Create Assessment Piece

Click on My Work

Click Create > Document

Select Assessment from drop-down list

Choose a Template

Enter Title and short description (Title should include course ID and semester when appropriate)

Click Create Document Add your Standards:

Scroll to bottom of page across from Standards and click edit

Click the Add Standards Tab Click the drop down arrow and select a standards set

Scroll down the page.

Check the boxes next to the standards you wish to include.

Click Add

Additional standards of the same set may be on additional pages at the top of standards selection area

Repeat for different standards sets.

When finished, click Finish at top of page. Designing the Rubric

Click edit next to Performance Assessment table on right

1. a. Click on the first column heading (in this example “Target”

b. Enter Level Name if different

c. Points (i.e., If you have three levels, all of equal value, the lowest would be 0, next 1, highest 2)

Repeat for each column. To add a scoring column click Add

To delete a column, click on the column heading and click Delete.

2. Enter Performance criteria

Double-click the text in each cell to edit.

3 Designing Elements (Rows) a. Click on First Row cell b. Enter Element name if different c. Enter weight (1 if it has equal weight to the other elements in the rubric. Weights calculated as (100% /divided by total of element weights)) 5. Click on a standard on the right which you entered previously (above) and click add button.

To delete a standard, click on it in the left box and click remove.

6. Click Save button

7. Click Finish on upper right of page when done.

Adding an element: row Click the Add button below the elements

Deleting an element: click on the element name and click delete button. 8. Click Finish to view the assessment rubric.

You may click edit again if you want to change anything.

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