City 36Council and Light and Water Board meeting of Monday, June 25, 372007. The motion was approved unanimously. 38 39 LICENSES AND PERMITS 40 41City Administrator Ben Martig noted that the Peddler License for 42“The Stable” of Winnebago to sell goods at horse shows on 43Fairboard property is informational no Council action is needed. 44 45 CORRESPONDENCE 46

1 1 1There was no discussion regarding the correspondence received 2from the Faribault County Historical Society Summer 2007 3Newsletter and the information from Minnesota Taxpayers 4Association Fiscal Focus regarding Research on Local Governmental 5Aid. 6 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 9There was no public hearing at this time. 10 11 REPORTS FROM STAFF 12 13Police Chief 14City Administrator Ben Martig reported that Giant Days kept the 15Police busy as Mr. Martig expressed his appreciation to the 16police to unlocking their vehicle over the busy weekend. 17 18Public Works 19City Administrator Ben Martig reported that the Council will tour 20the Public Safety Center immediately following city council 21meeting. On Monday, July 23, 2007 4:30 p.m. tours of the Century 22and Nelson Industrial Buildings and EDA Land, BEISCO Land and 23Monday, July 30, 2007 a tour of public works dept. on sailor 24street, parks department at fairgrounds and storage in Quonset at 254:30 p.m. 26 27Fire Chief 28City Administrator Ben Martig had no report at this time. 29 30Economic Development Director 31There was no report at this time. 32 33City Attorney 34Assistant City Attorney Mike Johnson had no report at this time. 35 36City Engineer 37City Engineer Bill Sayre gave an update to the Walnut Street 38reconstruction. Mr. Sayre reported that work has been slow. 39Seventh Street has been closed and will be open by the weekend. 40 41City Engineer Bill Sayre reported that 2 crews from Uland 42Brothers will begin spot repairs starting in 3rd Ward and 43continue west until the 25 points are completed. Mr. Sayre 44explained that the Interceptor replacement will be completed 45during this years construction season.

1 2 1City Engineer Bill Sayre announced that bids for 2007 seal 2coating will be due on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 2:00 P.M. 3 4 REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMISSION 5 6Library Board Liaison 7City Administrator Ben Martig updated the Council on the SMIF 8$3,750.00 grant to City of Blue Earth Library for children’s 9books. Mr. Martig added that the Senior Center and the Library 10are working on a joint effort to a wireless system which will 11assist the seniors with internet usage. 12 13Economic Development Authority Liaison 14Juba informed the board that he received a $600 scholarship to 15attend the Upper Midwest Basic Economic Development Course in 16Duluth. 17 18There were no reports to the following boards at this time: 19Housing and Redevelopment Authority Liaison 20Senior Center Board Liaison 21Faribault County Fitness Center Board Liaison 22Board of Public Works Liaison 23Other Boards and Commissions 24Joint Fire Service Advisory board 25Joint Powers Agreement Board/School Resource Officer 26Planning Commission 27Charter Commission 28Board of Zoning Appeals 29Joint Airport Zoning Board 30Blue Earth Airport Advisory Board 31Board of Review 32 33 REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL 34 35City Administrator Ben Martig stated that the following 36committees needs to be scheduled. 37 38Parks & Recreation Subcommittee Budget & Finance Subcommittee and 39 Street Improvement Subcommittee. 40 41Motion by, second by to approve the reports of the Boards and 42Commissions as presented. The motion was approved unanimously. 43 44 CONSENT AGENDA 45 46There were no consent items at this time.

