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Bayou Woods Elementary School “Where Learning is Fun and Learning is Forever”
Gayle G. Sloan Superintendent
Ms. Linda Bankston Principal
Ms. Lizabeth Sanders Assistant Principal
Mrs. MaryLou Boudet Assistant Principal
For schools in School Improvement, and for schools with CSRP models, I hereby certify that this plan was developed with the assistance of a District Assistance Team in collaboration with the School Improvement Team and/or School Support Team, as applicable. I hereby certify that this plan was designed to improve student achievement, with input from all stakeholders. I assure that the school level personnel, including subgroup representatives responsible for implementation of this plan, have collaborated in the writing of the plan. I hereby certify that this plan has all of the following components as required in Bulletin 741: A statement of the school's beliefs, vision, and mission A comprehensive needs assessment, which includes the following quantitative and qualitative data: Student academic performances on standardized achievement tests (both CRT, NRT) and performance/authentic assessment disaggregated by grade vs. content vs. exceptionality Demographic indicators of the community and school to include socioeconomic factors School human and material resource summary, to include teacher demographic indicators and capital outlay factors Interviews with stakeholders: principals, teachers, students, parents Student and teacher focus groups Questionnaires with stakeholders (principals, teachers, students, parents) measuring conceptual domains outlined in school effectiveness/reform research Classroom observations Measurable objectives and benchmarks Effective scientifically-based methods and strategies Parental and community involvement activities Professional development component aligned with assessed needs External technical support and assistance Evaluation strategies Coordination of resources and analysis of school budget (possible redirection of funds) Action plan with timelines and specific activities
I further certify that the information contained in this assurance is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
______Superintendent's signature Principal's signature
______District Assistance Team Leader Chair, School Improvement Team
St. Tammany Parish School Board 2 of 50 SY 2004-2005 District Assistance Team Members
The following faculty members have reviewed the School Improvement Plan and have discussed their part in implementing it.
NAME TITLE/POSITION SIGNATURE Abney, Amy Kindergarten Teacher Bankston, Linda Principal Barduca, Karly Second Grade Teacher Benedict, Joanna Special Education Teacher Berthelot, Heidi Guidance Counselor Biller, Stephanie Third Grade Teacher Boudet, Marylou Assistant Principal Brown, Dianne Physical Education Teacher Champagne, Nancy Speech Therapist Camp, Michelle Special Education Teacher Causey, Janet Special Education Teacher Claude, India Second Grade Teacher Coote, Beryl Second Grade Teacher Crawford, Susan Third Grade Teacher Crochet, Stacy Third Grade Teacher Cuevas, Lynne Guidance Counselor Deane, Margaret First Grade Teacher DeCarlo, Gaynell Kindergarten Teacher Edmondson, Sharon Kindergarten Teacher Emery, Beverly Kindergarten Teacher Eymard, Veronica Special Education Teacher Forbes, Annette First Grade Teacher Garrett, Gwendell First Grade Teacher Gaston, Patricia Gifted Teacher Geraci, Susan First Grade Teacher Graff, Carol Kindergarten Teacher Gray, Serina Special Education Teacher Haas, Laura Speech Therapist Hasperue, Cathie Third Grade Teacher Johnson, Carmalena Kindergarten Teacher Joiner, Shayla First Grade Teacher Kaufmann, Pam Third Grade Teacher
St. Tammany Parish School Board 3 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Kreider, Terri First Grade Teacher Lemons, Katherine Special Education Teacher Liuzza, Theresa Special Education Teacher Lopez, Beth Third Grade Teacher Malchow, Madeline First Grade Teacher Manskie, Bette-Lynn First Grade Teacher Matis, Rita Classroom Music Teacher May, Teresa First Grade Teacher Meteye, Julie Special Education Teacher Meyer, LaTisha Third Grade Teacher Miller, Bonnie Kindergarten Teacher Millsap, Vondell Physical Education Teacher Mullins, Delilah Kindergarten Teacher Neubauer, Carole Second Grade Teacher Olano, Sandra Kindergarten Teacher Owens, Jocelyn Third Grade Teacher Peffley, Mara Speech Therapist Ratliff, Lisa Third Grade Teacher Reese, Stephanie Transitional First Grade Teacher Reimonenq, Hope Second Grade Teacher Rupert, Maria Special Education Teacher Rushing, Kristen First Grade Teacher Russo, Catherine First Grade Teacher Sanders, Lizabeth Assistant Principal Sessions, Carolyn Adaptive Physical Education Teacher Shepherd, Margaret Second Grade Teacher Slavinsky, Sharon First Grade Teacher Smith, Judith Third Grade Teacher Sprague, Carol Special Education Teacher Stonecypher, Fay Preschool Teacher Thompson, Carla Third Grade Teacher Tiller, Amy Preschool Teacher Veach, Amy Second Grade Teacher Vivien, Bridget Second Grade Teacher Vliet, Sarah Special Education Teacher Webb, Loretta Kindergarten Teacher Williams, Augusta Librarian Yarbrough, Anita Second Grade Teacher
St. Tammany Parish School Board 4 of 50 SY 2004-2005 BELIEFS STATEMENT
We believe:
Success in schools occurs when children are valued as individuals. A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning. A student’s self esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in developmentally appropriate learning activities and are provided opportunities for success. Teachers, parents, students and community members work together to support the school’s mission and vision. Trust and cooperation are built through open, ongoing communication among students, faculty, staff, administration and parents.
Bayou Woods strives to create a supportive learning environment, which promotes the development of lifelong learners who will emerge as successful citizens in the 21st century. We achieve this by
Ensuring developmentally appropriate education in Pre-K through 3rd grade Building students’ self esteem Promoting engaging and motivational learning activities Providing a safe learning environment
Learning is Fun and Learning is Forever Reference appendices for stakeholder participants
St. Tammany Parish School Board 5 of 50 SY 2004-2005 SCHOOL DEMOGRAPHICS/CHARACTERISTICS Total # # Certified # Expected Vacancies # in LA Principal Internship/Induction A Program for SY 03-04 D Principals M 3 3 0 1 School Title I Total % in School % Change Non-Title I Schoolwide Targeted Asst. from 2003 T HIGHLY QUALIFIED** General Special General Special General Special General Special General Special E Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed A # Highly Qualified Core Academic 48 9 100 75 +6 -5 C Teachers (Subtotal) H NOT HIGHLY QUALIFIED General Special General Special General Special General Special General Special E Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Non-Standard 0 3 0 25 +6 -3 R *** (TAT) (OFAT) (TEP) (EP) S Other * 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Not Highly Qualified 0 3 0 25 +6 -3 TOTAL TEACHERS (Highly Qualified 48 12 100 100 and Not Highly Qualified) P HIGHLY QUALIFIED** General Special General Special General Special General Special General Special Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed A R # Highly Qualified Paras 4 12 80 100 +30 +15 A NOT HIGHLY QUALIFIED General Special General Special General Special General Special General Special S Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed # Not Highly Qualified Paras 1 0 20 0 -30 +15 Total Paraprofessionals 5 12 100 100 * Teachers include all teaching in core academic courses (English/Reading/Language Arts; Math; Science; Civics/Government; Economics; Arts; History; Geography) ** Highly Qualified: Has met all requirements as specified by the LA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s definition of “Highly Qualified” under NCLB adopted June 19, 2003. St. Tammany Parish School Board 6 of 50 SY 2004-2005 *** Temporary Authority to Teach (TAT); Out-of-Field Authorization to Teach (OFAT); Temporary Employment Permit (TEP); Emergency Permit (EP)
School Support Number of Related Service and Support Personnel and Areas (i.e., Speech Pathologist, Social Worker): 3.5 Speech Therapists, 1 APE, 1 OT, 1 PT, 1 MHP, 1 IEP Facilitator, 1 Pupil Appraisal Member School Improvement Team Members/Position: Lizabeth Sanders, Assistant Principal; MaryLou Boudet, Assistant Principal; Margaret Deane, Teacher; Serina Gray, Teacher; Carla Thompson, Teacher District Assistance Team Leader and Contact # Distinguished Educator and Contact # (if applicable): (if applicable): Parish Homeless Liaison: (Contact Parish Title I Supervisor to get Parish Homeless Liaison’s Contact #: further information) Ann Pressley 898-3360 Learning-Intensive Networking Communities for Success (LINCS) Information (if applicable) Regional LINCS Coordinator: Content Leader(s): Content Area of Focus for School: Cathy St. Romain Sandy Scott Mathematics High Schools That Work (HSTW) Site Coordinator and Contact #: Making Middle Grades Work (MMGW) Site Coordinator and Contact #:
Leadership Team Members/Position at the School: Linda Bankston, Principal; Lizabeth Sanders, Assistant Principal; Marylou Boudet, Assistant Principal; India Claude, Teacher; Margaret Deane, Teacher; Sharon Edmondson, Teacher; Serina Gray, Teacher; Carla Thompson, Teacher
Federal/State Instructional Programs and/or Initiatives (Place a check in the status area for each program implemented at your school) Program List: (Include during and after school programs) Currently Using Proposed Program Deleted Program
21st Century Community Learning Centers Big Buddy Career to Work DARE Early Reading First HIPPY INTECH X INTECH 2 Science X INTECH Social Studies X K-3 Reading/Math Initiative X La GEAR-UP
St. Tammany Parish School Board 7 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Federal/State Instructional Programs and/or Initiatives (Place a check in the status area for each program implemented at your school) Program List: (Include during and after school programs) Currently Proposed Program Deleted Program Using LaSIP X LEAD TECH X Learning Intensive Networking Communities for Success X (LINCS) LINCS/High Schools That Work (HSTW) LINCS/Making Middle Grades Work (MMGW) Louisiana Virtual School Making Middle Grades Work SAGE School Tech School to Work School wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support X The Louisiana Literacy Corps The Multisensory Structured Language Program The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Other: List the Supplemental Educational Services provided for your students (Title I schools, if applicable): ECCO Title I Preschool Program; Counseling by Mental Health Professional (MHP); Title I Tutoring in Kindergarten and T-1 Classes List the Distance Learning (i.e., web-based, satellite, etc.) courses provided for your students:
School Policies Policies Yes No Discipline Policy X Security Procedures (Metal detectors, etc.) X Safe and Drug-Free Prevention Activities X Student Code of Conduct X Crisis Management (Emergency/evacuation plan) X
St. Tammany Parish School Board 8 of 50 SY 2004-2005 School Partnerships: (Place the name of each partner in the space provided.) University: Technical Institute: Feeder School(s): Carolyn Park Middle; Slidell Junior High; Slidell High Community: Business/Industry: Winn Dixie; Target; McDonalds; Bowling USA; Domino’s Pizza; Copeland’s Restaurant; Outback Restaurant; Chick-fil-a; Cici’s Pizza; Skaters’ Paradise Skating Rink; United States Coast Guard; Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Sam’s Club; Home Depot Private Grants: Other:
Student Information List the number of students in each area: Total at # of grade 4 Students w/ Gifted and 504 Option III LEP Homeless Migrant School and above Disabilities Talented 925 0 206 19 1 0 9 3 0 Number of Households Served by School: Subgroups by Ethnicity American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White 0 12 358 24 531 Poverty Profile # of Free/Reduced Lunch Students: Percent of Free/Reduced Lunch Students: 573 62%
Note 1. Additional community demographics and capital outlay data are located in the appendices.
