Dr. Montgomery Canton Middle School 05/27/2009 Supplementary Substitute Instructions Hello, and welcome. 

Thanks for covering for the field trip to Great America!! .

As you will see from the daily schedule, I supervise in the library during first period, have a Transitional Social Studies class second period, have planning third period, and have a Transitional Language Experience class for seventh graders fourth period. Fifth period is my lunch hour, so your assignment will be complete at the end of 4th period.

Daily Details (See the materials behind the tabs for relevant periods in the Substitute Binder):

Period 2 Transitional Social Studies (ELP Level 4) (7th Grade)

My Transitional Social Studies class is in the process of taking an on-line District Exam--#4 (the Middle East and Asia). They started the exam on Tuesday and can take the exam as many times as they want until they earn 90% or better on the exam. There are other exams that are expected and these, too, need to be completed at 90% or better. If you want, you can take them to Computer Lab 13 Second period. They know what to do and I will leave a separate page of instructions to remind them.

If you do not go to the computer lab today, students can listen to an audio book on cassette, How to Train Your Dragon. They do not have the text to read, so students can draw while they listen.

This class is organized into specifically designated collaborative groups (see the seating charts at the class tabs)

Students will also need their own notebooks and pencils (or pens) to complete the assignment. As usual, please check for ID’s, CMS planners, and that students are wearing clothes that conform to our CMS dress code. Most of my students will be fine and a few may not be conforming well.

If they finish or are not productive, they can also do silent reading. You can also send a student needing a “time out” to the classroom library where they Dr. Montgomery Canton Middle School 05/27/2009 Supplementary Substitute Instructions can read or work by themselves. If no one is using the library for a “time- out,” students can take books from the one person at a time.

Period 4 Transitional Language Experience Class (ELP Level 3) (7th Grade) Period 4 is a Transitional Language Experience Class. While we usually have our class in Computer Lab 13, a recent change in school policy has the students remaining in room 29 when we have a substitute. Students sit in their assigned collaborative groups (see the seating chart at the appropriate tab). Students can listen to the audio book Call Me Francis Tuckett or to The Slave Dancer. Both audio books (on cassette) are in the top drawer of the filing cabinet near the sink. Turn on the speakers on top of the cabinet and press the on-button on the “boom box” on the filing cabinet. Make sure that the selector switch is on “tape” and press the “play” button. About halfway through the period, press the “stop” button; eject that tape, and begin playing tape one of the second book.

Period 6 Transitional Language Experience Class (ELP Level 3) (8th Grade + one 7th Grader) Period 6 is a Transitional Language Experience Class. While we usually have our class in Computer Lab 13, a recent change in school policy has the students remaining in room 29 when we have a substitute. Students sit in their assigned collaborative groups (see the seating chart at the appropriate tab). Students will be listening to one of two audio books on cassette—Call Me Francis Tuckett or The Slave Dancer. The audio books are in the top drawer of the filing cabinet near the sink. Turn on the speakers on top of the cabinet and press the on-button on the “boom box” on the filing cabinet. Make sure that the selector switch is on “tape” and press the “play” button. About halfway through the period, press the “stop” button; eject that tape, and begin playing tape one of the second book.

Period 7 Transitional Social Studies (ELP Level 4) (7th Grade) Today students can listen to an audio book on cassette, How to Train Your Dragon. They do not have the text to read, so students can draw while they listen. Please remind my students that tomorrow my seventh period Transitional Social Studies class will be taking an on-line District Exam--#4 (the Middle East and Asia). They start the exam on Thursday and can take the exam as many times as they want until they earn 90% or better on the exam. There Dr. Montgomery Canton Middle School 05/27/2009 Supplementary Substitute Instructions are other exams that are expected and these, too, need to be completed at 90% or better.

This class is organized into specifically designated collaborative groups (see the seating charts at the class tabs)

Students will need their own notebooks and pencils (or pens) to complete the assignment. As usual, please check for ID’s, CMS planners, and that students are wearing clothes that conform to our CMS dress code. Most of my students will be fine and a few may not be conforming well.

Period 8 Transitional American History (ELP Level 4) (8th Grade) The audio book on cassette, The Slave Dancer, relates to the materials they have been studying for the past several weeks. The audio book is in the top drawer of the filing cabinet near the sink. Turn on the speakers on top of the cabinet and press the on-button on the “boom box” on the filing cabinet. Make sure that the selector switch is on “tape” and press the “play” button. About halfway through the period, press the “stop” button; eject that tape, and begin playing tape one of the second book. If a student wants to take either audio book home he or she may do so.

Civil War Project Activities and Links is a study package students began working on yesterday. This is in preparation for the on-line version of a District Exam they will take on Thursday, 5/28—and will continue to work on until they have 90% or better on the exam. While they listen to the audio book they can work quietly with their textbooks and the study packet.

Students can also choose only to listen to the audio book and draw, if they like—preferably on paper.

Overall Please use the photo seating charts behind the class tabs in the Substitute Binder for attendance and to note any students who are not working. Students are required to bring their CMS Planners with them to every class.

Joel Montgomery Canton Middle School Cell 630-639-7337 Website: http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?iid=12847