1 3 1 OLD BUSINESS 2 3At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Ordinance 07-09 Naming of 4Streets. 5 6City Administrator Ben Martig referred to the following Ordinance 7and noted that once the Council has decided on a name for the 8County Law Enforcement Facility Street in addition to the 9official action to the naming of Riverview Lane which was 10formerly North East Street. Mr. Martig stated that the proper 11documents will be drafted and the appropriate steps taken to 12complete the process as required by city code. 13 14Motion by Gaylord, second by Wiborg to approve the naming of 15Riverview Lane formerly North East Street. 16Roll call vote was taken: 17 18 Councilmember Brod absent 19 Councilmember Maher Aye 20 Councilmember Wiborg Aye 21 Councilmember Gaylord Aye 22 Councilmember Scholtes Aye 23 Councilmember Huisman Aye 24 Mayor Hammond Aye 25 26Motion passed unanimously. 27 28Motion by Maher, second by Gaylord to approve Dr. Homer H. Russ 29Street. 30 31 ORDINANCE 07-09 32 AN ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE AS “______” THE 33 NAME OF A STREET TO BE LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 1 34 AND LOT 2 OF THE MORGAN AND WILKINS SUBDIVISION 35 AND RIVERVIEW LANE (FORMER NORTH EAST STREET) 36 WITHIN THE CITY OF BLUE EARTH 37 38 The City Council of the City of Blue Earth do ordain as follows: 39 40 To designate as “______” the name of a street to be located within 41the Morgan and Wilkins Subdivision in the City of Blue Earth and legally described as 42follows: 43 44 The South 66.00 feet of Lot 1 in Block One of Morgan and Wilkins Subdivision in the 45 City of Blue Earth, Faribault County, Minnesota according to the plat on file and of 46 record in the office of the Faribault County Recorder. 47 1 4 1 Together with the South 66.00 feet of the following described tract of land in the 2 Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 102 North, Range 3 27 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Faribault County, Minnesota: 4 5 Commencing at the center of Section 8, Township 102 North, Range 27 West of the 6 Fifth Principal Meridian in Faribault County, Minnesota according to State Highway 7 Right-of-way Plat No. 22-4, on file and of record in the office of the Faribault County 8 Recorder; thence North 0 degrees 10 minutes 26 seconds West (grid bearing from 9 Plat No. 22–4) along the East line of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 1565.85 feet 10 to the point beginning; thence continuing North 0 degrees 10 minutes 26 seconds 11 West along the East line of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 767.74 feet to the 12 southerly highway right-of-way line of Interstate 90 according to said Plat No. 22-4; 13 thence North 71 degrees 12 minutes 43 seconds West along said southerly highway 14 right-of-way line a distance of 283.02 feet; thence South 0 degrees 10 minutes 26 15 seconds East a distance of 859.70 feet; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds 16 East a distance of 267.66 feet to the point of beginning. 17 18 AND “RIVERVIEW LANE (FORMER NORTH EAST STREET) LEGALY 19DESCRIBED AS: 20 21Council discussion included Mayor Hammond and Councilmember 22Scholtes objection to Dr. Homer H. Russ Street. 23 24Roll Call vote was taken: 25 26 Councilmember Brod absent 27 Councilmember Maher Aye 28 Councilmember Wiborg Aye 29 Councilmember Gaylord Aye 30 Councilmember Scholtes Nay 31 Councilmember Huisman Aye 32 Mayor Hammond Nay 33 34Ordinance 07-09 passed on a 4 to 2 vote. 35 36At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Council consideration of 37adoption of pay equity report. 38 39Motion by Maher, second by Wiborg approving the Pay Equity Report 40adjustments that included the Library Director, Deputy City 41Clerk, Secretary Receptionist, Fitness Center Director/Pool 42Manager and Senior Center Director. Mr. Martig noting that 43financial impact this year would only be about $500.00 and 44$5,500.00 in 2008 and ensures the city is paying equal wages to 45male and female workers. The motion passed unanimously. 46

1 5 1 NEW BUSINESS 2 3Mayor Hammond moved the consideration of approval of compensation 4of Law Enforcement Labor Services the Regular Council Meeting of 5Monday, August 6, 2007. City Administrator Ben Martig added to 6the next meeting agenda the 2008 budget discussion. 7 8 BILLS AND INVESTMENTS 9 10Motion by Gaylord, second by Huisman to Pay Draw No. 8 to Ankeny 11Builders in the amount of $179,314.51 for the Blue Earth Community 12Pool Project. The motion was approved unanimously. 13 14Motion by Maher, second by Scholtes to pay the bills. The motion 15passed unanimously. 16 17 REPORT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR 18 19City Administrator Ben Martig updated the Council on the pool and 20noted that the furniture has been shipped and will include three 21more round tables and two bike racks. 22 23Mr. Martig reported that he has been focusing on enforcement 24issues with Police Chief Dean Vereide that includes garbage and 25junk vehicles. Mr. Martig informed the Council that each issue 26is based on documented complaints. 27 28City Administrator Ben Martig noted that PDF formatting is 29available to those interested in receiving packet information. 30City Administrator Ben Martig questioned if the new packet 31formatting has made following the agenda easier. Councilmember 32Gaylord asked that referencing page numbers would make it easier. 33 34City Administrator Ben Martig updated the Council on the School 35Resource Officer position for the upcoming school year. Mr. 36Martig noted that discussions with the school have lead to the 37school looking into hiring a qualified retired individual to the 38former SRO position duties. The participating communities that 39supported the SRO position will be updated to the above discussed 40changes to the School Resource Officer position. 41 42 OTHER BUSINESS 43 44Councilmember Scholtes questioned the status of the nuisance 45order for the property on North Grant Street. Mr. Martig 46responded that inspection will be conducted and action taken to

1 6 1the next step if strict compliance has not been followed by the 2property owner and the cost to clean up will be billed to the 3property owners and in the event the bill is not paid the cost 4for clean up will be assessed back to the property. 5 6 ADJOURNMENT 7 8Motion by Gaylord, second by Wiborg to adjourn the meeting at 95:33 P.M. 10 11The Council left immediately to tour the Public Safety Center.

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