Excom Meeting of the HKSRFUR Held on Monday 20Th April 2009-04-20
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Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees
General Meeting of the HKSRFUR Monday 19 May 2014. 7:00 pm at POC
1 Opening, Apologies, New Members, Visitors & Returning Members WN 1.1 Opening Comments: Welcome Hugh - first GM. Refereed 2000-2009: 12 T2 tests - RWC 2007 COM & AR- 26 Heineken games & 2 cup finals - Challenge games & 2 cup finals 1.2 Apologies: Alexander blois-brooke; Andrew Tranent; Bruce Mak Tak Choi; Gordon Clive LAMB; Patrick Tiller; Michael Chan; Ralph Ybema; Kelvin Kwong. 1.3 New Members: Jim Benson (NZ). President Tung Chung Mini’s Rugby Club. Completed Ref course & pending field testing. 1.4 Visitors: Nil 1.5 Returning Members: Nil 1.6 In Attendance: Alex NG Wai Shing; Brian Wong/D Lee; David Andrew Treloar; David Christopher Holden; Dawn Louise Isaac; Dewi Rowlands; Doug Shearer; George Michael Alexander Salamon; graeme martin; HARDING, Russ; James William Byatt; John Findlay; Les Millard; Malcolm Thomas William Pratt; Matthew Rodden; Melvin Byres; Michael John Flint; Mui Thomas; Peter White; Ricky Short; Stan Harman; Stephan Lehner; Tobi Lothian; Warren Needham; Willy Chan; Jim Benson; Doris Chow; Hugh Watkins.
2 Matters Arising from Previous Minutes Dated 17 February 2014 WN 2.1 A motion to accept the Minutes was proposed by John Findlay & seconded by Russ Harding.
3 Presidents Report WN 3.1 Congrats to Matt Rodden for 2013/14 Season Referee of the Year.
Congrats to Doug Sheerer for the Joel Dunn Award.
KEY DATES TO REMEBER AGM 16 June at 7pm at POC. End of Year Dinner on or around 21 June. Tobi to liaise with Doug on details. Junk ride to farewell Bernard around 14 June – details to follow. Farewell Martin Dewick – details to follow. Summer camp / workshop August 31 at Police Academy.
HKRU Town Hall on new Directorships. Decided Directorships will not be ring fenced Looks like EGM 13 June – WN to attend & provide Excom views Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees
ANNUAL SURVEY Coming out soon to capture your thoughts of the season (coaching, communications, other) is the annual survey. 3.2
4 Treasurer’s Report DS 4.1 Claims: ARFU/IRB claims through HKRU. All other claims (social tournaments etc) to Treasurer.
Allowances to be reviewed & updated on the website.
5 Coaching & Assessment Board Chairman’s Report LM 5.1 CAB Excom & Members Looking to increase CAB Excom & CAB members for next season. More at the Workshop.
Courses & Accreditation Looking at renewing / first time IRB courses & accreditation (L1/L2). Coming up o IRB L1 7 June. o CMO 14 June
CAB APPOINTMENTS & EXCHANGES South Africa: Rob Patton (referee) & Stan (CMO). NZ: Melvin (referee) & PW (CMO)
6 HKRFU Referee Department Report MR 6.1 KIT Society members input received & being ordered.
SUMMER CAMP Guest speaker: Alain Roland Game mgmt, scrums & 1 other Joint & separate Elite & Community streams
Congrats on ARFU appointments: Tobi, Dowie & Gabi
Sri Lanka College Final given to Matt Rodden - congrats.
UNION Website in terms of referring In negotiations to enhance. Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees
7 Tournaments SH 7.1 Guangzhou – good tournament. Xiamen – A-BB did the final. Next weekend Phuket.
8 Membership PW 8.1 144 members 51 social. Working on how best to register members given gaps identified on list used for during tonight’s Elections.
9 Kit ABB 9.1 Whilst we are changing kit, do not throw it away until we have our new kit. We are looking to consolidate our kit & donate it to an appropriate cause.
Request for female kit made for HKRU referee representatives to take into consideration.
Referees department is taking over Kit Portfolio beginning 2014/15 season. Excom will look at off-field kit & blazer.
10 Mini Rugby PH Nil
11 AOB 11.1 Selection for overseas appointments Request to announce / nominate early – been some late ones.
L1 Referees courses: 15 attended course & 4 field tested to date.
Meeting ended at 8.20 pm
Ricky Short Secretary