Present Perfect Tense s1

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Present Perfect Tense s1

Par t 1

-1- Pr.4 Present Perfect Tense - The present perfect tense shows actions that are

just completed.

- Key words: already – just – nearly – recently –

almost – ever – never – since – for – yet

- Form: has / have + p.p. (the past participle of the verb)

- Examples of (p.p.) regular verbs:

visit visited visited

walked walked walked

watched watched watched

- Examples of (p.p.) irregular verbs:

go went gone

write wrote written

say said said -2- Pr.4

Note: Study the past participle of irregular verbs

at the end of your Grammar book.

- Examples:

1.I have just finished my homework.

2.My father has just arrived from Alexandria.

3.We have nearly built the house.

4.They have just gone out.

5.Mother has almost cooked the dinner.

- How to correct the verbs:

- To correct a verb in the present perfect:

- We put the key word between (has or have) and the

past participle form of the verb. (p.p.)

-3- Pr.4

*Examples: Correct the verbs:

1.Ahmed (just arrive) from school.

Ahmed has just arrived from school.

2.They (already do) their homework.

They have already done their homework.

3.I (almost finish) the washing up.

I have almost finished the washing up.

4.My mother (nearly break) the vase.

My mother has nearly broken the vase.

5.David and Sally (already make) their beds.

David and Sally have already made their beds.

-4- Pr.4

Negative of Present Perfect

Ex. – Ahmed has just finished his meal. Ahmed hasn't finished his meal yet. - To change into negative, we follow these rules: 1.Change (has / have) into (hasn't / haven't). 2.Cross out the key word (already – just – nearly – recently – almost) 3.Put (yet) at the end of the sentence. *Examples: 1. I have already told my mother about the party. I haven't told my mother about the party yet. 2. Salma has just talked to the teacher. Salma hasn't talked to the teacher yet. 3. The children have recently visited the Zoo. The children haven't visited the Zoo yet. 4. My uncle has nearly arrived from America. Your uncle hasn't arrived from America yet.

-5- Pr.4 5. You have almost finished sweeping the floor. - You haven't finished sweeping the floor yet. Interrogative of Present Perfect

Ex. – She has almost finished reading the story. Has she finished reading the story yet?

- To change into interrogative, we follow these rules:

1.Begin the question with (Has / Have). 2.Cross out the key word. 3.Put (yet) at the end of the question. 4.Put a Question Mark. *Examples: 1. David has nearly arrived home. - Has David arrived home yet?

2. They have recently gone to sleep. - Have they gone to sleep yet? 3. Sally has almost arranged the lowers.

- Has Sally arranged the flowers yet?

-6- Pr.4

4. Grandpa has just watered the plants.

- Has grandpa watered the plants yet?

* Notice: If you have (never) in the sentence:

1. Change (never) into (ever).

2. Don't put yet at the end of the question.

- Examples:

1. We have never been to China.

-Have you ever been to China?

2. He has never visited the Eiffel Tower.

-Has he ever visited the Eiffel Tower?

3. My aunt has never eaten lobster.

-Has your aunt ever eaten lobster?

-7- Pr.4 (since – for) We use (since) for a point in time, exact time. We use (for) for a period of time. Since For since yesterday two weeks, three days since last week, last year,…. ten minutes ……….. since 1998, 2009, 2012…… many years, several months… since March, October, ……. an hour, half an hour since Monday, Tuesday, …. a month, two months... since winter, summer, ……. a while since this morning, evening, a long time since 9 o'clock, 7 o'clock…. a short time since Christmas, Easter, ….. since I was a child, young…

1. I haven't seen my uncle (for – since) two years.

2. She hasn't met her friend (for – since) 2001.

3. I have learnt English (for – since) six years.

4. They have lived in America (for – since) last winter.

-8- Pr.4

Present Perfect

 Re write the following sentences using the words in brackens:

(Use not)

bought (Use just)

(Use not)

(Use yet)

(Use not)