Strengths and challenges were rank-ordered by evaluating the magnitude of the evidence in conjunction with its association with student achievement. Exogenous factors were eliminated from these results; however, they were included during the analytical phase as a contextual reference.
STRENGTHS DATA SOURCE Academic student achievement in math Longitudinal analysis of NRT data 2003-2004 Improved NPR in Reading and Math from 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 STPSB Every Child Every Day Test comparison 2003-2004 Culture of the school St. Tammany Parish School Faculty Survey, Fall 2003
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE DATA SOURCE Longitudinal analysis of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 NRT scores showed a 15 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 NRT Math Score Comparison percentage point drop from 42% to 27% in “red” math scores. Longitudinal analysis of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 NRT scores showed that 53.9 STPSB Every Child Every Day Test Comparison 2002-2003 and percent of third graders showed overall improvement in Reading and 62.8 percent 2003-2004 showed overall improvement in Mathematics. Faculty members completing the STPSB Faculty Survey reported that the teacher work STPSB School Faculty Survey Fall 2003 ethic and staff collaboration have a positive impact on student achievement.
CHALLENGES DATA SOURCE Increasing the number of students scoring in the “green” range on Mathematics subtest STPSB Every Child Every Day Test Comparison 2002-2003 and of the NRT 2003-2004 Increasing the number of students scoring in the “green range on Reading subtest of the STPSB Every Child Every Day Test Comparison 2002-2003 and NRT 2003-2004 Decreasing the performance gap between students with disabilities and the regular STPSB End of Year Executive Summary for 2003-2004 school population
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE DATA SOURCE Analysis of third grade NRT scores showed that 24.7% of students scored in the “green” STPSB Every Child Every Day Test Comparison 2002-2003 and range in Mathematics. 2003-2004 Analysis of third grade NRT scores showed that 16.9% of students scored in the “green” STPSB Every Child Every Day Test Comparison 2002-2003 and range in Reading. 2003-2004 Longitudinal analysis of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 test data for students with STPSB End of Year Executive Summary for 2003-2004 disabilities showed a 45.4 percentage point drop from 67.3 to 21.9 in Reading and a 39.2 percentage point drop from 67.3 to 28.1 in Mathematics in the NRT
St. Tammany Parish School Board 10 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Note 1. Supporting evidence included both quantitative and qualitative data using a standardized triangulation method specifically designed for District Assistance Teams and School Improvement Teams. The supporting evidence does not imply causal relationships. STRATEGY PLANNING WORKSHEET GOAL 1: To improve student proficiency in addressing number and number relations across School SPS 2004: 88.8 School GT 2005: 90.8 academic areas. ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 1: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH STRATEGY: 1a. (LA Accountability) To increase by no less than 10 percent of the percentage of students scoring “green” on the norm-referenced assessment, math total subtest. (22.8% 2004 to 25.08% 2005) Stimulating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) at appropriate 1b. (NCLB) This component is not assessed at this grade configuration grade levels Targeted Subgroups Black 47.5% to 52% White 64.6 to 71% SWD 28.1% to 31% ED 38.6% to 42.5%
St. Tammany Parish School Board 11 of 50 SY 2004-2005 EXPECTED IMPACT ACTIVITIES PERSONS TARGET 1 FUNDING SOURCES IMPLEMENTATION AND (Observable Change) RESPONSIBLE AUDIENCE 2 OBJECT CODE EFFECTIVENESS and 3 COST (Benchmarks) TIMELINE 1 2 3 Students will be able to use higher order During specific academic Instructional K-3rd Grade Title I $5000.00 Implementation – The thinking strategies to demonstrate the use instruction, K-3 students will Staff Students administrative staff will observe of number meaning, number sense, and actively engage in analyzing and monitor classroom activities estimation skills/using whole numbers in data, seeing patterns, exploring Ms. Bankston, Implementation: LEAP $5000.00 each semester and monitor weekly a variety of forms/demonstrating a math understanding, and Observations & Acceleration lesson plans during the 5th week of conceptual understanding of basic communicating their thinking Principal Reports by each 9 week period. Administrators arithmetic operations by selecting and in everyday situations using 10/15, 12/21, will report and present summary to using appropriate operations in real-life activity-based strategies such Ms. Sanders, 3/11, & 5/25 leadership team. LEAP situations. as Every Day Math Counts; Assistant $6500.00 Intervention Read It, Draw It, Solve It; Principal Lesson Plans Effectiveness – Grade level Key Components Number Sense Skills Investigations; Brainchild; and Checked by: teachers will meet and share N-1-E: constructing number meaning and partner games. Mrs. Boudet, 11/11, 2/11, planned and executed number sense demonstrating that a number can be Assistant 4/14 activities to plan future lessons. A expressed in many different forms (e.g., Principal summary will be shared at the standard notation, number words, number Building LINCS WFSG meetings. lines, geometrical representation, Leadership fractions, and decimals) RHT Team: N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and 10/26, 1/24, estimation skills, giving particular K-3rd Grade 3/21, 4/18 attention to common equivalent reference Instructional points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; Staff Effectiveness : $1 = 100%, etc.) Grade Level N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual Meetings: understanding of the meaning of the basic 10/4, 10/11, arithmetic operations (add, subtract, 11/1, 11/8, 12/6, multiply, and divide) and their 12/20, 1/4, 1/10, relationships to each other 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic 4/4, 4/11 math facts and arithmetic operations to real-life situations LINCS WFSG: Wednesdays 10/4 – 5/5
St. Tammany Parish School Board 12 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Teachers will stimulate and encourage Teachers will present lessons Instructional K-3rd Grade St General $5000.00 Implementation- Using the TLS activity-based learning associated with that require students to develop Staff Fund the administrative staff will observe developing HOTS and applying number a foundation in basic number Implementation: and monitor classroom activities meaning, number sense and estimation sense skills and concepts as Ms. Bankston, Observations & each nine weeks and monitor skills/using whole numbers in a variety of well as promote real-life Principal Reports by weekly lesson plans for number forms/demonstrating conceptual applications of number sense 10/15, 12/21, sense tasks during the 5th week of understanding of basic arithmetic in problem-solving situations. Ms. Sanders, 3/11, & 5/25 each 9 week period. Results will operations in real-life situations. Content The lessons will Assistant be discussed at leadership team clearly address content Principal Lesson Plans meetings. Emphasis will be placed on: standards that are noted in Checked by: N-1-E: constructing number meaning and Expected Impact. Mrs. Boudet, 11/11, 2/11, Effectiveness - Grade level demonstrating that a number can be Instruction The students will Assistant 4/14 teachers will meet monthly and expressed in many different forms (e.g., be engaged in a variety of Principal share samples of student work from standard notation, number words, number learning settings focused on Building planned and executed number sense lines, geometrical representation, problem-solving experiences RHT Leadership tasks and classroom activities. fractions, and decimals) with oral discussion, small Team: LINCS WFSG will report growth N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and group activities, or hands-on Grade Level in study logs which will be estimation skills, giving particular investigations that promote the Chairpersons: 10/26, 1/24, presented at leadership team attention to common equivalent reference understanding and utilization Webb 3/21, 4/18 meetings by the grade level points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; of number sense concepts and Garrett representative. $1 = 100%, etc.) processes. Neubauer Effectiveness : N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual Assessment Student learning Meyer Grade Level understanding of the meaning of the basic will be assessed through Rupert Meetings: arithmetic operations (add, subtract, performance tasks with 10/4, 10/11, multiply, and divide) and their problem-solving experiences 11/1, 11/8, relationships to each other involving number sense. 12/6, 12/20, N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic Rubrics or checklists will be math facts and arithmetic operations to used to assess performance. 1/4, 1/10, real-life situations Motivation/Engagement 2/14, 2/21, Student engagement in 3/7, 4/4, 4/11 classroom activities will be maximized through LINCS differentiated instruction and WFSG: by having small group Wednesdays investigations of number sense 10/4 – 5/5 issues such as Every Day Math Counts; Read It, Draw It, Solve It; Investigations; Brainchild; and partner games.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 13 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Professional development Job- Content, Motivation, Instructional Instructional LINCS $8000.00 Implementation The grade embedded professional development for Engagement: Through Staff Staff: LINCS 1 level/LINCS WFSG will complete teachers will be focused on the use of LINCS WFSG and other hour and a study log at each meeting. activity-based learning in order for professional development Ms. Bankston, 15 minute teachers to develop and apply HOTS opportunities, teachers will Principal sessions Plan for Observations and articulation associated with the use of number learn new strategies to Wednesdays $2048.00 meetings will be documented meaning, number sense, and estimation stimulate and encourage Sandy Scott, 10/4-5/5/04 Student through meeting minutes. skills/using whole numbers in a variety of activity-based learning LINCS Content Success forms/demonstrating a conceptual associated with developing Leader Third Participation in other professional understanding of basic arithmetic HOTS and applying number Grade/Fourth development opportunities operations by selecting and using meaning, number sense and RHT Grade scheduled on gosignmeup will be appropriate operations in real-life estimation skills/using whole Teachers’ documented through banking hours situations. numbers in a variety of Serina Gray and Observations certificates, sign in sheets, and forms/demonstrating Joanna 11/4/04 SACS workshop documentation. Emphasis will be placed on: conceptual understanding of Benedict, 11/15/04 N-1-E: constructing number meaning and basic arithmetic operations in LINCS Math 4/7/05 Effectiveness LINCS WFSG logs demonstrating that a number can be real-life situations. Leaders 4/11/05 will be reviewed monthly by the expressed in many different forms (e.g., 9:00a.m.- LINCS Content Leader and standard notation, number words, number Instruction: Teachers will Carla 11:00a.m. and administration using a LINCS lines, geometrical representation, meet monthly in grade level Thompson, 11:20 a.m.- checklist during Instructional fractions, and decimals) groups (LINCS/grade level Math Teacher 1:00p.m. Council Meetings beginning on N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and meetings) to analyze student Leader 10/06/04. A summary of the estimation skills, giving particular data, review student work, Articulation review will be presented to the attention to common equivalent reference prioritize student needs, and Third Grade Meetings faculty at the next WFSG to assist points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; plan future instruction based Teachers and 11/18/04 in future planning. $1 = 100%, etc.) on those needs. Fourth Grade 2:45-4:00p.m. N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual Teachers, 4/14/05 During observations, teachers will understanding of the meaning of the basic Assessment: Teachers will CPMS 2:45-4:00p.m. use a predetermined list of items to arithmetic operations (add, subtract, develop rubrics to assess look for which relate to number multiply, and divide) and their student constructed responses Kathy Additional sense. During articulation relationships to each other which demonstrate number McDowell and resources and meetings, teachers will discuss and N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic sense knowledge. Jan DeMeyere, workshop choose items to implement in the math facts and arithmetic operations to Math opportunities classrooms. real-life situations Articulation between 3rd and 4th Curriculum are made grade teachers from Carolyn Specialists available as put Teachers attending workshops will Park will take place on onto share learned information with 11/18/04 and 4/14/05 at 2:45 Dr. Holly gosignmeup by others during LINCS/grade level p.m. following scheduled Broom, the PD office meetings for implementation into observational visits on 11/4/04 PD Coordinator classroom activities. and 11/15/04; 4/7/05 and 4/11/05.
