Village of Coxsackie
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Mayor Evans called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Trustee Stephen Hanse, Trustee Joseph Ellis and Trustee Dianne Ringwald. Trustee Donald Daoust was excused.
A motion to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2017 Local Laws # 3, 4 & 5 of 2017 Public Hearing and dispense with reading of the same was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2017 Board Meeting and dispense with reading of the same was made by Trustee Ringwald and seconded by Mayor Evans. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
Hearing of Visitors and Guests
Mayor Evans swore in Frank Harris as a new Officer of the Police Department.
Correspondence Received
A card was received from the seniors thanking the Village Board for the annual contribution to their organization.
A letter was received from Carolyn Yusko thanking the Village and specifically the DPW for righting some posts in the right of way along the road on South River Street that a truck had run over.
A request received from the Coxsackie Yacht Club to grant a two hour quiet time extension for their annual fundraiser on July 15, 2017.
A letter received from an unsigned resident asking the Mayor to look at Riverside Park and address the holes there.
A letter received from Executive Director of NYCOM, Peter Baynes, regarding a bill providing cancer coverage for firefighters and mandating a payment program. NYCOM does not oppose the benefit but no opt-in or opt-out was provided and they are urging the Governor not to sign it.
A report received from PERMA, the Village’s workmen’s compensation carrier, after an audit was conducted. The Village Board has reviewed the report and will begin working on their recommendations.
Liaisons & Board Reports
Trustee Ellis stated that in regards to the PERMA report, the Village Board has added a lot of safety items for different departments throughout the past couple of years. However, after the PERMA audit the Board is aware that there are still a lot of items that need to be addressed.
Mayor Evans stated that the Board is looking to start going through the PERMA report and address the items mentioned one by one to see where the deficiencies are.
Motions & Resolutions
A motion to approve the bid received from Peckham Industries, Inc. in the amount of $103,100.00 for asphalt paving on Wayne Drive (North/South section), School Street, Whitbeck Street, Mark Road, John Street, and Matthew Lane (from Luke Street to the dead end) was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the bid received from Rosch Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $ 19,820.00 for the replacement of the Village Hall front entry doors was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the request received from the Coxsackie Yacht Club to grant a two hour quiet time extension for their annual fundraiser on July 15, 2017, with neighbors to be notified was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the proposal received from Tyco, Inc. in the amount of $ 16,460.00 with an annual maintenance fee of $ 2,075.20 which can be paid monthly for the installation of 6 cameras and all related equipment at the Water Plant was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the quote received from ADT, who already provides service for the Water Plant for entry alarms, in the amount of $ 41/month or $ 444/year for an “On the Go” safety system to be worn by Water Plant personnel was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the estimate received from 3D signs to rehab the Village sign in West Coxsackie for $ 500-$ 700 was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the estimate received from Syntech (Fuelmaster) in the amount of $905.00 to upgrade the Fuelmaster gas/diesel pump and software system and related programming and set costs for Nordutch Computers was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve a transfer of funds from the Water Fund of $ 25,000 and Wastewater Fund of $ 15,000 to the General Fund as part of the repayment #1 of borrowed funds was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to deny the request received from Maria Hearn of the Closing Department of Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates, P.C. asking to waive the water/sewer penalties from the water/sewer account from 149 Mansion Street, due to the fact that the property closed on 10/31/2017 and a final water bill was not ordered at the time of closing, and they were unaware of outstanding charges the seller should have been responsible for was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the request from Jeff Haas for the Blessing of the Animals at Riverside Park on September 9th from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve a Preventative Maintenance Contract with WEDECO-Xylem Water Solutions for the UV system at the Water Plant at an annual cost of $ 8,178.00 was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve declaring a 2002 Ford Pick-up from the Water Dept. junk and be disposed of thereof was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve putting out to bid a 2003 Dodge 4 Door pickup truck with bids due at the next work session on August 10th, 2017 at 6 p.m. was made by Trustee Ellis and seconded by Trustee Ringwald. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the following appropriation changes was made by Trustee Ringwald and seconded by Trustee Ellis. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