-9- Pr.4

A)Correct the verb :- 1- Tom [just have] breakfast. ………………………………………………………………………. 2- The children [already leave] to school. ………………………………………………………………………. 3- While we [have] supper, the telephone [ring]. ………………………………………………………………………. 4- Mary [still write] her homework; she [not finish] yet. ………………………………………………………………………. 5- We [go] fishing last week but we [not catch] any fish. ………………………………………………………………………. 6- Randa [almost read] the story. ………………………………………………………………………. 7- Tamer [never play] ……………………………… chess. B)Re write the following sentences using the words in brackens: 1- I have never seen the rainbow. [Interrogative] ………………………………………………………………………. 2- My uncle spent his last Mid Year holiday in Hurghada. [Where] ………………………………………………………………………. 3- Tamer has already had breakfast. [Use not] ………………………………………………………………………. 4- Heba has just drunk her milk. [Interrogative] ………………………………………………………………………. 5- She always goes to the club on Thursday. [Use not] ……………………………………………………………………….

-10- Question Tags

-11- Form IV Question Tags  Put the suitable question tag:-

1- She doesn't know French, ………………………………?

2- Jack plays well, …………………………………………?

3- These flowers smell nice, ……………………………….?

4- They don't come on time, ……………………………….?

5- You meet her quite often, ……………………………….?

6- Boys never wear skirts, ………………………………….?

7- The tree is too tall, ………………………………………?

8- I'm happy, ……………………………………………….?

9- A fireman wears a helmet ,………………………………?

10-I'm not clever, ………………………………………….?

11-Mona never tells lies , ………………………………….?

12-We will go to the party, ……………………………….?

13-I'm tall, ………………………………………………....?

14-She won't come to the picnic, ………………………….?

15-We never play in the street, …………………………....?

-12- -13- -14- Form IV Reflexive Pronouns  Put the suitable reflexive pronoun :

-15- Form IV Conditional ( If ) - We use If conditional sentences to refer to an action that will happen as a result of another action depending completely on it. Conditional sentences contain cause and result. Form: If + present simple → will + verb stem

Examples : 1- If you study hard, you will pass your exams .

2- If you go to party, you will enjoy yourself.

3- If I have a lot of money, I will buy a new car.

4- If she comes late, she won't catch the train.

5- If they don't stop smoking, they will have heart diseases.

6- You will hurt yourself if you play with the scissors.

7- She will be ill if she eats a lot of cakes.

8- Ahmed won't mind if you use his laptop.

9- Peter will be happy if you take him with you to the cinema

10- The teacher will reward you if you get a high mark. *Notice: - Negative of (present simple) ……….. (don't) or (doesn't) - Negative of (will) …………………… (will not) or (won't)

-16-  Correct the verb:-


-17- Form IV The Gerund Gerund = Verb + ing *We use the gerund in the following cases :

A ) At the beginning of the sentence:

1- Drinking milk is important.

2- Reading is very useful.

3- Playing sports is good for your body.

4- Helping the poor is a good moral.

5-Eating a lot of sweets is bad for your teeth.

B) After some verbs :

like – dislike – love – hate – start – finish – begin – stop – avoid – prefer – enjoy 1- I like playing football.

2- I'll watch TV after I finish doing my homework.

3- She will start taking piano lessons next week.

4- You must avoid driving fast.

5-I prefer having salad before meals.

-18- C) After prepositions :

(in – on – at – of – about – before – after – for)

1- I always have a rest after cooking.

2- Mary is good at typing.

3- Hoda is fond of drawing pictures.

4- They are interested in swimming.

5-They were talking about having a holiday.

Examples :

1) Smoking is forbidden in public places.

2) Tom is good at drawing.

3) Swimming is an enjoyable sport.

4) I'm not afraid of watching this film.

5) They always go to the club after doing their homework.

6) You should learn English before travelling to England.

7) I dislike sleeping in the afternoon.

8) My mother hates smoking.

-19- Gerund  Correct the following :

-20- Form IV

* We use relative pronouns to join two sentences.


 We use (who) instead of people.


1- This is the girl. She won the prize. This is the girl who won the prize. 2- I saw the man. He helped me in the street. I saw the man who helped me in the street. 3- We are the neighbours. We live next door. We are the neighbours who live next door. 4- Here are the children. They won the first prize. Here are the children who won the first prize. 5- I met Karma. She sits next to me in class. I met Karma who sits next to me in class.

