Olmstead Advisory Council Service Delivery Workgroup Recommendations

Subcommittee-Transition from DC’s to Community Committee

Process/Step/Policy Strength/Challenge Recommendation DDD Action Outreach SC and team don’t Ongoing training and Education for all understand the education continues. New way of development process doing business for agencies undergo. everyone. Olmstead Clinical Decision Making workgroup will address education issues.

Outreach Providers should receive ELP outlines IDT Team Transparency regarding info identifying the team members. Asterisks team members by name. identify core team.

Outreach The Team doesn’t know Team members Education continues and the community service unfamiliar with TCM is involved to system. community services assist. Providers should should receive continue with Fairs, education/info from open houses and other support coordinators and methods to assist with other DDD staff who education. Family know the community Education Project service system. sessions continue as well.

Outreach Relationship maps are Potential matches for Maps are updated as not as complete as they shared living should be more is known and the should be. identified early in the persons circle expands. process. Individual, family/guardian, DC, SC and provider staff are all responsible to assist with potential housemates. It is being reviewed sooner in the process. More people in the process with more possible housemates. ELP

The ELP is Providers should be sent ELP and behavior plan comprehensive and the E.L.P. document. if applicable will be represents a best provided earlier in the practice strength in the process. Working on a process. possible secure electronic location for review. Working on having ELP Providers should have assessment information access to the DDRT available during visit (NJIT) assessment info and record review.

ELP The E.L.P. should be DDD agrees and is integrated into the working toward this Division’s case goal. management service & Licensing process

ELP There should be an Ensure an assistive DDD working on a long assistive technology technology assessment term solution. Currently assessment is incorporated into the will use a staff person ELP process from NLDC or agency and Team resources on a case by case basis. Consumer Profile The criteria used to Clarify decision-making Agency services match Expectation Sheet make decisions are criteria person, agency (E-Blasts) unclear. responses match persons wants and needs, geographic preference addressed

Consumer Profile The process for sending Joint e-blasts with e- E Blasts will be sent on Expectation Sheet out e-blasts is mail receipts. Wednesday. Provider (E-Blasts) administratively Scheduled/routine e- should attach return burdensome to blasts, e.g., ‘Friday e- receipt to E Blast providers. Providers are blast Day’ and provide a response. often unsure of the meeting schedule up Timeframes and status status of their response. front. update points will be added to the E Blasts.

Consumer Profile Agencies that may be Provider program Will use Expectation Expectation Sheet responding to multiple descriptions or sheet with one question. (E-Blasts) e-blasts have had a hard summaries could be In addition, providers time scheduling used instead. can supply description Expectation sheets are of supports and services unnecessary. they can provide. Consumer Profile Providers who have not Share good responses Providers who ask for Expectation Sheet been successful would feedback are currently (E-Blasts) like to know how to Give feedback to receiving it. Providers improve their responses. providers on their can share positive specific response responses with each other. Interviews of Sometimes the Person must be present Agreed Providers individual has not been present at the meeting.

Interviews of Providers need a Need direct provider Education and Providers connection with team contact to educate information will consumer and team continue. Providers will have the opportunity to meet the person and review records before writing a proposal and interview.

Interviews of Status updates should be Updates will be outlined Providers sent to providers in the Expectation Sheet.

Proposals Some agencies have Standardize proposal Agreed. A budget experience different requirements across all 3 worksheet was just proposal requirements SC agencies being piloted to work depending on the SC out any issues. G&A agency. worksheet determined not to be required.

Proposals The budget process is Standardize budget Working on budget not clear. process, earlier start up. process. Will provide Provide an explanation explanation of budget of budget page page.

Proposals Licensing requirements Clarify licensing Working on licensing are not clear (e.g. what requirements requirements. type of setting needs to be licensed) Provider Selection Providers need greater It is essential the person Process will be changed Process access to the individual. meets all potential to have provider meet providers person before writing a proposal and interview.

Provider Selection Standardize responses to Will do. Process providers, including timelines

Provider Selection Providers unsure of role Clarify reporting and Must follow Division Process related to monitoring monitoring requirements policies and procedures. and reporting. Providers are included in the pre-placement meeting. An overview of SC process was given to all three trade organizations. An overview of the 30, 60, 90 satisfaction survey will be done. Overall/Other Support Coordination Continue to support post In the plan for now. helpful and supportive transition 60-90 days 3/25/08