Teachers will be given access to additional resources through experts in curriculum and instruction and workshops via the gosignmeup website.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 14 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Parent Involvement and Community Three Family Fun Nights and RHT Students Title I $2500.00 Implementation - The Outreach activities will address home Turn Off TV week will be held administration will review sign-in and self-directed HOTS associated with during the school year to Grade Level Parents sheets from each activity to the use of number meaning, number sense encourage participation and Chairpersons: evaluate the level of participation. and estimation skills/using whole numbers model activities that reinforce Webb Instructional (Family Fun Night and Turn Off in a variety of forms/ HOTS. Garrett Staff TV Week) demonstrating a conceptual understanding Neubauer of basic arithmetic operations by selecting Home & School Connection Meyer Family Fun Home & School Connection will be and using appropriate operations in real- will be provided to parents to Rupert Night sent home monthly. life situations. help them better assist their 10/28/04 children in relating current Sharon 12/16/04 Reminders to look for and read the Emphasis will be placed on: studies to real-life experiences. Slavinsky, 2/3/05 Home & School Connection will be N-1-E: constructing number meaning and Technology put in the PTA newsletter four demonstrating that a number can be Classroom notes/ newsletters Facilitator Turn Off TV times throughout the year. expressed in many different forms (e.g., will be sent home to inform Week standard notation, number words, number parents about activities K-3 Teachers Week of Classroom notes/newsletters will lines, geometrical representation, occurring in classrooms and 4/25/05 be submitted to administrative staff fractions, and decimals) school Heidi Berthelot, for approval. N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and School Home & School estimation skills, giving particular Online activities will be Counselor Connection Teachers will monitor the number attention to common equivalent reference hyperlinked to teacher September 2004 of “hits” on their websites and will points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; websites for students and Ms. Bankston, thru May, 2005 solicit input through classroom $1 = 100%, etc.) parents to access additional Principal Reminders newsletters and notes home to N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual activities relevant to current November, parents. understanding of the meaning of the basic studies. Ms. Sanders, 2004 arithmetic operations (add, subtract, Assistant January, 2005 Members of the community will be multiply, and divide) and their Community outreach is Principal February, 2005 asked to visit and share their relationships to each other promoted through Career March, 2005 occupations with third grade N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic Week which focuses on the Mrs. Boudet, students. They will be asked to math facts and arithmetic operations to use of math in the real world. Assistant Teacher relate how math is used in their real-life situations Principal Websites and/or jobs. Classroom Newsletters/ Effectiveness A parent survey will Notes Monthly be sent home on May 3, 2005 to beginning allow parents an opportunity to 10/04/04- provide feedback regarding the 5/05/05 effectiveness of activities provided during the school year. Career Week May, 2005 Student progress related to GLE’s will be assessed and documented Parent Survey through a teacher made checklist at 05/03/05 the end of each nine week period and submitted to the administration when report cards are turned in to Report Cards be checked. 10/21/04, 1/6/05, 3/17/05, 5/25/05
St. Tammany Parish School Board 15 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Technology -Technology for teachers and Content: Teachers will attend Sharon K-3 students Technology $14.000.00 Implementation Using the TLS, the students will reinforce HOTS associated technology related in-services Slavinsky, Fund administrative staff will observe all with the use of number meaning number to expand the use of software School K-3 Teachers teachers each nine week period with sense and estimation skills/using whole programs/websites in their Technology Title I $20,000.00 emphasis on integrating technology numbers in a variety of forms/ instructional program related Facilitator Technology into classroom lessons. demonstrating a conceptual understanding to number sense. BWE will Lesson of basic arithmetic operations by selecting continue to work towards Shirley Observations Teacher lesson plans will be and using appropriate operations in real- attaining 100% LA INTECH Bergeron, By 10/15, checked during the fourth week of life situations. trained teaching staff. Title I 12/21, 3/11, & each quarter for the integration of Technology 5/25 technology into classroom lessons Emphasis will be placed on: Instruction: These software Paraprofessional beginning 11/04. N-1-E: constructing number meaning and programs/websites will be Technology demonstrating that a number can be used by the teachers and Sandy Scott, Lesson Plan LINCS Content Leader will make expressed in many different forms (e.g., students to enhance lessons LINCS Content Checks follow-up implementation visits standard notation, number words, number related to number sense. Leader 11/8/04, during the school year. lines, geometrical representation, 1/31/05, 4/4/05 fractions, and decimals) Assessment: Student STPSB Participation in technology related INTECH N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and understanding will be assessed LINCS Content workshops will be documented by Trainers estimation skills, giving particular by the finished product or Leader follow- certificates of attendance/ attention to common equivalent reference record of completed activity up completion. INTECH points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; produced by the implementation trained teachers $1 = 100%, etc.) software/website. visits by Effectiveness Student work samples N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual 10/15, 12/21, will be reviewed and compared to K-3 teachers understanding of the meaning of the basic Motivation/Engagement: 3/11, & 5/25 previous work samples to determine arithmetic operations (add, subtract, Student engagement will be the effectiveness of the use of Ms. Bankston, multiply, and divide) and their maximized through Review of technology in the curriculum as it Principal relationships to each other individualized/differentiated Technology relates to number sense. Work will N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic instruction using computer Related be assessed using a teacher created Ms. Sanders, math facts and arithmetic operations to software/websites. Professional rubric. Assistant real-life situations Development Principal Certificates by Administration will strive to 4/29/05 meet compliance with the Mrs. Boudet, Assistant parish’s guaranteed curriculum Effectiveness Principal equipment model Rubrics Reviewed By RHT 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25
St. Tammany Parish School Board 16 of 50 SY 2004-2005 School Climate - Discipline. Ensuring The School-wide Positive Building All school None Implementation The each student has a learning environment Behavior Support program is Leadership personnel administrative staff will review conducive to high levels of achievement still under development by the Team lesson plans during the second week through effective discipline and classroom district. Our school has Ms. Bankston, 8/04 – Opening of the second and fourth nine weeks management procedures. Information on initiated the following Principal week for positive behavior lessons. classroom rules that are: (a) provided to discipline activities necessary Ms. Sanders, orientation and Feedback will be provided to each student and parent; (b) focused on to implement a positive, Assistant follow-up teachers using a rubric. student attendance, arriving on time, and behavior support program. Principal throughout the During TLS visits, the completing homework assignments, and Each teacher will develop Ms. Boudet, year administrative staff will look for (c) comply with school and classroom activities to provide direct Assistant classroom rules posted and evidence rules. instruction on expected student Principal and 10/14/04 of compliance. behaviors beginning the first SWPSB Leader grading day of school. Reinforcement RHT period 1; Effectiveness Monthly attendance of positive behaviors will Sharon 11/11/04 and tardy reports will be produced occur throughout the school Edmondson, Progress by the SWPBS leader to monitor day along with reteaching Kindergarten Reports; targeted discipline indicators expected behaviors throughout Teacher 12/21/2004 compared to the 95% SPS goal and the school year. Each Margaret grading maintaining it. classroom will have no more Deane, period 2; Grade level progress reports will be than five (5) clearly defined First Grade 02/03/2005 reviewed each grading period to rules, some of which will be Teacher Progress evaluate the number of homework student directed. India Claude, Reports; and other classroom behaviors being Second Grade 03/10/05 reported in comparison to the school Character Links, a character Teacher grading as a whole. education program endorsed Carla period 3; and supplied for third grade Thompson, 04/14/2005 classrooms by STPSB is being Third Grade Progress used daily in third grade Teacher Reports; classrooms. Administration Serina Gray, 05/25/2005 refers to the lessons daily Special grading during morning announcement Education period 4 broadcasts over the television. Shirley Bergeron, Character Paraprofessional Links: Representative Daily Sharon throughout the Slavinsky, school year School Technology Facilitator School Discipline Committee Dr. Laura Haas and Loretta Webb, Co-Chairs
All Third Grade Teachers
St. Tammany Parish School Board 17 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Articulation - Slidell Learning The administrative staff will Ms. Bankston, Administrative None Implementation: Members of the Community will be focused on reviewing participate in the Annual Principal staff – learning community will attend all student performance data, implementing Administrator’s Retreat as a Administrative scheduled activities so that the the GLEs in lesson planning, preparing Learning Community. Ms. Sanders, Retreat school is represented 99% of all for the Guaranteed Curriculum, Representatives of the school Assistant (07/28/2005) scheduled activities exchanging instructional “best practices”, (administrator, SIP chair, and Principal and developing teacher-made (and other teacher leaders) will Effectiveness: 100% of all schools department made) performance attend a one-day Data Retreat Mrs. Boudet, 9/9/2004 in the learning community will have assessments that focus on application of at Slidell High School. This Assistant Data retreat an approved improvement plan that knowledge at higher levels. Sharing other activity is designed to Principal Ms. Sanders addresses those aspects outlined in leadership aspects associated with (a) improve communication, Mrs. Boudet the Expected Impact. 98% of all implementing the district’s Strategic Plan (b) examine student data, and Stacy Crochet, Miss Crochet discussion threads on Blackboard and the Superintendent’s vision of “Good (c) plan improvement activities Third Grade Mrs. Meyer will be responded to by each to Great” both within the school and Teacher Mrs. Thompson school’s principal. Discussion across the community. Each threads will focus on the GLEs, month the principal will attend LaTisha Meyer Learning UbD, and performance assessments. a monthly meeting with the Third Grade Community Superintendent and other Level Chair meeting central office staff to discuss Ms. Bankston those aspects outlined in the Carla 09/01/2004 “Expected Impact” column. Thompson, 10/06/2004 Principals within the learning Third Grade 11/3/2004 community will have time to Teacher and 12/1/2004 collaborate on improvement BLT member 01/05/2005 efforts underway at their 02/02/2005 school and future initiatives of RHT 03/02/2005 the community. Between 04/06/2005 scheduled meetings, principals Patti Witty, 05/04/2005 will post and collaborated Supervisor information on topics Slidell Learning BWE/CPMS associated with the Expected Community Articulation Impact using Blackboard. meetings Dr. J.P. 8/03/04 Administrative team members Beaudoin, 9/10/04 of BWE and CPMS will meet Supervisor 9/27/04 for articulation. BWE 10/27/04 11/18/04 12/7/04 2005 dates to be scheduled in Jan. 05
