Bread and Roses, Too Worksheet Butler 8

Your Name: ______Title: ______Author: ______Setting (time and place): ______

1. Write the historical event upon which the story is based.


2. Choose three characters that are essential to the story. Describe each and then explain how he /she changes as a result of the strike.

Character: ______Character: ______Character: ______Description: Description: Description:

Change: Change: Change:

3. Choose three chapters that interested you after the move to Vermont. Write the title and explain how the title relates to the characters, action and theme in that chapter.

Chapter # Chapter # Chapter # Title Description of chapter related to character, action, theme Passage / quote that illustrates theme of chapter:

Page number:

4. Food for thought! There is a lot of “food for thought” in this historical novel. List 5 topics you might enjoy researching.


5. The last sentence ends with “ toward a new life where bread was never wanting and roses grew in stone. “ First, explain what this means for Jake and second, how it relates to the title.