Appropriation Changes Board Meeting: July 10, 2017 ******Budget Journal-Fiscal Year Ending 5/31/2017****** General Fund From (Debit) To (Credit) Account Account # Amount Account Account # Amount Board of Trustees-Personal Services A1010.1 $ 0.24 Office-Personal Services A1325.1 $ 540.13 Board of Trustees-Contractual A1010.4 $ 222.92 Mayor-Contractual A1210.4 $ 305.62 Election-Personal Services A1450.1 $ 11.35 Election-Personal Services A1450.1 $ 133.65 Office-Equipment A1325.2 $ 321.09 Election-Contractual A1450.4 $ 187.44 Election-Contractual A1450.4 $ 54.10 Office-Contractual A1325.4 $ 1,038.30 Buildings-Labor-Personal Services A1620.11 $ 984.20 Buildings-Labor-Personal Services A1620.11 $ 3,477.65 Attorney-Contractual A1420.4 $ 6,831.50 Buildings-Custodial-Personal Services A1620.12 $ 392.53 Personal Services-Police Chief A3120.11 $ 20.41 Personal Services-Police SRO A3120.13 $ 2,940.91 Personal Services-Police SRO A3120.13 $ 4,192.32 Engineer-Contractual A1440.4 $ 4,192.32 Personal Services-Police SRO A3120.13 $ 5,648.83 Buildings-Contractual A1620.4 $ 5,648.83 Personal Services-Police SRO A3120.13 $ 1,249.32 Central Communications-Contractual A1650.4 $ 1,249.32 Personal Services-Police SRO A3120.13 $ 2,082.61 Personal Services-Police Patrol A3120.12 $ 7,826.65 Police-Equip-Vests A3120.23 $ 1,719.00 Police-Contractual A3120.4 $ 420.18 Police-Contingent A3120.5 $ 771.54 School Crossing-Personal Services A3310.1 $ 2,654.20 Fire Department-Equipment A3410.2 $ 41.09 Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 138.03 Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 772.12 Police-Equipment A3120.2 $ 772.12 Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 140.00 Animal Control-Personal Services A3510.1 $ 140.00
Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 80.00 Registrar-Contractual A4020.4 $ 80.00 Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 809.21 Supt. Public Works-Personal Services A5010.1 $ 809.21 Fire Dept.-Contractual A3410.4 $ 2,364.53 Street Maint-Personal Services A5110.1 $ 6,440.77 Fire Dept.-Building Repairs A3410.41 $ 4,076.24 Fire Dept.-Building Repairs A3410.41 $ 4,562.01 Street Maint-Equipment A5110.2 $ 8,000.00 Safety Insp-Code-Personal Services A3620.11 $ 3,437.99 Safety Insp-Code-Personal Services A3620.11 $ 910.04 Street Maint-Contractual A5110.4 $ 5,996.83 Safety Insp-Contractual A3620.4 $ 1,801.46 Supt. Publ Works-Contractual A5010.4 $ 935.50 Garage-Personal Services A5132.1 $ 479.06 Sidewalks-Personal Services A5410.1 $ 1,868.23 Council-Farmers Market A7010.41 $ 2.54 Council-Farmers Market A7010.41 $ 631.37 Highway Improv-CHIPS A5112.2 $ 683.58 Council-Music A7010.43 $ 15.00 Parks-Equipment A7140.2 $ 37.21 Parks-Equipment A7140.2 $ 718.25 Snow Removal-Contractual A5142.4 $ 718.25 Parks-Equipment A7140.2 $ 1,890.69 Street Lighting-Contractual A5182.4 $ 10,091.53 Youth-Personal Services A7310.1 $ 746.03 Celebration-Contractual A7550.4 $ 50.72 Zoning Board-Contractual A8010.4 $ 185.00
Planning Board-Contractual A8020.4 $ 828.65 Refuse-Contractual A8160.4 $ 3,188.95 Street Cleaning-Personal Services A8170.1 $ 3,201.49 Street Cleaning-Personal Services A8170.1 $ 293.39 Council-Festival A7010.4 $ 293.39 Street Cleaning-Personal Services A8170.1 $ 5,828.00 Parks-Contractual A7140.4 $ 5,828.00 Street Cleaning-Personal Services A8170.1 $ 31.96 Youth-Contractual A7310.4 $ 31.96 Street Cleaning-Personal Services A8170.1 $ 8,018.24 Owl Project-Contractual A7989.4 $ 14,147.15 Comm. Beaut.-Contractual A8510.4 $ 546.55 Drainage-Personal Services A8540.1 $ 5,115.55 Employee Benefits-Workers Comp A9040.81 $ 466.81 Employee Benefits-Workers Comp A9040.81 $ 5,689.81 Food Pantry-Contractual A7989.41 $ 19,042.59 Employee Benefits-Firemans Comp A9040.82 $ 894.00 Employee Benefits-Disability Ins A9055.8 $ 1,500.00 DPW Truck #8 Principal A9710.63 $ 0.87 DPW Truck #8 Interest A9710.73 $ 0.22 Fire Utility Interest A9710.76 $ 0.68 Fire Pumper Interest A9710.77 $ 0.54 14-16 S River St Interest A9710.78 $ 167.71 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 10,788.76 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 497.50 150th Anniversary-Contractual A7989.42 $ 497.50 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 49.77 Cemeteries-Personal Services A8810.1 $ 49.77 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 3,002.12 Employee Benefits-Social Security A9030.8 $ 3,002.12 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 4,560.54 Employee Benefits-Hospital A9060.8 $ 4,560.54 Parks-Personal Services A7140.1 $ 4,999.16 Grand Union Bldg I-Principal A9710.64 $ 4,999.16