St. Tammany Parish School Board 18 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Reducing the Performance Gap Students whose IEP’s warrant Ms. Bankston, All Regular and None Implementation 100% of all IEP’s Students with Disabilities (SWD) math instruction in a resource Principal Special will be in compliance with IDEA. All teachers and paraprofessionals setting will receive the Education Lesson plans will reflect providing instruction to SWD will prescribed number of minutes Ms. Sanders, Teachers and accommodations and modifications stimulate and encourage the use of HOTS in the appropriate setting. Assistant Paraprofessionals in the regular and special settings for to demonstrate the pervasive use of Staff teaching SWD will use Principal SWD and will reflect joint planning. number meaning, number sense, and the Direct Instruction program Lesson Plan They will be checked during the estimation skills/using whole numbers in to address student math Mrs. Boudet, Checks third week of each nine week period a variety of forms/demonstrating a deficits. This program will be Assistant 11/1/04, beginning with second nine weeks. conceptual understanding of basic aligned in scope and sequence Principal 1/24/05, 4/4/05 Special Education articulation arithmetic operations by selecting and to both the individual needs of meetings will be documented using appropriate operations in real-life each student and the math Maria Rupert, Special through sign-in sheets and meeting situations. standards with emphasis on Special Education minutes. selected GLE’s. Special and Education articulation Emphasis will be placed on: regular education teachers will Chairperson meetings will Effectiveness Administration will N-1-E: constructing number meaning and coordinate lesson and unit occur during the utilize TLS quarterly to observe demonstrating that a number can be planning to address the unique Laura Cagle, months of accommodations and modifications expressed in many different forms (e.g., SWD needs in non-special Special October and being implemented as indicated on standard notation, number words, number education settings. Unique Education November 2004 lesson plans. Teachers will use a lines, geometrical representation, SWD needs will be partially Paraprofessional and January, pre-designed individual task fractions, and decimals) addressed through those February, analysis form for each SWD to N-2-E: demonstrating number sense and modifications and Kathy Lepanto, March, and May document student progress toward estimation skills, giving particular accommodations along with Special 2005 GLEs pertaining to varied attention to common equivalent reference differentiated instruction. Education expression of number sense, points (i.e., 1/4 = 25%=.25; ½ = 50% = .5; Paraprofessional Accommodations estimation skills, conceptual $1 = 100%, etc.) Special Education teachers and and understanding, and number sense in N-4-E: demonstrating a conceptual paraprofessionals will meet six K-3 Teachers Modifications real-life situations. understanding of the meaning of the basic times during the school year Observations arithmetic operations (add, subtract, for articulation. By 10/15, multiply, and divide) and their 12/21, 3/11, & relationships to each other 5/25 N-6-E: applying a knowledge of basic math facts and arithmetic operations to Task Analysis real-life situations Forms By 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25
PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING THE OBJECTIVE AND STRATEGY Using baseline data from Spring 2004, student performance data on the norm-reference assessment for 2005 will be compared to make comparisons in order to determine strategy and objective achievement. * Indicates Professional Development Learning ** Indicates Family Involvement Activities *** Indicates Safe and Drug-Free Activities Note 1. See appendices for additional information on the NSDC Standards for Staff Development (Context, Content & Process)
St. Tammany Parish School Board 19 of 50 SY 2004-2005 STRATEGY PLANNING WORKSHEET GOAL 2: To improve student proficiency in applying reasoning and problem-solving skills to School SPS 2004: 88.8 School GT 2005: 90.8 reading and responding to text across academic areas OBJECTIVE 2: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH STRATEGY: 1a. (LA Accountability) To increase by no less than ten percent of the percentage of students scoring Contextual Learning “green” on the norm-referenced assessment, reading total subtest. (17.82% in 2004 to 18.82% in 2005) 1b. (NCLB) This component is not assessed at this grade configuration Targeted Subgroups Black: 57.4 to 63.14 White: 66.7 to 73.37 SWD: 21.9 to 24.09 ED: 50.0 to 55.0 ACTION PLAN EXPECTED IMPACT ACTIVITIES PERSONS TARGET 1 FUNDING SOURCES IMPLEMENTATION AND RESPONSIBLE AUDIENCE and 2 OBJECT CODE EFFECTIVENESS TIMELINE 3 COST (Benchmarks) 1 2 3 Students will use reasoning and During specific academic K-3rd Grade K-3rd Grade Students Title I $5000.00 Implementation – The thinking strategies in context, apply instruction, K-3 students will Instructional administrative staff will observe reasoning skills to life experiences, participate in a variety of Staff Implementation: and monitor classroom activities Observations & utilize comprehension strategies, and cross curricular reading and LEAP $5000.00 each semester and monitor weekly make connections with real-life responding activities Reports by 10/15, Acceleration lesson plans for constructed situations across texts. formatted as constructed Ms. Bankston, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25 response assessment related to response with emphasis on Principal reasoning and problem solving Key Components of Comprehension the application of reasoning Lesson Plans Checked LEAP $6500.00 skills during the 6th week of each 9 Strategies and Reasoning Skills: and problem solving skills. Ms. Sanders, by: 11/19, 2/18, 4/21 Intervention week period. Administrators will ELA-7-E1: using comprehension The targeted GLEs outlined Assistant present a summary to the leadership strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, in the Expected Impact will Principal Building Leadership team. drawing conclusions, comparing and be an area of focus by Team: contrasting, making inferences, presenting tasks within Mrs. Boudet, 10/26, 1/24, 3/21, 4/18 Effectiveness – Grade level determining main ideas) to interpret context, thus increasing Assistant teachers will meet and review oral, written, and visual text student engagement. Effectiveness : constructed response items and Principal Grade Level Meetings: other student work to plan future ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, lessons. A summary will be shared life experiences, and available RHT 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, at monthly grade level meetings. information to solve problems in oral, 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, written, and visual texts Margaret 4/4, 4/11 Deane, ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s Reading purpose (reason for writing), and Teacher viewpoint (perspective) Leader ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills to distinguish fact from opinion, skim Serina Gray, and scan for facts, determine cause and Special effect, generate inquiry, and make Education connections with real-life situations Reading Teacher Leader
St. Tammany Parish School Board 20 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Teachers will stimulate and encourage Teachers will present lessons Instructional K-3rd Grade General $5000.00 Implementation – The the use of reasoning and thinking and activities that require Staff Instructional Staff Fund administrative staff will observe strategies in context, applying reasoning students to respond to and monitor classroom activities skills to life experiences, utilizing questions and tasks that Ms. Bankston, Implementation: each semester and monitor weekly comprehension strategies, and making require problem solving, Principal Observations & lesson plans for constructed connections with real-life situations reasoning, the use of Reports by 10/15, response assessment related to across texts. comprehension strategies, Ms. Sanders, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25 reasoning and problem solving and critical thinking skills. Assistant skills during the 6th week of each 9 Emphasis will be placed on: Further, these tasks will be, Principal Lesson Plans Checked week period. Administrators will ELA-7-E1: using comprehension to the extent practical, by: 11/19, 2/18, 4/21 present a summary to the leadership strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, provided within a student Mrs. Boudet, team. drawing conclusions, comparing and context to increase Assistant Building Leadership contrasting, making inferences, engagement. This will be Principal Team: Effectiveness – Grade level determining main ideas) to interpret especially important as the 10/26, 1/24, 3/21, 4/18 teachers will meet and review oral, written, and visual text areas of emphasis are RHT constructed response items and addressed during the school Effectiveness : other student work to plan future ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, year. Grade Level Grade Level Meetings: lessons. A summary will be shared life experiences, and available Chairpersons: 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, at monthly grade level meetings. information to solve problems in oral, Content The lessons will Webb 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, written, and visual texts clearly address the content Garrett 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, standards noted in Expected Neubauer 4/4, 4/11 ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s Impact. Meyer purpose (reason for writing), and Instruction The students Rupert viewpoint (perspective) will be engaged in a variety of learning activities focused ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills on the use of reasoning and to distinguish fact from opinion, skim thinking strategies in and scan for facts, determine cause and context, applying reasoning effect, generate inquiry, and make skills to life experiences, connections with real-life situations utilizing comprehension strategies, and making connections with real-life situations across texts. Assessment Student learning will be evaluated through class activities and periodic comprehension tests which include constructed response questions. Motivation/Engagement Student engagement in classroom activities will be maximized through differentiated instruction, the use of Thinking Maps, Go- Charts, story webs, and other graphic organizers which apply reasoning skills to life experiences, utilize comprehension strategies, and make connections with St. Tammany Parish School Board 21 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Professional development Professional Teachers will attend K-3rd Grade K-3rd Grade Plan for $2048.00 Implementation Participation in development for teachers will be workshops on Project Read, Instructional Instructional Staff Student professional development focused on programs and strategies Go Charts, Thinking Maps, Staff Success opportunities scheduled on designed to promote the use of and related workshops that Workshop gosignmeup will be documented reasoning and thinking strategies in focus on strengthening the opportunities are made through banking hours certificates, context, applying reasoning skills to life key components of Ms. Bankston, available as put onto sign in sheets, and SACS workshop experiences, utilizing comprehension comprehension strategies, Principal gosignmeup by the PD documentation. strategies, and making connections with reasoning skills, and making office real-life situations across texts. connections with real life Ms. Sanders, Observations and articulation situations across texts. Assistant Grade Level Meetings: meetings will be documented Emphasis will be placed on: Principal 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, through sign–in sheets and meeting ELA-7-E1: using comprehension Teachers will engage in 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, minutes. strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, professional dialogue at Mrs. Boudet, 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, drawing conclusions, comparing and grade level meetings Assistant 4/4, 4/11 Effectiveness contrasting, making inferences, focusing on the application Teachers attending workshops will determining main ideas) to interpret of reasoning and problem Principal Third Grade/Fourth share learned information with oral, written, and visual text solving skills in reading Grade Teachers’ others during grade level/faculty instruction, assessment RHT Observations meetings for implementation into ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, methods, and how to develop 11/4/04 classroom activities. life experiences, and available contextually-rich learning Margaret 11/15/04 information to solve problems in oral, opportunities for students (as Deane, 4/7/05 During observations, teachers will written, and visual texts developmentally Reading 4/11/05 9:00a.m.- use a predetermined list of items to appropriate). Teacher 11:00a.m. and 11:20 look for which relate to ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s a.m.-1:00p.m. comprehension strategies and Leader purpose (reason for writing), and Articulation between 3rd and reasoning skills. During viewpoint (perspective) 4th grade teachers from Articulation Meetings articulation meetings, teachers will Carolyn Park will take place Serina Gray, 11/18/04 discuss and choose items to ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills on 11/18/04 and 4/14/05 at Special 2:45-4:00p.m. implement in the classrooms. to distinguish fact from opinion, skim 2:45 p.m. following Education 4/14/05 and scan for facts, determine cause and scheduled observational Reading 2:45-4:00p.m. effect, generate inquiry, and make visits on 11/4/04 and Teacher connections with real-life situations 11/15/04; 4/7/05 and Leader 4/11/05. Third Grade Teachers will be given Teachers and access to additional Fourth Grade resources through experts in Teachers, CPMS curriculum and instruction and workshops via the gosignmeup website. Dr. Holly Broom, PD Coordinator
