VOLCON Funding Bulletin
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Funding Bulletin August 2013
This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester: Tameside Third Sector Coalition (T3SC), Voluntary Action Oldham (VAO) Anchorpoint Stockport, Bolton CVS and Salford CVS. Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Fit4Funding, Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.
Assistance is available from your local CVS (Council for Voluntary Services) with putting together a quality funding bid. Please find the details below of who to contact in your area. Please get in touch to see how we can work with you to help you achieve your aims.
Please also let us know if you are successful in securing funding as a result of spotting an opportunity in our bulletin!
SuperConnected Salford Broadband Scheme Priorities/details: Charities, social enterprises and other not-for-profit organisations in Salford and Manchester can apply for vouchers worth up to £3,000 to install up to 100 Mbps broadband access in their area. Not-for-profit organisations can apply for the vouchers as long as they: Employ fewer than 250 people. Have an annual turnover of no more than €50 million (approximately £43 million), or an annual balance sheet of no more than €43 million (approximately £37 million). Are financially viable and have no debt to the relevant City Council. Have not already received public sector funding to improve the broadband connectivity their property. Application Form: Visit Salford City Councils website; http://www.salford.gov.uk/superconnected.htm Grant amount: up to £3,000 Deadlines : 30th Sept 2013 Further information: See the website below; http://www.open4community.info/salford/O4News.aspx? WCI=htmNews&WCU=CBC,DSCODE=O4CUK3RS,NEWSITEMID=254-N47926 Greater Manchester Airport Fund The Community Trust Fund award grants to a maximum of £3,000. To be successful a group must: Carry out positive work in the community and be of charitable nature and be ‘Not for Profit’ status, be community, socially or environmentally focused, based within the area of benefit The Project should offer / be: Improve, enhance, protect and conserve the natural and built environment; or offer heritage conservation; or promote or advance social welfare; or provide better appreciation of the natural and urban environment; or create a safe habitat for flora and fauna. Demonstrate lasting benefit to the community. Benefit all members of the community regardless of race, gender or religion. Be from an established group or charity able to demonstrate clear banking or financial records, and not an individual or commercial organisation working for profit. Application Form: Apply via an online application system Grant amount: maximum of £3,000 Deadlines : 6th Sept 2013 Further information: Email: [email protected] Tel:0161 489 5281 W: www.manchesterairport.co.uk/manweb.nsf/Content/CommunityTrustFund
People's Postcode Trust - Dream Fund 2014 Priorities/details: Funding is available for organisations to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. To deliver an innovative, creative and original project that will last up to 24 months. Projects must meet one of the following funding criteria: Encouraging Healthy Living, Social Enterprise, or Environmental Sustainability Who for: Organisations are encouraged to collaborate to provide a more efficient service. All applications must, therefore, come from at least two organisations that have joined forces. One of these organisations must be a registered charity, who will be considered the lead organisation for the project. The other organisations can be another charity, a voluntary group, a community interest company or a social enterprise Grant amount: Organisations can apply for grants of between £100,000 and £250,000 Application process: Groups apply by filling in a form. Deadline: 20 September 2013. Further information: Dream Fund Helpdesk People's Postcode Trust 76 George Street Edinburgh EH2 3BU Tel: 0131 555 7287 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.postcodetrust.org.uk/ LOTTERY
Trust Commissioning Better Outcomes and the Social Outcomes Fund Priorities/details: The Big Lottery Fund and the Cabinet Office are working together to support the development of more innovative approaches to improving social outcomes. They are focusing on approaches that use payment by results (PbR) mechanisms, particularly those which involve social investment such as Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). To achieve this The Big Lotery have set up two funds - the Cabinet Office’s Social Outcomes Fund and the Big Lottery Fund’s Commissioning Better Outcomes – with a joint mission to support the development of more SIBs. Between them these funds are making up to £60m available to pay for a proportion of outcomes payments