$ 113,832.61 $ 113,832.61
Water Fund From To Account Account # Amount Account Account # Amount Special Items-Two Flushing Stations F1990.47 $ 1,560.00 Engineer-Contractual F1440.4 $ 1,560.00 Special Items-Two Flushing Stations F1990.47 $ 387.71 Special Items-Truck F1990.45 $ 8,393.12 Special Items-Finished Water Valve F1990.48 $ 1,040.42 Office-Personal Services F8310.1 $ 226.51 Office-Contractual F8310.4 $ 1,022.24 Supply/Power/Pumping-Contractual F8320.4 $ 5,000.00 Filter Plant-Personal Services F8330.1 $ 716.24 Filter Plant-Personal Services F8330.1 $ 2,103.14 Special Items-Generator F1990.46 $ 2,103.14 Filter Plant-Personal Services F8330.1 $ 10,893.53 Filter Plant-Contractual F8330.4 $ 36,517.32 T&D-Personal Services-Labor F8340.12 $ 21,938.82 T&D-Equipment F8340.2 $ 3,684.97 T&D-Equipment F8340.2 $ 434.91 T&D-Personal Services F8340.11 $ 808.28 Employee Benefits-State F9010.8 $ 373.37 Employee Benefits-State F9010.8 $ 6,688.63 T&D-Contractual F8340.4 $ 14,724.10 Employee Benefits-Social Security F9030.8 $ 3,255.33 Employee Benefits-Workman's Comp F9040.8 $ 4,780.14 Employee Benefits-Workman's Comp F9040.8 $ 4,187.45 Employee Benefits-Hosp & Medical F9060.8 $ 4,187.45
$ 68,293.41 $ 68,293.41
Sewer Fund From To Account Account # Amount Account Account # Amount Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 611.00 Attorney-Contractual G1420.4 $ 611.00 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 300.00 Engineer-Contractual G1440.4 $ 300.00 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 7,246.46 Special Items-New Truck G1990.45 $ 7,246.46 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 647.83 Office-Contractual G8110.4 $ 647.83 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 813.86 San. Sewer-Personal Services G8120.11 $ 813.86 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 13,031.14 Sewage Treat-Personal Services G8130.1 $ 13,031.14 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 1,337.34 Employee Benefits-Social Security G9030.8 $ 1,337.34 Special Items-CSO/DEC G1990.44 $ 5,242.78 Employee Benefits-Hosp. & Medical G9060.8 $ 5,242.78
$ 29,230.41 $ 29,230.41
A motion to approve water/sewer adjustments from June 1-30, 2017 was made by Mayor Evans and seconded by Trustee Ellis. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
A motion to approve the bills on General Fund Abstract #2, vouchers 38-105 totaling $62,430.32; Water Fund Abstract #2, vouchers 3-28 totaling $ 34,342.81; Sewer Fund Abstract #2, vouchers 4-34 totaling $ 37,790.85; Trust & Agency Fund Abstract #2, vouchers 1-2 totaling $ 377.42 was made by Trustee Ringwald and seconded by Trustee Hanse. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
Public Comment Period
Jeff Haas asked what the cameras were for at the Water Treatment Plant.
Mayor Evans stated that there are currently no cameras at the Water Plant, and given the nature of the facility there should be more security. The Board is working on finalizing small projects to bring the Water Plant to where it should be. They have also re-done the piping in the pipe gallery, purchased and installed a new generator, and are working on installing new safety grating. There will be new cameras installed both inside the Water Plant and outside. The Board is purchasing the cameras through ADT who already supplies the Water Plant with an alarm system.
Jeff Haas asked who watches the cameras.
Mayor Evans stated that when the alarm is triggered it calls the cell phone of whichever Water Department employee is on call. This will work the same way with the cameras where Water Department personnel can log in and look at the camera.
Trustee Ellis stated that the Water Department will also be receiving an “On the Go” safety system to be worn by personnel in case of an emergency.
Mayor Evans stated that this device can sense if the employees fall. This is especially useful for the times that employees are working alone.
Mayor Evans stated that the Village is working on paying back the General Fund from the Water and Sewer Funds. This may take 1 ½ to 2 years, but each month the Treasurer will give her recommendation of how much money to move from Water and Sewer to General to pay it back.
Jeff Haas asked if there will be a water/sewer rate increase in the future.
Mayor Evans stated that the Board is not looking to raise rates anytime soon. The Village is in better financial shape than it has been in past years. The Village is also working on installing radio read meters in hopes to collect usage data and come up with a fairer rate structure.
Trustee Ringwald stated that this upcoming weekend is Yard Sale weekend on July 15th and the 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. both days.
No further public comments were offered.
A motion to adjourn the Board meeting was made by Trustee Hanse and seconded by Trustee Ellis. Trustee Hanse voted yes. Trustee Ellis voted yes. Trustee Ringwald voted yes. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nikki Bereznak Clerk