St. Tammany Parish School Board 22 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Parent Involvement and Community Three Family Fun Nights RHT Students Title I $2500.00 Implementation The Outreach opportunities will address and Turn Off TV week will administration will review sign-in home and self-directed activities which be held during the school Grade Level Parents sheets from each activity to stimulate and encourage the use of year to encourage Chairpersons: evaluate the level of participation. reasoning and thinking strategies in participation and model Webb Instructional Staff context, applying reasoning skills to life activities that reinforce Garrett Reminders to look for and read the experiences, utilizing comprehension student proficiency in Neubauer Family Fun Night Home & School Connection will be strategies, and making connections with applying reasoning and Meyer 10/28/04 put in the PTA newsletter four real-life situations. problem-solving skills to Rupert 12/16/04 times throughout the year. reading and responding to 2/3/05 text across academic areas. Sharon Classroom notes/newsletters will be Emphasis will be placed on: Slavinsky, Turn Off TV Week submitted to administrative staff for ELA-7-E1: using comprehension Home & School Connection Technology Week of 4/25/05 approval. strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, will be provided to parents to Facilitator drawing conclusions, comparing and help them better assist their Home & School Teachers will monitor the number contrasting, making inferences, children in relating current K-3 Teachers Connection of “hits” on their websites and will determining main ideas) to interpret studies to real-life September 2004 solicit input through classroom oral, written, and visual text experiences. Heidi Berthelot, thru May, 2005 newsletters and notes home to School Reminders November, parents. ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, Classroom notes/ newsletters Counselor 2004 life experiences, and available will be sent home to inform January, 2005 Members of the community will be information to solve problems in oral, parents about activities Ms. Bankston, February, 2005 asked to visit and share their written, and visual texts occurring in classrooms and Principal March, 2005 occupations with third grade school. students. They will be asked to ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s Ms. Sanders, Career Week relate how problem solving is used purpose (reason for writing), and Online activities will be Assistant May, 2005 in their jobs. viewpoint (perspective) hyperlinked to teacher Principal websites for students and Effectiveness A parent survey will ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills parents to access additional Mrs. Boudet, be sent home on May 3, 2005 to to distinguish fact from opinion, skim activities relevant to current Assistant allow parents an opportunity to and scan for facts, determine cause and studies. Principal provide feedback regarding the effect, generate inquiry, and make effectiveness of activities provided connections with real-life situations Community outreach is during the school year. promoted through Career Week which focuses on Student progress related to GLE’s applying reasoning and will be assessed and documented problem solving skills in the through a teacher made checklist at real world. the end of each nine week period and submitted to the administration when report cards are turned in to be checked.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 23 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Technology Technology for teachers Content: Teachers will Sharon K-3 students Technology $14,000.00 Implementation Using the TLS, and students will reinforce the use of attend technology related in- Slavinsky, Fund the administrative staff will observe reasoning and thinking strategies in services to expand the use of School K-3 Teachers all teachers each nine week period context, applying reasoning skills to life software programs/websites Technology with emphasis on integrating experiences, utilizing comprehension in their instructional program Facilitator Technology Lesson technology into classroom lessons. strategies, and making connections with related to comprehension Observations Title I $20,000.00 real-life situations across texts. strategies, reasoning skills, Shirley By 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, Teacher lesson plans will be and making connections to Bergeron, & 5/25 checked during the fourth week of Emphasis will be placed on: real-life situations across Title I each quarter for the integration of ELA-7-E1: using comprehension texts. BWE will continue to Technology Technology Lesson technology into classroom lessons strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, work towards attaining Paraprofessional Plan Checks beginning 11/04. drawing conclusions, comparing and 100% LA INTECH trained 11/8/04, 1/31/05, contrasting, making inferences, teaching staff. Sandy Scott, 4/4/05 Participation in technology related determining main ideas) to interpret LINCS Content workshops will be documented by oral, written, and visual text Instruction: These software Leader Review of Technology certificates of attendance/ programs/websites will be Related Professional completion. ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, used by the teachers and STPSB Development life experiences, and available students to enhance lessons INTECH Certificates by 4/29/05 Effectiveness Student work information to solve problems in oral, related to comprehension Trainers samples will be reviewed and written, and visual texts strategies, reasoning skills, Effectiveness compared to previous work samples and making connections to INTECH trained Rubrics Reviewed By to determine the effectiveness of the ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s real-life situations across teachers 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, & use of technology in the curriculum purpose (reason for writing), and texts. 5/25 as it relates to comprehension viewpoint (perspective) K-3 teachers strategies, reasoning skills, and Assessment: Student making connections to real-life ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills understanding will be Ms. Bankston, situations across texts. Work will to distinguish fact from opinion, skim assessed by the finished Principal be assessed using a teacher created and scan for facts, determine cause and product or record of rubric. effect, generate inquiry, and make completed activity produced Ms. Sanders, connections with real-life situations by the software/website. Assistant Principal Motivation/Engagement: Student engagement will be Mrs. Boudet, maximized through Assistant individualized/differentiated Principal instruction using computer software/websites. RHT
Administration will strive to meet compliance with the parish’s guaranteed curriculum equipment model.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 24 of 50 SY 2004-2005 School Climate - Discipline. Ensuring The School-wide Positive Building All school personnel None Implementation The each student has a learning environment Behavior Support program is Leadership administrative staff will review conducive to high levels of achievement still under development by Team 8/04 – Opening week lesson plans during the second through effective discipline and the district. Our school has Ms. Bankston, orientation and follow- week of the second and fourth nine classroom management procedures. initiated the following Principal up throughout the year weeks for positive behavior lessons. Information on classroom rules that are: discipline activities Ms. Sanders, Feedback will be provided to (a) provided to each student and parent; necessary to implement a Assistant 10/14/04 grading teachers using a rubric. (b) focused on student attendance, positive, behavior support Principal period 1; During TLS visits, the arriving on time, and completing program. Each teacher will Ms. Boudet, 11/11/04 Progress administrative staff will look for homework assignments, and (c) comply develop activities to provide Assistant Reports; 12/21/2004 classroom rules posted and with school and classroom rules. direct instruction on Principal and grading evidence of compliance. expected student behaviors SWPSB Leader period 2; beginning the first day of RHT 02/03/2005 Progress Effectiveness Monthly attendance school. Reinforcement of Sharon Reports; 03/10/05 and tardy reports will be produced positive behaviors will occur Edmondson, grading by the SWPBS leader to monitor throughout the school day Kindergarten period 3; targeted discipline indicators along with re-teaching Teacher 04/14/2005 Progress compared to the 95% SPS goal and expected behaviors Margaret Deane, Reports; 05/25/2005 maintaining it. throughout the school year. First Grade grading Grade level progress reports will be Each classroom will have no Teacher period 4 reviewed each grading period to more than five (5) clearly India Claude, evaluate the number of homework defined rules, some of which Second Grade Character Links: and other classroom behaviors will be student directed. Teacher Daily throughout the being reported in comparison to the Carla school year school as a whole. Character Links, a character Thompson, education program endorsed Third Grade and supplied for third grade Teacher classrooms by STPSB is Serina Gray, being used daily in third Special grade classrooms. Education Administration refers to the Shirley lessons daily during morning Bergeron, announcement broadcasts Paraprofessional over the television. Representative Sharon Slavinsky, School Technology Facilitator
School Discipline Committee Dr. Laura Haas and Loretta Webb, Co-Chairs
All Third Grade Teachers
St. Tammany Parish School Board 25 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Articulation - Slidell Learning The administrative staff will Ms. Bankston, Administrative staff – None Implementation: Members of the Community will be focused on participate in the Annual Principal Administrative Retreat learning community will attend all reviewing student performance data, Administrator’s Retreat as a (07/28/2005) scheduled activities so that the implementing the GLEs in lesson Learning Community. Ms. Sanders, school is represented 99% of all planning, preparing for the Guaranteed Representatives of the school Assistant scheduled activities Curriculum, exchanging instructional (administrator, SIP chair, Principal 9/9/2004 “best practices”, and developing and other teacher leaders) Data retreat Effectiveness: 100% of all schools teacher-made (and department made) will attend a one-day Data Mrs. Boudet, Ms. Sanders in the learning community will have performance assessments that focus on Retreat at Slidell High Assistant Mrs. Boudet an approved improvement plan that application of knowledge at higher School. This activity is Principal Miss Crochet addresses those aspects outlined in levels. Sharing other leadership aspects designed to Mrs. Meyer the Expected Impact. 98% of all associated with implementing the (a) improve communication, Stacy Crochet, Mrs. Thompson discussion threads on Blackboard district’s Strategic Plan and the (b) examine student data, and Third Grade will be responded to by each Superintendent’s vision of “Good to (c) plan improvement Teacher Learning Community school’s principal. Discussion Great” activities both within the meeting threads will focus on the GLEs, school and across the LaTisha Meyer Ms. Bankston UbD, and performance assessments. community. Each month the Third Grade 09/01/2004 principal will attend a Level Chair 10/06/2004 monthly meeting with the 11/3/2004 Superintendent and other Carla 12/1/2004 central office staff to discuss Thompson, 01/05/2005 those aspects outlined in the Third Grade 02/02/2005 “Expected Impact” column. Teacher and 03/02/2005 Principals within the BLT member 04/06/2005 learning community will 05/04/2005 have time to collaborate on Patti Witty, improvement efforts Supervisor BWE/CPMS underway at their school and Slidell Learning Articulation meetings future initiatives of the Community 8/03/04 community. Between 9/10/04 scheduled meetings, Dr. J.P. 9/27/04 principals will post and Beaudoin, 10/27/04 collaborated information on Supervisor 11/18/04 topics associated with the BWE 12/7/04 Expected Impact using 2005 dates to be Blackboard. scheduled in Jan. 05
Administrative team members of BWE and CPMS will meet for articulation.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 26 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Reducing the Performance Gap Students whose IEP’s Ms. Bankston, All Regular and None Implementation 100% of all IEP’s Students with Disabilities (SWD) warrant reading instruction Principal Special Education will be in compliance with IDEA. All teachers and paraprofessionals in a resource setting will Teachers Lesson plans will reflect providing instruction to SWD will receive the prescribed Ms. Sanders, accommodations and modifications stimulate and encourage the use of number of minutes in the Assistant Resource settings and in the regular and special settings reasoning and thinking strategies in appropriate setting. Principal direct instruction will for SWD. Lesson plans will reflect context, applying reasoning skills to life Staff teaching SWD will use occur daily in the joint planning and will be checked experiences, utilizing comprehension the Direct Instruction Mrs. Boudet, school setting. during the third week of each nine strategies, and making connections with program to address student Assistant week period beginning with second real-life situations across texts. math deficits. This program Principal Special Education nine weeks. will be aligned in scope and articulation meetings Emphasis will be placed on: sequence to both the RHT will occur during the Effectiveness Administration will ELA-7-E1: using comprehension individual needs of each months of utilize TLS quarterly to observe strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, student and the reading Maria Rupert, October and accommodations and modifications drawing conclusions, comparing and standards with emphasis on Special November 2004 and being implemented as indicated on contrasting, making inferences, selected GLE’s. Special and Education January, February, lesson plans. Teachers will use a determining main ideas) to interpret regular education teachers Chairperson March, and May 2005 pre-designed individual checklist oral, written, and visual text will coordinate lesson and for each SWD to document student unit planning to address the Laura Cagle, Professional acquisition of GLEs pertaining to ELA-7-E2: using basic reasoning skills, unique SWD needs in non- Special development comprehension strategies, reasoning life experiences, and available special education settings. Education opportunities will be skills, and making connections to information to solve problems in oral, Unique SWD needs will be Paraprofessional scheduled by the real-life situations across texts. written, and visual texts partially addressed through STPSB Special . those modifications and Kathy Lepanto, Education Office. ELA-7-E3: recognizing an author’s accommodations along with Special purpose (reason for writing), and differentiated instruction. Education viewpoint (perspective) Paraprofessional Special Education teachers ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills and paraprofessionals will K-3 Teachers to distinguish fact from opinion, skim meet six times during the and scan for facts, determine cause and school year for articulation. effect, generate inquiry, and make connections with real-life situations Professional development opportunities will be made available through the Special Education office.
PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING THE OBJECTIVE AND STRATEGY Using baseline data from Spring 2004, student performance data on the norm-reference assessment for 2005 will be compared to make comparisons in order to determine strategy and objective achievement. * Indicates Professional Development Learning ** Indicates Family Involvement Activities *** Indicates Safe and Drug-Free Activities Note 1. See appendices for additional information on the NSDC Standards for Staff Development (Context, Content, & Process)
St. Tammany Parish School Board 27 of 50 SY 2004-2005 STRATEGY PLANNING WORKSHEET GOAL 3: To improve student proficiency in the science as inquiry strand for science School SPS 2003: 88.8 School GT 2004: 90.8 Subgroup: OBJECTIVE 3: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH STRATEGY: 1a. (LA Accountability) To increase by no less than ten percent of the percentage of students scoring Contextual Learning “green” on the norm-referenced assessment, science total subtest. (19.8% in 2004 to 21.78% in 2005) 1b. (NCLB) This component is not assessed at this grade configuration ACTION PLAN 1 FUNDING SOURCES EXPECTED IMPACT TARGET 2 OBJECT CODE IMPLEMENTATION AND (Observable Change) ACTIVITIES PERSONS AUDIENCE and 3 COST EFFECTIVENESS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE 1 2 3 (Benchmarks) Students will ask questions about The students will participate K-3rd Grade K-3rd Grade Students Title I $5000.00 Implementation – The organisms and events in order to plan in exploratory and hands-on Instructional administrative staff will observe and conduct scientific investigations. experiences that require Staff Implementation: and monitor classroom activities They will also use data to explain them to utilize the Observations & each semester and monitor weekly observations and experiments in oral components of the scientific Reports by 10/15, lesson plans for integration of and written formats. method focusing on the key Ms. Bankston, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25 science inquiry during the 7th week components presented in Principal of each 9 week period. Key Components of Science as expected impact. Lesson Plans Checked Administrators will present a Inquiry: Ms. Sanders, by: 12/3, 2/25, 4/29 summary to the leadership team. SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions Assistant about organisms and events in the Principal Building Leadership Effectiveness – Grade level environment Team: teachers will meet and review SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and Mrs. Boudet, 10/26, 1/24, 3/21, 4/18 executed science inquiry activities conducting a scientific investigation Assistant to plan future lessons. A summary SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers Effectiveness : will be shared at monthly grade and graphs, to explain observations and Principal Grade Level Meetings: level meetings. experiments 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, SI-E-A6: communicating observations RHT 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, and experiments in oral and written 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, formats Grade Level 4/4, 4/11 Chairpersons: Webb Garrett Neubauer Meyer Rupert
St. Tammany Parish School Board 28 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Teachers Teachers will stimulate and Teachers will present lessons Instructional K-3rd Grade General $5000.00 Implementation – The encourage student involvement in that require students to Staff Instructional Staff Fund administrative staff will observe science investigations to promote investigate scientific and monitor classroom activities understanding of the concepts and problems and utilize the Ms. Bankston, Implementation: each semester and monitor weekly processes associated with science skills of science inquiry Principal Observations & lesson plans for integration of inquiry that can be applied to real life within real life situations. Reports by 10/15, science inquiry during the 7th week situations. Content: The lessons will Ms. Sanders, 12/21, 3/11, & 5/25 of each 9 week period. clearly address the content Assistant Administrators will present a Emphasis will be placed on: standards that are noted in Principal Lesson Plans Checked summary to the leadership team. SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions Expected Impact. by: 11/19, 2/18, 4/21 about organisms and events in the Instruction: The students Mrs. Boudet, Effectiveness – Grade level environment will be engaged in a variety Assistant Building Leadership teachers will meet and review SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and of investigative activities Principal Team: executed science inquiry activities conducting a scientific investigation focused on science inquiry. 10/26, 1/24, 3/21, 4/18 to plan future lessons. A summary SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers Assessment: Student RHT will be shared at monthly grade and graphs, to explain observations and learning will be assessed Effectiveness : level meetings. experiments through performance tasks Grade Level Grade Level Meetings: SI-E-A6: communicating observations involving scientific inquiry. Chairpersons: 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, and experiments in oral and written Rubrics, checklists, and Webb 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, formats constructed response items Garrett 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, will be used to assess Neubauer 4/4, 4/11 performance. Meyer Motivation/Engagement: Rupert Student engagement in classroom activities will be enhanced through differentiated instruction and by having small group activities of science inquiry.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 29 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Professional Development Teachers will attend in- K-3rd Grade K-3rd Grade Plan for $2048.00 Implementation Participation in Professional development for teachers services and workshops Instructional Instructional Staff Student professional development will be focused on integrating activities focused on successful Staff Success opportunities scheduled on into the science instructional program instruction, contextual Implementation: gosignmeup will be documented that promote investigations and learning, and assessment of Workshop through banking hours certificates, scientific inquiry. science inquiry with an Ms. Bankston, opportunities are made sign in sheets, and SACS workshop emphasis on real life Principal available as put onto documentation. Emphasis will be placed on: problem solving situations. gosignmeup by the PD SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions Teachers will engage in Ms. Sanders, office Effectiveness about organisms and events in the professional dialogue, attend Assistant Teachers attending workshops will environment related workshops, and share Principal Effectiveness : share learned information with SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and information concerning the Grade Level Meetings: others during grade level/faculty conducting a scientific investigation use of differentiated Mrs. Boudet, 10/4, 10/11, 11/1, meetings for implementation into 11/8, 12/6, 12/20, 1/4, SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers instruction in science. Assistant classroom activities. and graphs, to explain observations and 1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7, experiments Principal 4/4, 4/11 SI-E-A6: communicating observations and experiments in oral and written RHT formats Dr. Holly Broom, PD Coordinator
St. Tammany Parish School Board 30 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Parent Involvement and Community Three Family Fun Nights RHT Students Title I $2500.00 Implementation The Outreach opportunities will address and Turn Off TV week will administration will review sign-in home and self-directed activities which be held during the school Grade Level Parents sheets from each activity to stimulate and encourage student year to encourage Chairpersons: evaluate the level of participation. involvement in science investigations to participation and model Webb Instructional Staff promote understanding of the concepts activities that reinforce Garrett Reminders to look for and read the and processes associated with science student involvement in Neubauer Family Fun Night Home & School Connection will be inquiry that can be applied to real life science investigations to Meyer 10/28/04 put in the PTA newsletter four situations. promote understanding of Rupert 12/16/04 times throughout the year. the concepts and processes 2/3/05 Emphasis will be placed on: associated with science Sharon Classroom notes/newsletters will be SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions inquiry that can be applied to Slavinsky, Turn Off TV Week submitted to administrative staff for about organisms and events in the real life situations. Technology Week of 4/25/05 approval. environment Facilitator SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and Home & School Connection Home & School Teachers will monitor the number conducting a scientific investigation will be provided to parents K-3 Teachers Connection of “hits” on their websites and will SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers to help them better assist September 2004 solicit input through classroom and graphs, to explain observations and their children in relating Heidi Berthelot, thru May, 2005 newsletters and notes home to experiments current studies to real-life School Reminders November, parents. SI-E-A6: communicating observations experiences. Counselor 2004 and experiments in oral and written January, 2005 Members of the community will be formats Classroom notes/ newsletters Ms. Bankston, February, 2005 asked to visit and share their will be sent home to inform Principal March, 2005 occupations with third grade parents about activities students. They will be asked to occurring in classrooms and Ms. Sanders, Career Week relate how science inquiry is used school. Assistant May, 2005 in their jobs. Principal Online activities will be Effectiveness A parent survey will hyperlinked to teacher Mrs. Boudet, be sent home on May 3, 2005 to websites for students and Assistant allow parents an opportunity to parents to access additional Principal provide feedback regarding the activities relevant to current effectiveness of activities provided studies. during the school year.