for these types of models in complex policy areas, as well as support to develop robust proposals. The shared overarching aim is to grow the market in SIBs, while each fund has a specific focus that reflects the missions of the Big Lottery Fund and Cabinet Office. For the Big Lottery Fund, this is to enable more people, particularly those most in need, to lead fulfilling lives, in enriching places and as part of successful communities. For the Cabinet Office, this is to catalyse and test innovative approaches to tackling complex issues using outcomes based commissioning. We have appointed a support contractor to work on a one to one basis with applicants submitting an expression of interest. More information will be available soon. The Cabinet Office Centre for Social Impact Bonds provides light-touch support to SIB developers and has produced a series of tools and resources to help develop SIBs. The Knowledge Box is a modular resource containing the latest thinking on SIBs A template and guidance for developing payment by results contracts You can contact the Centre for Social Impact Bonds by emailing [email protected] Who for: Commissioners, providers or intermediaries can all submit an EoI, but we expect full applications to be from a commissioning organisation (typically a public sector organisation). For example: a Local Authority, seeking to improve outcomes for troubled families. a Central Government Department, seeking to reduce problem drug use. a Clinical Commissioning Group, seeking to reduce hospitalisation of the elderly. a Police and Crime Commissioner, seeking to reduce gang membership. Grant amount: In your full application you can ask us to pay for a minority proportion of outcome payments to cover, for example, non-cashable savings or savings that fall to other commissioners who cannot pay for outcomes. There is no minimum or maximum funding available for each SIB but we expect the average amount of funding to be around £1 million. We will only contribute a minority proportion of outcomes payments, and expect the average contribution to be around 20 per cent of the total outcomes payments. You can ask for between £10,000 and £150,000 of development funding to purchase technical support to develop your SIB. Application Form: As many of the objectives for the two funds complement each other, there will be a single set of forms to make applying as simple as possible Applicants follow a two stage application process consisting of an expression of interest (EoI) and, once this is approved, a full application. Commissioners, providers or intermediaries can all submit an EoI. Application Deadline: 3 July 2016 Further information: http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/sioutcomesfunds GENERAL
Screwfix’s New Charity Aims to Assist UK Charities Priorities/details: Trade retailer Screwfix has set up a charity to raise funding which can be given as grants to registered charities to fix, maintain and improve facilities for those in need in the UK. The Screwfix Foundation, established earlier this year, will raise money through staff fundraising events as well as from collection boxes placed in its 280 stores. Screwfix is continuing its partnership with Pennies, the electronic charity box which enables customers to round up their payments to the nearest pound with all money donated now going direct to The Screwfix Foundation. The money will be given both to its charity partners and to smaller local charities who can apply for funding through the Screwfix Foundation website. This year’s charity partners are Barnado’s children’s charity and Macmillan Cancer Support. Who for? Any charity that is registered in the UK and has a project that involves fixing, maintaining or repairing buildings or facilities for people in need may apply for funding. Grant Amount: Does not specify. Please contact for more details. Deadline: There is, at the moment, no set limit. Grants are determined on a case by case basis, and funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. The grants can be used for a range of projects whether it’s repairing a run-down building or decorating the home of a family living with illness and disability. Application Form: Available to download from the website. Contact: For further information go to: http://www.screwfix.com/jsp/landing.jsp? id=ScrewfixFoundation
