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IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
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AUTHORITY DATE Jeffrey Northey (original signature on file) IMS Manager 05/24/2013 Keenan Bowens (original signature on file) Process Owner 05/23/2013
REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Document Number Document Title Form 1014 Metric Approval Form IVV QM NASA IV&V Quality Manual IVV 16 Control of Records NPR 1441.1 NASA Records Retention Schedules T2007 QMR Metrics Template
If any process in this document conflicts with any document in NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS), this document shall be superseded by the NODIS document. Any reference document external to NODIS shall be monitored by the Process Owner for current versioning.
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1 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this system level procedure (SLP) is to document the process and responsibilities for establishing, maintaining, and reporting metrics and maintaining the NASA IV&V Metrics Table. Metrics help the NASA IV&V Program achieve its strategic goals and objectives, as well as continually improve its products, processes, and services. NASA IV&V’s continual improvement processes depend upon regularly updating objective performance measurements contained in the Metrics Table.
2.0 Scope
This SLP is applicable to all metrics approved for inclusion in the NASA IV&V Metrics Program.
3.0 Definitions and Acronyms
Official NASA IV&V roles and terms are defined in the Quality Manual. Specialized definitions identified in this SLP are defined below.
3.1 Metric
A metric is a measure of progress toward a specific Program, Office, or Group goal. All metrics in the scope of this SLP are contained in the Metrics Table.
3.2 Metric Owner
A Metric Owner is the individual responsible for ensuring the achievement of the goal measured by a specific metric.
3.3 Metrics Analyst
The Metrics Analyst is an individual who generates, maintains and updates the Metrics Table, and provides support to the Metrics Lead in coordinating the day-to-day activities of the NASA IV&V Metrics Program.
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2 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
3.4 Metrics Lead
The Metrics Lead is a NASA IV&V civil service employee who implements and manages the NASA IV&V Metrics Program. The Metrics Lead reports to the Strategic Communications Office Lead.
3.5 Metrics Package
The Metrics Package is the summary of requested additions, modifications, or deletions to metrics, which the Metrics Team sends to the MCCB ahead of a MCCB meeting.
3.6 Metrics Team
The Metrics Team is comprised of the Metrics Lead and any Metrics Analysts.
3.7 Metrics Table
The Metrics Table is a spreadsheet located on the ECM System, which contains descriptions of and data collected for each metric that has been approved for inclusion in the NASA IV&V Metrics Program. The Metrics Table is revised each quarter and updated each fiscal year via the process outlined in section 4.0.
3.8 Metrics Configuration Control Board (MCCB)
The MCCB is the group of individuals responsible for approving or rejecting additions, deletions or modifications to the metrics contained within the NASA IV&V Metrics Program. This group is comprised of the members of IV&V Senior Leadership.
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3 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
3.9 Acronyms
ECM Enterprise Content Management IMS NASA IV&V Management System MCCB Metrics Configuration Control Board NODIS NASA Online Directives Information System NPR NASA Procedural Requirements QMR Quarterly Management Review SLP System Level Procedure
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4 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
4.0 Process Flow Diagrams
The following diagrams depict processes described in this document, and the responsibilities and actions of process participants or their designees. Any information supplemental to a depicted process will appear after the diagram.
Metric Owner or Designee Metrics Team MCCB Members
Schedules Metrics Review metrics submitted Submits request for Configuration Control for Metrics Configuration addition, deletion or Board Meeting and Control Board Meeting revision of a metric via provides metrics and provide feedback to Form 1014, Metric package to MCCB Metric Owner if Approval Form Members. necessary.
