National Meeting of Aboriginal Business Educators October 5-6, 2015 Membertou / Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia Discussion Outline

A National meeting of Aboriginal Business Educators

We are inviting our In.Business delivery partners, as well as other national industry and education leaders, to join us for an important, urgent discussion regarding the Indigenization of business and academia. Attendees have also expressed interest in establishing a Canadian Consortium of Aboriginal Business Scholarship.

The proposed goal of this first meeting will be to collaborate on consciously expanding the dialogue around Aboriginal Business as a discipline within the established study of business and to identify collaboration opportunities.

One of the Purdy Crawford Chair’s primary project deliverables is to host a series of national round table discussions about Aboriginal Business Education at a post-secondary level. We have met with groups of students, economic development officers, community leaders, and elders from across the country and finally feel ready to meet with educators to:  Showcase the work and lessons learned from of the Crawford Chair;

 Showcase the growing discipline; and

 Establish a national consortium of scholars and industry leaders who support the enhancement of business curricula through the inclusion of more Aboriginally focused resources

The two-day meeting aims to focus the discussion on creating space for Aboriginal perspectives and participation within industry and academia. We intend to explore this through the lens of the Aboriginal business student life-cycle from elementary through to post-secondary education and employment.

For supporting documents, please visit the following link:

Page 1 of 3 Agenda

Monday, October 5, 2015 time Subject presenter/venue/notes 12:00pm Tour of Eskasoni Cultural Journeys Transportation leaves Hampton Inn at noon. - 4:00pm Lunch provided.

4:00pm- Break Free time before dinner 5:00pm 5:00pm- Formal welcome, introductions, dinner, and Muin room at Membertou Trade and Convention Centre 7:30pm presentations from Membertou and Eskasoni (attached to the Hampton Inn by pedway)

Meeting Chair: Dr. Keith Brown, VP International and Aboriginal Affairs and Purdy Crawford Chair, CBU

Special Guests: Chief Terry Paul, Membertou Chief Leroy Denny, Eskasoni Jeff Ward, General Manager, Membertou Heritage Park 7:30pm- Review plans for following day (homework) Dr. Keith Brown 8:00pm

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 time Subject presenter/venue/notes 7:45am Bus departs Hampton Inn, Membertou for CBU

8:00am Arrive CBU — Verschuren Centre Breakfast will be provided.

8:15am- Presentation on Mi’kmaw History Stephen Augustine, Dean, Unama’ki College, CBU 8:55am 9:00am- Industry panel Room CS101 in Cape Breton University —Verschuren 10:15am Centre Each panelist will discuss the how their industry sector and company approaches Aboriginal business followed Clint Davis, VP, Aboriginal Affairs, TD Bank Financial Group by a Q&A session and general discussion Mary Jane Loustel, National Aboriginal Program Executive, IBM Canada Ltd. Derek Teevan, Vice President Aboriginal and Government Guiding questions: Affairs, Detour Gold Corporation • What innovative approaches (technology, process, or Dr. Keith Brown, moderator otherwise) are used to engage with Aboriginal communities? One-pagers on each presenter available in your information • What kind of accountability exists in partnerships folders. Please review prior to the panel discussion. with Aboriginal communities? • What positive and negative experiences can we learn from? • What can we learn from your experiences in partnership and education? • What opportunities are there for Post-Secondary Institutions to engage with industry on behalf of Page 2 of 3 Aboriginal business students in terms of research and/or mentorship? 10:15am- Break Coffee and tea refresh 10:30am 10:30am- Education panel Eleanor Bernard, Executive Director, Mi'kmaw 11:45am Kina'matnewey Panel discussion covering innovative approaches to Dr. Paulette Tremblay, Vice President, Education and Aboriginal education, the life cycle of Aboriginal Training, AFOA students, mentorship, and Indigenizing academia. Dr. Keith Brown, CBU Dr. David Wheeler, President and Vice-Chancellor, CBU, Guiding questions: moderator • What innovative approaches (technology, process, or otherwise) have you used to engage with Aboriginal One-pagers on each presenter available in your information communities? folders. Please review prior to the panel discussion. • What has your experience been developing and/or changing curriculum to make it more inclusive of Aboriginal communities and their needs? • What has the response to your efforts been locally and nationally? • What lessons can post-secondary business schools learn from the experiences of your organization? • Why have you partnered with CBU to support the Purdy Crawford Chair’s approach to the In.Business Mentorship and research?

12:00pm- Working lunch – Mi’kmaw cultural insight Tuma T.W. Young, Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies, 1:00pm CBU 1:00pm- Structured discussions on Aboriginal business in Dr. Keith Brown and Dr. David Wheeler, moderators 2:30pm education  How are we expanding the study and practice of business to include Aboriginal content?  What are we doing to change the curriculum to be more inclusive?  How are we supporting Aboriginal business students through the education life cycle?

2:30pm- Break Coffee and tea refresh 2:45pm 2:45pm- Next steps and continued action Dr. David Wheeler, President and Vice-Chancellor, CBU, 4:30pm  What format should a consortium take to support moderator the future of Aboriginal business in education?  Can this model be used to create space for Aboriginal perspectives and participation across other disciplines?  What are the opportunities to work together to formally respond to the TRC Calls to Action?

4:30pm Transportation leaves CBU for Hampton Inn, Membertou (airport runs also available)

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