War Memorials Trust England Priorities/details: War Memorials Trust works for the protection and conservation of war memorials in the UK. They provide advice and information to anyone as well as running grant schemes for the repair and conservation of war memorials.All of their grant schemes provide support to projects that aim to repair and conserve war memorials in their existing form as well as reinstate the memorial to its original design. Their schemes relate only to existing war memorials and no grant can be offered to support the creation of new war memorials or projects for which work has already started and/or is completed. Graves of any type are not eligible for support under any of War Memorials Trust grant schemes. The most up to date information for England is http://www.warmemorials.org.uk/ Who for: Applicants can be organisations or individuals (if they have permission to undertake the work). Application Form: You need to check your eligibility and submit an 'Expression of interest form' to clarify if the Grants for War Memorials scheme is right for your project before an application can be submitted. Grant Amount: Between £3,000 up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs, with a maximum grant of £30,000 Deadline: 30th September Further Information: 42a Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RE Tel: Conservation advice/grants: 020 7233 7356 http://www.warmemorials.org.uk/ War Memorials Trust England Small Grants Priorities/details: War memorials have traditionally been funded by local communities. Public subscription and donations paid for the creation of war memorials. Maintenance is a community responsibility, representing their ongoing tribute to the fallen of their community. The Small Grants Scheme seeks to help communities who could not otherwise fund works required. It seeks to facilitate repair and conservation works through its grants and act as a catalyst for action. This document outlines the principles applied by War Memorials Trust to administering its Small Grants Scheme. It has limited funds to support repair and conservation work. Who for: Applicants can be organisations or individuals (if they have permission to undertake the work). Grant amount: Up to 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of £2,500 Application process: A pre application form must be completed by email or post. Deadline: There are no deadlines and applicants are regularly assessed throughout the year. Further information: http://www.warmemorials.org/small-grants-scheme/
Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Scheme Priorities/details: Local projects that support children and their education and welfare, and elderly people and adults and children with disabilities. Who for: Applications are only accepted from charities and not-for- profit organisations. Grant amount: Between £500 and £4,000. Application process: Applications can only be submitted online. Deadline: There are two rounds of funding every year for each category. Applications made outside the timescales for your category cannot be accepted. Application for grants for elderly people and adults and children with disabilities should be made between 1st August 2013 and 30th September 2013 with an expected decision date in December Further information: http://www.tescoplc.com/media/142631/community_award_guidelines.pdf Tesco Charity Trust, PO Box 980, Canterbury, CT1 9DX Tel: 0845 6123575
Community Right to Build Priorities/details: In March 2013, the Housing Minister, Mark Prisk announced funding, originally earmarked for communities seeking to achieve planning permission via a Community Right to Build Order would be expanded to also cover community groups who want to submit a planning application, but who need some help to achieve this. All community groups in England (outside Greater London) are invited to apply for a share of the £14m fund which is being made available to help groups to formally establish, build up their development proposals and submit a either a Community Right to Build Order or a planning application. The Community Led Project Support funding programme is a revenue funding programme which helps communities to achieve their development ambitions for their local area. The fund will provide revenue funding to help community groups to build their capacity to either submit a Community Right to Build order, which is an alternative way for communities to deliver the development they want – be it homes, shops, businesses or facilities – where the benefits of the development will be retained by the community for the community, or to apply for planning permission. Communities interested in applying for support have the choice of applying for funding through two different routes:
Community Right to Build – provides support for community groups who want to submit an application for a Community Right to Build Order as an alternative to achieving planning permission by submitting an application for planning permission.
Planning Application Route – provides support for community groups seeking to achieve planning permission through a planning application.
Who for: Any community group or parish council can seek to access the funding provided that they have constituted a formal organisation that meets certain basic standards.