Revises or retracts request for addition, Approve No deletion, or revision metric? of a metric
Adds, deletes, or modifies metrics in Yes Metrics Table per MCCB decisions
Provides periodic updates to metrics table Notifies IMS members and reports metric of change at Quarterly status at Quarterly Management Review Management Review
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5 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
4.1 Annual Metrics Review
All metrics contained within the NASA IV&V Metrics Program will be reviewed once all office execution plans are approved for a given fiscal year. To request a new metric or the revision or deletion of an existing metric, Metric Owners will submit metrics for review by the Metrics Configuration Control Board (MCCB) to the Metrics Lead using Form 1014, Metric Approval Form. The Metrics Lead will schedule a meeting with the MCCB and the Metric Owners to review metrics for the upcoming fiscal year. Additions, deletions, or revisions will be approved or rejected by the MCCB at the time of the meeting.
After a request is approved, the Metrics Analyst will make the required changes to the Metrics Table located on the ECM system and changes will be highlighted at the subsequent QMR meeting.
4.2 Modifying Metrics during the Fiscal Year
To request a new metric or the revision or deletion of an existing metric during the course of the fiscal year, the request must contain all information required by Form 1014, Metric Approval Form.
The Metric Owner will submit metrics for review by the MCCB to the Metrics Lead using Form 1014, Metric Approval Form. The Metrics Lead will schedule a meeting with the MCCB and the Metric Owner to review the proposed addition, deletion or modification to the metrics. Additions, deletions, or revisions will be approved or rejected by the MCCB at the time of the meeting.
After a request is approved, the Metrics Analyst will make the required changes to the Metrics Table located on the ECM system and changes will be highlighted at the subsequent QMR meeting.
4.3 Reporting Metrics during the Fiscal Year
Metric Owners are responsible for reporting the status of their metrics in the Metrics Table and at the QMR. This reporting should take place quarterly or per the collection frequency of the metric, whichever is longer. Refer to T2007, QMR Metrics Template, for information that is more detailed.
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6 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
5.0 Reserved
6.0 Records
The following records will be generated or updated and filed in accordance with this SLP and IVV 16, Control of Records, and in reference to NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules.
Responsible Retention Record Name Original Vital Location Person Requirement Destroy when 7 yrs Metrics Table Y Y Metrics Analyst ECM old (1/26.5A) Completed Destroy when 7 yrs Y N Metrics Lead ECM Form 1014s old (1/26.5A) Destroy when 7 yrs Metrics Package Y N Metrics Lead ECM old (1/26.5A)
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7 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
VERSION HISTORY Version Description of Change Rationale for Change Author Effective Date Basic Initial Release Stephanie 03/23/2005 Ferguson A Changed section referenced for email Stephanie 07/08/2005 instructions in Section 6.2 Ferguson B Updated the following: Section 4.0 modify Stephanie 01/17/2006 flow to include metrics reporting at QMRs, Ferguson Section 5.0 to include roles, Section 6 to provide more detail regarding analysis or metrics and QMR reporting. C Modified the flow in Section 4.0 to now Stephanie 10/24/2006 include two separate flows. Ferguson D Update process flow diagrams to align with Stephanie 08/06/2007 Facility Management paradigm Ferguson E Changed “IV&V Facility” to “IV&V Program” Stephanie 12/17/2008 Ferguson F Include information on the Metrics Table Stephanie 10/20/2009 file path and the email address for the IMS Ferguson mailing list G Updated verbiage in Section 6.0, Records Sara Cain 01/12/2010 H Updated file paths to point to the ECM; Stephanie 01/25/2011 added Metric Approval Form 1014; Ferguson changed annual review process
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8 of 9 IVV 12 Version: K NASA IV&V Metrics Effective Date: Independent May 28, 2013 Verification & Validation Program
VERSION HISTORY Version Description of Change Rationale for Change Author Effective Date I Updated scope, definitions, process flow PAR 2011-P-339: Under current Keenan 10/03/2011 diagram and text for modifying metrics management, IV&V metrics will be Bowens during FY. contained within one system J Add Metrics Owners’ reporting Keenan 03/14/2012 requirements. Bowens K Several updates and clarifications, some Annual Document Review. More Keenan 05/28/2013 are: Add Metrics Package and Metrics accurately reflect actual process. Bowens Team definitions; replace notifications by email with QMR meeting notifications.
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