*Notice: Cross out the subject pronouns (I – You – He – She – They – We)


 We use (which) instead of things or animals. Examples: 1- I saw the film. It was interesting. I saw the film which was interesting. (Cross out it) 2- A tiger is an animal. It lives in the forest. A tiger is an animal which lives in the forest. (Cross out it) 3- This is the cat. My mother fed it. This is the cat which my mother fed. (Cross out it) 4- This is the horse. I gave it some sugar. This is the horse which I gave some sugar. (Cross out it) 5- Mother bought some toys. I always play with them. Mother bought some toys which I always play with. (Cross out them) *Notice: Cross out the subject or object pronouns (it – them)


 We can use (that) instead of people, things or animals.


1- Omar is a teacher. He works in a big school.  Omar is a teacher that works in a big school.

2- This is the car. I bought it last week.

 This is the car that I bought last week. -22- WHOSE WHOSE

 We use (whose) instead of possessive adjectives Cross out (my, his, her, its, our, your and their)


1- This is the woman. Her car was stolen.

This is the woman whose car was stolen.

2- These are the boys. Their bags were lost.

These are the boys whose bags were lost.

3- This is the dog. Its leg was broken.

This is the dog whose leg was broken.


1. A butcher is a person. He sells meat.

A butcher is a person who sells meat.

2. A plane is a machine. It can fly.

A plane is a machine which can fly.

3. I know the woman. Her daughter was lost.

I know the woman whose daughter was lost. -23- Relative Pronouns

-24- Form IV too --- to / enough to

A)too – to too + adjective + to + verb

- We use (too – to ) to join two sentences.

- The two sentences are different.

One them is affirmative and the other is negative. - Cross out (very, so, quite, completely and extremely) from the first sentence.

- Cross out (me, him, her, it, us, you and them) from the second sentence.

E.g : 1- The tea is so hot. I can't drink it. - The tea is too hot to drink. 2- The shelf is very high. I can't reach it. - The shelf is too high to reach. 3- Noha is short. She can't play basketball. -Noha is too short to play basketball. 4- I'm extremely tired. I can't study anymore. I'm too tired to study anymore. 5-The suitcases are so heavy. Grandpa can't carry them.

-25- The suitcases are too heavy to carry.

B)enough to (adjective + enough to + verb)

- We use (enough to) to join two sentences.

The two sentences are the same. Affinitive or negative - Cross out (very , so quite , completely and extremely)

- Cross out (me, him, her, it, us, you and them)

- Examples:

1. He is very clever. He can answer all the exercises.

(affirmative) (affirmative) -He is clever enough to answer all the exercises. 2. He isn't so tall. He can't reach the ceiling.

(negative) (negative)

-He isn't tall enough to reach the ceiling.

3. They are very kind. They can help the poor.

-They are kind enough to help the poor.

-26- 4. I'm not completely free. I can't help you at your homework.

-I'm not free enough to help you at your homework.

5. This problem is very easy. We can solve it.

-This problem is easy enough to solve.

too – to / enough to - Join using too-to / enough to:

-27- Form IV February Revision - Structure:-

-28- 1- The policeman sometimes (catch) thieves, and yesterday he (catch) a dangerous one. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 2- They (be) on time & they (catch) the train yesterday. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 3- He gave me a valuable watch.. [What] ……………………………………………………………………….. 4- The man speaks English well. [F.Q] ……………………………………………………………………….. 5- He (have) a holiday (since – for) five days. [Correct & choose] ……………………………………………………………………….. 6- He usually (drink) coffee in the afternoon, but now he (drink) tea. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 7- Peter still (swim) in the sea. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 8- While she (set)…………………. the table, she (break)…………….. a plate. [Correct]

9- Tom (write) his HW when the light (go out). [Correct]

……………………………………………………………………….. 10- He always (polish) his shoes; he (polish) it while he (watch) T.V [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 11- He goes to school by bus. [How] ……………………………………………………………………….. 12- The bell always (ring) at 8 o'clock. It (ring) while I (talk). [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………………. 13- She has already told me. [Interrogative] ……………………………………………………………………….. 14-Peter has left to work. [not] ………………………………………………………………………..