Grant amount: There is £14m available over the next two years (2013-2015) for communities in England (excluding Greater London). This is not a one-off bidding opportunity. The programme will remain open to receive new applications until funding is fully committed (or until end of March 2015, whichever occurs first). This will allow community groups the time to work up their proposals before applying. Application process: An application pack is available for download http://www.homesandcommunities.co.uk/community-led-project-support where you can also find the guidelines Deadline: 2013-2015 Further information: Community groups that are considering applying for either a Community Right to Build Order or submitting a planning application are encouraged to first discuss their proposals with the Community Led Project Support Hub, Locality, who can be contacted on 0845 345 4564 For all the information you need please see http://www.homesandcommunities.co.uk/community-led-project-support
The Santander Foundation – Community Plus Priorities/details: The grant must benefit local disadvantaged people. Funding is for specific items, like equipment or to pay for the costs of a part time sessional worker. It will not support charities which restrict their beneficiaries to a single religious or single ethnic group, one off events and conferences, sponsorship or fundraising activities and party political activity. Who for: The scheme is open to small local UK charities or local projects of national charities. Grant amount: Up to £5,000. Application process: Visit any Santander branch and complete a Community Plus Nomination form. The completed form should be dropped into your local branch. Deadline: Applications can be submitted anytime. Further information: www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/community-plus.aspx
The Santander Foundation – Central Fund Priorities/details: Supports projects which help disadvantaged people over two strands: 1. Education and training - Activity which disadvantaged people undertake where they improve their confidence in a skill or their understanding of a subject. This does not necessarily have to be formal training or lead to a qualification. Examples could include independent living skills, anger management, or improving self esteem. Other examples could include reminiscence projects for older people and art and craft sessions for disadvantaged children. 2. Financial capability This priority covers activities which help disadvantaged people understand how to manage their money. It could include budgeting skills, accessing affordable credit as well as managing the challenges that arise from being a carer, unemployment, disability or relationship break up. Examples could be the costs of running a credit union, projects delivering financial advice and helping people to understand their benefit entitlement. Successful applications under this priority have included equipping a training kitchen for homeless people who learnt how to budget effectively for their food and then went on to apply these principals to other parts of their lives. Capital grants are available to buy tangible items such as equipment or training materials. Revenue grants are also available to fund project costs such as sessional worker fees, salaries, room hire or other costs incurred in the delivery of the charitable priorities. Who for: Organisations with charitable status for their work within the UK. This includes registered, exempt and excepted charities, Industrial & Provident Societies registered under charitable but not membership rules. Grant amount: Up to £10,000. Application process: Download a cover sheet from the website and write a letter of about 2-3 sides of A4 on the headed notepaper of your charity. Deadline: Applications can be submitted anytime. Further information: http://www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/
The Yapp Charitable Trust Priorities/details: The Yapp Charitable Trust make grants to small registered charities to sustain their existing work with: Elderly people Children and young people aged 5 – 25 People with disabilities or mental health problems. Moral welfare – people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin (such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse, offending) Education and learning (with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children) They provide core funding for up to three years. Who for: Funds registered charities with an annual expenditure of less than £40,000. Grant amount: Up to £3,000 per year over three years. Application process: Please use their eligibility checker online before applying and then download the application form. Deadline: Applications can be submitted anytime. Further information: Joanne Anderson, Tel: 0191 4922118 Email: [email protected] Website: www.yappcharitabletrust.org.uk SPORT
The Rowing Foundation Priorities/details: The Foundation gives grants to help British rowing organisations and clubs whose requirements may be too small or who may be otherwise ineligible for an approach to the National Lottery or other similar sources of funds. The Rowing Foundation prefers to encourage participation in rowing by the young or disabled through the provision of equipment, such as boats, sculls, ergos, oars and essential safety equipment. Coaching, revenue or any commitment requiring long term support are rarely approved. Who for: British rowing organisations and clubs Grant amount: £500-£2,000 Application process: Online application form Deadline: 12 August & 11 November 2013 Further information: The Rowing Foundation, 2 Roehampton Close, Putney, London, SW15 5LU Tel. 0208 878 3723 Fax. 0208 878 6298 Email. [email protected] W: www.therowingfoundation.org.uk/index.php