Community outreach is Student progress related to GLE promoted through Career will be assessed and documented Week which focuses on through a teacher made checklist at science investigations in real the end of each nine week period world situations. and submitted to the administration when report cards are turned in to be checked.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 31 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Technology Technology for teachers Content: Teachers will Sharon K-3 students Technology $14,000.00 Implementation Using the TLS, and students will assist with the attend technology related in- Slavinsky, Fund the administrative staff will observe investigations of science inquiry skills services to expand the use of School K-3 Teachers all teachers each nine week period and processes. software programs/websites Technology Title I $20,000.00 with emphasis on integrating in their instructional Facilitator Technology Lesson technology into classroom lessons. Emphasis will be placed on: program related to science. Observations SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions BWE will continue to work Shirley By 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, Teacher lesson plans will be about organisms and events in the towards attaining 100% LA Bergeron, & 5/25 checked during the fourth week of environment INTECH trained teaching Title I each quarter for the integration of SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and staff. Technology Technology Lesson technology into classroom lessons conducting a scientific investigation Paraprofessional Plan Checks beginning 11/04. SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers Instruction: These software 11/8/04, 1/31/05, and graphs, to explain observations and programs/websites will be Sandy Scott, 4/4/05 Participation in technology related experiments used by the teachers and LINCS Content workshops will be documented by SI-E-A6: communicating observations students to enhance lessons Leader Review of Technology certificates of attendance/ and experiments in oral and written related to science as inquiry. Related Professional completion. formats STPSB Development Assessment: Student INTECH Certificates by 4/29/05 Effectiveness Student work understanding will be Trainers samples will be reviewed and assessed by the finished Effectiveness compared to previous work samples product or record of INTECH trained Rubrics Reviewed By to determine the effectiveness of completed activity produced teachers 10/15, 12/21, 3/11, & the use of technology in the by the software/website. 5/25 curriculum as it relates to science as K-3 teachers inquiry. Work will be assessed Motivation/Engagement: using a teacher created rubric. Student engagement will be Ms. Bankston, maximized through Principal individualized/differentiated instruction using computer Ms. Sanders, software/websites. Assistant Principal Administration will strive tomeet compliance with the Mrs. Boudet, parish’s guaranteed Assistant curriculum equipment Principal model. RHT
St. Tammany Parish School Board 32 of 50 SY 2004-2005 School Climate - Discipline. Ensuring The School-wide Positive Building All school personnel None Implementation The each student has a learning environment Behavior Support program is Leadership administrative staff will review conducive to high levels of achievement still under development by Team 8/04 – Opening week lesson plans during the second through effective discipline and the district. Our school has Ms. Bankston, orientation and follow- week of the second and fourth nine classroom management procedures. initiated the following Principal up throughout the year weeks for positive behavior lessons. Information on classroom rules that are: discipline activities Ms. Sanders, Feedback will be provided to (a) provided to each student and parent; necessary to implement a Assistant 10/14/04 grading teachers using a rubric. (b) focused on student attendance, positive, behavior support Principal period 1; During TLS visits, the arriving on time, and completing program. Each teacher will Ms. Boudet, 11/11/04 Progress administrative staff will look for homework assignments, and (c) comply develop activities to provide Assistant Reports; 12/21/2004 classroom rules posted and with school and classroom rules. direct instruction on Principal and grading evidence of compliance. expected student behaviors SWPSB Leader period 2; beginning the first day of RHT 02/03/2005 Progress Effectiveness Monthly attendance school. Reinforcement of Sharon Reports; 03/10/05 and tardy reports will be produced positive behaviors will occur Edmondson, grading by the SWPBS leader to monitor throughout the school day Kindergarten period 3; targeted discipline indicators along with re-teaching Teacher 04/14/2005 Progress compared to the 95% SPS goal and expected behaviors Margaret Deane, Reports; 05/25/2005 maintaining it. throughout the school year. First Grade grading Grade level progress reports will be Each classroom will have no Teacher period 4 reviewed each grading period to more than five (5) clearly India Claude, evaluate the number of homework defined rules, some of which Second Grade Character Links: and other classroom behaviors will be student directed. Teacher Daily throughout the being reported in comparison to the Carla school year school as a whole. Character Links, a character Thompson, education program endorsed Third Grade and supplied for third grade Teacher classrooms by STPSB is Serina Gray, being used daily in third Special grade classrooms. Education Administration refers to the Shirley lessons daily during morning Bergeron, announcement broadcasts Paraprofessional over the television. Representative Sharon Slavinsky, School Technology Facilitator
School Discipline Committee Dr. Laura Haas and Loretta Webb, Co-Chairs
All Third Grade Teachers
St. Tammany Parish School Board 33 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Articulation - Slidell Learning The administrative staff will Ms. Bankston, Administrative staff – None Implementation: Members of the Community will be focused on participate in the Annual Principal Administrative Retreat learning community will attend all reviewing student performance data, Administrator’s Retreat as a (07/28/2005) scheduled activities so that the implementing the GLEs in lesson Learning Community. Ms. Sanders, school is represented 99% of all planning, preparing for the Guaranteed Representatives of the school Assistant scheduled activities Curriculum, exchanging instructional (administrator, SIP chair, Principal 9/9/2004 “best practices”, and developing and other teacher leaders) Data retreat Effectiveness: 100% of all schools teacher-made (and department made) will attend a one-day Data Mrs. Boudet, Ms. Sanders in the learning community will performance assessments that focus on Retreat at Slidell High Assistant Mrs. Boudet have an approved improvement application of knowledge at higher School. This activity is Principal Miss Crochet plan that addresses those aspects levels. Sharing other leadership aspects designed to Mrs. Meyer outlined in the Expected Impact. associated with implementing the (a) improve communication, Stacy Crochet, Mrs. Thompson 98% of all discussion threads on district’s Strategic Plan and the (b) examine student data, Third Grade Blackboard will be responded to by Superintendent’s vision of “Good to and (c) plan improvement Teacher Learning Community each school’s principal. Discussion Great” activities both within the meeting threads will focus on the GLEs, school and across the LaTisha Meyer Ms. Bankston UbD, and performance community. Each month the Third Grade 09/01/2004 assessments. principal will attend a Level Chair 10/06/2004 monthly meeting with the 11/3/2004 Superintendent and other Carla 12/1/2004 central office staff to discuss Thompson, 01/05/2005 those aspects outlined in the Third Grade 02/02/2005 “Expected Impact” column. Teacher and 03/02/2005 Principals within the BLT member 04/06/2005 learning community will 05/04/2005 have time to collaborate on Patti Witty, improvement efforts Supervisor BWE/CPMS underway at their school and Slidell Learning Articulation meetings future initiatives of the Community 8/03/04 community. Between 9/10/04 scheduled meetings, Dr. J.P. 9/27/04 principals will post and Beaudoin, 10/27/04 collaborated information on Supervisor 11/18/04 topics associated with the BWE 12/7/04 Expected Impact using 2005 dates to be Blackboard. scheduled in Jan. 05
Administrative team members of BWE and CPMS will meet for articulation.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 34 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Reducing the Performance Gap Students whose IEP’s Ms. Bankston, All Regular and None Implementation 100% of all IEP’s Students with Disabilities (SWD) warrant science instruction Principal Special Education will be in compliance with IDEA. All teachers and paraprofessionals in a resource setting will Teachers Lesson plans will reflect providing instruction to SWD will receive the prescribed Ms. Sanders, accommodations and modifications stimulate and encourage the use of number of minutes in the Assistant Resource settings and in the regular and special settings reasoning and thinking strategies in appropriate setting. Principal direct instruction will for SWD. Lesson plans will reflect context, applying reasoning skills to life Staff teaching SWD will use occur daily in the joint planning and will be checked experiences, utilizing comprehension the Direct Instruction Mrs. Boudet, school setting. during the third week of each nine strategies, and making connections with program to address student Assistant week period beginning with second real-life situations across texts. science deficits. This Principal Special Education nine weeks. program will be aligned in articulation meetings Emphasis will be placed on: scope and sequence to both RHT will occur during the Effectiveness Administration will SI-EA1: asking appropriate questions the individual needs of each months of utilize TLS quarterly to observe about organisms and events in the student and the science Maria Rupert, October and accommodations and modifications environment standards with emphasis on Special November 2004 and being implemented as indicated on SI-EA2: planning and/or designing and selected GLEs. Special and Education January, February, lesson plans. Teachers will use a conducting a scientific investigation regular education teachers Chairperson March, and May 2005 pre-designed individual checklist SI-E-A5: using data, including numbers will coordinate lesson and for each SWD to document student and graphs, to explain observations and unit planning to address the Laura Cagle, Professional acquisition of GLEs pertaining to experiments unique SWD needs in non- Special development science as inquiry. SI-E-A6: communicating observations special education settings. Education opportunities will be and experiments in oral and written Unique SWD needs will be Paraprofessional scheduled by the formats partially addressed through STPSB Special those modifications and Kathy Lepanto, Education Office accommodations along with Special differentiated instruction. Education Paraprofessional Special Education teachers and paraprofessionals will K-3 Teachers meet six times during the school year for articulation.
Professional development opportunities will be made available through the Special Education office. PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING THE OBJECTIVE AND STRATEGY Using baseline data from Spring 2004, student performance data on the norm-reference assessment for 2005 will be compared to make comparisons in order to determine strategy and objective achievement.
* Indicates Professional Development Learning ** Indicates Family Involvement Activities *** Indicates Safe and Drug-Free Activities Note 1. See appendices for additional information on the NSDC Standards for Staff Development (Context, Content, & Process)
INDIRECT COSTS (If applicable)
*Funding Sources: Title I – Part A, Part B (Even Start), Part C (Migrant), Part D (N &D), Part F (CSRP); Title II – Part A (Professional Development), Part D (Technology); Title III –English Language Proficient; Title V – Parental Choice and Innovative Programs; Title VII – Part A (Indian Education), Part B (Native Hawaiian Education), Part C (Alaska Native Education); Learn and Serve America; Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act; State Funding; 8(g); LaSIP; Foreign Languages; IDEA; K-3 Initiatives; Early Reading First; MSL; Education Excellence Act; School Choice; miscellaneous funding sources; foundations/grants, etc.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 36 of 50 SY 2004-2005 BUDGET WORKSHEET BY ACHIEVEMENT GOAL AND FUNDING SOURCE FUNDING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FAMILY INVOLVEMENT OTHER SOURCES* Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Total Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Total Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Total
*Funding Sources: Title I – Part A, Part B (Even Start), Part C (Migrant), Part D (N &D), Part F (CSRP); Title II – Part A (Professional Development), Part D (Technology); Title III –English Language Proficient; Title V – Parental Choice and Innovative Programs; Title VII – Part A (Indian Education), Part B (Native Hawaiian Education), Part C (Alaska Native Education); Learn and Serve America; Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act; State Funding; 8(g); LaSIP; Foreign Languages; IDEA; K-3 Initiatives; Early Reading First; MSL; Education Excellence Act; School Choice; miscellaneous funding sources; foundations/grants, etc.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 37 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Appendix A Stakeholder Participants (Beliefs, Vision & Mission Statements)
Parents, Teachers, Students, Administrators, and District Assistance Team members attended a series of Stakeholders’ meetings during the fall of 2001 to begin developing a School Improvement Plan for Bayou Woods Elementary. A brainstorming session yielded written suggestions and ideas to be drafted into a mission statement. The District Assistance Team compiled the written input into a draft of the mission statement, which was then presented to the group for approval. After minimal editing, the mission statement was presented to the entire faculty for input and commitment and was approved and adopted by all stakeholders. At the end of the 2002-2003 school year, Dr. Ed Burow retired and Mrs. Linda Bankston was appointed Principal and Mrs. Beth Pope was appointed Assistant Principal. Although the faculty was still in full agreement that the words of our mission statement was a vital part of our school, it was decided to shorten it from its original form of “Our miss ion is to provide a safe nurturing environment where everyone knows Learning is Fun and Learning is Forever”; to “Learning is Fun and Learning is Forever”.