-29- 15-He drew the picture. [Use already] ……………………………………………………………………….. 16- He (drive) his car (since - for) two hours. [Correct & Choose] ……………………………………………………………………….. 17-Tom has just drunk his milk. [Use not] ……………………………………………………………………….. 18- I never (meet) him (since – for) last winter. [Choose & correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 19- The teacher will explain the new words. [What] ……………………………………………………………………….. 20- The postman has just brought the letters. [Use yesterday] ……………………………………………………………………….. 21-I (be) ill (since – for) last Monday. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 22-The little boy broke the window. [F. Q] ……………………………………………………………………….. 23-The dentist cleans my bad tooth. [Use not] ……………………………………………………………………….. 24-My eldest daughter is thirteen years old. [Wh. Q] ……………………………………………………………………….. 25- It is about 900 kilometers from Cairo to Aswan. [Wh. Q] ……………………………………………………………………….. 26-She is five feet tall. [How] ………………………………………………………………………..

27-Mr. Bell has never been abroad. [Interrogative] ………………………………………………………………………..

28-Tom (fall off) the ladder while he (paint) the ceiling. [Correct]

-30- ……………………………………………………………………….. 29-He goes to school by bus. [Ask a question] ……………………………………………………………………….. 30-I visit my uncle twice a week. [How] ………………………………………………………………………..

31-When his car (break) down, he (go) to the station. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 32-An hour ago I (write) a letter, and now I (do) my H.W. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………….. 33-Ann enjoyed riding bicycles. [F. Q] ……………………………………………………………………….. 34-The teacher is talking to the pupils. [Ask a question] ……………………………………………………………………….. 35-The Eiffel Tower is in France. [F.Q] ……………………………………………………………………… 36-She (not tell) her mother yet. [Correct verb] ……………………………………………………………………….. 37-She rang me up and asked questions. [Use always] ………………………………………………………………………..

Form IV March Revision Rewrite using the words in brackets:- -31- 1- I am tired, ……………? I should have a rest, ………………….? [Q.T]

2- Mother always (set) the table for lunch at three o'clock. She (set) it when I (arrive). [Correct the verb] …………………………………………………………………………

3- My uncle has been to France for ten years. [How] …………………………………………………………………………

4- Look! The children (swim) in the sea. They (come) out in a few minutes. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………

5- I have never played chess. [Interrogative] …………………………………………………………………………

6- It is ten o'clock and my sister (not return) yet. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………

7- (Dive) under water is dangerous but (sail) a boat is enjoyable. [Cor.] …………………………………………………………………………

8- Mary has already fried the potatoes. [Use yet] …………………………………………………………………………

9- She tidies her room in the morning. [F.Q] …………………………………………………………………………

10- Have you done your homework? [answer using " just" and " yet"] Yes, …………………………………………………………………… No, ……………………………………………………………………

11- Children , help …………………. to biscuits and orange juice. [Reflex]

12- The pupils must avoid (make) spelling mistakes. [Correct] ………………………………………………………………………… Form IV

-32- (How)


-33- Form IV Rewrite using the words in brackets:- 1- I (not see) my uncle [since - for] two weeks. [Choose+ v] 2- Those books are useful, ……………………. ? [Q. tag]

3- I am tired, ………………………..? I shall have a rest, …………...? [Question tags] 4- While mother (cut) the meat, she (hurt) her hand. [Verb] ………………………………………………………………………… 5- Sam has never played chess. [Use ever] ………………………………………………………………………… 6- She never comes early, ……………………… ? [Q. tag] 7- Ramy (still write) his exercise; he (not finish) yet. [verb] ………………………………………………………………………… 8- The maid has just cleansed the house. [Use not] …………………………………………………………………………

Form IV -34- April Revision

A) Use of English: Underline the correct word:- 1- Mary's done her work, [isn't she? hasn't she? – has she?]

2- Most of people prefer [travelling – are traveling – is traveling] by [heir – air] because it is the [fast – faster – fastest] means of transport.

3- Tamer is fond of [collect – collecting – collected] stamps but he is bad at [draw – draws – drawing].

4- The hungry man [ate – is eating – eats] his food greedily yesterday.

5- I [know – knew – have known] Mary [since – for – about] many years and are still friends.

6- Boys! don't hurt [yourself –yourselves– themselves ] with the hammer.

7- That is the horse [who – which – whose] won the race.

8- Would you [lend – lended – lent] me [some – many – any] money, please?

9- While Ramy [is running – was running – ran] in the street, he [drop – droped – dropped] his wallet.

10-Those socks weren't new, [weren't they? – were they? – didn't they?]