Theatres Protection Scheme Priorities/details: The Small Grants Scheme aims to target theatres run by charities and not-for-profit groups that can clearly demonstrate the value capital improvements to their theatres would make to their work with local communities. Small capital building projects that address urgent building repairs, improve operational viability, introduce environmental improvements, and which enhance physical accessibility will be prioritised. Applicants also need to demonstrate that they run a regular theatre programme of professional, community and/or amateur work presenting no less than 30 performances a year. Who for: Charities and not-for-profit groups who own or manage theatres with titles or signed leases of more than 5 years on their building. Grant amount: The maximum level of grant that will be awarded is £5,000 Application process: Download an application form Deadline: The Theatres Trust will receive applications at any time. Applications are considered by The Theatres Trust’s Trustees at their Council meetings in April and October each year. Further information: http://www.theatrestrust.org.uk/grants ENVIRONMENT
Woodland Trust Trees Fund Priorities/details: Bring your community together to do something good for your neighbourhood by applying for the chance to receive a free tree pack to plant in November 2013. Who for: Community and youth groups, as well as educational establishments looking for larger packs is also on the website. Grant amount: Each pack is worth £30, £105 or £420 Application process: Apply via an online application system available through the website below. Deadline: 13 September 2013 Further information: [email protected] - For all your community, youth group or medium/large school pack questions. W: www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/en/moretreesmoregood/free-trees/Pages/free-tree-packs.aspx
The Rehabilitation Social Action Fund
Aims: The Rehabilitation Social Action Fund aims to: create more opportunities for social action to reduce reoffending (by influencing intermediate outcomes such as housing, drug and alcohol use, social capital, etc. and ultimately reconviction); Demonstrate more effectively the value of social action on reducing reoffending to future funders/ commissioners and other stakeholders, and Help the voluntary and community sector using social action to reduce reoffending to scale up in a sustainable way with robust business plans. Who can apply? Charities and social enterprises delivering in England who have well tested models of social action supporting adult offenders (at least 2 years delivery experience) Grant amount: grants of between £50,000 and £250,000 Deadline: 5 September 2013 Further information: https://online.contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/Common/View %20Notice.aspx?site=1000&lang=en&NoticeId=1026560
CLINKS PARTNERSHIP FINDER for VCSE organisations working in criminal justice and rehabilitation
Users will be able to search hundreds of organisations by service provided, size, geographical area, and track record to find their perfect VCSE partners. Registration is free, and will take just a few minutes using an online form. Register your interest now by emailing [email protected].
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) published its proposals for transforming rehabilitation at the beginning of January. The consultation has now closed and a response has been published. The MoJ's Transforming Rehabilitation consultation documents and Strategy for Reform are available at https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digital-communications/transforming- rehabilitation The MoJ has now published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the Rehabilitation Programme - http://www.justice.gov.uk/transforming-rehabilitation/prior- information-notice
Time to Change Priorities/details: The fund will support projects which:
Change public attitudes and behaviour by bringing together people who have experienced mental health problems with those who have not Engage the public or local communities in meaningful conversations about mental health. This could be through events, training, arts, sports – be creative! Are led throughout by people with lived experience of mental health problems –
Who for: Grants can only be awarded to constituted groups or organisations, but we will only fund projects which have people with experience of mental health problems in lead roles. 25% of the grants fund will be allocated to projects run by, and working with people from BME communities, and 20% are for projects working with children and young people. Projects must be led by people with experience of mental health problems. This means that people with first-hand experience take a lead at all levels and stages, from designing the project, to managing and evaluating the project. Deadline: Round 4 of the grants fund opens on 17 July 2013 - deadline for applications to be confirmed - pleae check the website below. Application Form: Available to download from the website. Can be sent by email or post. Further Information: Email [email protected] to register your interest W: www.time-to-change.org.uk/grants