Stakeholder Meeting Participants:
Carole Neubauer – BWE Teacher Fay Stonecypher – BWE Teacher Gail Simmons – District Assistance Team Linda Watson – CPMS Teacher DeeDee Mullins – BWE Teacher Carol Graff – BWE Teacher Susan Geraci – BWE Teacher Beth Sanders – Assistant Principal Carrie Mulling – BWE Teacher Bonnie Miller – BWE Teacher Judy Smith – BWE Teacher Bridget Vivien – BWE Teacher Lori Joiner – BWE Teacher Augusta Williams – BWE Librarian Theresa May – BWE Teacher Mike Trenchard – Parent Angel Trenchard – PTA President Angela Ritter – Parent Margaret Deane – BWE Teacher India Claude – BWE Teacher Renee Shepherd – BWE Teacher Terrell Jacques – BWE Student Paul K. Jacques - Parent Diane Trouillier – Parent Nam Tran – Parent Timothy Ruppel – Parent Terri LaRosa – BWE Paraprofessional Mimi Scanlan – Grandparent Rani Cuevas – High School Student Madeline Malchow – BWE Teacher Cathy Chapman – Parent Connie Meredeth – BWE Teacher Ana Conforto – Parent Tricia Remond – Parent Gwedell Penn – BWE Teacher Stacy Crochet - BWE Teacher Amy Veach – BWE Teacher Carla Thompson – BWE Teacher Beryl Coote – BWE Teacher Beverly Emery – BWE Teacher Kimberly Allday – Parent Emelda Irvin – BWE Teacher Marian Arrowsmith – Supervisor Ed Burow – Principal (retired) Leslie Cook – District Assistance Team Hope Reiomonenq – BWE Teacher Melba Simmons – Parent Precocious Simmons – BWE Student Gay Moseley – Parent Karen Kopfinger – Parent Nancy Champagne – BWE Speech Therapist Loretta Webb – BWE Teacher Gaynell DeCarlo – BWE Teacher Linda Bankston – BWE Principal Jeanne Bower – District Assistance Team Francine Wood – District Assistance Team Eric Sacks – Assistant Principal, CPMS Jeanie Bernard – District Assistance Team MaryLou Boudet – Resource Helping Teacher Gwendolyn Doyle – Principal, CPMS
Appendix B St. Tammany Parish School Board 38 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Geopolitical, Demographic and Economic Data St. Tammany Parish
Geopolitical Data
St. Tammany Parish, located on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain has easy access to New Orleans via the Causeway or the I-10 Twin span. Interstates 12, 10, 55 and 59, U.S.190 and a vast array of state highways conveniently tie us to the entire country. New Orleans International Airport is less than an hour away. Our population is 144508 people in 57993 households. The land area is 854.4 square miles (546845 acres); the water area is 269.7 square miles (172583 acres). St. Tammany Parish is located at latitude 30.40 degrees North, longitude 89.96 degrees West. The fastest growing region in Louisiana, with an influx of approximately 500 people per month, St. Tammany's present population is estimated at 170,000. Named after Delaware Indian Chief Tamenand, the parish was first explored in 1699 by French-Canadian Pierre Le Moyne Iberville, the first European to sight Lake Pontchartrain in what is now Louisiana. It wasn't until 1785, that families from Georgia and the Carolinas began to settle the territory. Claims were staked along the Tchefuncte, Bogue Falaya and other rivers and bayous, and in time villages became cities, while much of the pristine rural areas of St. Tammany Parish have been kept intact.
Demographic Data
St. Tammany United Urban & rural (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total population 191,268 4,468,976 281,421,906 Urban 74.8% 72.6% 79.0% Rural (farm) 0.3% 0.7% 1.1% Rural (not a farm) 24.9% 26.7% 19.9%
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 39 of 50 SY 2004-2005 St. Tammany United Total Numbers (2000) Parish Louisiana States Population 191,268 4,468,976 281,421,906 Total households 69,253 1,656,053 105,480,101 Family households 52,727 1,156,438 71,787,347 Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Full-count Characteristics (SF1). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. http://www.gnocdc.org St. Tammany United Gender (2000) Parish Louisiana States Female 51.0% 51.6% 50.9% Male 49.0% 48.4% 49.1% St. Tammany United Age (2000) Parish Louisiana States 5 years old and under 8.6% 8.5% 8.2% 6-11 years old 9.7% 9.2% 8.9% 12-17 years old 10.1% 9.5% 8.6% 18-34 years old 19.4% 24.3% 23.8% 35-49 years old 26.3% 22.5% 23.2% 50-64 years old 15.9% 14.5% 14.9% 65-74 years old 5.7% 6.3% 6.5% 75-84 years old 3.3% 3.9% 4.4% 85 years old and older 1.0% 1.3% 1.5% Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Full-count Characteristics (SF1). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. http://www.gnocdc.org St. Tammany United Racial & ethnic diversity (2000) Parish Louisiana States Black or African American 9.8% 32.3% 12.1% White 85.3% 62.6% 69.2% Asian 0.7% 1.2% 3.6% American Indian 0.4% 0.5% 0.7% Other 0.2% 0.1% 0.3% 2 race categories 1.1% 0.9% 1.6% Hispanic (any race) 2.5% 2.4% 12.5%
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Full-count Characteristics (SF1). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 40 of 50 SY 2004-2005 St. Tammany United Marital status (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total population 15 years and older 146,499 3,466,380 221,148,671 Never married 21.0% 28.6% 27.1% Married 61.2% 51.2% 54.4% Separated 1.7% 2.6% 2.2% Widowed 6.0% 7.4% 6.6% Divorced 10.1% 10.2% 9.7%
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Full-count Characteristics (SF1). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
Source Citation: Agenda for Children. 1999 Kids Count Data Book on Louisiana's Children. St. Tammany United Supervision of children (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total children under 6 in families and subfamilies 15,498 353,949 21,833,613 Children under 6 in families where both parents or the single parent works 57.2% 59.1% 58.6% Children under 6 in families where at least one parent does not work 42.8% 40.9% 41.4% Total children 6-17 in families and subfamilies 36,294 772,612 46,049,013 Children 6-17 in families where both parents or the single parent works 63.9% 64.9% 67.4% Children 6-17 in families where at least one parent does not work 36.1% 35.1% 32.6%
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
St. Tammany Parish School Board 42 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Economic Data
St. Tammany United Household income type (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total households 69,281 1,657,107 105,539,122 Wage or salary income 79.7% 75.4% 77.7% Self-employment income 13.6% 9.8% 11.9% Social Security income 22.8% 25.2% 25.7% Supplemental security income 3.5% 6.1% 4.4% Public assistance income 1.9% 3.3% 3.4%
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
St. Tammany United Population in poverty (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total population for whom poverty status is determined 188,661 4,334,094 273,882,232 People living in poverty 9.7% 19.6% 12.4% People living at or above poverty 90.3% 80.4% 87.6% St. Tammany United Poverty status by age (2000) Parish Louisiana States Total population 0-5 for whom poverty status is determined 16,024 375,393 22,636,650 Children 0-5 living in poverty 13.1% 29.0% 18.1% Children 0-5 living at or above poverty 86.9% 71.0% 81.9% Total population 6-11 for whom poverty status is determined 18,249 403,616 24,587,815 Children 6-11 living in poverty 11.0% 26.8% 16.9% Children 6-11 living at or above poverty 89.0% 73.2% 83.1% Total population 12-17 for whom poverty status is determined 19,297 421,352 23,700,796 Children 12-17 living in poverty 12.9% 24.4% 14.8% Children 12-17 living at or above poverty 87.1% 75.6% 85.2% Total population 18-64 for whom poverty status is determined 116,956 2,644,159 169,610,423 Adults 18-64 living in poverty 8.5% 17.0% 11.1% St. Tammany Parish School Board 44 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Adults 18-64 living at or above poverty 91.5% 83.0% 88.9% Total population 65 and older for whom poverty status is determined 18,135 489,574 33,346,548 Adults 65 and older living in poverty (%) 10.1% 16.7% 9.9% Adults 65 and older living at or above poverty (%) 89.9% 83.3% 90.1% Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center.
Sales, receipts Estab- Annual More NAICS Paid Description lish- payroll data code or shipments employees ments ($1,000) ($1,000) 21 Mining (not published for counties) N N N N 22 Utilities (not published for counties) N N N N 23 Construction (not published for counties) N N N N 31-33 Manufacturing 127 373,742 61,296 2,699 42 Wholesale trade 252 6,604,024 75,263 2,070 44-45 Retail trade 749 1,511,469 135,300 9,479 48-49 Transportation & warehousing (not published for counties) N N N N 51 Information (total not published for counties) N N N N 52 Finance & insurance (not published for counties) N N N N 53 Real estate & rental & leasing 156 86,428 14,541 739
St. Tammany Parish School Board 45 of 50 SY 2004-2005 54 Professional, scientific, & technical services 401 125,379 45,528 1,789 55 Management of companies & enterprises (not published for counties) N N N N 56 Administrative & support & waste management &remediation services 184 97,185 34,288 1,938 61 Educational services 32 7,857 2,175 153 62 Health care & social assistance 444 345,032 141,407 5,248 71 Arts, entertainment, & recreation 55 35,940 10,085 869 72 Accommodation & foodservices 345 170,691 44,825 5,415 81 Other services (except public administration) 239 81,375 21,609 1,263 http://www.census.gov/epcd/ec97/la/LA103.HTM
St. Tammany Parish School Board 46 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Appendix C NSDC Standards for Staff Development
Context Standards
Staff development that improves the learning of all students: • Organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district. (Learning Communities) • Requires skillful school and district leaders who guide continuous instructional improvement. (Leadership) • Requires resources to support adult learning and collaboration. (Resources)
Process Standards
Staff development that improves the learning of all students:
•Uses disaggregated student data to determine adult learning priorities, monitor progress, and help sustain continuous improvement. (Data-Driven) • Uses multiple sources of information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact. (Evaluation) • Prepares educators to apply research to decision making. (Research-Based) • Uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goal. (Design) • Applies knowledge about human learning and change. (Learning) • Provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate. (Collaboration)
Content Standards
Staff development that improves the learning of all students:
• Prepares educators to understand and appreciate all students, create safe, orderly and supportive learning environments, and hold high expectations for their academic achievement. (Equity) • Deepens educators’ content knowledge, provides them with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards, and prepares them to use various types of classroom assessments appropriately. (Quality Teaching) • Provides educators with knowledge and skills to involve families and other stakeholders appropriately. (Family Involvement)
St. Tammany Parish School Board 47 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Appendix D Scientifically-based Research Strategies
Reading http://www.nifl.gov/partnershipforreading/publications/k-3.html
Math http://www.ed.gov/offices/OESE/SASA/ms/index.html
St. Tammany Parish School Board 48 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Appendix E External Technical Support and Assistance
St. Tammany Parish School Board 49 of 50 SY 2004-2005 Appendix F Comprehensive Needs Assessment
See Attached
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