B) Do as shown:-

1- This is the woman. Her child was sick. [Relative] …………………………………………………………………………. 2- My father hurt ……………… while he was shaving. [Reflexive pronoun]

-35- 3- Mona and her father have been to America for ten years.



4- getting off – Sam – watch – his – lost – While – the bus – he – was



5- Hala has already prepared the table for lunch. [use " yet"]


6- They have never played chess. [ever]


7- I had my breakfast. [Use just]


8- I don't know who that woman is. She hasn't introduced ……………….


9- I (fall) on my knee just as I (cross) the road. [Correct]


Form IV Use of English: -36- 1- They [were – has been – have been] members in that club [for– since] two years.

2- The lights [went – were going – go] out while I [studied – was studying – have studied].

3- Sally and I enjoyed [themselves – ourself – ourselves] at the party.

4- I can't repair the car [myself – himself] but my brother can repair it [himself – yourself - myself].

5- Mother told me to depend on [herself – myself - himself] when I do the H.W.

6- Randa [didn't learn – hasn't learned – isn't learned] to read yet.

7- Your brother understood the lesson [didn't you – doesn't he– didn't he]?

8- How [long – tall] is a giraffe? And how [heavy – many] is a cow?

9- The old man can't walk fast. He's as [slow – brave – thin] as a [rake – snail – lamb].

10-Our soldiers were as [gentle – brave] as [lambs – lions] in the war, so they won the battle.

- Rewrite using the words in brackets:-

1- He (do) his H.W when I (visit) him. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………………. 2- While I [look] at the shop window, a thief (steal) my bag. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………….

3- She always writes [good – better - well]. Her handwriting is (neat). -37- [Choose & correct] ……………………………………………………………………………. 4- John tried hard, ………………………………? [Questions tag] 5- I am very lucky,…………………………………? [Questions tag] 6- We (do) our exercise when the bell (ring). [Correct ] ……………………………………………………………………………. 7- We shall meet them,………………………….? [Questions tag] 8- My brother (write) his H.W now. He usually (finish) it before supper. [Yesterday] ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 9- He goes to school everyday. [Does] ……………………………………………………………………………. 10-He (be) ill (for - since) two days. [Correct & choose] ……………………………………………………………………………. 11-I (study) hard now, so I (try) to pass the exam next month. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………….

12-Mary usually (study) maths and her friend sometimes (help) her. [Cor.] …………………………………………………………………………….

13-John, don't cut ……………………….. [Reflexive pron.]

14-The kitten can feed ………………….. [Reflexive pron.]

15-John cut …………………… with a sharp knife. [Reflexive]

-38- 16-I have just finished work. [Use not] …………………………………………………………………………….

17-You (ever be) to the zoo? [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………….

18-The man has already washed the car. [Use not] …………………………………………………………………………….

19-I (not see) him (for – since) a long time but I (meet) him last summer in Alexandria. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………….

20-Behave ……………………… children! [Reflex]

21-I can't clean the room ……………………………. [Reflex]

22-The teacher already (correct) the copybooks. [Correct] …………………………………………………………………………….

23-It (not be) hot yesterday, but today it (be) hot. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………………. Form IV - Rewrite using the words in brackets:-

-39- Which

, ………………………………..? we were children. [Correct]

( who)


Form IV

-40- Rewrite using the words in brackets:-

1- She's got a new doll, ……………………? [Questions tag]

2- He (do) his H.W when I (visit) him. [Correct] ……………………………………………………………………………

3- Tom never breaks his promise, ………………………..? [Question tag]

4- I have seen this film before. [Interrogative] ……………………………………………………………………………

5- We have already read the book. [not] ……………………………………………………………………………

6- We enjoyed ……………………. at the party but my parents didn't enjoy …………………… at all. [Reflex]

7- It takes seven minutes to boil on egg. [How] ……………………………………………………………………………

8. I gave Ahmed's book to the teacher. [Whose]


Form IV -41- [Question]

(not receive) (any – some )



18- Can the boys improve ………………………. before the game starts tomorrow? [Reflexive Pr.]

19- This is the woman [who – which – whose] car broke down yesterday. [Choose]

20- She (not make) any mistakes if she (be) careful. [Correct] ………………………………………………………………………

Form IV -42- All the guests can eat.



-34 (Did)


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