The BRIT Trust Priorities/details: All money collected by the Trust is then awarded in the form of donations to a wide variety of charities that embody The Trusts guiding ethos "to encourage young people in the exploration and pursuit of educational, cultural or therapeutic benefits emanating from music". Who for: Registered Charities. The BRIT Trust does not consider individual grants, scholarships or capital grants or grant donations outside the UK. Application Form: Apply by submitting the on-line form. Deadline: Applications can be submitted at anytime (please note that applications are only considered annually at a Trust meeting in September – all applications should be received by The Trust no later than August and should be for projects planned for the following year) Further information: The Brit Trust, British Record Industry Trust, Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JA email: via an online formW: www.brittrust.co.uk/funding The Scout Association Priorities/details: Over the years The Scout Association has been extremely fortunate to receive generous donations from many individuals and organisations who wish to support our work at a national and local level. The result of these donations is that there are a range of funds available, particularly to support local groups/units and individual members who require financial assistance in undertaking their scouting. Grants are available for: Opening or re-opening new sections Starting a new group (min. two sections) in a recognised area of social deprivation Local development planning events; capital equipment for promoting Scouting; adult recruitment events; youth recruitment events aimed at the cub and network sections; training adviser recruitment and retention Employment of local development staff Non-wood badge leader training; capital equipment for the delivery of adult training; young leader training; activity assessor training and assessment; activity permit assessments; DofE assessments; trustee/executive training; trainer training; minibus training and assessment Air and sea scout training and capital equipment purchase Support for members 'in financial hardship' - volunteer expenses, uniforms, camp and activity costs Members with special needs and the development of special needs scouting, including small scale building works to ensure accessibility for all Who for: Scout groups Grant amount: Not specified (contact for more details). Application process: Available to download from the website. Deadline: Applications can be submitted any time but must be at least 6 weeks before the event date. Further information: DGB Grants Manager email: [email protected] W: http://scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/?cat=262,266,589
True Colours Trust
Priorities/details: Trustees of the Trust are committed to supporting a large number of excellent local organisations and projects that support disabled children and their families on a daily basis. The Trust has a small grants programme, open to application at any time, which provides grants of up to £10,000, usually for one-off purposes, to help smaller organisations develop and deliver programmes for children, their siblings and families.
The Trustees are particularly keen to support:
Hydrotherapy pools Multi sensory rooms Mini buses Young carers projects Sibling projects Bereavement support Who for: Registered charities Grant amount: Up to £10,000 Application Form: Applications are via an on-line application form accessible through the website. Deadline: Applications can be submitted at any time. Further information: The True Colours Trust | Allington House (1st Floor) | 150 Victoria Street | SW1E 5AE Tel: 0207 410 0330 | Fax: 0207 410 0332 W: www.truecolourstrust.org.uk
Greater Manchester Funding Portal Don’t forget if you are looking for funding you can find the latest funding opportunities, information and guidance on the GM Funding Portal, a free funding database. www.GMFunding.net
If you are a voluntary organisation, charity or community group in Greater Manchester, GMFunding.net is a new, free service to help you search for sources of funding for your organisation, venture or project.
Presented in the format of an online, step-by-step questionnaire, GMFunding.net enables you to identify and select only funding schemes and awards that are appropriate for your project. The information on GMFunding.net comprises in excess of 5,000 funding schemes that are available in the UK from European and national sources.
If you are looking for funding and can’t find exactly what you are looking for here please contact your local support agency.
Community and Voluntary Action Tameside (CVAT) 131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW Tel: 0161 339 4985 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cvat.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1094744 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 4332858
VAO (Voluntary Action Oldham) 12 Manchester Chambers, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1LF Tel: 0161 633 6222 Email: [email protected] Website: www.vaoldham.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1063577 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 3359006
Bolton CVS (Community and Voluntary Services) The Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS Tel 01204 546010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1003123 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 2615057
Anchorpoint Stockport www.anchorpointstockport.org.uk Graylaw House, 41 Chestergate, Stockport, SK1 1LZ Tel: 0161 475 0855 Email: [email protected] www.anchorpointstockport.org.uk Anchorpoint Stockport is a standalone project managed by Synergy Stockport Ltd A consortium of voluntary organisations in the borough. Company limited by guarantee No: 6814531, Registered Charity No: 1135557
Salford CVS and Volunteer Centre The Old Town Hall, 5 Irwell Place, Salford, M30 0FN Tel: 0161 787 7795 Email: [email protected] Website: www.salfordcvs.co.uk Registered Charity No: 519361, Company Limited by Guarantee: 1948293